Emma's POV
As soon as I finished checking out all the fancy things Mark got me, I settled to stalk Kevin.
At least I now knew his name.
I searched the name up on all my social media, but I was never really good at stalking things, so I couldn't find him. Plus there's a very huge chance he wasn't going to be using his real name.
I searched Kayla, this time I was determined to find her. The occurrences for Kayla wasn't as much as that of Kevin, plus the '23' she had written on her bag must definitely mean something. I added it to 'Kayla' in my search, and her name popped up. Apparently, she has done a bit of modeling.
Her page looked so full and classy. They must be rich people. I searched all her followers and in no time, saw Kevin.
I held my breath unconsciously before clicking on him. As soon as I did, I couldn't hold back. I looked at all he's ever posted, and all the ladies, especially. He seemed to roll with only cute model girls. I didn't think I stood a chance. The least I could do was at least feed my eyes.
Little did I know I had been liking all his photos
"Woah! Slow down." He said in a personal chat. I didn't even add him up, how did he know I was looking through his page? Is he tapping my phone? That can't be possible. "You're liking too many videos at once. I'm a sexy man, but give it some space."
I was too stunned to even text.
"Speechless?" He texted again. I really was. I didn't know what to reply. Should've known better than snooping on him online.
I immediately closed the chat and put my internet off.
I really hope he doesn't realize I'm the one who he met a few hours earlier.
I was a fool for him both on and offline. And a joke for his sister too. They were such a beautiful sight to behold.
"Sorry." I texted. It felt weird to leave his text on read. Disrespectful, in fact. I was a nobody, and it was my first and last chance at shooting my shot at Kevin. And the earlier I did so, the better.
The girls at school were already gawking over him, making shortlists of who would approach him.
"No need to be." He texted back. If only he knew who he was talking to. "You don't have a picture on your profile, that's scary." He added.
He was thinking the exact same thing I was! Just that I hoped he wouldn't. I get the fact that he would like to put a face to the bimbo who had been on his page for over an hour.
"I don't have worthy pictures." I replied, honestly.
In all the selfies I ever took, if I managed to hide my fat face, there'll always be some other give away that I was not the typical slim sexy school girl.
"I don't know what that means, but I want to see YOU!" I swear I heard him scream. I had to do something! Kevin wanted to see me! That's a once in a lifetime thing. I quickly bolted my room door even though I knew mom was too busy with Mark doing who knows what.
"I'd just take one now and send." I texted before throwing my phone on the bed, bolting to my dress and touching up my face in all the ways I could, including a generous amount of lip gloss.
I took a picture that I felt was enough and sent to Kevin, holding my breath.
"You're gorgeous." He replied.
I was blown away. He thought me gorgeous? That was an irreversible boost in my ego.
"Wait, I saw you earlier today." He followed up. I didn't know whether or not to admit it, but telling the truth always worked.
"Yeah, you did." I texted back.
"Let me guess. You've had your mind on me ever since then. Probably couldn't wait to get back yo stalk me?" He added some laughing emojis that made me feel stupid.
But then he was still typing. I could not take any more jabs at my dignity. How would I face him tomorrow if the conversation ended on this note?
"Me too." I didn't realize I held my breath until I finally breathed out.
So Kevin, my little Greek god, was daydreaming about me too?! That was amazing!
"Are you being serious?" I started loosening up.
"Yeah." He sent it immediately. "I'd love to see some more pictures." That was a deal breaker for me. With the amount of girls who would literally pull their underwear for Kevin the moment he snaps his finger, he's interested in me! Poor me!
I immediately took to taking pictures of myself from all angles, some goofy faces and I didn't know what exactly he wanted.
"Do you like them?" I asked after sending all hundred photos to him.
"I do." He replied. "Could you take the camera a bit lower?" That was a no-no for me. But not for Kevin, I'd bend my rules.
I pulled my floral PJ down and took a picture with the upper half of my breast exposed. 'it's just the cleavage' I told myself.
"Woah!" Kevin responded immediately. So he was really waiting for it all the while.
I sent a teary eyed emoji, I really was. I knew it's something I wasn't supposed to be doing, but I couldn't even bring myself to not. Especially not after seeing what I saw earlier today.
"I'm about to say something, but I don't know how you'd take it." He said after typing for a really long while. I was expecting some really lengthy text about how great I looked. Did Kevin not find me attractive anymore? I shouldn't have sent him my saggy boobs.
"What is it?" I asked finally.
"I want to see you." He replied. "I'm outside your apartment. My folks aren't home. We could catch up."
That sounded like being in heaven, but mom was him, with Mark! There was no way I could make it past that door.