The success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa continued to ripple through the Bharat film industry, culminating in its selection for several prestigious awards. The film was nominated for Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Actor at the Bharat National Film Awards. Suraj couldn't hide his surprise when he received the official letter. For a production house that was on the verge of bankruptcy a 2 year ago, this was a momentous achievement.
Kamal Singh, who had also been nominated for his role in the film, called Suraj immediately. "See, I told you this was special!" Kamal said, his voice brimming with excitement. "You better prepare a speech. We're going to be walking up to that stage together!"
Suraj chuckled nervously. "Let's not jinx it, Kamalji. I'm just honored we're even nominated."
Despite his modesty, Suraj felt a sense of pride. This wasn't just about recognition; it was validation of all the hard work and risks that had gone into making Bhool Bhulaiyaa.
Around the same time, Suraj received an invitation from Bharat's most prestigious film school, the Institute of Cinematic Arts, to speak at an upcoming event. They wanted him as a guest lecturer and keynote speaker to inspire aspiring filmmakers.
Initially hesitant, Suraj wasn't sure he was ready to step into such a role. "I'm still learning myself," he told Aryan.
"But that's exactly why they want you," Aryan said, always quick to encourage his brother. "You've done something amazing, bhaiya. You can share your journey, and who knows, you might inspire someone else to take that leap of faith."
After some thought, Suraj agreed. The event was scheduled for the following week.
The day of the event arrived, and Suraj found himself standing in front of a packed auditorium filled with eager students. The campus was buzzing with excitement, and banners with his name and the Bhool Bhulaiyaa logo adorned the hallways.
As Suraj walked onto the stage, he was greeted with thunderous applause. He adjusted the microphone, scanning the sea of young faces.
"Thank you for having me here," he began, his voice steady despite the nervous butterflies in his stomach. "To be honest, I never thought I'd find myself in a position to speak at a place like this. 2 year ago, I was just a struggling filmmaker trying to save my family's production house. And now, here I am, standing in front of all of you. Life, as they say, is full of surprises."
The audience laughed and cheered, instantly warming up to him.
Suraj shared his journey, from inheriting a struggling production company to navigating the challenges of making Bhool Bhulaiyaa. He talked about the doubts he faced, the risks he took, and the lessons he learned along the way.
"One thing I've realized," he said, "is that success isn't about getting everything right. It's about staying true to your vision, even when things don't go as planned. There were moments when I thought I'd made a mistake, when the pressure felt too overwhelming. But I kept going because I believed in the story I wanted to tell."
The students listened intently, some taking notes while others nodded in agreement.
After his speech, Suraj opened the floor for questions.
A student raised her hand. "Sir, what inspired you to write Bhool Bhulaiyaa? And how did you balance the elements of horror and comedy so seamlessly?"
Suraj smiled. "The inspiration came from my love for stories that blend contrasting emotions. Life isn't just one thing—it's funny, scary, emotional, and unpredictable. I wanted the film to reflect that. And as for the balance, it was all about trusting the team. Everyone from the actors to the technicians brought their A-game, and that made all the difference."
Another student asked, "What's your advice for someone who wants to start in the industry but doesn't have any connections?"
Suraj leaned forward. "Start where you are, with what you have. Write that script, shoot that short film, or create that reel. The tools are more accessible now than ever before. And remember, it's not about how many people you know. It's about the work you put out. If it's good, it'll find its way to the right audience."
The session was filled with laughter, thoughtful discussions, and candid moments. Suraj made sure to connect with the students, addressing their doubts and sharing personal anecdotes.
Later, Suraj joined a group of students for an informal discussion in the campus café. They asked him about his future projects, his creative process, and even his favorite movies.
"Do you ever feel like giving up?" one student asked.
"All the time," Suraj admitted with a chuckle. "But that's when you have to remind yourself why you started. For me, it's my family, my love for storytelling, and the belief that every challenge is an opportunity to grow."
The students were captivated by his honesty. They asked him for advice on everything from handling rejection to finding inspiration. Suraj, in turn, encouraged them to take risks, learn from their failures, and never stop dreaming.
As the event came to an end, the students presented Suraj with a small token of appreciation—a framed sketch of him surrounded by elements from Bhool Bhulaiyaa. Suraj was touched by the gesture and promised to display it in his office.
Before leaving, the event organizers conducted a short interview with Suraj for their campus magazine.
"Suraj Sharma, you've become an inspiration for many. What message would you like to leave for aspiring filmmakers?"
Suraj thought for a moment before answering. "Never underestimate the power of storytelling. A good story can change lives, bring people together, and even challenge the way we see the world. If you have a story to tell, don't hold back. The world is waiting to hear it."
As Suraj drove home that evening, he reflected on the day's events. He felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing he had connected with the next generation of filmmakers. Aryan greeted him at the door, eager to hear about the experience.
"How was it?" Aryan asked.
Suraj smiled. "It was amazing. Those students—they reminded me of why I started this journey in the first place. Their passion, their curiosity—it's infectious."
Aryan grinned. "Sounds like you've got a whole new fan base now."
Suraj laughed. "Maybe. But more importantly, I think I've found a way to give back. If I can inspire even one person to chase their dreams, it's all worth it."
As he settled into his chair, Suraj opened the framed sketch the students had given him and placed it on his desk. It was a reminder of the impact his work had—not just on audiences, but on those who dreamed of following in his footsteps.
And in that quiet moment, Suraj realized that his journey was about more than just making movies. It was about creating a legacy that would inspire others to dream, to take risks, and to tell their own stories.
Author note:-
:- sorry for irregular update
:- support the story with power stones for extra chapters and motivation 😁