Emma's POV
I was pumped about my day out with Lily.
After the ruckus of the morning, I was ready to dance my pain away. It was a new lifestyle, but surely one worth exploring.
"Hi, Mrs Linda." Lily announced her presence, with her very tiny voice.
"Oh, dear. Isn't that a little too short?" My mom commented while hugging her "We could also discuss how your bum looks so good while we're at it." She added.
Lily laughed so loud one would think she had no care in the world.
I was busy putting my affairs in order. If Lily's outfit caused that reaction, mine was gonna give her a heart attack.
"Thank you." Lily replied, slurring her words. She sounded drunk, but I knew he wasn't. She could b in really high spirits, just as she could be low and suicidal at times.
"Where are you off to? Emma's been holed up since forever." My mom asked.
She was always trying to be friends with my friends and I didn't get the obsession most times, it was kinda cute though.
"We," Lily stated, putting emphasis on 'we', "are going to have the time of our life." She said proudly.
I couldn't see her face, but my mom did sound a little interested herself.
"In a city with too many big people, those who party in the afternoon are seen as jobless, my dear. Where's the club by the way?" She asked.
Lily laughed, I knew she was considering letting that information out, seeing that I hadn't told her about any of it all myself.
"Where's the club, dear?" My mom asked again.
"Emma's going to decide that. It's her treat." Lily replied. "My job description is to drink and be happy, maybe cause a little drama too. I hope I dressed the part?" She asked my mom.
"No dear. Your eye makeup needs to look a lot more bitchy." I cringed at my mom's attempt to be girly, but that's what she was after all. There's some things age doesn't take away.
"Oh, thank you." Lily said, running up to my door.
"You're gonna crack your ankles in that stiletto." I said immediately she let herself in.
"Your mom says my eye makeup needs to be more bitchy, I hope her daughter knows what that means, cause you my dear, are gonna fix it for me." She said, laying her hand on my shoulder.
Lily wore one of the most seductive gloves I had ever seen.
It was lace and looked so beautiful. The purple color matched her eye shadow and lipstick.
Her face was popping. Very few boys could stand her beauty.
She let her curls wild and they did what they always did, attract! Lily was ten over ten.
"Arghhh! You're making me feel inadequate!"I groaned. "I can barely feel myself next to you." I said.
"Shut up silly. Your makeup isn't done yet and my dick is already rose." Se joked.
"There's children in this house, Lily." I said laughing, trying to censor her.
"What children? Your undeveloped eggs?" She joked and laughed, revealing her very pretty set of teeth that shone white in contrast to her deep purple lipstick.
The joke didn't fly with me though. It reminded me of a possibility, my reality rather, and it was what I wanted to take my mind off.
I cleared my throat, pretending to be choking on some powder.
"They don't make these well anymore." I commented and put the powder away.
The look wasn't exactly what I was going for, but I didn't have the emotional appeal for it anymore
If I didn't throw on my clothes and get out of the asap, I might end up soiling my makeup with tears.
"Where do you have in mind?" Lily asked, running her hand over the purse I had picked out. It has all sorts of precious stones as decorations. Mark got it for me, and it was making its debut outing to the club, what a shame.
The most horrendous idea came to me. On my way back from Chase's house, I caught a really fancy club.
At the time, stupid me thought I could suggest it to him. I hadn't been to a proper club ever, and I wanted my first experience to be with him.
"I know a club, trust me." I said to her, grinning at my evil idea.
"Do you mean a library?" Lily asked, choking on her laughter.
"No bitch! This bitch knows how to party too!" I yelled and grabbed my bag off the bed.
"I like this energy." Lily screamed. "Please tell me you've got drugs or booze here." She begged.
"I've hit neither. That's why we're going out." I said, pinching her nose. "I knew all that good spirit wasn't normal." I added.
"His session started twenty minutes ago." He said, her eyes watering already.
"No! No! No!" I yelled. "You don't get to do that! Lily! We are going to enjoy ourselves, starting now. Granted, it's not a permanent escape from our horrible lives, but it sure is a welcome change from staining our pillow with teas and mucus. Now chin up, and wiggle that ass all the way down." I smacked her butt lightly.
Lily did a nasty little jiggle that made my eyes fly wide open. "They do not know what's coming!" I announced. She laughed and sauntered down the stairs with charisma.
"Hey ladies." my mom greeted from the dining room where she was sat with Mark.
"Oh, one last stop." I said quietly to Lily.
She was suddenly calm and collected, and I wondered why that was. She was bubbly with my mom only a few minutes ago.
"We're going to, ermm, we're going to party." I mumbled as soon as I got to the table where Mark and my mom were snacking and reading articles together.
"Curfew remains ten." Mark said, without taking his eyes off the magazine in his hand.
"Yeah, what he said." My mom shielded her face from him and winked naughtily.
Before we got into the ride, she texted me asking for an address.
I sent it, after which she transferred 'booze money', as she labeled it.
Lilly ecstasy returned once we were out of the house.
She practically hopped into the ride, and left me wondering how she was so quick on her feet with about six inches of extra length.
"You must have a lot of experience doing this." I commented as soon as my butt touched the plus leather seat of the SUV.
The air conditioner was blowing a little too cold for me. I had a mesh top on, with just tapes covering my nipples. My skirt was only an inch longer than Lily's, so I could feel the cold in my vajayjay, even through the thong I had on.
"It's a lot at first, gets easier with time." She replied.
"And experience," I added, being naughty.
She smacked my breast, sending it flying in one direction.
I gasped. Literally no one other than Chase had ever touched me that way. "What are you doing?" I yelled, childishly.
Lily laughed so hard, tears started falling out of her eyes. "You sound so silly." She said after recovering.
"Isn't that the whole purpose of being in this outfit? Emma, your body is literally screaming out for touch." She said,
"Never mind what it says then. I'm not on sale." I said, faking anger. "Or touch."
"We'll see about that." She said. "Hope you've got pepper spray?" Lily asked. "Men like to get a little adventurous with our bodies."
All she was saying was giving me cold feet.
I almost screamed at the driver to turn back. "I have a pen knife." I said, in a subdued tone.
"If the bar is as classy as you painted it, there should be security too." Lily said and looked out the window.
I looked down on myself, but quickly followed suit and threw my gaze out before I got out of the mood for our great exploration.
Chase had his pictures with Jessica in a bar floating around, that was me proving to myself that I knew how to party just as much.
My phone chimed. Lily gave me a very nasty look cause she already made me promise to turn it off. We were gonna be "distracted by anything and anyone", as she put it.
I broke the rules and checked it.
It's just one text. It could be anything." I convinced Lily and pulled out my phone.
"Let's talk." Chase texted me. I unconsciously blew out all the air in my lungs. Chase still didn't get the amount of hate I had for him.
" You have too much guts for someone as nasty as you are. Please stay the fuck out of my life." I fought the frown etching on my face as I typed.