The moment they stepped in, the maids welcomed them but they knew better than to congratulate Logan on the success of his wedding so they only took Sophia into a guest room where she happened to meet all her stuff from the Parker family house. Wow Evelyn and Samantha really wanted her out of the house and they didn't even come to the wedding. she opened her bags, got changed and started setting up her clothes and shoes in the closet and when it got to the bag where she keeps her architectural sketches, her face darkened. many of her drafts had gone missing no doubts that Samantha had taken them again and this time, she wasn't going to sit back and be plagiarized again. She is going to fight fire with fire. she unlocked her laptop and opened a draft that she had been working on and continued working. 

In the master bedroom of the mansion, Logan sat on the chair facing the window like a king, swirling the wine in his glass for over a minute before taking a sip and he stands up walking to the window and looking outside. He was feeling very uncomfortable cause apparently his personal space has been invaded and this woman had the guts to act nonchalant even though she had called the Steele family to make sure that he would take responsibility for her after she had climbed into his bed. At the same time he didn't know why any woman would crawl into his bed despite the rumors that were flying around about him being Ugly, cruel, and impotent. Either ways, Logan was set on making his house miserable enough for her. He called for Martha, a mother figure in the house who was also in charge of all the maids and workers in the house and told her "from today onwards, you are not obliged to serve the lady that came into the house with me tonight, she is only the Steele's family young mistress by name and she has no right to order you around. Let her do her things by herself. Tell this to all the maids and servants in the house and from now henceforth prepare her seat farthest from mine at the dining table I don't want her anywhere near me" Martha nodded in agreement and replied "Noted young master" but Logan frowned and corrected "I told you to call me Logan, you watched me grow up" "yes Logan" Martha replied in her soft old voice and left the room. 


The next morning, I woke up early, took my bath and dressed up rushing down to the company skipping breakfast as usual. I didn't even remember that I was married so I just rushed into my car that is looking really out of place in this garage that is looking like a car exhibition show with each car that I set my eyes on more expensive than the last and my eyes made their ways back to my own slightly outdated Ford Mustang but nope I am not going to be moved so I just climbed into my car and drove off to work grabbing a coffee on the way. On getting to the company, I started hearing whispers and snickering from my coworkers but I've long been used to this so I just headed up to my office and ignored them again. As a manager in a failing company, I indeed have my work cut out for me but I have to keep this company afloat even though my step sister and mother want me out of it. I was waiting for the client that I am supposed to be meeting today, I had finished the draft last night and as I waited, my mind couldn't help but drift back to my dad at the hospital, I've been too busy these past few days to see him so I decided to visit him after I left work today. Then I called the private detective that I had hired to investigate the accident that sent my father into coma. I had a gut feeling that it was not an accident and it was aimed at taking my father's life but by who? When the call connected, a deep voice came from the other side "Miss Parker, how may I help you?" "Liam, I want you to resume investigation on the cause of my dad's accident" I replied with a resolute tone he paused for a moment before replying me "okay, no issues" then the call was disconnected. I sighed and took a deep breath and just then I heard a knock at the door. I told the person on the other side to come in and when I saw that it was Mr Rogers who I was expecting, I stood up to greet him. We exchanged handshakes and started discussing business almost immediately. At the end of the meeting, he was very satisfied just like most of my clients. He left me a complimentary cheque and left with a smile on his face.


Was I just paying these managers for show? I have already fired four managers today and I am pretty sure I'll have to fire more like this one that's speaking gibberish in front of me right now but I decide to listen for a few minutes more but I wasn't even impressed "You are fired, go to the finance department to clear your payment for the month and leave the company immediately" I watch as another dejected ex manager leave the board room "this meeting ends here, you have all disappointed me yet again. I give you all five days to impress me or you can resign before then, either ways you'll lose your job if you refuse to impress me in the next meeting" I stood up and left the board room in a fit of anger. When I got into my office, I met David in the office with his legs crossed on my table. I was almost forced to ask if this guy is really the CEO of another company. "what do you need David" I dragged out in a frustrated voice. "aren't you meant to be resting after your wedding night rendezvous?" he teased while wiggling his eyebrows, but I was too tired to be disturbed so I just reminded him that we aren't a real couple and I definitely won't be treating her like my wife. David shook his head but didn't say anything. We chatted for a while before he left and I went back to work. I was at work till nightfall when I went back home and retired into my bedroom. 

After work, Sophia went straight to the hospital to check her father. She talked to him, read to him, cleaned his body and went to the doctor's office to ask for the update on her father's health. The doctor told her that her father's condition was stagnant, not improving and not deteriorating just there. she sighed softly and thanked the doctor, sent some money to the hospital to continue her father's treatment and went back to her father's room and stayed for a while before heading back to Logan's mansion. When she got home, she went straight to her room and ate the takeout that she picked on her way back. She disposed the takeout and took out her pencil and set up the easel and started drawing again. She just let her hand flow with the rhythm of her heart and at that moment, she was more relaxed than she has felt in days. A few hours later, she drifted asleep covered in her own designs and she had a blissful dream. 

The next day, She woke up early as usual and dressed up sprinting to the garage to rush to work when she had a head on collision with a brick wall "I could have sworn that that wall came out of nowhere" she muttered to herself while rubbing her bruised forehead then she finally opened her eyes and say a pair of black shoes "Oh no no no no no...." she muttered again she hurriedly stood back up and muttered and apology before bolting out of the house. Logan stood there for a while with a face so dark it could drip water. Finally he moved but not out of the house as expected but back to his room to change his clothes then he ordered the maids to burn those clothes before he left the house and straight to the company. "she's only been here for a few days and she's already causing trouble for me. I really hate the way she invades my private space" Logan complained on the way to the company. The employees of the Steele company had it rough and tough again that day cause the CEO was in a bad mood. 

In Megatron, the Parker family's company Sophia was busy working when she got a call from Anna Watson, her best friend and they decided to meet up in a cafe close to her workplace to catch up. 


When Anna's call came in, I immediately discarded work cause I need someone to vent to do I told her to meet me at the cafe down the street. twenty minutes later, we were sitting opposite each other at the cafe and Anna was throwing questions pertaining why I haven't called or texted her in days. I started telling the story from the last time we saw each other and how Samantha and Evelyn had drugged me and sent me to Logan's bed and how I had gotten married and how Logan had accused me of climbing into his bed and how I had told him that he means nothing to me up to the way I bumped into him earlier this morning and by the time I finished, Anna's eyes were widened in shock I actually understand because she had pledged that whenever I change my mind about love she would be my best lady but it happened in her absence.