Chereads / My New Teen Romantic Comedy Is Worse than I Expected / Chapter 3 - The Yukinoshita family part 2

Chapter 3 - The Yukinoshita family part 2

Chapter 3: The Yukinoshita family part 2


Again, it happened again. That strange phenomenon where I found myself in a different place, different body and state. Ever since it happened I have tried to forget about it. I managed to ignore it to a certain extent, leaving behind the burden that came from that suffocating pain on that day. So why am I experiencing it again?


Unlike the previous time, this time I'm not in a plain white painted, emergency hospital room. Now I'm in a bustling and crowded mall with people all around me, and despite not dying like before I feel more lost. Even though I can move my body I feel lonely, I mean last time at least there was a lovely nurse who explained the situation to me. Now I'm alone in a completely different place and my right hand is seemingly broken. Change in places and conditions, interesting, that's all I can say for now.


At that moment, as I stood there, unaware of my world, someone called me. I looked around to find the source of the sound, a spark of hope ignited in me because that meant I had someone to share my despair with. Who could it be?


All I could see was the wave of people and various clothing stores. When that person came into my sight, loads of things rushed through my mind. First of all, I knew her, and for a long time. Secondly, she is my sister. But no, she is neither Yukino or Haruno. Who I saw was my one and only lovely older sister Aurora, my sister from my previous life. I was so relieved when I saw her after so many years, I can't even imagine how I forgot about her.


That means two things, one that I'm no longer in the world of Oregairu, which means I am somehow alive in my original body. The other thing can be deduced is I finally get to know my name that my initial parents gave me. Well, I guess my author got some creativity.


"Frank! Why do you keep falling behind?" Aurora said. Nevermind, my creator hates me, no wonder why I keep suffering. I would like to complain, but it is no use. Actually, I have been transported to another world and dragged back and so on, and I don't think it might be possible without some divine stuff. Judging from this, I just have to ask the gods nicely to give me an acceptable name. "Hey! Author-sama, give me another name immediately!" I muttered under my breath, so that my sister and passersby wouldn't think I'm insane or something to say that.


"It wasn't as polite a request as it should be." Suddenly, everything seemed to stop around me as I heard that deep voice. The people around me stopped, the screens of the billboards were frozen, like when the video you've been watching stops because of the terrible internet. The whole situation is eerie as the only moving being is me, as if time stops around me.


Whoa, they actually answered. Although I sense some voice, I can't see the source of the sound. "Does it really work?" I mean, isn't it strange that an inconsiderable person like me can communicate with such a superior being like this…whatever he is. "Who are you? A god? Father God?" I keep looking for some clue for the owner of the voice among the crowd, but it is no use.


"You don't have to call me that, it's weird, just call me Q. As for your question, you could say that I'm some sort of god. Honestly, I may or may not be a god." What is that supposed to mean? Q? Is this some kind of joke, is he not aware of his identity? But it can't be, it isn't possible to deny the fact that what he did, stopping the time, that is his doing, and if he is capable of doing this, then this being is surely a god. Am I, this ordinary guy, have the right to experience such an unthinkable thing?


"What do you mean by 'may or not may' exactly?" At this point, I have to know, I want to have the knowledge about this amazing creature. "You needn't know this. Blissful ignorance." The one here who is being ignored is me. "Don't try to talk your way out of my question!" At that moment I felt a chill run down my spine. Did I make him angry, of course, after all we are talking about a being that is far superior than me. "Watch your tongue, don't poke your nose into what's none of your business."


Despite his harsh words, his voice seemed calm and steady. And my reaction? Anger bubbled up within me at his scolding. I didn't like his lecture one bit, no, this felt so patronizing. That feeling, when a teacher scolds you for minutes and everyone is watching you, and the only thing you can do in that moment is to nod your head to them like a stupid sheep and try to keep your expression regretful. If only that were all, but oh no, the worst thing of all, the whole time you know you were wrong but they keep talking down on you, while all you want is to close the topic and move on. I have experienced this kind of scenario many times with my teachers, parents, even my so called friends. I am used to it, despite the anger, it doesn't hurt me anymore. I'm sure of it, really. The only one who didn't hate me is my sister, Aurora, she is so good hearted, my only solace. In the end, I feigned ignorance.


He is not even showing himself for me, what a coward. If I were to try to imagine how he might be looking, strange enough I could imagine him pretty easily. But, the more frightening thing is that I can't imagine him in any other way in my mind, as if I subconsciously know what he looks like. Does he have an ability to project things into my mind? Like telepathy but in a visual way.


"Fine, I won't dig deeper. But back to why I called out for you…you really screwed up with my name giving, Q" It's really a strange thing what is happening right now with me, I just pretend it's only a 4th wall break. "So, are you willing to give me a better name?" I just need an acceptable name and we can move on. "Alright, how about Nikolai?" What? That man really has no idea what creativity is, don't let Q name anyone's child. "Nah, that's too… eastern-european. Can you give me a name that fits more to my sister's cool name?"


"You are a hard negotiator. So a name that fits Aurora, let me think." After a few seconds, Q came up with the most miserable name idea known to mankind. "I know! How about Cid?" My eyebrows immediately shot up. "Really? That's the best name you can come up with? Cid sounds like the name of an absolutely invisible background character."

"Then how about Desmond?" That's the first good sounding name and I don't think Q will come up with a better name. "Alright, it's fine. But can we go back to the story now?" Hearing my request, Q sighed and snapped his finger…



"Desmond! Why do you keep falling behind?" Aurora said. It seems like my creator finally gained some creative thinking. "Geez, this way we are never going to finish why we are here." She, seemingly angry, approached me, her black high heel boots clicking on the linoleum floor of the mall. With her black jeans and beige colored turtleneck on, she looks incredibly intimidating as she towering over me. Especially with her sharp green eyes. Actually, because of her hairstyle, her right eye is hiding behind the curtains of her soft black hair, making her more mysterious.


I felt indescribably happy to see her, actually I felt so much joy that I threw myself on her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. I don't want to lose her again, right now she is my last chance of hope. "Ouch! It hurts!" Stupid me trying to hug her with my broken arm. But I don't care even if it hurts, I wanted some comfort.


"What are you doing? Why so sudden?" Reasonably, she sounded taken aback from my show of affection. "Whatever, I don't mind." I can't tell her about the horrible things I have gone through, about reborning in a horrible family and dying multiple times. As I regained my sanity, cuddling to her and burying my face in her chest, she gently ruffled my hair with her slender fingers.


"Shall we go?" I let her go and took one step back to give her enough space. "Go where, exactly?" I assume that we are here for some shopping since we stand in the mall. Now that I think about it, it is the same shopping center I used to go shopping in, I mean in my original world. Although, for some strange reason I believe the layout of the building is slightly different. But it could be my imagination. Actually, it doesn't matter right now when I have no idea of how I'm still alive. I mean I'm in my original body again that is supposed to be paralysed, unless.


"What? The accident hurt your memory too?" She gave me a teasing grin, served with a playful tone. My expression, well, was not that happy."Wait, it did damage your memory?" She quickly cupped my head between her hands to examine my eyes. "No, I guess." I snapped back. Accident? That's why my arm is broken? I can't say that I don't remember, otherwise I would look stupid in her eyes or worse, she would take me to a hospital. I think I gained trauma for hospitals. And buses, I won't take public transport anymore, it is horrible anyway.


"Phew, it would be a waste to damage your clever mind in that handsome head." Aurora sighed in relief and retracted her hands after petting my face. "Then let's pick a present together, shall we?" She turned on her heels so I had no other choice but to follow her. "What present are you talking about?" Aurora turned her head back in my direction with her left eyebrow raised. "Are you sure that everything is okay?" Damn it, she is suspicious of me.


"I mean what do you have in mind, for the present of course." I tried to explain myself out of the situation. After all, I don't know how she will react if I tell her about my situation. "Oh, you talked about that? I thought you forgot we are here for a birthday present for mom. Actually I don't have anything specific in mind. Do you have any idea?" Phew, I managed that pretty well. "No, I have no idea what we should buy for mom. You chose the greatest person for picking a gift." I said sarcastically. When I buy someone a present I always ask them what they want, or don't even bother about giving anything.


She just chuckled at my words. "I know, I'm just like you. That's why I brought you with me." Great, two people wandering around aimlessly in a huge building, without an acceptable idea for a present. It's a blind leading the blind situation. "How about a book? She always loves to read and one more in her collection can't hurt."


"See? That's a great idea, I knew you can come up with something." She said as she glared back over her shoulder and looked in my eyes with a wide smile on her face. I immediately averted my gaze from her shining left eye, after all I can't hold eye contact with, well anyone, even with my beloved Aurora. Ah, she's as empathetic as I remembered.


We entered the mall's huge book shop, the shop is divided into different sections according to books of different genres. Various kinds could be found here, fantasy, thriller, crime, economic and much more, even erotic novels. The atmosphere is peaceful as it should be. Under my feet, the soft material of the floor carpet and the walls are painted with relaxing, warm colors.

We spent the next hour browsing books. Of course, it wasn't just the search for a gift that took up so much time, but also chatting and joking as we flipped through various strange and fascinating books. For example when we wandered to the erotic section, Aurora drew my attention to a novel with a ridiculous cover. The man on the cover looked like a big muscular viking from a thousand years ago. For a while we laughed at how anyone could read such a horrible thing. I don't even dare to imagine what can be in it.

Our relationship definitely hasn't changed from what I remember. We can talk and laugh together as always, that's a relief. Even though I have no idea what is going on, I managed to squeeze some new information out of my sister. According to what Aurora said, I had an accident a week ago, when a car hit me and broke my arm. Fortunately, aside from some bruises and one broken arm, I had no other problem. It looks like I attract trouble, and vehicles; am I a living industrial magnet?

When we found a manga and light novel section my eyes widened, after all reading is one of my favourite hobbies and I couldn't help but rush to the selections to see if there is anything new. "Found something interesting?" Aurora asked. "Oh look, isn't this the novel you keep talking about? The one with that long title." I looked where she pointed with her index finger and I felt nauseous. Why? Because it was the novel where I have been trapped, Oregairu. I never thought I would ever feel this about my favourite novel. Luckily, I'm no longer in that world.

"Yes…I don't feel that eager about it now." Not after what happened to me, although I should be grateful that I got another chance in life. But after some time, I'm sure that experience that I went through won't bother me. Can I rest now? "But let's look for some books for mom." Before we moved on, I examined the cover of the novel and noticed something small but rather intriguing detail. Why is Yui's hair blonde? It should be pink, isn't it?

Ignoring it and considering it as an error, we walked to the romantic section of the book store. If you want to buy a book that your mother will surely read, romance is the safest option, after all women like love stories.

Aurora picked up a random book from the stack and started reading the summary on the back of it. "A brother-sister pair who try to fulfill their forbidden and illicit love in secret." What, someone really wrote something like this and it isn't a manga? Well, there's surely worse stories than this, I suppose. "Ha, who cooked up this story? That's…" She turned to me and said nervously. Wait, cooked is not something you would say to a book like this, do you find it good, is everything alright upstairs, onee-san? I'm worried for you.

But considering her reaction, I'm sure she is as embarrassed as I am. "Yeah, that's a very odd plot." I chuckled playfully, trying to ease the moment. Why am I this worked up about it? "That's actually interesting!" Interesting? That was really unexpected from her. Why are all my older sisters so weird? Like the last time with Haruno when she invited me to bathe together. "That's not…what I would say about it." Is she an incest lover by any chance?

"Alright, since the present is selected, do you want to eat something?" She asked as she wrapped the book to her chest and turned fully in my direction.

"You don't plan to buy this incest wincest book as a birthday present for mom, do you? Right?" But as if my voice didn't reach her, she was already walking in the direction of the cash register. "Right?"

"Of course I do." She said as she turned over her shoulder just to show me her teasing smile. "We can't buy something like this for one of our parents." What would she think of us?

"Why not? She has tons of common romantic books anyway. This is a book she will surely read, it's not some ordinary lovey dovey story." To think about it, if we chose a much more normal but safer option as her gift, over this, it would surely end up as another unread book in her already huge list. As a wise man once said 'A resident of Chiba would not be happy to receive a bag of peanuts as a gift.' or something like that. But I'm still wary of it.

"And the present doesn't matter anyway. All she will care about is for us to be there with her on her birthday." For some reason, she surprised me with her words. Maybe because I was sent to another family by some mighty force, and the family where I was reborn, in my view, is not the most friendly one. But I became uncertain, do they love me as much as my previous family? Did I misjudge them?

"Hmm! You are right, let's buy it and eat something together." I agreed carefree to it as I looked into her eyes deeply, smiling happily. Now, I don't have a problem holding eye contact with her, that's something.

In the end, we bought a book about an incest couple for our mother for her birthday.

"Can you wait here for me?" I stopped halfway to the food section of the mall to go for a bathroom break. "Do you need any help? After all, one of your arms is broken."

"No! You are not allowed to come into the men's bathroom anyway." Geez, what was she thinking?

"Are you sure? You look like you could use a helping hand to hold it~" Then she naughtily jerked her hand in the air a few times. I couldn't help but laugh at what an indecent thing she said. "I think that book got in your head too much, I'll handle it myself."

After I solved my pent up problem, which I absolutely could do on my own, I stood before the big mirror of the men's bathroom. I reached out my left hand for the sensor to open the tap. I let the water pour down into the sink, waiting for it to be warm, but of course, in public restrooms, you can't expect it to be warm. Well, I planned to refresh myself anyway. Although, with only my non-dominant hand, it'll be harder than with my two hands.

After I washed my hands and face, I looked in the mirror, looking at myself. I got my look back, my black hair, green eyes and my slightly less handsome face compared to the other world me. That's the only thing I miss from the other world.

"Alright Tom- no, Desmond, what happened to you?" I asked myself as I examined my reflection in the mirror. All that I know is something like this happened to me in the past, a long time ago. But the circumstances, the location, the people around me and even my own condition has changed. Shouldn't I be dead?

It's like this world is my original, but at the same time, it's not, if this makes any sense. Well, I won't get to any conclusion only by looking at myself in the mirror. I glanced one last time in my own green eyes before heading out of the restroom, Aurora must be waiting for me already.

But as I came back from the corridor that leads to the restrooms, I could see as my sister talked with someone. Rather, it seemed like she wasn't happy about it. The person who talked to Aurora was a man who looked slightly older than me. It seems like he tries to flirt with her. Honestly, he looks like some kind of netori antagonist who tries to steal your woman, disgusting.

"Are you alone here? Do you want some coffee?" I read the situation well, considering his words. "Yo, I'm back, who is this?" I looked in his eyes and slightly furrowed my brow. If you want to win my innocent sister then try, through my body. I took it literally and stood between them.

"Oh honey, you are finally back!" She cried out and wrapped her arms around my left arm. Well she isn't as innocent as I thought so. "Huhh?" Was both mine and the dude's reactions. Hey Aurora, if you hang on my arm I can't defend you. But with one arm broken, I definitely can't stand up to anyone. So there's no other way. Are we really doing this clishé? It's even worse science we are siblings. "Y-yeah, she's my…girlfriend." I had no other choice but to play along, I swear, I had no other choice.

"Yes, he's my sweet boyfriend, so I'm not interested." She emphasized this with a kiss on left cheek as she pressed her slightly taller body to my side. Too close, too embarrassing. She really is an incest lover. "Oh, I didn't know, I'm so sorry. I'll be going then." With that he turned around.

I guess I misjudged him, he seems polite, I even feel bad for him a little. I gave him a thumbs up, hoping he would turn around and notice it. Good luck with women, brother! Don't come to a conclusion before you know the person, I think it's a good lesson for today.

"Why did you say that?" As we walked to a cafe, she held my hand. "And why do you still pretend like my girlfriend?"

"It was the easiest way to turn that guy off. Aren't you lucky to have such a great girlfriend like me?" She chuckled playfully as she turned her cheeky smile toward me. "You just didn't want to be rude, admit it." I answered, wanting to annoy her. But her response was everything but irritated.

"Thank you, I appreciate your help." Her grip on my hand loosened. "Let's sit down somewhere already."

The mall has a section, separately for restaurants and cafes. We sat down in a rather calm and somewhat unpopular cafe. Because of this, there aren't that many people, thus it's a quiet place. Perfect for us to relax after a long trip in the shopping center, looking for a present.

It's much better than Starbucks with tons of people in it and fake coffee you can buy. Although, I'm used to Max Coffee and it is quite far from real coffee, which is ground and brewed, or I don't know. What is certain is that I found the second disadvantage of my original world. They aren't selling my sweet and mighty Max Coffee. I should order a cappuccino, it should be sweet enough.

After some time a kind waitress served us our drinks. I ordered a sweet cappuccino, Aurora on the other hand, ordered a bitter americano. "What's with the sweet coffee? Usually you drink the same as me."

"I thought I needed something sweet from time to time." I took a sip of my drink, tasting its sweetness. It's not like that coffee in Japan, but it will do.

"Looks like someone is in a good mood today." She said with a bright smile on her face. "It has nothing to do with it."

"But really, I thought you would feel more down after your accident. Don't you miss being together with your friends in school?" The attention turned in my direction really quickly, I had to take another sip of my coffee to calm myself down before answering.

"No, not really, let alone school." I answered simply and averted my gaze from her cowardly. "Recently I don't really want to go to school anymore." I chose to open up a bit.

"Yeah, but everyone is like that, you are not alone." She is right, no one in their right mind wants to attend school, but that feeling strengthened in me recently.

"You are right but…" Suddenly, Aurora reached out her hand above the table and held mine. "Go ahead, tell me how you feel." A small gasp escaped my mouth and I snapped my head to look at her and immediately down to the ground. "I-I…" I tried to look in her eyes but I couldn't, I could only manage a few miserable attempts.

"Don't look at me, you don't have to." I was so grateful when she told me these words, still holding my unplastered hand. I was grateful that I didn't have to look at her, because if I had to, I'm sure I would tear up.

"Recently I was thinking about something. We always got along with my friends, joking and fooling around. But as we are in the last year of high school everyone became cold towards each other. Some are preparing for university and work, some are getting girlfriends and we don't have as much time as before." Slowly I withdrew my hand from her grip and rested it in my lap.

"So that's when I asked myself. Can we never have fun like we used to? And when you think about it, the people are so naive in elementary school even at my age, thinking a simple friend will always be there, and is your best friend. I realized how superficial everyone was."

No matter where I am, in this or the other world, I can't escape people's superficiality, this is how humans work. Here my so called friends, in the world of Oregairu a false family is waiting for me. But Aurora seems to understand me, she is the only one who I can depend on. This is how an older sister should act, not like Haruno who hates my gut.

"I hated you." Her confession shot me in the heart and I immediately looked at her. "What?!" The only one who I thought was on my side is hating me? Was I really that naive? It can't be that Aurora acted like she loved me for ages.

"Don't worry I no longer hate you, of course I love my sweet brother." Her kind smile somewhat relieved me. "When you were born, I thought you were an annoying little shrimp. Always biting and crawling to cuddle me for some attention. Remembering it, it was cute rather than irritating." She giggled at my embarrassment as I listened to her blushed."

"Don't say such awkward things. Why do you bring that up anyway?" A big stone fell down my heart as she explained it. I thought everyone was hating me. "My point is that everyone is changing, growing up. It's natural that people don't have as much time to spend with friends every day as we move forward in life. You are not alone, and your friends aren't trying to avoid you on purpose, and you know that is true."

She's right, I might have overreacted the things that happened around me recently. "And that's why your sister doesn't have a boyfriend, there's not enough time for them."

"Nope, you just don't want one. It's just an excuse." I said mockingly, to which she pouted, and honestly she looked kind of cute. I don't understand why she is single, if she wasn't my sister…

"I can't help that no men are good enough." She crossed her hands under her chest.

"You're just saying it because you have no courage to talk to a man. And if one approaches you, you just push them away." I can't help but tease her further. "That guy earlier too, he seemed nice at second glance."

"He scared me, the way he approached me, why did you stop him then?" I can't believe she twisted my words like that. "Well, I thought he was some pervert who just wants your body. But his apology sounded honest and polite."

"Anyway, back to the topic. Even I can't always be there for you, but I will always be your lovely older sister, this won't change." Aurora reassured me and gulped down her americano.

Somehow, I was feeling less uneasy after our conversation. She didn't promise me that she would be there for me, but I appreciated her honesty. It was better than a false lie.

If what she said about people in general is true, that they can change, then the family in the other world, the Yukinoshita family could change too? After all they are just children, I mean Haruno and Yukinoshita. But there's no point in thinking about it. I'm finally back in my world, and I have no severe injury that could cause another heart attack.

After we finished our coffee, we headed home. On the way home we walked out of the mall, toward a crossroads. The lights turned green for us but I stopped before I could step on the road. I must have gained a phobia for crossroads, it was understandable.

"Are you scared? Trust me, thunder doesn't strike the same place twice." Aurora smirked at me and held out her arm to me. I smiled back at her, taking her hand and letting her lead the way. I looked in her beautiful green eyes, well, the one that wasn't cowered out by her hair.

Wait, green eyes? Doesn't she have blue ones? Thinking back, in the restroom earlier, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw green ones, but mine are also blue.

But before I could ask Aurora about it, I felt a great pain all over my body that disappeared as quickly as it came and everything went black.


30 minutes later:

"Chief investigator, you are finally here."

"Can someone explain why am I needed to a simple accident?"

15 minutes earlier I got a call that ordered me to investigate a scene. But when I arrived, it looked like just a simple accident. This case does not need a detective like me.

"Well, we had some difficulties."

"Tell me the details." I can't bear with these idiots, it cannot be that hard.

"The victims are an eighteen year old boy and his older sister who is five years older. The cause of death was a truck, the policemen are already investigating the vehicle."

"Thank you." So let's put it together. I can't see any brake marks on the road, indicating that it wasn't a simple accident. It might be that the driver was unaware that someone was before them, but it can't be. No one is that clumsy, it was intentional. Considering the fact that the bodies were lying several meters away from the truck, the vehicle must have hit them at high speed.

"It's obviously a assassination, what could possibly cause difficulties?"

"We know, but the driver was nowhere to be found."

This man, no one can give me an interesting case already? "And? It's a popular era of the city, ask some witnesses or look at the security cameras."

"Yes, that's the problem, we literally can't find the driver, we did what you recommended now, but no one saw anyone get out of the truck, the cameras were the same."

"What?! It can't be, humans can't just disappear like dust." My heart was beating faster. Finally a worthy job for a detective like me?

"So that's why we called you, I hope you can help us."

"Are you kidding me?!" I grabbed his shoulders in excitement.

"Uhm, Sir?"

"Thank you! This is my first big cease, like really!"



Author's note:

Slowly but surely, that's my new motto! This chapter took some time, too. Mainly because of my laziness, partly because I got a divine idea for the story, get it? Maybe it was Q. Anyway, I had to rewrite many things in this chapter.

Reviewing what I wrote I have four words, Bruh, it is deep. To the point that even I feel bad for the main character. But I think I created a somewhat deep and relatable character. And don't worry, the next chapter will be much easier to read.

Until then, thank you for reading my work.