Chereads / Four Horsemen of Apocalypse / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29: Aftermath II

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29: Aftermath II

Chapter 29: Aftermath II

Southern Helia.

Yosen Magic Affiliated Academy.

Disciplinary Committee.

"And that is all that happened."

As Damian gave his report. The entire disciplinary committee fell into a huge silence.

Especially their chairman, who looked over to their vice chairman.

No, it wasn't only the chairman; it was every member. Subtly or not, they looked over to him.

Asterion Blackwood.

He too, like Celeste, came from the Blackwood family.

And… he is Celeste's immediate younger brother.

However, unlike what most would think, it wasn't shared between them.

Celeste had made sure her fault was only hers alone, which gave him more freedom, free from those pointing hands and scornful gaze.

"I see, thank you for your hard work, Damian, or should I say, as expected of a Creed."

Currently, amongst the first years, the Creed was now known as a symbol of power.

You may be strong, but you're just below the Creeds.

You may be smart, but you're just below the Creeds.

And perhaps they may be right.

Especially after this incident, they came to accept it.

Rather, it was even tough for the A-class member who had witnessed Damian clear a horde of monsters on his own.

Then, amongst those that even knew about the Creed in the entire school were a few amongst the second and third years.

"Anti-order, huh? What a problem."


"Yeah, our competent first years wiped out their entire forces, leaving only their leader to escape. It should be safe to say—"

"Should we assume Yosen is being targeted?"

The chairman had spoken up, followed by his vice, Asterion, speaking up, while the entire committee room fell into silence.

"It's a stretch, don't you think?"

However, Damian was quick to reject the idea.

"Even they are not so foolish as to openly target Yosen."

Ignoring them aside, Yosen was affiliated with the Magic Affilated down to the bone.

It wouldn't just pass the affiliates trying to cover things up.

At that point, in fact, a war might break out regardless.

Not only does Yosen have students from big families attending their Magic College.

It is also a school ruled over by those who valued traditional hierachy like such.

Even before the affiliates would move a muscle. Families like the Rosebell, Furinaga, Beastfallen, and others would have made their move to crush the Anti-order.

Now, whether they could or not would be simply up to them.

"I see… But still doesn't change the fact. Still, I commend you and your brothers. Excellent job, Creeds."

Hearing that praise, Damian waved his hand, shaking his head.

"But, I'm more or less concerned about what they stole. A mana reactor, was it?"

"Hah? Wait, isn't that the thing that keeps the floats running?"

A huge structure like the floats, obviously, would need more than just electricity to operate.

Should they have tried to use natural resources, it would completely dry up human resources in the span of a few years.

That was how overpowered it was.

It could keep producing energy by colliding mana against itself to produce more mana.

In other words, infinite mana.

Though, this knowledge wasn't known to most.

And by most, it meant that if you weren't from a big family or affiliated with one, then there's no way you'd know.

"Not quite; it's an incomplete mana reactor."

You'd love to know that a certain someone, as though they weren't satisfied with the tech from the "other side," had snuck into the underground laboratory.

Of course, he himself was dragged by that person.

Rubbing both hands together while licking their lips, they had made a copy of the entire data stored on the camp's network.

According to them, "Hehehehe~ There's no way I'd let such a chance pass. This is even easier than hacking their database!"

They had said that with a wide grin on their face.

And to be honest.

For a huge database from just a mere camp, one would be surprised to see how much data they have.

It didn't just include research but also data of people, scientists, and undisclosed files—top-secret ones.


So he laughed.

'Let's ignore that fool.'

Damian thought as his gaze fell on his fellow disciplinary committee once more.

"Hm. Make sense, after all; those things were made by… no, still, even if incomplete, they could still be used in a more dangerous way than the affiliates use them."

Hearing their chairman's words, they all nodded.

"Let's leave that depressing talk aside. We have better agendas to cover today, two of them."


"Ah, yes, it's about time, no?"

"Yes. The school's mid-semester is close by. There are not more than two weeks left; however, rather than the normal mid-semesters, Yosen is making it an inter-mid-semester."

As those words left his mouth, a few of the disciplinary members all let out an "ooooh" with mouths forming an "o" shape.

This was one of the rare times when Yosen did have the chance to compete against other schools.

"Chih! Sadly, it's only for the first years!"

"You said it!"

Most of them had muttered frustratedly, after all, that was the only time most that came from big families had the opportunity to show off to other families.

But speaking of show-offs.

"Ahh, forget it, it's wraps for the first years."

One had particularly said that, hands together, eyes closed as if they had given up.

"Ahh… the Creeds, huh?"

"It's like telling the chairman to fight a bunch of first-years."

Hearing that, the chairman had let out a snort, but also at this moment, he spoke up.

"That's not all; from the report I received from Eira, the 'other side" will be participating too."


"No way."

"For real?"

The room fell into complete silence once more.

In terms of aptitude for "magic-related" subjects, the "other side" was above them in many ways.

They are not called "Magic-Born" for nothing.

"Magic-born or not, I highly doubt they'd be any trouble."

At this point, Damian had said such things casually.

Normally, any normal person hearing this would have thought Damian was being arrogant.

However, to them, they knew better.

"Regardless, you may be strong, but you can't underestimate those people, you know?"

"I know that."

Of course, Damian knows that.

After all, a younger brother of his keeps on nagging about the potential while estimating how much more proficient they were in magic compared to humans.

Even though he wouldn't openly acknowledge it, he'd learnt a lot from Shane.

"And yes. Since, because of the first year's open mid-semester, I'll have the second-years and third-years know that our mid-semester is next week."

The chairman had particularly said this with a fearless grin on his face, making the entire disciplinary body tense up.

On their faces were tense and nervous expressions that one couldn't quite define.

"I'm sure you all know what this means."

A heavy atmosphere also befalls the room at the moment.

"Anyone who receives less than 'a certain point," you already know the rules."


They gulped down nervously before letting a weary smile out.

"Hahaha… You underestimate us, chairman."

"Yes, yes… Hahaha… shit."

Their replies, however, didn't matter to him.

The reason why Yosen had done this was to have enough manpower on the ground for the first year on the day.

Not only the disciplinary committee and student council, but most second and third years would be subjected to helping.

And naturally, with this event being a once-in-three-years event, it made it all the more exciting.

Even though they weren't participating in the inter-semesters, they had the chance of meeting rivals from other schools.

And not only that, big shots from the affiliates and beyond would be making their way.

What was there not to get excited about?

"Well then, since that has been settled, let's talk about the second agenda for today."

"The student council president has recommended another student to us today."

Hearing that, Damian raised an eyebrow. He already had an idea of who was joining the committee.

"Kaiden Creed."

Called it.

In hindsight, Damian too had also acknowledged Kaiden's powers were more suited for the disciplinary committee than him.

And, seeing the reports about Kaiden, he—the chairman—had gotten curious too.

"I've read reports about your little brother, and he does seem like he would be an asset to the disciplinary committee; what do you say?"

"Hm. Kaiden is particularly good when it comes to restraining opponents, so there's no need to worry."

"Alright, all in favour of welcoming Kaiden Creed into our midst."

There was a unanimous vote.

Everyone had raised their hands up. In fact, an addition was welcomed.

Yosen was quite big, and ten of them couldn't entirely manage the student body.

Their job consisted of patrolling and making sure there wasn't discord amongst students.

It was not that they couldn't recruit more students; they could, however, recruit a weaker student body, as cruel as it sounds, was a no-go.

Yeah, trying to fight an upper-ranked third year while being a lower-ranked second year, good job trying to fulfil your role as a disciplinarian.

In fact, most troubles came directly from the second years themselves.

And Damian, naturally, for the past month, had subdued more than a few of them.

Then, if another one like Damian, whose powers were then suited to solving this in an even better manner.

Why not?

"It's decided then, Kaiden Creed, from tomorrow on you will be one of us."

"And… that is all for today, dismissed."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone stood up, then packed their things as they began to head out.

As Damian walked out the door, surprisingly, someone who had been silent throughout the entire meeting, albeit only speaking up during the first few minutes, approached him.

"Damian, please wait up."


Damian turned towards him, looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"Shane Creed, can I speak to him?"

Asterion asked.


Damian was completely taken aback when he first heard that, however—

"I have something important to speak with him about."

The Blackwood had clarified, making him let out an "ahh" sound.

Must be fate, Damian guessed.

After all, amongst most he knew, Shane was the closest to Celeste.

If you went by her track record in this school, which wasn't very good, it'd only make sense that the younger brother would want to meet with him.

As for why, he could only speculate so much.

But it wasn't his business.

"Alright, I'll take you to him."

"Thank you very much."

The smile on his face was strained, one that bothered being a real smile and one that was not.

However, he just wanted to get this done with and head home.

4:50 PM

It was currently, yet exceedingly, close to evening time.

The skies were slowly turning orange, and the sun was slowly sinking above the horizon.

Birds chirped. Students chattered.

The sounds of engines reverberated at the far distance.

Today was slowly nearing its end.