Early in the morning, Xu Yang heard the piglets in the pen squealing.
Before long, he heard Ma Quan Yuanbao barking frantically.
Xu Yang hurried out of his room to check on the situation.
What he saw gave him a start, and he quickly took out his phone to film it.
It turned out that two little wild boars had come to the outside of the pigpen.
They must have smelled the scent of the corn porridge and couldn't resist coming over hoping to eat it.
Xu Yang fed his pigs with corn feed, stewing it into a pot of corn porridge, adding some pumpkin and wilted vegetable leaves.
It was a form of ecological farming.
The two piglets tried to squeeze through the iron gate of the pen while the Little Pink pigs inside cursed angrily, and Ma Quan Yuanbao on the side attempted to drive the wild boars away, but the little boars were only focused on eating and ignored Ma Quan.
All this drama unfolded early in the morning.
However, since the big wild boar hadn't come in, Xu Yang wasn't worried.