Chereads / Atlas I: Lost Memories / Chapter 2 - The Son of the Human Race

Chapter 2 - The Son of the Human Race

Who am I?

That was the first question I asked myself after awakening on this planet. My mind was blank. Surrounded by darkness, my body ached, unknown by what. My lungs burned me, I twisted on the wet dirt under me, it felt as if I were choking, I needed to breathe but couldn't. Was I going to die? Laying on the dirt, unable to remember myself, who I was, where I came from, everything was darkening getting blurrier by every second I tried to take a breath. My body continued to twist itself, my hands were on my neck, tightening it, demanding it to function right and let me breathe. Before I knew it, I lost sense to my limbs. How much time had passed? My eyes looked to the sky, the taste of dirt in my mouth. At least if I was going to die, I would die under a sky decorated with lights and colors I didn't know even existed, a beautiful sky.




I could feel the cold dirt under me, the taste of dirt, the cold wind flowing across my body like water, the sound of leaves rustling, the soft water droplets on my face, the subtle screams, the voice of a man, the thunders raging in the sky like trumpets. Something touching my cold body, something... warm. I looked over my shoulder. A sudden image of a being, close to a human, yet so different.

Even as I was looking at this being, I couldn't see it entirely. I closed my eyes unknowingly as this creature got closer to me... was I scared? I heard it say something, he had the tone of an angelic voice, calling out to me in a language I couldn't understand. I felt its warmth, it had picked me up, I could no longer feel the cold dirt under me, I was embraced by the warmth of a creature I never saw or even heard of. Hearing the screams of people raging closer to me, sang me asleep.

A sudden thunder charged my body awake, the noice became loud and overpowering, the darkness of the sky filled with light in an instant. I opened my eyes in the arms of this creature, only to see death in its purest form. A children's body disfigured on its ground while its mother cried next to it, the cries of all were sounding like an alarm, the thunder rumbling through the ground making it tremble, the fire taking over the innocent bodies, and the water drowning the screams of the ones suffering. Nothing made sense, the fire, the water, the darkness, and the light.

Everything was there.

Even that.

A creature I couldn't find form to, large enough to be the size of the dark sky it blended with, and strong enough to destroy a city in a breath, it had large horns, covered in eyes the color of the sun. Whoever was carrying me stopped cold, as the creature growled and raged with the thunder, completely overpowering them. The people around me continued to run and cry away from this creature, it was the smartest thing to do.

The man carrying me whispered something, in this unknown language to me, I understood what he said very well.

"God, please help us."

"Please let it be a nightmare."










10 years later


The subtle sound of wind dancing with the leaves, the way the sun pierced through them, the far away sound of the water rushing. All these sounds composed a melody only this nature could play. The sounds of the animals calling out to each other. Every being playing in harmony.

All so I could hear in peace.

As I was waiting for the perfect note out of tune. A sudden rustling behind me. There it is. Let's see. I inhaled stretching my bare back on the tree behind me, I raised my arms in harmony, holding in my left hand the bow carefully, while on the other hand I had the arrow, slowly they came in contact with each other, perfectly aligned.

I exhaled.

The subtle sound of the string stretching cracked, I looked over my shoulder, glancing far behind the tree I was taking cover from. It was still there.

I inhaled once again, lowering my body closer to the tree, quickly my body rushed, the arrow pointed behind the tree and as I saw my prey, the arrow had pierced it.

I exhaled.

As I got to the ground, I rushed over to the dead beast's body, the cold ground filled with green colors of plants met my bare feet, as I rushed through the tall grass I saw the arrow on its body. A Yougn, with enough protein for us, I grabbed the body of the beast and the arrow. Looking at the beast's eye, making eye contact, it was still alive. "Thank you" Rapidly I took the arrow out of its body. And its heartbeat stopped. I grabbed its body from its legs and carried it over my back, its warm yet lifeless body.

The sun was getting lower. I should hurry up.


After walking for some time, I was getting closer to home, when I heard some unusual rustling above me. A Nade? I looked over me frantically.

"Kai'vier!" I turned as I heard my name coming from the trees. Seeing something dark blue across my sight, was it Camir?


I continued to look above me as I dropped the body of the animal behind me. What if it wasn't Camir? I listened to the slightest sound out of tune with my surroundings.


I turned to my left, there he was, his subtle smile and his white pearl hair dancing around him as he hung from a branch. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he got closer to me, his tail moving with his swift moves across the trees. He landed next to me.

"Just making sure you don't get lost" he grabbed the beast with one hand easily and carried up his shoulder. "Let's go, Zilah and everyone else are waiting for us." I nodded and followed him, next to him, I could still see how small I was compared to the Nades. Even though I was tall for a human hybrid, the Nades would always be taller. Stronger. Smarter.

The closer we got home the safer I felt.

Soon I could start seeing the subtle souls around me light up, little dusts sparks that have always been around us, Camir had said they are souls of our clan watching over us. That is why there were many around us, because our whole clan had died. Only leaving Camir and Zilah. In the distance, I could see the smoke going up into the skies, home, a little tree house way up in the trees, far from the nearest cliff. And even further away from the nearest clan. Camir called for Zilah, as I started to climb the tree, Nanuk popped his head out curiously, his green eyes looked at mine, he smiled and waved at me. Together we formed the stained clan of Yae'sik a combination of a human child, Nades and me.

A human hybrid.

"Kai'vier!" Nanuk rushed to hug me as soon as I stepped inside the house, he was a child born on this planet, sold as a slave. Rescued by Camir. I hugged him back. My heart filled with the joy of seeing him smile again. Camir and Zilah soon came in, together we ate what I hunted today. I laid the bow and arrows next to me as I sat down with a wooden bowl filled with the roasted meat of the Yougn next to Camir. While everyone was eating together next to the fire Zilah prepared to roast the meat of the beast, Camir was sitting alone looking at the stars.

"How many years has it been since that day Kai'vier?"

I turned to see him, his eyes covered with his white cloth, as a tradition of their clan, I knew they were filled with hope, he smiled at the stars.

"10 years"

His face turned to me. Lowering it to look at my expression. "You'll soon be an adult; you know what that means right?" His tone had shifted, he was worried. I'll soon be around 18 years old...

...meaning I could be part of the tradition.

"Do you think... I can survive if I get chosen?"

In silence he bit his lip, in his mind he wondered if I was mature enough to hear the truth.


His words were sincere, they carried honesty, but they were weighed down by sorrow.

Although Camir was right.

I would die.

Even with our silence, we were interrupted by lively chanting of Zilah and Nanuk, filled with joy and love. I smiled.

"Thank you for being honest with me."

His expression hadn't changed.

"I'm sorry you had to live in such a world Kai'vier"

To think a Nade would feel sympathy for a human hybrid, it felt almost unreal. I looked away from him, held on tightly onto the wooden bowl in my hands. My throat became clogged, I wanted to cry, but I didn't want Camir to see my weakness. I feared what would happen if I got chosen for the tradition.

When Camir suddenly embraced me, his large body could break mine if he wanted to, yet he put his arm around me carefully.

"I won't let them take you... I promise"


We both knew he couldn't.

Soon the winter started to show, the wind got colder, the animals started to hide, and the crops were dying. As Camir, Nanuk and I were harvesting what we had planted I couldn't help but notice how much we had grown in this year's crops, were we going to donate to the supporting clan?

Nanuk was next to me when Camir suddenly stopped and raised his head. His white long hair flowed with the wind, surrounding the black horns that grew from his head.

Did he hear something?

"Kids!" He suddenly yelled as he suddenly rushed over to us. I looked behind me to see from afar Zilah walking towards us with more Nades behind them, their skin was that of a grey tone, completely unsaturated compared to that of Zilah and Camir, they had different clothing from us, their loin cloth had different patterns. Their hair was a darker brown. And

...weapons. Long lances.

"Get behind me Nanuk"

Nanuk, unable to understand what was going on as he obediently got behind one of my legs. Soon Camir was next to me. He looked at me then at Nanuk. "Stay here, and pay attention, don't move."

His serious tone made my mind focus, I grabbed the knife on the scabbard tied to my chest. Camir then silently walked to Zilah who looked furious. They greeted, one of the Nades kept looking at me and Nanuk. His blue eyes were sharper than the lance he held tightly onto his hand.

They talked.

"What's going on?" Nanuk's voice startled me as he grabbed onto my bare skin from the leg he was hiding behind.

"I don't know" I asked myself the same question. As I held on tighter to the knifes handle. The sky rumbled with thunder. Deep inside me, something was telling me that we should hide. But Camir told us to not move... What should I do?

Strangely Camir turned around to see us, his face was serious. He looked at the ground then back to us. His tail, unlike always, didn't move. Zilah looked like the sky, grey. My posture straightened, softly letting go of the knife, they weren't here to attack us, they came here to tell us something. What could the Supporting Clan want from us?

And by Camir's and Zilah's reaction... it wasn't good. Slowly I walked over with Nanuk behind me towards Camir. As soon as I walked over, Nanuk and I slowly greeted the Nades in respect. Bending on one knee. They didn't move a muscle. They didn't even look at us.

Camir put his hand over my shoulder, his four fingers around the nape of my head, his head slightly turned to mine. His fingertips went cold.

"...Kai'vier... the Supporting Clan has chosen you to be one of the probable humans to represent our clan..."

His words felt like a dagger to my heart, breathing became difficult, like something was clogging my throat. My stomach became sick.


Those were the only words I could come up with...

"You should be proud human" the words of one of the Nades, brough me back to reality.

"Human" I whispered.

Nanuk started crying, the sky soon started sweeping.

The Nades soon left, since they had only come to talk, and tell the news. When they left, they stared at me.

Their eyes spoke.

"Useless human"

Camir didn't say anything while we walked towards the house. He walked in front of me, showing me his back and tail. 

Zilah was crying next to me, while Nanuk was in her arms hanging tightly to her, Camir then looked at me.

"Come with me."

As I followed him through the rain, he took me to an altar, where we lay to rest our deceased. The many humans in which Camir had to put to rest under the Yae'sik name, were many. All because of the Tradition. Because of Nades. He walked over to where the clan's name was written on a rock.

"I want you to have this Kai'vier"

Over the rock laid a long knife wrapped in a cloth, one of the last weapons used by the clan to kill its enemies.

To be more specific, the weapon Camir's father used to defend the clan, not even Camir used it, so why... why give it to me?

Camir carefully picked it up and laid it on my hands, as he grabbed from his hips the scabbard that held his own weapon. He got his hands around my hips slowly adjusting the scabbard around me.

Suddenly the tone of his voice got deeper.

"It is still uncertain if you are chosen Kai'vier, you still have an opportunity to come back to us..."

He still had hope.

" please If you do get chosen... please fight Kai'vier... I've trained you to survive for this..."

His large body for once was weak, I could hear his voice cracking... was I always so important to him?

He straightened his body after putting on the scabbard on me, the rain continued to fall on us, I was hoping the water falling on my face would hide away my tears.

"I promise... I'll fight"

I couldn't help but smile, something about fighting for what I knew Camir had trained me for those 10 years since that night came to thrill me. Of course I feared what would happen, but I still held onto the hope and faith of those who fought for me. Even if there were only a few, or many others which I have yet to know, they made a difference to my life. For those who died for my sake, the one's I couldn't save, the one's who cheered on me, they were all human.

Camir hugged me, his cold skin against mine, I could hear his heart beat a different tone than mine.

"I love you."







When we went back to the house, Camir was still silent, but his silence was better than 1000 words. The darkness that surrounded us made me realize that in the past 10 years, all the days that Camir and Zilah taught me to survive led to the point I was chosen as a tribute to the tradition. I knew that there was a reason why I was trained as I am now. But the more I thought about it. The more it made me wonder if I am capable of surviving against them.

To kill a Nade.

As I looked at Zilah and Camir who were speaking far away from me and Nanuk, could I be able to kill Nades like them?


Nanuk's subtle voice made my head turn to him.

"Are you going to leave us?"

His green eyes pierced me, he knew I might die. Should I be honest to a little boy? Will he be able to withstand the weight of the truth?

But as soon as I saw deeper into him... I realized he was no normal child.

"I don't know Nanuk..."

I controlled my voice, making it sound as calm as possible to not break.

"... but I might not come back."

I smiled in pain, hopefully he can still understand.

He looked away from me... was I too honest with him?

"Im sorr- "NO!"

His loud voice interrupted me in an instant. His broken voice filled with sorrow. "Stop acting like a little girl!" – "You are strong, born out of the two races!" "Kai'vier you can kill a Nade, please fight!"

His eyes filled with tears. Weeping in anger.

I knew where this was coming from, all the humans said the same thing to me. Even that old man, is this the pain of being a human.

The pain of being useless, unable to even protect themselves, how is it that a simple kid was able to understand such complicated things.

A child born in this horrendous world. Was bound to understand the pain of being human.

"I... will fight Nanuk, I promise"

"I'm happy to hear that Kai'vier"

Zilah spoke as she laid her hand on my shoulder. She smiled at me.

"I will"

Camir remained silent. It was one of the first times in all the 10 years he raised me, where I hoped I could see his eyes.

That's when it hit me.

10 years under the Yae'sik Clan, trained by Camir and Zilah. The weeping of Nanuk and Zilah's smile, the cold face of Camir looking at me.

"Kai'vier, you do know the meaning of your name?"

Camir then spoke in cold words. Zilah looked at Camir and in an instant her smile was gone.

"Take Nanuk, Zilah"

I felt a cold-water droplet slowly run down my spine.

"Sit with me Kai'vier"

As I followed Camir to sit down next to the fire, Zilah and Nanuk were gone. We were left with the tender sounds of the fire crackling and the distant thunder in the second sky.

"The meaning of your name comes from the star in which our clan was founded, Kai'vier, from it our clan was able to become a royal clan, we led the country of the west..." Whenever Camir mentioned the clan's past, he never said much of it. It always seemed like he was in pain. "...until the massacre, since then we are left with us as survivors, we were forced to flee our country, and now we hide ourselves from the 12 Son's."

Zilah had talked to me about such things. The massacre of the clan, leading it almost to extinction, and now only Camir and Zilah are the only ones left.

"Why are you telling me this Camir?"

The warmth of the fire felt cold. I found the fire lacking warmth.

"Kai'vier, you were raised to kill Nades." – "The moment I saw you the night of the Irekashi, and I took you in arms, you were different..."

"That's why I trained you, to kill us"

"To kill?"

Camir turned to me.

"You aren't just a human hybrid, you learnt the ways of the 11th Son, the way of the Yea'sik clan that led a whole country, you know how to kill you've just never done it."


"11th Son?"


In my past, as the son of my father, the leader of our country, I became part of the Son's, the eleventh, the right hand of the 12th. I learnt many things that I shouldn't have, and because of that, my clan was massacred by them."

He took a long pause. My mind was unable to process such secrets that Camir held. So, this isn't just a clan. But a leading clan? And Camir an 11th Son?

"Kai'vier, I trained you to destroy them... to win the tradition."

In an instant my body stood up, my fists tightened, my mind was blank, unable to process my feelings about his words.

"What made you think that I am different from all the human hybrids that died in the tradition, Camir?"

 Why do people keep telling me I'm different.

"You weren't born in this planet, you appeared just like humans appeared 50 Sun's ago"- "No human hybrid has ever come from where the humans came from."


I turned to Camir, he lied.

"You said... you found me because my parents had died that night...I was born in this world"


He remained in silence

"No Kai'vier" – "I found you that night, your body was frail, you had no memory of your past, but your body's reaction to the oxygen of this planet made us realize you were born in the planet the humans called, Earth."

My feelings stirred up, but one remained above all, anger. 

"Why did you lie then?"

My eyes filled with water blurring away my sight. The fire was too cold.

"You were just a child, I couldn't do that to you, even know, I still see the small frail human boy before my eyes."

I understood the reasoning behind his lie. But I still held anger in my throat.

"I'm sorry for bringing this upon you Kai'vier"

I swallowed the knot in my throat. And took a deep breath.

Swallowing my anger. And cleaning my tears.

I was unsure of the next words I would say, yet something about them brought comfort to the words that Camir had been saying, it was as if, these words have always been there, but I've never paid any mind to them.

I didn't fear the tradition, something about being part of it gave me the hope I could avenge the humans that have died in the hands of the Nades. But I still feared the Nades. Camir's truth made me realize that I shouldn't fear them. But it made me realize, if Camir had trained me to survive against the Tradition, did he know I was going to be chosen all this time?

As I turned to see Camir, who was staying still looking at the fire called in front of him. Did he even care for me? Or was I just an object for him to use to bring vengeance to his clan?

"Did you... always know I will be part of the Tradition?"

His body didn't even flinch, he knew the truth.

"No, but I knew that one day the 12th Son will choose one of the humans I cared for." – "You just happened to be one of the humans that survived till they were of age"

His face turned to see mine, his eyes, however, I had a feeling they were not looking at mine. 

"Kai'vier, now I do not wish for you to fight against them, I do not wish for you to be part of the Tradition. Zilah and I will fight for you."

He kept telling lies even now. He knew, even if he were to be from the biggest clan, no one could say no to the 12 Son's.


Camir's voice spiked.


"I will participate in the Tradition"

What was I saying? My grip tightened; my throat clogged up once again. The wind passed my body, the thunder roared.


"For the humans that have died in the hands of the Nades, caused by the Tradition"

In an instant Camir's body hugged mine, his embrace was warmer than the fire, and something about his body made my shatter. In his arms I cried, caused by the anger and sadness of this moment.

"Promise me you wont die"

His embrace tightened me more. Almost as if I were to slip out of his hands, I felt his body strengthened, his tail hid around his legs. He feared my answer.

Must we continue to lie to each other Camir, knowing full well, you know I won't come back? Even if you trained me to kill, I was carried down by the blood of the human race, I was still human.

I hid my face in his arms.

"I promise"

We waited in silence, until Camir then grabbed me by the shoulders pulling me apart from his body.

"You have less than a month to prepare for the Tradition"

His words astonished me, as his tone went from sentimental to strict.

"Less than a month?"

My voice was trying not to crack as I spoke.

"Most likely, but Kai'vier, the reason why I didn't want you to participate is truly because


you might die"

The seriousness in his voice scared me, but my mind knew I was still going to die. What made this year different from others? "I know that" I said jokingly. We both knew the fact that no human has ever won the Tradition, they all die.

His body got further away from mine, almost as if he didn't want to say the truth. His face turned once again to the fire. Then back at mine.

"This year's Tradition holds very skilled Nades, some even I cannot win against, they already have chosen the 24 Nades that will participate this year.


14 of them are from Supporting Clans, and I'm afraid 2 are from Leading Clans, the daughter of the Cavalari Clan of the country of Saikedir and the son of the Zatani Clan from Reshai."

Two from Leading Clans... worst if they are from the two countries that most hate the humans. I might die before reaching the 7th month of the Tradition. My eyes looked at my hands. Who were tightened together, I could no longer feel the blood flow through my veins. They felt numb, white, almost as if I were to be suffocating them.


"But Kaivier look at me" He gently grabbed me from my chin pushing it to look at him

"You too are from a past Supporting Clan"

Something about those words, even if I was trained under the Yae'sik clan, I remained a human.

"It doesn't matter, I'm still human"


"No Kai'vier you are a human hybrid; you hold both of the bloods in your veins"

Zilah's voice then popped up behind Camir, as he rapidly turned around, she walked towards us with a kind smile, her long white hair that curved around her skin, and the sharp horns just like Camir's.

"You know Kai'vier, you hold the strength of a Nade and the heart of a human, that's what makes you different."

She hugged me. And I embraced her kindness.

"You'll survive, I know it."

She whispered into my ear. Her soft tone and warm body.

"Thank you"

Soon the night sky had cleared up, only leaving the soft cracking sound of the cold fire burning. The night sky shimmered with stars, like the rocks in a river they covered it completely.

Even though I felt ready, I still doubted.


















The rush of adrenaline, something that Zilah had once said to me while training, something only a human had. She spoke about it as if it was a sort of power. It was at this moment when I realized what she meant. My body, even though it ached, was still able to move, all the time that I trained under the Yae'sik clan, I always trained with Zilah and Camir, but never had I experienced being hunted down by these two. With their sudden moves, I couldn't afford to be caught in close combat. As I stayed silent between the tree's branches, crouched, I heard their steps getting closer and closer. I grabbed the sword from my scabbard, slowly pressing my fingers against the wooden handle. I still couldn't believe I had Camir's father's sword in my hand, I could still feel its pain resonate through me. I wonder what he was like. A swift move made my head come back to reality, I couldn't afford useless thoughts, by the sound of it, it was Zilah, so where was Camir? The cold nights didn't help. Not eating correctly for 2 weeks had tampered with my mind. I will only get tired if I continue to move, the smartest thing to do was hide, I slowly grabbed the knife and slowly moved my way down the tree, finding the perfect spot to hide while Zilah passes, if she finds me, I might be capable of taking her down. When in between the trees a sudden figure charged at me, Zilah, she was here. She rapidly went against me with her sword, she pressured mine, her strength almost seemed apar to Camir's.

"Hiding won't save you" She smiled at me. As she continued to pressure her blade against mine, she focused her weight on her upper body, leaving her lower... vulnerable.

My body lowered leaving her unbalanced, with my foot I swept her legs, as she fell but stood up in an instant, I regained my posture, and looked at her, she wobbled her body as she pushed her hair back. As I put the knife back in its haggard, I was left with nothing but my bare hands, as she looked at me confused, I put them in front of me protecting my face, her tail danced behind her. I didn't want to hurt her; she was still the closest thing I had to a mother. She then leaped, she connected in the ground, as her foot swiftly turned to hit me with her leg, I dodged as the sweep of her leg passed though the top of my hair, I could feel the wind that she pulled with it, almost as if she controlled it. She pulls her body to her leg, and unable for me to see, she hits me as I taste the blood. Come on Kai'vie. Find the line. She connected again, aiming for my ribs, I grabbed her hand, pushing her towards me, I found it. The Line, I slam my hand into her ribs, she grunts, then from my fist to my elbow, I carved my elbow into her stomach as she groaned letting go of her breath. I let her go and in her close body, she was still standing. I curled my hand into my fist and aimed for the front of her nose. My eyes met hers, she saw my fist, she moved making my fist land in her jaw. If I stopped now, she'll be able to connect again, as I inhaled, she exhaled in pain, whimpering. She grasps the handle of the sword she draws it to my neck, and in an instant, I could almost feel the slight tip of the blade touch my throat as I stopped her arm from moving with my right arm. Her whole body stopped cold. With her other arm, as the blood spattered out of my mouth, she grabbed me from my neck, squeezing it. She gasps, regaining her breath, I was losing mine, as I was lacking the strength to keep her from cutting my neck. I then twist away my body from hers, she tightened at my neck with her hand, at that moment, I found her weak point as I launched my foot against her chest, with enough force for her to let me go I regained my breath quicky as she slowly got up from the floor, her big body almost twice as big as mine, I threw punch after punch, aiming at her vital points, in each she let out a subtle whimper, until at one, she pierced through my attacks, swiftly het tail filtered around my legs, making me fall, this time, I couldn't find the branch to hold on, I could feel a sudden emptiness on where my foot was walking on, I reached out for anything for me to hold on, I could feel a cut I hadn't felt, the adrenaline was tiring me out. Only in the distance on the branch I had fallen from, I could see her white hair, white strings that glowed in the dark, and her white smile. I clenched my jaw, as my arm found a branch I could hold on, my body tightened. Pulled by the gravity and the branch I barely held onto. Rapidly I started to feel the little cuts that the branches and the leaves left on my body, and when did Zilah cut my arm, it started to bleed. Focus Kai'vier. Pull yourself together. As I struggled to pull myself to the branch, I could feel the muscles of my back move alongside me. As I sat down on the branch, I could see I wasn't that far from the ground anymore. I should climb my way up. When I saw him.

Camir. In front of me. Just looking at me, when I blinked, he was no longer there. As I frantically looked around me, I couldn't hear him nor see him. I was blind. I was deaf.

If I faced him, how I was, I feared I might not survive. The cold winds pushed through my body, as every muscle was boiling. I pulled myself together as I grabbed a piece of my clothing to tie my bleeding arm, the cut Zilah had made was not that deep, probably because she knew she couldn't kill me, honestly if she had wanted to kill me, she would have, I wouldn't have an arm at this moment. But I'm pretty sure, I left her hurt, I hit most of her vitals. She should probably be hurting somewhere. I stood up and rapidly jumped to the branch next to mine, the wood creaked and cracked with my weight. As I continued, I would feel the intense stares of Camir coming my way, but I could never find out from were. As I stayed still for a minute catching my breath, I finally found him, far away he was watching.

Waiting for the right time.

I felt a sudden shiver down my spine.

I was scared.

As I looked at the ground, I started to descend. If I was going to fight someone like Camir, the ground seemed like the best option, if I were to fall once again, I could die. As soon as I touched the ground the forest went silent, almost as if everything feared him. I slowly grabbed the sword from the scabbard. He appeared before me, almost like a ghost suddenly appearing. His straight stone face and white-haired floating with the wind. He had in hands his sword, grasping it tightly. I bent my knees, preparing for his sudden attacks.

"You truly beat up Zilah"

His cold voice. In an instant he was before me. By body backed away from his. Back, back, back, but he caught up almost dancing his way to me, my nose was met with a rapid fist. "That was for her"

My eyes started to tear up, my nose ran with blood. I looked at him as he smirked. Suddenly the air flowed with cold mist, the mist touched my skin burning it like fire. But he stood surrounded with the mist without a flinch. The ability of the Yea'sik clan, a gift from God. Their gift is from the Lion of Light. The mist moved as if it were alive, moving quietly and breathing, but only surrounded me, leaving me in a small circle, the surrounding plants started to form frost around them, hiding away from the mist. As I looked around me, I grabbed the sword from behind me, and so the fight began, blocking all of Camir's attack with his strength I was unable to move freely, the mist burnt my legs, but his quickness also made the mist disperse for a few seconds. His attacks came from everywhere, back, front, sides, bottom, upwards. I was running out of breath, unable to land a single scratch on his body. Unable to think, to react, I couldn't do anything. Whenever he attacked me, another one was already coming my way. It is almost as if there were others. And my eyes deceived me, was I only facing Camir or many of him?

Until... my eyes saw him though the refection of the blade, coming from behind me, I could see his blurry image, as I turned instantly, I launched towards him, the mist opened a path to him, the mist embraced him, almost protecting him, he smiled. The blade touched his skin and so did his to mine, a sharp and throbbing pain of something burning touched me, my pain controlled my body, making me want to run away from the face of danger, but my mind held on, knowing if I ran, I died. I continued. The cut I made to Camir was nothing as he didn't react to it, he would try to block my attacks, one after the other, without a single thought only to feel the touch of his skin against mine, aiming for the most vital points. My arm could no longer move, the stab he made at it started to get to the point where I could no longer control myself.

"You did good Kai'vier" his words made the time stop, and the mist flowed around us surrounding us, I could see his mouth running with blood, he grabbed me from my throat, pushing me unable to breath. In an instant my eyes were surrounded with darkness, as I could still feel my body moving, fighting to live. Until I was surrounded by pure darkness. My body still ached.

What felt like 10 minutes fighting against Camir, it had only been less than two minutes.

Slowly my mind wandered into the darkness, I couldn't hear a single thing, only the horrifying sound of silence of nothing but the lack of light. It wasn't the only time I've been in this place of darkness, every night I found myself tied to it, unable to dream or sleep in this place. It was suffocating.

But even so, in this darkness, there was order, even though I could see nothing, I could feel different things surrounding me, after 10 years of the same thing every single night, it would change every single night, some even repeated themselves. My feet felt like they were touching something rocky, as I cautiously started touching the surrounding area with my feet, a sudden pinch in my feet, something hot was around me, but there were cold winds flushing, even now I still wasn't accustomed to feeling things without being able to hear them. Feeling the wind without hearing it. Feeling the fire without hearing it crackle. When just after a few steps I felt something warm, laying on the ground, what could it be, I poked it and, in an instant, I knew what this was, a body. Was it dead? I could still feel it moving breathing, but it was dying, very slowly. When I looked in front of me, hoping I could see something in the darkness. Nothing. I walked over the body, slowly approaching what was in front of me. A sudden voice of pain rumbled through me, leaving me stone cold, for the first time I heard something in this darkness. I couldn't identify where it was coming from.

"Help me"

A sudden little voice spoke, that of a child's, weighted with pain and sorrow his little frail voice came from the darkness. My body stood still in fear.


 I took a step, I could feel the burning fire on the ground, the small pieces that stabbed my feet, like sharp rocks, the strange pieces that I found around me, the closer I got the stronger my feelings started to rampage inside me, leaving me vulnerable. But why?

Sudden tears started to fall down my cheeks, I felt desperate. But the voice of the child was gone. Did something happen to the child? The wind got stronger, almost pushing me down. I was left alone in silence.

My legs continued to walk, my feet suddenly touched a new texture, like dirt, then grass. I extend my arms to then feel trees, the bark of the trees, their leaves moving with the air. In front of me lays a forest, of unknown trees.

I stood still. The tears had been gone; I could no longer feel...

A sudden charge, a sudden ear-piercing scream filled with terror rang out through the darkness, without stopping, the high-pitched sound travelled out of the voice I heard before, lasting what felt like an eternity. His scream filled the void with desperation, anger, pain, everything pierced my fragile body standing, making it bolt to where the scream came from, towards the darkness, my feet stopped cold, in front of a strange silhouette, the child on the ground, while his back opened, something grew out of it, crackling with his scream. My knees met the ground. I could feel his anguish. But I was disgusted just by looking at it.

His long scream then came to an end, his body adhered to the dark ground almost hugging it. While he whimpered something wet met my knees and legs, as my fingers touched this substance, it wasn't water, nor was it anything else but blood. Sticky yet liquid. Even in darkness, I could see this child in front of me, as if he were a different type of darkness, his form separated itself from it. And the things growing out of his back remained there. My eyes closed; my stomach felt sick. My ears still ringed from his scream. Just what happened to this child?

When I opened my eyes, a sudden light burst out of the sun's hiding rays, I could hear the wind unravel, the cold wind that touched my feet. And the warmness of Nanuk around me, as he laid next to me his slow human breathing went in sync along mine. I laid with my eyes open looking at the ceiling made of leaves and wood, protecting us from the water and cold, it was warm inside. The fire crackled, the wind flowed through the small opening next to us, everything was calm. I took a few breaths, trying to remain calm after the darkness of my own mind. My body then started to regain consciousness, when Zilah suddenly came through the opening letting in a cold breeze with her. She smiled as she saw me with my eyes open. "Good morning" Her soft voice came closer as she sat down next to me.


She touched my cheek; her fingertips caressed my skin. In moments like this I feel like the difference between Human and Nade truly doesn't exist. Her tender smile made my body and mind forget the darkness. It was probably just a bad dream, just like all the other ones.

A creation of my mind.

Nothing of them were real.

"How do you feel?" She stared at me, even though I was unable to see her eyes because of the cloth around her, I could sense her eyes were just as tender as her voice. "My body hurts just a bit, but I can stand up"

My body then slowly started to move, Nanuk laid passed out next to me, hanging onto me. I swiftly moved him with my arms, and slowly got up. As I sat down on the bed, Camir came in rushing. Almost sliding through the entrance. Zilah laughed quietly.

"Kai'vier!" He yelled happily. As he got closer, he smiled. "Calm down Camir!" Zilah hissed at Camir, as she hit him with her tail, she slowly pointed at Nanuk who was still sleeping beside me. "Oh" he nodded. Then turned his head to me. The cut I made him on his arm was still there, bandaged up. I looked at mine and it was still hurting.

"So how are you?" He suddenly asked in a quiet voice "I'm feeling good"

"You did good, surviving 2 weeks while being hunted by us, we believe you are ready"

Right, two weeks. Had passed by in a flash, with the constant adrenaline and pressure of surviving, I had forgotten the hardships it is to survive alone. If I wanted to survive the Tradition, I had to survive for 10 months.

"Do not worry" Zilah touched my hand. "You will have the aid of the other humans that accompany you" – "You won't be entirely alone Kai'vier"

"Yeah" I turned to see Nanuk "You're right"

"Now let me treat your wounds"

She slowly started to unbandage my right arm, a deep cut made on my shoulder, Zilah stared at Camir. "Didn't we say we wouldn't hurt him?!" She growled. Camir hid away behind me. "Sorry, we got carried away" – "It was his fault for not moving". I turned to him, what a mother f- A sudden ache in my elbow made my head turn, Zilah had started her treatment. In an instant I bit my hand enduring the pain turning away from seeing my bloody wound being treated and sewed together.

"Why did you have to cut so deep?" I growl at Camir, as he stared at me with a sly smile, knowing deep inside him, he was laughing at my pain. "You hurt my wife; I couldn't let you go with just a scratch" He sneered.

"She seems pretty fine to me!" I continued to proclaim when Zilah pulled the string that connected my skin together again.

"I can hear you"

She glared at both of us.


Suddenly, Camir laid next to Nanuk, next to him, Nanuk seemed like just a newborn baby, when he was almost no longer a child. He touched his little cheeks. "To think you were this small Kai'vier"

Was I really that small? I don't recall being smaller than Camir's torso. But I do remember being fragile towards him, the first day that we met entirely, I could remember seeing Zilah looking at me with anger, I'm pretty sure she hadn't planned to adopt a child, no less a hybrid. It took her some time to really take me in. While Camir was always kindhearted towards me. Along side the old man, if it weren't for that old guy I wouldn't be able to fluently speak their language today. To this date I only remember a few words of the human language. The tales the old man would love to speak about his planet seemed like stories out of this world, filled with things made from metal that had the mind of a human, almost unreal. The many races of the humans, almost like the Nades...

"What are you thinking about?"

Zilah's words got me out of my mind. Her tender and soft voice seemed unlike her when she is battling. Like a different person completely. 

"Do you think the humans would ever go back to their own world?" My mind still rambled on with these thoughts but Zilah even as a Nade was filled with knowledge adequate for my questions. "I mean if we got here, we should be able to go back, no?"

She stayed in silence for a second, not moving an inch as she was finishing up healing me, then she started moving again with her words tied "Hmm, I do believe so" her body turned around as she grabbed the cloths and herbs combined that laid behind her

"How so?" I continued to inquire as I looked at my wound, clean and still bloody.

"There are many tales where it is said that the humans, even without a gift from God are able to create unimaginable things even us Nade's cannot comprehend" She continued to heal my wound, ointment with special herbs from the clan. Sometimes she seemed really interested in the human world.

She continued to speak as she was focused on my wound, her mind wondered within her knowledge. "One time, when I was just a child, a human in my town had created a new way to build weapons, even my father was amazed by the creation of this human" – "I've noticed all humans have a mind to create new things..."

It's true, humans seemed like they were always coming up with new ideas. But most of them were killed, for going against the Nade culture and traditions. When in reality it was just the Nades fearing the humans.

"... even you." She finished stating.

"Me?" I exclaimed, as she started to finally bandage me up, she smiled. "Yes, when you were still just a child, often Camir would tell me of your strange ideations and creations in your mind, some I'm sure he even used." A sudden smile leaked through her words. "Sometimes even with the grandpa, you would talk to for hours about things we couldn't understand."

"It still surprises me even though you forgot your life in the human world, you still knew the language."


My heart filled with warmth. Memories. The past I was able to remember. "Even Nanuk started with those strange ideas."

"It's true, he would keep telling me of his creations, asking me questions and all" I added to her words. She silently laughed as her tail danced behind her.

"I'm done, you should rest now." She silently got up as I looked next to me, Camir and Nanuk were asleep. "What about you?"

"Don't worry about me," She put her hand on my chest and lightly pushed me to lay, as the leaves surrounded me, embracing me. "Rest" She got closer to me and kissed my forehead. Then turned to Nanuk and did the same. As she got around the bed, she kissed Camir as well. She slowly walked away and just as she was about to leave.

"Thank you for always taking care of me Zilah"

It still surprises me how much she has changed since the beginning. She slowly turned to me and left with a soft smile.

Strangely enough, I spent the night awake, trying to figure out the dream. What had happened to the child, and why could I hear him? What made him different? My mind was filled with noises of my own thoughts speaking to each other unable to understand themselves, only to question and analyze every moment of those nightmares that haunted me. Then early in the morning when the night and light fight each other in battle of the strongest, it had suddenly become... quiet. As I stood up from the bed, my body had deceived me into thinking I could move freely, it really hurt, looking at my surroundings, everything seemed to be fine, but something was off. Besides me laid Nanuk and Camir, Zilah still hasn't come back. It wasn't strange, she would sometimes disappear for days, working as what she had been trained. Just like Camir.

But this was strange.

A morning has never felt this way, quiet, serene, cold. My feet slowly walked towards the entrance covered in blankets as doors, they stepped outside the house, the wood was humid and cold, the trees slowly moved with the calm wind, the clouds in this wintered covered the sky not letting even an ounce of light pass through, the second sky still rumbled with sounds we were unable to understand. In my eyes, everything was normal, in the right place. But my mind said otherwise, in this perfection something was unperfect, or more like something was... lurking around us, the sudden feeling that something was watching me had my heart accelerated. Wavering. It wasn't the first time something like this had... happened. The sudden feeling of being watched by someone whom I don't even know. Or something.

If there was something or someone the only thing they ever do is watch, inspect, and nothing else. Maybe my mind was still stung by the nightmares within them that I can no longer think straight. Or just the simple common fear I had incrusted in my mind for the past 2 weeks. I turned around calmly as my hand passed to the other side of the room, my fingertips felt the warmth of the room like steam coming out of purified water, but my eyes were met with something more. A Nade taller than Camir, with golden eyes and light white skin, long black hair that contrasted sharply against his gold markings slithering around his shoulders to his chest and legs, on his forehead laid the marking of a ruler, a white cloth covered his lower body. In an instant my body froze in fear as his thin lips curved like a crescent moon, tenderly and calmly he carried himself as soon as I looked at him.


His voice resembled the sound of thunders, dripping with words sharper than a sword. My eyes couldn't move from his.

"What is your name human?"

He took a step closer, inquiring into my existence. My mouth opened with fear, but my voice stood straight unwavering to his command. Inside me rampaged the human fear against me. Fear against my guts and pride of not bending down to such creature.

"My name is Kai'vier" I took a quick short breath as if my voice sharpened. "Son of the Human Race"

His eyes were polished, sharpened like obsidian. He stood still. Waiting for me to break down and bend to him.

"Very few humans do as you are and only one has survived what comes afterwards" he scoffed slightly. He had no weapon near him but even his mere presence made me fear that he could hurt me.

I stood quietly, when next to me laid Camir and Nanuk still asleep, unbothered by having a ruler within our house.

"I believe you already know the reason for my..." He took a deep breath between his words "...appearance"

"Since you are the human raised by Camir of the Yeasik Clan," he looked at Camir sleeping soundly then traced his gold eyes to my face "trained to kill, is it not?"

I knew. But I remained silent. I could feel my eyebrows stinging closer to my eyes, frowning.

"He has been living very peacefully, forgetting of his past sins and not even paying the consequences." I knew nothing of this Nade before me, but it seems like he knew more than I would have anticipated. He smiled.

"It is time he paid for his sins..."

His smile suddenly vanished from his face, in an instant the floorboards broke open, fire burst from under me, time began to stop before my eyes. Only to know this house would only be destroyed and consumed by the fire, it was only a matter of seconds. I only hoped Camir and Nanuk to be safe from this explosion. And he... stood still with no emotion whatsoever found in his face his golden eyes were the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious.

I had only wished that I could have stayed a little bit more with them. After all I knew where I was going, I wish I could at least say my goodbyes to Camir.

And tell him that I might not come back home. But even so, I would fight. I would bring honor to him. And this clan.





The Tradition.

Has chosen Kai'vier as the 11th human.












The moon was nowhere to be found, not even an ounce of it leaked from the heavy clouds around it. In darkness a voice spoke, calming as the wind.


There was no other sound other than the distant ocean waves crashing and colliding in the border of the cliff, where no Nade would go to. Even the wind became quiet. But there stood one, tall and strong, as his long black hair danced with the breeze of the ocean. Cautiously he looked in front of him, his every limb trembling as his fear seeped out into the silent night. Only to feel the tall grass slithering around his feet. He did not know who was in front of him. Only stories of Azrael were told, almost no Nade had seen such a thing. Yet he knew in front of him, it was this thing that every Nade feared. And so, he waited for it to respond to his call. When the slightest bit of the moonlight escaped through a thin cloud. Even in the slightest light one could fear what Azreal was.


Before this wavering Nade, large white pearled feathers flickered and whistled with the wind, the many feathers as sharp as blades, all composed large wings attached to its back, a tall and strong back that acted as steel armor, his bare back and nape showed no sign of scar, no blade had ever touched its skin. As this creature turned around, slowly uncovered his polished eyes that resembled the waves crashing, grey and pure. Under it a black line was traced from its lower eyelid to its cheek.

The marking of death.

"What is it you want?"

His voice carried the same tone of a storm rolling with thunder, demanding the attention it deserves. As his feathers unfurled each as if they were alive, most of his face remained a secret hiding behind the darkness of the night. A lock of his hair leaked from his nape and pearl hair; it moved with the wind twirling around, it was long, the only lock on his hair that was almost as long as his body. But one thing caught the most attention of Nade, the ears...

They were human.

"So, they were right, the Azrael was human." The mind of the Nade pondered.

"You... are chosen to participate in the Tradition, Azrael"

Azrael scoffed in an instant the Nade finished speaking. "What makes you think this year will be any different from the past 5 years Nade?" Azrael's sharp jawline clenched in anger.

The Nade in fear clenched his fists and spoke up, pulling his very last fiber of bravery in his throat.

"Because... this year the 12th Son chose the human of the Yae'sik Clan"

"The Yae'sik Clan?" Azrael's whispering voice became invisible against the loud waves. His eyes turned to the sea, as if he was called into it.

Suddenly the Nade shouted in anger. "You are demanded to participate this year Azrael; the 12 Son's will no longer let you go away without paying your sins!" As fast as he noticed the beast in front of him was a human, he no longer had to fear him. After all Nades are stronger than all humans.


However just as fast the Nade opened his mouth, Azrael was standing in front of him. Faced face to face to a Nade, he was just as tall as him.

"Do not concern yourself with my own sins"

As the Nade was going to speak, his head had already fallen to the ground, rolling in the ground, pushed by the cold breeze. The last thing all Nades see before dying to Azrael was the marking under his eyes. A Marking of death. A curse.

The body of the Nade then fell to the ground, blood started to surround the tall grass, touching the white feathers of Azrael, turning them blue.

"Disgusting blue bloods" He whispered to himself.

Azrael stepped back, turning back to the ocean. As he extended his wings and arms upwards the sky he stretched them to their limit. In a hush moment, where both sea and wind quieted, his shadow seeped into the dark. Leaving again no trace left of him.