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Max Stat and the Harem Blight

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Max was just a sweet, affable young man. Then something happened (he doesn't remember what) and he became a 6'6" sex god and had a fivesome with four hot babes. This is his story.

Chapter 1 - Morning After

Olivia had kicked Vivi out of their room, telling her, "Get out of here you stupid puta, I gotta code and I can't do that with your face stuffed in my cunt." Of course, Vivi had dutifully left without complaint, only pausing to pull back on her panties and a pair of skinny jeans she'd been wearing.

She was still wearing the cosplay that Olivia had her done up in, of course, her kinky black hair currently replaced by a pale, wavy blonde, her eye color reset from brown to blue. She'd watched the entire series that the character she was cosplaying was from, just to add to her ability to roleplay the thirst trap Nigerian-Japanese MILF ("Amarachi") for Olivia - the show itself was of middling quality, but it was easy to see why Olivia liked the character.

Most people hadn't watched the show, so Vivi wasn't concerned about what she was wearing when she went out on the promenade, just soaking in the bustle of the station as she walked counterspinward.

Even with her hair done strangely, her eyes recolored, and her outfit not the sort of thing she'd have worn on her own (no collar, even! She loved those!), her face was still the same, so a few men recognized her, asking if they could pay her for a fuck, but she let them down easy - she wasn't a whore, she was a sex slave, after all. She wished them luck finding a girl who would put out.

Were there any other Vivis on the station, she wondered? There were, what, 80,000 people on Zaun? There was about one Vivi for every 300,000 humans, so probably not. On the other hand, the probability would be memoryless - her eyes flicked to one side as she loaded up a calculator in her AR, fed in 1-(299,999/300,000)^(80,000), and it said that the odds were about 23.4%.

She should probably adjust up - there were proportionately more Vivis outside Sol, for one - but the math was getting boring at this point. She hoped the guys got lucky, and decided to stop in a bar for a drink.

Of course, she didn't need to drink. She could just tell her chip to simulate her being drunk, and turn it off and on at will, but bars were nice places to be social. Ever since Saveriu had found God and kicked her to the curb in 2156, Vivi had worked to maintain at least some contacts other than her current master (or Mistress, in this case).

She spotted a group of people chatting at one of the circular tables in the corner - one guy, three women, all looking a little tipsy. The women were rather distinctive - blue-haired girl with cloud tattoos, white-blue skinned girl with green hair in pigtails, and a toned woman with particularly large breasts - but it was the man who was the real eyecatcher.

It wasn't any particular, singular feature. In virtual space, everybody was airbrushed to perfection, not a single blemish or hair out of place. There were also a good few EMs who were already world-famous models and actors before they died. This man was just... something different from all that. More. Better. Which was saying something: the airbrushing of a virtual avatar was a superstimulus, the selection of the most handsome men out of a population of tens of billions was a superstimulus. This guy had an extra superstimulus or two layered on top of those, which made Vivi forget to breathe (not that she needed to). When she moved to step towards him, she realized she had - without forming a conscious thought - set her Laishi chip to run at 2x speed so she could stare at him longer without being noticed.

She turned it back to normal and approached. "Hi! Mind if I join you? It's always nice to meet new people."

"I like meeting new people too," the man said, giving her a smile, taking a shot from his glass. "Go ahead and take a seat. I like your hair."

"Thank you! It's actually a friend of mine who suggested I do it like this," she said, as she sat down. Why did she say that instead of explaining that it was orders from her Mistress? "I'm Vivi, by the way."

"I'm Max," the man said, and the girls offered their names too, but she really struggled to pay much attention to them, given how completely captivated she was by the man himself.

Vivi then set her chip to automatically adjust her simulated level of intoxication to the estimated average level of the group and settled in to chat.

* * *

Vivi wasn't hung over the next morning. She was also the first to wake up. Both of those were expected - her Laishi was set to run at double speed whenever she fell asleep, and obviously she'd long ago set it to never ever make her deal with hangovers again. As such, what would have been nine hours of sleep for her was instead four point five by the clock.

Unfortunately, they had all very clearly gotten very drunk, since she could only remember bits and pieces from last night, at least after she set her chip to simulate intoxication. The other four bodies in bed were a tangle of limbs, some intertwining with her almost absently, and she started to gently wriggle herself free.

Her fingers ran through her hair, finding it a messy tangle, and she realized her tits were pretty thoroughly coated in dried cum. She took in a breath through her nose, and there was an instant pulse of arousal through her whole body in response. The cum smelled better than any other in her whole life, and some scattered memories of titfucking Max last night burst forward into her conscious mind.

Part of those memories was also the memory of an outrageously huge cock, pulsing with life, smelling wondrous, tasting delicious, making her brain turn into a foggy, horny, mess.

If Vivi was the sort of girl to ignore or fight against things that made her into a foggy, horny, mess, then she quite literally would not exist, so she gently shifted on the bed, pulling the sheet down, and down, and down, revealing the most glorious bare chest (muscular and fit, but not overly bulky or veiny) she had ever seen in her life. She remembered to breathe this time, but only because of the clinging odor of Max's thick cum that he'd sprayed all over her bare body... and she saw his fat, godly cock. It was hard.

Her mouth fell open as she stared at it. A full foot long, at least. Her fingers reached out for it, her dusky tone contrasting his glorious marble shade, and she started to slowly but surely jerk him off. Her arousal spiked still further at that point, her body trembling, nipples hard, clit throbbing. It was such an amazing cock. She wanted to suck it (to suck it again, some faint memory told her). Her mouth, already opened, leaned slowly forwards towards his cock, and she wrapped her lips around it, her tongue dancing along the very tip as she did so, the flavor making her moan in delight, a little mini-orgasm pulsing through her body just from the dollop of precum.

* * *

"Oh my God you fucking BITCH! Get the fuck offa my man, you brainless cockslut!"

As far as ways to wake up went, Jinx had had worse. Her crusty-ass eyes slowly blinked themselves awake to see that the yelling wasn't directed at her. Some green-haired bimbo was yanking on the hair of a Vivi who had her hair done blonde. She was currently curled up next to an exceptionally fantastically hot piece of male ass.

Didn't remember how she'd got there, but that wasn't a problem as far as she was concerned.

Was weird, though. She'd done threesomes, but she'd never seen much point in a foursome with three girls. Just not enough dick to go around. The Vivi was just whining and whimpering like a kicked puppy dog, on account of not getting to suck the guy's cock. She glanced at him again, and he was also waking up, though seemed more 'stunned silence' than anything else. Had the vibe that he thought last night was maybe a mistake. Probably didn't even remember it.

She didn't either, but judging by the way her legs and pussy felt, it wasn't a mistake.

He felt like... mmm... a Sammy, yeah, like the penguin in Zoo Crew. As greenie yelled at blondie, he tried to shift away - and Jinx, of course, grabbed onto him tighter. "Trying to leave already, Sammy?" She asked him, a grin on her lips, and the look he gave her was one of panicked surprise.

Yep. He didn't remember last night either.

"Max!" Oh, great, the green bitch had realized he was awake. She practically hurled the Vivi off the bed, hurriedly trying to clamber on top of him, winding up opposite Jinx, but sitting up with one hand on his chest. "His name is Max, you blueberry bimbo," she added, glancing at Jinx with a snarl.

Jinx let go of Sammy's arm at that point, leaning up to face her newfound rival for cock. "Bimbo? You want an extra hole in your head, bitch?"

"You're stupid enough to think you can kill me by shooting me in the head, so bimbo sounds about right," Greenie sneered.

"I didn't say I was gonna kill ya, but if the hole's big enough, it'll kill anything," Jinx countered. She gave the other girl a shove, making her let out a small noise of surprise. Even though she was still all meat, her muscles were diamond strong.

Greenie got back up immediately, fists in tight balls and ready for a brawl.

"Ah, please don't fight," Sammy said, waving his free hand in the air. "I don't like fighting," he added, this dopey sincerity to his voice. She'd absolutely nailed it with the Sammy pick for name. That was just the kind of thing Sammy would say before Oscar beat the ever-loving dope out of Tony.

Unlike Oscar, though, it seemed to work on Greenie. She instantly shifted her posture from about to fight, to trying to make up with last night's shared boytoy. "Max, last night was amazing," she said, almost purring the words out. "Let's get rid of these other girls and have an encore, just you and me." She started slithering down into a lying position on the bed, hand trailing down his chest towards his cock, looking him dead in the eyes with blatant lust.

Really, it was obviously played up for the audience, but guys were dumb as a sack of coleslaw when it came to girls suggesting they wanted their dick, and despite his genuinely gorgeous sculpted sexy bod, Sammy responded like a complete virgin, gulping audibly. "I don't want to be mean, and you seem nice-" the amazing thing about guys? He probably even believed that ridiculous lie! Bitch started off yelling at one girl who sucked his dick, and then started yelling at another girl he pounded, and had done nothing else since waking up! "-but I don't remember anything from last night."

"Yeah," Jinx agreed. "Same here. Can't remember that..." she turned her gaze down to his cock, her eyes widening as they fell on it. Holy fuck, there was no way Sammy was packin' wood like that. Maybe Max was a good name, just for how somebody had set his dick size to max. And it looked truly scrumptious, too.

Wait, she was talking about something, wasn't she?

Oh yeah! She was talking about his dick! "That bitchbreaker," she finished off, reaching down for it. "But the way my legs feel, I can tell it gave me a good seeing to last night, so how about some more fun this morning?"

"I asked him first, bitch! Fuck off!" She flipped Jinx the old double deuces. "And my name's Rebecca, by the way, but I like Becca more."

"Looked to me more like the Vivi was the first one to suggest some morning fun."

"She basically raped him in his sleep," Becca responded. "Oh, wait, that's a Vivi?" She added, glancing over the side of the bed. "Huh. I see it now. The blonde thing messed with me. Well, a sex slave in the bedroom's no big between lovers, so she can stay. You, though," she said, pointing at Jinx, "can get the fuck out and leave us alone."

"Do you even remember last night?" Jinx asked.

"Of course I do," Becca said, in an obvious bluff.

"Yeah? Which hole'd he stick it in first?"

There was a long second or two of pause, way too long to be real if she actually remembered last night. "My pussy," she decided on. "'Cause it's the best, and he knew that."

Jinx just rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to Max. "Look, stud," she said. "I don't mind you screwing other girls, while this bitch is saying you're not allowed. It's obvious which of us is better and deserves cock first."

"I don't like fighting. Can't we all just get along? You're both pretty," he said, this nervous wriggle to his lips, like he was terrified of making them both mad.

It was actually kinda cute. A total 180 from his insanely sexy muscly body, that he was acting like a shy little virgin boy. If he'd actually been a twee little virgin boy instead of a muscle man... ehh, maybe it'd still work. "That's fine," she said aloud, leaning into him. "Just fuck me into the bed like you did last night, Max. I'm Jinx, by the way."

"No, let me ride you, I'll do all the work," Becca countered, obviously desperate to get at his dick.

"You can fuck me while you decide between them, Max!" Vivi chimed in from the sidelines, making Jinx snort. Vivis were so... fucking coombrained.

"Fuck off, sex slaves go second, obviously," Becca replied, and Vivi actually slumped her shoulders at that, as if defeated.

* * *

Naomi stared into the mirror, rubbing at her forehead as two of the girls in the hotel room started yelling at each other again.

She was only wearing a pair of panties, grey elastic snapped into place. She'd found two bras in the messy pile of clothes as she fumbled through them in the dark, but both were too small to be hers. If her damn breasts hadn't been so large, she probably would have stolen one of their bras and left.

Now, however, she was trapped, topless, in the bathroom. She got to overhear the ongoing screaming match between two exceptionally trashy girls, and she had a throbbing headache from her hangover. It was only getting worse from the noise.

How had she even wound up in this situation? Her memories of the previous night were a blur. Sure, Max himself was undoubtedly extremely good looking - but also, she had other, more important things to do. Had she approached him in the hopes of some kind of contact? What did he do for a living? Last night was a fog, but she felt like he was some kind of scientist. A-something? Anaesthesiologist? Analyst? Astronomer? None of those sounded right.

Realistically, she probably didn't approach him for his scientific acumen, if she couldn't even remember what the hell he was an expert in.

Given how good he looked... almost certainly, she'd just gotten horny. UNED wasn't perfect. Her body had still been mutilated and transformed by that bastard, along with her mind. Her fingers curled into a fist at the thought of him, what sick things he was no doubt doing to Lieri, that he would still be doing to her, if she hadn't somehow broken free.

She still didn't know why his brainwashing didn't keep. She knew that his method was much cruder than something like Scour, but even remembering the way his control cracked... she couldn't quite figure it out. Lieri was still his happy little mindfucked slave.

The noise of fighting had quieted down, and Naomi considered herself in the mirror. There really was no way that all four of them were going to leave without noticing her discarded clothes, or going to the bathroom.

She approached the door, clicking off the bathroom light before gingerly creaking it open.

* * *

I had never in my life gotten to experience something like this! Jinx and Becca were on their hands and knees, right next to my cock, their mouths open as they just panted and stared and sniffed. It was like something out of a porno - and the really good kind, too!

Jinx's eyes were completely locked on my cock, a hazy note of lust as her tongue lolled out, starting to lick along my length, half-moaning in delirious wonder as she tasted me. Becca was similarly occupied, her cute face contorted in empty-headed lust, and the moment she saw Jinx start licking my cock, she went on the attack, wrapping her lips around my cock from one side and just sucking hungrily. My length furiously throbbed, almost smacking against both girls' faces, but neither of them seemed to care.

No, they did care - but it only aroused both of them further! Their arousals were obviously climbing, both girls' nipples growing stiff on their petite chests. Becca sucked on the side of my cock like she was trying to give me a hickey, her pale cheeks hollowing hungrily, and she didn't even look up at me for approval or any sign of whether she was doing the right thing or not - she was that completely focused on the act of making out with my cock. Jinx was treating my cock like it was caked in chocolate frosting, running her tongue slowly all the way up the side, slithering side to side as she went, tasting me and coating me in copious amounts of drool. As she moved, she made soft noises of delight, like she was enjoying a scrumptious meal - only that meal was my cock.

Despite the utterly obscene and wonderful show of two desperately horny cocksuckers latched onto my dick, I somehow had the presence of mind to remember there was a third girl there. For a moment, I worried she'd feel left out - but as I turned his head to one side, I saw that she had one hand stuffed in her cunt, two fingers in her mouth, and just moaning deliriously as she stared at the ongoing obscene show. I'd never met a Vivi in person before. It wasn't like I hated her sight unseen or anything! I'm just a very romantic guy; I didn't want to just pay for sex! I like the passion of a serious relationship! But... I'd only had two girlfriends before, and neither of them had ever been as enthusiastic to fuck as Vivi seemed to be to watch, so I wondered if maybe I had been missing out.

Becca noisily slid her lips up my length, slurping along the side towards my cockhead, then just about started to make out with it. "Aaaahm, ahn, ahm," she got out around my cockhead, as if she were a starving woman wolfing down a delicious meal. Her tongue danced around the inside of her mouth, poking at my slit, curling around my tip, running along the crown of my cock. Her cheeks hollowed and she repeatedly swallowed, the suction adding to my pleasure and delivering more of my cocksweat - and maybe a dollop or two of precum, by the way she responded with delirious little notes of delight on occasion - right to her famished stomach.

Jinx moved her tongue along my length, teasing at it, starting to press against where Becca's lips were forming a seal around my cock, worming her way under the other girl's lips with a hungry wiggling tongue, trying to get to more of my dick. It didn't really work, and Jinx soon shifted to start mashing her cheek against Becca, butting against her face and pushing her up. Becca resisted, hands latching onto my thighs, cockdrunk and hungry for more, the obscene noise of her wet smacking lips as they were slowly pushed back by Jinx.

When she finally popped off, suction breaking off suddenly to allow Jinx space, the two girls wound up mashing their mouths together around my cockhead, tongues dancing in the space between them as they wetly moaned and gasped around it. Each of their greedy tongues tried to lick up more of my cocksweat, and their eyes finally turned from my dick up to me, horny and needy at once, both silently begging for me to yank the other girl off my cock so they could be the one to suck me down.

The bathroom door creaked open, and my eyes flicked up to it. Standing there was a toned, gorgeous, topless woman with frankly huge, gravity-defying breasts.

My bafflement at what had happened the previous night only grew. I hadn't just had a foursome and drunkenly gotten some kind of (very nice, judging by the whining eager slurping of the pair working me over) body mod to my dick - I'd had a fivesome. "Hi," I said, waving up at her.

Jinx and Becca both tried for a moment to shift their bodies to see whoever had just joined us, then realized that there was no easy way to do so without surrendering space to the other, and gave up. Both of them were far too competitive to get as much of my dick in their mouths as they could, and when a little droplet of precum escaped my tip, their tongues fought over it, slapping one another. Jinx ultimately got more of it, and Becca growled and glared but wasn't willing to pull away from my dick to say anything.

"I'm Max. I don't remember your name," I said. Even though there was all that pressure and suction and licking action going on, my voice came out level and calm - which made Jinx and Becca get even noisier and sloppier, tongues dribbling out saliva as they wetly smacked against my dick, hands coming up to stroke me. Both were eager to prove themselves capable of making my voice crack. "Sorry. I think we all got pretty drunk last night."

"Yeah," the woman said. Her eyes flicked over the floor, searching for something - her clothes, maybe? The pair on my dick got even more noisy as they realized the new person wasn't another man, but another woman. Competition for my cock.

"You're very beautiful," I told her. It was the honest truth, and I didn't remember just about anything from last night, so I couldn't exactly call her smart or hard-working or moral. "Did you enjoy last night?"

"I'm sure I did." Her hand ran through her hair, her eyes going back to the bed, and then inexorably being drawn up towards me. "Is there a bra under the blankets?"

"Mhm," Becca got out around my dick - which gave Jinx just the distraction she needed, her lips hungrily slurping up my cock. She deepthroated me in a single swift gulp, looking up at me with smugness in her eyes, and shooting a similarly smug look over at Becca - who promptly erupted. "You little fuckin' bitch, I'm trying to get rid of-" she swiveled her head up, seeing the other woman for the first time, "-this fat-titted hoebag so that there's less competition for Max's cock, and you're fucking stealing it all!"

"Hey!" I shouted, and both Becca and Jinx paused for a moment, stunned by my yelling. Up until that point, I'd been letting them both just do whatever to my cock, but now they were suddenly concerned. Even Jinx's tongue froze for a moment, laid flat against the underside of my cock. "You don't even know her. Don't go calling her names. Sorry," I added, to the woman in question. "Miss...?"

" name is Naomi," she said, sighing softly. "You don't have to feel bad about last night," she said, stepping towards the bed, yanking the blanket off. At almost the same moment, Becca grabbed onto Jinx's hair and yanked her all the way off my cock, having to actually stand up on the bed to do so - which in turn meant that my dick, coated in the eager slobber of the pair of horny cocksuckers, was now completely exposed to Naomi, whose eyes fell on my throbbing length as her mouth fell open, her bra (a 30K sports bra, I noted) completely forgotten.

She practically dove onto my cock, soon absorbing my whole length straight down her throat, moaning as she quivered on my cock, her nose mashed into my pelvis. Where Becca and Jinx had both been acting obscenely happy to suck my cock, neither of them had orgasmed from the act itself. Naomi did, almost immediately, muffled speech leaving her mouth as her hips bucked at the air, her red eyes rolling back in her skull.

"Oh my fucking God!" Becca whined. She reared back one leg to try to kick Naomi off - and my own hand snapped out for her ankle, making her squeak in surprise as I pulled her towards me, sending her landing on the mattress with a heavy thump.

"Don't kick people, Becca!" It was all I could think to say in the moment.

"I-" Becca started, looking chastised and not sure what to say.

"Yeah, don't kick people," Jinx agreed, purposefully rubbing it in.

"Jinx, don't be mean," I said, while Naomi just slurped on my cock noisily, having apparently finished her orgasm, twisting her head around, her tongue slithering all over my cock with incredible eagerness. There was a hot moan in her throat, twisting around on my dick. It felt obscenely good, the hot, wet feeling of her throat, and the way her tongue just went absolutely wild on my cock, the hot little moans and pants that kept escaping her mouth, like she was famished and enjoying the most delicious food in the galaxy.

Jinx and Becca decided to get in on my cock too, leaning in to start sucking on my balls, almost fighting over them, their tongues swishing around. When Naomi started to peel back a bit on my cock, sliding her sucking lips slowly up my length, both Becca and Jinx attacked my dick from either side, their lips sucking, their tongues lapping at my cock where it rested inside their mouths.

"Oh, wow," I could only breathe. "You all really like sucking cock, huh?" Naomi's cheeks flushed at the comment, looking embarrassed, though she didn't remove herself from my dick. Ah! What a stupid thing to say, idiot! You have three beautiful women sucking your dick and that's what you say?! "I mean, I like it too! I've never had a- a triple blowjob before! Thanks for being my first!" (Well, maybe I had, last night - I couldn't remember!)

Becca seemed to like that statement a lot, popping her lips off my cock. "We could get a couple Vivis, and you could have triple blowjobs every night, stud," she said, her hand fondling my balls as she spoke. "This is the best cock ever, especially 'cause it's attached to you." Naomi moaned loudly as she just slurped my dick up, pushing Jinx to one side, effectively claiming my entire cock for herself again. She stared up at me as she wetly sucked on my cock. Her full, gravity-defying breasts pushed against my thighs, a quiet reminder of the fact that she'd forgotten all about her bra to instead just swallow my dick. She let out a sigh. "C'mon, Max, she's being so selfish. I haven't even throated you this morning, though I'm sure I did last night." She reached up for her throat with one hand, idly stroking it like it was the sexiest part of her body. In fairness, it was quite an interesting one, given the tattoo there - some sort of mix of skull and skeleton. "You want to break this tight little throat with that fat cock, right?"

My length throbbed inside Naomi's throat, prompting the woman to moan in hungry delight, twisting around on my cock, tongue lapping, her eyes practically begging me to come down her throat. My eyes left her for a moment, and Jinx leaned in to suck on one of my balls, while Becca started to run her hand across my bare chest, fingers sliding along my skin as she gave me a loving look.

As wonderful as this whole situation was, I realized then that I needed to make Naomi share. I'd never even had a threesome before this whole thing, so I really wasn't used to it, but it was obvious you had to spread your attention around between the girls, right? I grabbed onto Naomi's hair and just peeled her off my cock. She let out a guttural whine by way of response, and I grabbed one of Becca's pigtails, directing her down towards my cock. She moaned happily as my length ground into her throat, her eyelashes fluttering, a smile visible in her eyes. She wiggled her naked, cute little butt right at me as I thrust her mouth down my cock, her pink sex dripping wet with arousal.

"Fuck my onahole mouth, please, ahn, I need it so ba~ad," Naomi whined. She looked incredibly sexy like that, my hand in her hair, goosebumps running across bare flesh, her nipples perky with arousal. Her tongue lolled out, stretching eagerly at the air, licking at it, wanting more. Her beautiful red eyes were wild with inflamed lust as she stared down at my cock, but she didn't struggle against my grip on her hair, just quivering in desire.

Jinx just suckled on my balls all the more noisily, pink eyes focused up on me. When our eyes met, she wiggled her eyebrows, subtly asking when her turn would be - and I decided to give it to her. I pulled Becca's sucking lips off my cock - the girl applied so much intense suction that my cock could scarcely escape - and then switched my free hand from Becca to Jinx. "Jinx's turn," I said, putting as much authority into my voice as I could - and Becca didn't fight back against the order.

I took hold of one of Jinx's braids - they looked like they'd been frayed during last night's activities, but they weren't completely undone - and dragged her up to my tip, slowly and forcefully pushing my cock into her hot, wet mouth. She hummed in delight at the sensation, a cocksure grin on her lips as I calmly pushed her down, until my dick was once more buried in her throat.

Even though my hand was off her hair, Becca just quietly stared at my cock, patiently waiting for her turn. Watching her go from violently fighting for any chance at my cock to waiting on hands and knees for her turn, staring at my cock while her dripping-wet pussy told me how much she wanted to suck it... it excited me. I liked dominant stuff in my porn - loving slave girls saying "yes, Master!" was my favorite kind - but with both my previous girlfriends, sex had been fun and loving but never really dominant. This was different from both of those: I had real power over a real woman, and my cock pulsed inside of Jinx's throat.

At that point, I realized I'd been holding Jinx down as I stared at Becca's ass, so I pulled her up and off, watching as she gasped for air. Becca didn't dive in now that my cock was exposed. Even in profile, I could see the hunger in her eyes as she stared at my cock, but she was patiently waiting for my go-ahead as it throbbed in the air, coated in Jinx's spit. "Naomi, wait," I said, and I gently let go of Naomi's hair - and the gorgeous, buxom, muscular woman just stayed in place, almost swaying as she stared down at my cock, her mouth open, drool slowly sliding down her tongue.

That moment seemed to stretch out, my gaze on the slow movement of a droplet of saliva down the length of Naomi's tongue, the way it stretched and then dripped down onto the bed. All three women were still in that moment, and it gave me an incredible thrill. I swallowed. Was I in charge here? I'd been so intimidated by how aggressive Becca and Jinx had acted, but now...

"Can I suck your cock now, Max?" Becca whined out.

"Fuck that, it's my go!" Jinx demanded.

"Please," Naomi breathed out, trembling in place, scarcely controlling her body.

My cock throbbed at the show. Three gorgeous women, all wanting my cock, and me, the one in absolute control of the situation. It was something out of my wildest sexual fantasies, but here it was, happening in real life, and I'd probably never get another chance at it. They'd been drunk last night, and this morning they were clearly horny, but who would want to pick up the phone for another fivesome with one dick?

"Lie down on the bed, with your heads hanging off the side," I ordered - and as I let go of Jinx's braid, I watched as all three girls instantly moved to obey. I rose to my feet, finding the bed unusually close to the ground as I got up, but I also noticed the masturbating, kneeling form of Vivi. "That goes for you too, Vivi," I added. There was a sort of intense, brainless delight in watching as she scampered into place, her tits still stained with dried cum from what was, presumably, the previous night. Her mouth fell open, tongue dancing out, and all three other girls were doing much the same, hair flowing upside down.

I felt like a God. It was a rush of power. I had four wide-open mouths, all waiting for my cock. "Who wants my cock in their mouthpussy first?!" I demanded, my excitement dripping through in my questionable choice of dirty talk.

Nobody minded, though! Instead, I got a cacophony of begging: "Me, me!" Each girl was energetic in her response. Eager. Desperate. My length just twitched in the air. I wasn't just getting four girls begging for my dick - they were begging for my dick in their mouths! I mean, my first girlfriend had liked blowjobs (that's probably part of why I like them so much), but it had been more flirty fun, like cuddling. These girls were reacting to the thought of sucking my dick like a horny masosub reacted to the chance to finally come at the end of a denial scene!

Still, the decision on whose mouth to put my cock in wasn't really hard. Vivi had been watching patiently from the sidelines up until now! I stuffed my cock right down her throat. It felt exactly like a normal girl's mouth and throat, the only exception being that her tongue felt particularly long and flexible as it slithered along my cock upside down.

Well, that and the fact that she could talk with a dick down her throat. An EM's platform just uses a voice synthesizer, they don't actually push air out through their lungs to speak. "Thank you for fucking my throat, Max! You have the best cock I've ever seen! That includes all the cocks in all the porn I've ever watched, which is a lot, and includes computer generated and drawn cocks! Thank you for letting me taste it, it tastes sooo good, it smells so good, ahn," she said, her whole body squirming as I just pumped at her face. Her tongue was wild inside of her mouth, rubbing at my dick. Her throat was gulping at my cock.

And then - in what probably shouldn't have been a surprise - Vivi actually came like that, moaning as her hips bucked up into the air, her body spasming wildly in bliss. I pulled out of her throat at that point. My moment's hesitation earned another chorus of, "Me next!" "Please!" "I want it!" from the other three.

Becca was next to Vivi, so I thrust my cock right into her waiting mouth, and her response was to moan happily around my cock, slurping and sucking on it noisily. Her hands reached out for my hips, grabbing me by them and yanking me down her throat, which just swelled to accommodate my girth. Just like Vivi, she was an EM, so as she twisted her mouth on my cock, her green hair flowing downwards towards the ground, she spoke up. "Max, you love my tight throat, don't you? I love how your cock feels when it's stretching out my throat. So big and hard and manly." She just mashed her nose right into my balls as she ground herself down on my cock.

"Your throat feels great, Becca," I told her, which was the honest truth. She slurped all the more happily on my cock, letting out a little noise of glee, twisting around on my cockhead. I ran my fingers along her naked body, teasing her perky, off-white nipples, the perfect round nubs seeming to invite my attention as my fingertips trailed around and around. Her legs kicked at the air, her arousal clearly already through the roof... and then I slid my hand down towards her pussy. One brush of my fingertip against her clit was enough to set her off, an animalistic moan vibrating my cock inside of her throat.

I just pulled out, and the next girl in line was Naomi, who had fish hooked her mouth with both hands, tongue dancing at the air, her expression excited and eager. I didn't hesitate, stuffing my cock right into her throat, hands going for her tits, using them like handholds as I started to fuck her face in that position. My balls slapped at her nose, and she let out all sorts of choked little noises, moaning and quivering on the bed, completely lost in her own bliss as I rutted at her face. All the while, her sucking, eager lips worked over my cockhead, her tongue going absolutely wild. She was coming, clearly, but she'd started almost instantly, so I gave her a good minute or so of a facefuck before I pulled out, leaving her panting on her back on the bed.

"Finally! Stick it in, Max," Jinx said, opening her mouth into a wide o-shape. "It's the tastiest-mmf!" Was as far as she got, before I stuffed my dick into her mouth, enjoying the feeling of her throat around my cock. My hands wandered her body, playing with her soft, natural breasts, sliding down towards her pussy, and I found she was on a hair trigger, though not quite to the same extent as Becca - it took a good three or four strokes with my finger inside of her slick sex for her to actually come, moaning around my cock all over again.

I just went for it. I grabbed the girls and manhandled them into new positions, or ordered them to line up however I wanted. I fucked them from behind and the front. I used their pussies and mouths both. When I spoke, it was to give orders and make demands - and they were always satisfied. Every time I pushed against what I thought a limit might be, I found that it wasn't a limit at all, all of them eager to suck and fuck my cock for as long as it took. Vivi and Naomi gladly gave me a double titfuck; Becca let me hotdog her ass cheeks before sticking it right up her butt and just fucking her standing; Jinx offered up her braids like reins to make it easier for me to fuck her face as she knelt before me.

I also realized, at some point, that I hadn't come. I mean, I'd definitely been enjoying myself a lot. The act was more than satisfying enough that if we'd stopped right then, it still would have been the best sex of my life. But my orgasm didn't feel like something off in the distance, growing closer with each thump of my hips against Becca's ass. It felt more like an option, something I could choose to have, and just hadn't yet.

So I pulled out of Becca's ass (which was, obviously, clean: EMs don't need to shit), stuffed my dick down Vivi's throat, and then grabbed all four of them, pushing their faces together so they were kneeling in front of me. Only then did I erupt, not even bothering to jerk off, spraying hot cum all across their eager faces. Their tongues danced happily through the air as cum rained down on their faces, and the moment I was done coming - which took quite a while, they got drenched - they started clearing off their faces, fingers growing sticky as they gobbled down cum like starving pigs, eager to slurp it off their faces. Vivi was the first to clean her face off, and then immediately proceeded to start licking off other girls' faces, earning a shove from Becca and an incoherent garbled moan from Naomi as she licked the muscular, large-breasted woman's face clean.

That show enticed me to stick my dick right back between the pair's tits, watching them lick and suckle at my tip as they worked me over, tongues dancing through the air as they traded off roles, Becca and Jinx both watching with jealous need all their own.

* * *

By the end of things, Naomi and Jinx were sweat-soaked and exhausted, practically plastered to the bed as they gasped for breath. Becca and Vivi were both EMs, so their bodies didn't get tired like a normal person's did, but they still looked happy to bask in the afterglow of a long, hard round of sexy fun.

I couldn't believe my luck - or, well, I could believe it, since I'd spent the past hour or more enjoying it. But I couldn't believe that it would last! This morning had been amazing, and last night (presumably) had been similarly fun, but I was a thirty-something PhD doing archaeological work, who'd only had two girlfriends up until that point. Guys like me didn't get to have orgies with multiple women, at least not without paying for it, or maybe being in some kind of poly thing which involved all the girls also fucking four different guys!

"I have to go pee," I told Becca, who let out a little whine but released my arm.

"That was so good," she said, her voice soft. She sounded like she wanted even more! I was definitely tempted to give it to her, just because she was cute and sexy and only looked even more cute and sexy after getting fucked for an hour.

I resisted the urge, though. I really did have to go to the bathroom! I could make my way over the clothes that were discarded last night without much difficulty, even in the dim lighting, though as I got to the bathroom, I noticed the doorway seemed a little lower than usual. Back on Earth, basically all the doors are human-ish height, at 203cm/6'8" tall at least. Out here in space, though, since almost all aliens are taller than humans, they're normally more like 274cm/9'. This one looked like they'd chunked off a good half foot or more, bringing it down to something more like 244cm/8'. It wasn't illegal or anything, but it'd make stuff inconvenient for Felids and male Warstriders, both of whom were taller than that on average.

Still, it was a hotel, so maybe it focused on humans. I entered the bathroom, flipped up the toilet lid, and just peed for a good minute straight, sighing in relief as my bladder unloaded. When I was done, I closed the lid and flushed (Guys! Close the lid before you flush! Otherwise your pee literally flies all over the room!), then stepped over to the sink to wash, and froze up as I saw my naked body in the mirror.

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, because I'm not! Really! But I looked really, stupidly, obscenely good! The big dick thing was one thing, but this was a whole other! I was suddenly really muscular, and my face looked subtly different in like a hundred different ways. I'd known a guy back in college who had shooped himself into looking really hot in photos (I don't know why, some kind of dysphoria?), and this was like that, except even more, and it was real!

For a second I thought maybe the mirror was actually one of those display screen thingies, and it just had a setting to make you insanely sexy, but I slid my fingers along the edges and gently rapped at it with my knuckles - it was clearly just a normal mirror!

I felt like I was going crazy, so I wanted somebody to talk to. Becca seemed to really like me, and also was an EM so she wouldn't be wobbling over, so I called for her. "Becca!"


"Could you come here?" I asked. I could hear her scramble off the bed, practically zipping over to the bathroom door, swinging it open. She was naked as a jaybird. I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but she really does have a cute and rockin' body! Her skin tone is nice and sexy, and her tattoos are surprisingly tasteful given two of them are skull designs and one of them includes the word 'DICK'! (It's for her favorite author, Philip K. Dick, and that's not a lie I believe because I'm dumb; the full tattoo is P.K. Dick.)

Up until that point, I hadn't really noticed it, given all the different positions Becca and I had been in... but she was also really, really short. Like, her head didn't come up to my shoulders, short. "What is it, Max?" She asked.

"Um. How tall are you, Becca?"

"Five foot even," she replied, though her jaw rolled around for a moment awkwardly. "Why?"

I shook my head. "Come in here," I said, and she entered the bathroom readily, eyeing my cock. (It was hard again. Because there was a cute and sexy girl who really liked me, and was naked, and I was naked, so of course it was.) "This mirror isn't messed up, right?"

She instantly turned her attention to the mirror, twisting her head from side to side, then looking up at me. "No. Why? You look really good!"

"That's why." I placed one hand on top of her head, and she momentarily wore a flat expression before I raised it up towards my head height. "How tall would you guess I am?"

"My AR says you're 198 cm (6'6")," she told me. Oh. Right. She was an EM. They all had ARs. "I think when you're bio, you can gain a few inches in space. Lower gravity and stuff. Your first time on Zaun?"

"It's not that, I take my meds." Also, the height boost was at most ten centimeters (4") in full on zero gravity (which Zaun wasn't), and I was 175cm (5'9") normally. I stepped out of the bathroom, and I could feel Becca's eyes on my bouncing cock as I went to find my wallet. I took out my ID card, showing it to her. "This is what I looked like yesterday."

She took the ID card from me, just squinting at it. She held it up into the air, contrasting it with my face, then shook her head. "Nah. This is like, your ugly brother or something. This isn't even some awful STA shot, this is your ugly brother. Well," she paused, "he's not that ugly. Just in comparison, y'know? You musta put on his pants and be really drunk."

"I have two older sisters and no brother."

"Dad, then?"

"Becca. I'm 32. What's it say on the card?" She looked down at it and pursed her lips. Not old enough to have three adult children. (Much less one with a PhD.)

She reached out for my arm at that point, hefting it up and looking up at the air as she felt up my forearm. "No, you're not an EM," she said.

"I kind of guessed."

"Becoming an EM doesn't feel like anything! The new body they give you's designed to look and feel just like your old one." I looked over her naked body again - her skin, eye, and hair color weren't exactly natural. "Yeah, I got some work done pre-mortem too," she said, with a cocky grin, planting one hand on her hip and cocking her hips. When she saw that I wasn't throwing her on the bed to fuck again, she spoke up. "Alright." She shrugged. "I give up. What's the trick?"

"I don't know! Just yesterday, I was five nine, and, you know, the ugly brother..."

"I didn't mean it like that!" Becca said, looking panicked as she spoke, waving her hand. "You were plenty cute before too! I just mean, you know, you can see it too, right?" She held up the card. "It's night and day. You look fuckin' white hot now."

"White hot?" Vivi asked from the bed, leaning up. "Are you ready to spray another thick load of hot white cum in me, Max? All three of my holes are ready for more!"

Becca actually rolled her eyes at that. "No, Vivi. Shush." She looked me over, then shrugged again. "Well, what's it matter, right? You're hot, you've got a rockin' bod, who cares if you didn't have it yesterday?" She plastered herself to my arm, curling around it eagerly. "Now you've got the looks to make all the girls swoon, and the dick to make them break. We can fuck whene~ever you want, stud," she said, reaching down with one hand for my cock, a big grin on her face as she started to stroke me.

I wound up giving in and fucking her on the bed again, though my bewilderment at my sudden change in body didn't disappear.