Chereads / Kingdom Of Shadow / Chapter 13 - Adventurers Guild

Chapter 13 - Adventurers Guild

-Alexis Lycan, 18 years old-

Alexis steps through the checkpoint at the gate and takes in the city. It is a truly impressive sight. Massive towers and imposing buildings dot the sprawling cityscape. The sheer size is understandable for Neverand City is an expansive trade hub for the northern reaches of the Empire.

The city had also once part of the Lycan Dukedom centuries ago. But it had unfortunately been lost when the family started losing power and influence.

The gate guards' eye the girls on the horse that is following Alexis but opt to say nothing. The two are clearly with him and don't need to be thoroughly screened. Also, asking too many questions of a high noble is out of their pay grade and quite dangerous.

Alexis continues leading the horse down the main thoroughfare of the city, keeping his eyes open for a clothing store or something of the like. His first priority is to properly clothe Samantha and Tilly, who are still pitifully covering their near nude forms with just a blanket.

They only have to walk a minute or so before he spots a shop that would do nicely. He guides the horse to the entrance before stepping back and motioning for them to dismount. They have to slowly clamber down themselves. They cannot stand the touch of man right now, regardless of who it was.

After they successfully dismount the horse, Alexis pushes open the doors to the shop. Inside is a single person, an elderly lady who is mending a torn shirt, sitting behind the counter. She has bone white hair and a kind, wrinkled face.

"Hello hello." She says without looking up, still concentrating on her work. "Just give me a minute."

Alexis smiles to himself.

"Of course." he says. He looks over the garments on display. They were not made with the best materials, but the traces of a master of their craft is evident in the careful work. It seems he chose the right place to stop after all. The shelves and walls are full of clothes of various styles and materials.

The old lady finally completes the shirt before lazily looking up. Her eyes lock with Samantha and Tilly and her eyes shoots open. She jumps up out of her seat and leans forward.

"Good heavens!" she shouts. "What happened?" she says while turning to Alexis questioningly.

Alexis holds his hands out in a gesture of peace.

"I rescued them from a gang of bandits a few hours out." he says softly, so the girls don't overhear. "I'm sure you can guess what they have been through."

The elderly lady glances at the two girls with sadness in her eyes.

"Aye, I can guess." she mutters. She then walks over to the girls and stands before them. They look at her warily.

"Let's get you dears into proper clothes." she says while smiling a motherly smile. The two girls smile hesitantly and nod their heads. They are ready to get out of their ripped clothing.

Alexis walks towards the door and says over his shoulder to the woman.

"I'll be waiting outside."


About half an hour later the door to the shop opens and the two girls step out. They both wear the same style of plain, yet well-made dresses. Samantha's is a light blue and Tilly's yellow. They each wear a small smile as they run their hands down the dresses. They are clearly enamored. The elderly lady appears in the doorway and grins at them like a grandmother watching over her grandchildren.

Alexis flashes a quick smile as he watches the girls.

"You two look charming." He says smoothly.

Then turns girls blush and hide their faces from the Duke.

"Tha-Thank you Du- ...I mean Alexis." Samantha eventually stutters.

"Thank you!" Tilly squeaks out.

Alexis then turns towards the elderly woman and procures a golden dragon from his satchel and places it in her hand.

"Thank you for taking care of them." Alexis says warmly.

"Think nothing of it, Duke Lycan." The elderly woman replies while grinning at him. Alexis raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. She must have seen his pin and guessed his identity, he reasons.


Alexis leads the girls towards an imposing building constructed of black stone and reinforced black iron columns. It seems more of a fortress than anything. A sign hangs above the door, written in elegant letters, that reads: Adventurers Guild.

Alexis looks at the girls and speaks to them in a kind yet firm voice. "Stay right next to me." He waits for their nods before pushing open the door and walking inside.

The interior is more welcoming, with oak floors and solid, yet eye pleasing counters. In the center of the massive room is a bonfire, around which a group of people roasted various meats and drank together. The adventurers in the building are split about evenly, roughly 60 percent males, 40 percent females. Adventuring was a growing profession, and many young women joined in the hopes of escaping a life of being married off to the highest bidder.

Alexis walks towards one of the many desks and greets the beautiful receptionist.

"Hello, I would like to register as an adventurer." He says, giving the woman a winning smile.

The receptionist blushes and giggles softly. Alexis is an extremely attractive man after all.

"Of course, hon, I can help with that." She replies seductively, then glances at Samantha and Tilly. "Will these young ladies be registering as well?"

Alexis shakes his head.

"No, just me."

"I see." She digs in her desk a procures a form and quill. "Will you fill this out for me?"

Alexis takes the parchment and quickly fills in the form, returning it to the woman.

"Alexis." She says his name slowly before standing up. "Everything looks good. Follow me please." She leads him to a pedestal in the corner of the room. On it is a faintly shimmering shard of a crystal that glows white. Crystals such as this one were rarely mined from the ground and are extremely expensive. They are highly reactive to magic and mana.

"Just place your hands on the crystal. It will record your unique mana signature as well as roughly gauge your power level." She explains and gestures for him to step forward.

"Record my mana signature?" Alexis repeats, confused.

"Yes." She nods. "If a crime is committed, such as murder, traces of mana are left in the air. We can then use this to find the perpetrator by identifying the unique signature." She explains dutifully. "Also, we can use your signature to verify if monsters were taken down by you or not."

Alexis thinks a bit before responding "I see."

He then steps forward and places his hands on the crystal. It instantly darkens at his touch, becoming pitch black and emitting a high pitch hum. Small cracks form along the surface of the crystal before it shatters completely into tiny pieces.

The receptionist shrieks and shields her face as shards fly everywhere.

She gazes at Alexis with wide eyes before muttering in a daze.

"Who... are you?"