We find are selfs in a huge land filled with kings, emperors, knights and mages yes you heard me right mages all though at this correct age which is the age we would call the mid-evil age at this point mages were rare and witches were hunted this was the age of knights and Templars who used Marshall skill and magic equipment plus there was the very rare sorcerer or sorceress who appeared but they was few and far between well for this age anyway the most used magic was holy magic clerics and paladins was very common to the point people dying of diseases and sicknesses was practically unheard of but this was the case till the plague hit and when it did it killed thousands but when people died by the plague they wouldn't stay dead o no they would come back as mindless creatures this was the beginning of something that the mid evil people referred to it as the beginning of the first Conjunction and what came next was forces of chaos 3 more continents formed merging with the old land this is when the likes of the greedy cave dwelling Dwarfs and hight and mighty elves appeared along with several other races but with these races came new creatures known as monsters and very soon the lands was sweeped into war wall the plague continued to kill and take lives this was in tell a man with the name Taylor Fang Hellsing appeared he was a member of the elven race he literally took the war by storm forming to light the hidden hand that was playing everyone like fools and soon the war shifted from fighting with the living to fighting against the forces of undeath cuz the force that was the puppet master behind the hole war came out to be a lich and a damn strong one at that this war lasted for a hundred years but at the end of it the man Taylor Hellsing and his family of warriors was able to kill the lich when they did the plague stopped and the land want back to peace but at what cost the man Taylor and his people all changed into shadow monstrous creatures most of who was consumed with chaos and very soon the very people that was seen as the savers of the kingdoms was soon condemned and seen as heretics to the point many of them was killed wall the rest was locked in the lich land which was a desolate dead land the kingdoms imprisoned these being they called the coursed ones into this land for a hundred years in which the land was peaceful almost all the monsters was killed life was good for those out side the cursed lands wall inside the cursed land people had formed up into different tribes who did everything they could to survive but when one of them was consumed by chaos they would be killed on the spot everyone was affected by the force that was chaos that was up till a boy was born who was somehow immune to the pull of chaos he could us his ability's freely without the worry of being consumed this boy is the hope of his tribe.