The ground trembled beneath my feet as if Mythica itself decided it was done with all of us.
A burst of purple light shot out from the center of the lake, crackling with an intensity that made my hair stand on end.
Then, as if that wasn't dramatic enough, a coffin—yes, an actual coffin—erupted from the lake, suspended mid-air, glowing ominously in the purple light.
"Oh, good," I muttered to myself, trying not to hyperventilate.
"It's not like I wanted a quiet day. Nope, I definitely wanted a haunted lake and a flying coffin. Just another Tuesday in Mythica."
The moment was short-lived.
With a final flicker, the light dimmed, and the coffin fell unceremoniously back into the lake. It landed with a splash that sent ripples all the way to where we stood, leaving behind an eerie silence.