Chapter 12 - CHAPTER XII

Five months later.

-Personal notes of Owen Smith-

The Fall of the Saderan Empire. Many in Falmart never expected such a turn of events, nor did ever in their minds expect such a thing. But then, it happened. The Empire of Sadera, an entity that has stood for 600 years, a nation with the span of a continent, vanished within just one week. Now, Falmart recognized a new superpower, the Galactic Imperium. And this is not without a cause or out of the blue, as during the last five months, the Imperium has made themselves known and feared by other nations of Falmart. And it all thanks to one person, Governor Piña Co Lada.

Much has changed in the last five months. Piña, with her powers as Governor, did all she could to cement the Imperium's dominance of the continent. Her efficiency in ruling, her just and caring features, her cunning in politics, and her ruthlessness made her a terrifying ruler. The Falmartians called her, the Demonness Governor.

As per her promise, she abolished the Saderan nobility as a whole, leaving only the Formars who have been very much of a help for the Imperium, granting Marchioness Myui Formar special nobility status, and announcing her as Piña's second in command as her assignment as Planetary Leader of Falmarra Prime.

The nobles of Sadera have many to say, in all they are against her decision to abolish nobility. Some have risen against her, which was a stupid thing to do, considering Piña is in total control. She ordered severe crackdowns on those who conspire against the Imperium, with Arbites Judgement Corps dispatched to deliver swift law enforcement and judgment, many of which ended with executions. Many assets and lands are seized, and nobles who rebel are persecuted and left to rot with nothing left to even feed their own. Thus, placing the old nobility under heavy prejudice, under Piñas iron grip.

The Hawks have all been judged and put to trial, the majority are put to life in prison, and they are sent across the Imperium to live their pathetic lives as manual laborers in penal factories. Those who are involved directly in the sacking of the Voglians are sent there to rebuild the Voglian villages and towns.

As for Zorzal, he was sentenced to life in prison. No one knows exactly where he was sent. Some say he rots in a penal camp or is subjected to experiments. The important thing is, he will never be seen ever again.

Her tyrannical methods would've made her hated on her own, if she didn't pluck a move straight from Augustus the Unifier's book. Welfare improvement. Public services, emergency services, and full-fledge stratified economy for all. Free healthcare, free social services, free education, and no taxes until economic recovery of the people has been made. She even fulfilled one of her major promises, the emancipation of slaves and the abolishment of slavery. Her actions made her a saint, praises of the common folk outmatched the wail of agony by the nobility.

By orders of Young Master Lucius, Falmarra Prime, the major continent of Falmart is now open for business. And to this day, investors and interstellar businesses flooded the continent, vying to make a business and make the most that Falmart can offer. In a short time, Falmart's economy began to skyrocket to a whole new heights. New job vacancies are made means better livelihood. Better livelihood, means people prosper. If people are prospering, people will be happy. Of course, the Imperium also introduced new ways for the people. To be able to create high-quality foodstuffs, to harvest goods in massive quantities without hard efforts, and to terraform infertile lands into one rich with minerals. In just short months, the people began to sway in heavy favor of the Imperium.

Piña also fulfills her promise to Tyuule. Clearing her name, raised her as a hero of Falmart, and assigned the entire Great Grasslands as Voglian Reservation, assigning Tyuule as Queen Tyuule, Reservation Leader of Voglians. While her decision caused some of the investors to protest, they can do nothing about it but sulk. And with high popularity, the people wouldn't dare to defy Piña for obvious reasons.

Of course, her governance came with challenges. That is if it can be called a challenge. More of, a stepping stone for Piña to ensure Imperium dominance.

The Great Falmart Coalition.

"Hey, let's all unite against a powerful entity that crushed a long-standing superpower swiftly within a week. Yeah, seemed to be a great idea! Surely, there's nothing wrong with that."

It's completely wrong and stupid. No one knows what kind of train of thought these people have, to go against the Imperium, just because we crushed the old superpower. Now that's just stupid.

The Great Falmart Coalition, was a coalition of nations all across the continent for one sole purpose, to wage war against the Galactic Imperium and to plunder all the riches they could get their hands on, and thus they declared war. I remember clearly when Piña heard of the formation of the coalition and the declaration of war. She cackled. She cackled like a madwoman. I mean, who wouldn't? I did, and many of my colleagues did. Now, how do you think things have gone for the coalition?

Well, for starters. Since they declared war first, she didn't hesitate. She had tried many times for them to fold diplomatically and just accept the generosity of the Imperium, but they wanted more, and they thought they could force the Imperium to give them what they wanted, they mistook the Imperium's kindness for weakness. And so, she gave a bone-chilling, explicit order to the 5th Cerberus Pack.

"Have fun."

And boy, the boys did have their fun. A quick, efficient, yet brutal war ensues. No, it's more of a massacre than a war in all honesty. It's a given, of course. When the Imperator's War Hounds are unleashed, they're bound to wreak havoc everywhere they go. Cities after city are destroyed, armies crushed, and their lands oftentimes ruined by hazardous waste. They left nothing, they destroyed everything. The worst that suffered were the western kingdoms, Piña wanted to make an example of them. So she did what was the worst, yet acceptable act from a military standpoint.

She glassed the entire western lands. She ordered the 25th Classis to bombard the western fringes of the continent to glass, and she ordered them explicitly to bombard them at close range so that all could see who had done it.

The bombardment lasted for the duration of this "war". This horrendous, yet military-acceptable act terrified the entire continent, save for the people who have been graced by the caring hands of the Imperium. Coalition nations sued for peace one by one, which she eventually accepted with her imposing heavy price and punishment. Of course, she made sure they paid the price first by making them suffer at the hands of Cerberus.

The aftermath of this "war", is that Imperium dominance is assured. Nations are either annexed or vassalized, with many falling victim to interstellar corporate abuse, shackled by policies of the megacorps which made life a living hell. Casualties are in the millions. Especially after the glassing of the western fringes, which the Falmartians called the event "Great Dread". Western fringes are beyond recovery in the natural sense. The Imperium could restore them if need be, but why should they? Why should Piña do so?

Piña in her words to me, has already given her stick towards Saderans. And she thought after the example she made with Sadera, she thought the rest would follow suit and she would just give them the carrot. But no, they all prefer to have more than what they can chew. She decided to not give them a stick, but a bullwhip. And even though they all begged for the carrot now, we all knew in the Imperium, all of the galaxy knew, you don't cross our kindness. And thus, they deserve only the whip, until the Imperator says otherwise.

Piña Co Lada. A naïve princess turned hardened official of the Imperium. Only the Shroud knows what kind of magic Lucius did to transform a naïve girl into one ruthless ruler.

As for Young Master Lucius, he was enjoying his fruit of labor. His prized pupil/lover has done up to his expectations and more, at least that is what was said directly from him to me. And he was ultimately satisfied with her work of terror against those who are against the Imperium. I swear, these two are a match made in heaven. Or hell, depending on perspective. Nonetheless, they're made for one another.

As for me, my workload has been increased exponentially. While I have Hamilton to help out, her status is still that of a trainee. I'm not blind to her skills, but being the assistant to an interstellar governor and a princess is two different things. So, I took care of most things while Hamilton focused on her training.

Now, speaking about others. Grey is now reassigned as a trainer for Piña's new Falmarran Knights, her new honor guard. Rose Order has been disbanded, with almost every one of them rejoined the Falmarran Knights. While he no longer serves as an active knight, he is glad that he at least can still train the next generation of honor guards for the person he has full faith and loyalty. Bozes married Tomita, now that she doesn't need to worry about her position and prestige and is free to marry anyone.

Beefeater found a man for her. One Major Kim Seongwoo. They both met during the Capture of Sadera. She was tackled by him to dodge falling debris, and both have been in a relationship ever since. Who knew she could be quite the tsundere when in love?

As for me on the love front, I did not expect to get myself together with someone so unexpected like her. I didn't expect to get together with Tyuule. It was out of impulse actually, she and I was drunk during the celebration of the success of capturing Sadera. The next thing I knew, she was already lying atop me, naked. We've been together since then.

At least mine's better than Koji's. He had a lot to explain to everyone back in Japan, to everyone. While he's not going to jail, he's on the police watchlist. Both Piña and I would laugh at his misery, and he revels at his misfortune of being constantly watched by the police. Still, the young Tyueri proved to be less of a problem for Koji. Her parents' death must've flipped a switch in her, she's much more mature than she was before, and more hopelessly in love with Koji.

The situation in Sadera is peaceful. Well, if you can count the bustling noises of mechanical engines of construction equipment rebuilding houses and expanding the city for newcomers across the Imperium are peaceful. At least no instability and people are content, I'll count that as peaceful.

I heard that Piña has just begun to sanction orders for further exploration of the planet, which means I will have my hands full soon. But hey, all for the betterment of the Imperium I guess. I chose this path, you best believe I'm going to finish what I start.


"After all this time, only now you came to visit me."

The voice is coarse and raspy, it sounds sickly and weak.

"How are you doing, father?"

"Heh, does it matter? You took my Empire away, Piña." He said with spite. "Though, I have to admit. I am impressed how you achieve this."

"Only because you made it so," Piña answered back, her voice monotone and uncaring. "You invaded the lands beyond the gates, without knowing what danger poses beyond. Though, I must thank you. Your actions have cemented my future for the better."

Molt Sol Augustus. The former Emperor of Sadera lies in his bed, his lower half remains paralyzed, and his strength is severely weakened. It upset him so and amazed that his daughter, the daughter he thought to be meek and naïve, was able to do things that she did.

"How is it better to be just a governor, when you can be an empress?" Molt questioned.

"I think you misunderstood what a Governor is for the Imperium, father. I am not just a governor for Falmart, no. I am the governor of the entire world and other worlds beyond Falmarra Prime. Soon, I will be Governor of trillions of souls, governor of hundreds of worlds." Piña explained. "But, I guess your simple train of thought couldn't understand that."

"So? What brings you here?"

Piña stood up from the seat beside her father's bed, facing towards the open balcony and looking over the sight of Sadera being rebuilt and expanded with her hands resting as it wrapped around her chest.

"A simple farewell. Soon, you'll be transferred to Terra to answer for your crimes." Piña said. "Now that you're paralyzed, high chance you'll be sentenced to life in prison. But, there's always a last-minute change. I've arranged a lawyer to represent you in the coming trials, the lawyer will make sure to defend you and do their best to get a well-deserved punishment."

"Why are you telling me this?" Molt asked.

"No reason being. I think it's a given to let you know what you're facing." Pinã answered.

"They'll do that? For an enemy like myself?"

"Justice is the right of all sentient beings. No matter how awful one may be, they are deserving of justice and to be tried in a court of law. Justice is without mercy, but it's also fair." Piña said. "That's something old Sadera never grasped. The idea of transparent law enforcement as well as a swift and fair justice system has never sat well with the nobles, not just with Sadera but all of the continent. I have made that everyone is below the law, not above it."

Piña returned her attention to her father, her face looked determined and stern. Yet a single tear dropped from her right eye. Despite having to be decisive and stern, in no way she can handle the emotions of sending one's father away to uncertain doom.

"This is goodbye, father. I can only hope for the best for you. Now excuse me, I still have a lot of work to do."

Her voice was rather cracked when she spoke. Wiping the running tear on the right side of her face, she turned towards the door and walked out of the room. Leaving Molt wanders on his mind, as he gazes upon the small glance of construction in the city.

Piña walked at a fast pace, face flustered and erratic in her breathing. Once reaching a corner, and making sure the coast was clear, Piña leaned on the wall next to her. Her shoulders shivered up and down, as she covered her eyes with her right hand, and hugged herself with the other.

She'd done worse things to ensure order, and she was sometimes proud of her handiwork. Yet, when it comes to her father, she can't help but cry. Despite his wrongdoings, she loves her father still. In her early life, she wanted nothing but to be like her father, to be a person of his great stature, she always idolized that side of her father. Ever since her mother died of sickness, her father has been distant. When she asked Marcus about it, all he had to say was that she reminded him of her mother too much.

Despite it all, she loved him still. He is her father, and she is his daughter. No daughter can handle sending their beloved father to justice like this, and despite the teachings that Lucius gave her to control her emotions, she can't help but cry. She is sending her father to a potential doom, and there's nothing she can do about it. She may be the most powerful person on the planet and the sector, but under no circumstances can she disobey the law. All she can do now is to pray that her father will be well.

She took deep breaths, wiping tears from her eyes as she gathered her strength. She's a governor of the Imperium now, the nation will not wait for her to grieve a potential loss. Recollecting herself, she continues her march towards her office, which was her father's personal study room.

Reaching the office, already she was greeted by officials waiting for her.

"Alright, let's get this over with." She said as she marched and sat at her desk.

One of the officials noticed her distress, possibly noticing her puffy eyes.

"Madam Governor, are you alright?"

"I am fine. Our duty does not wait. Let's begin."

The officials are as such;

• Head of Justice Department, Sarqa Jilob, a Qipazi from Aweakar Prime.

• Head of Department of Treasury, Irene Wayne.

• Head of Interior Department, Liu Zhang.

• Head of Agriculture Department, Qoeranez, a Hiigaran immigrant.

• Head of Commerce Department, Bjorn Eriksson.

• Head of Labor Department, Mauritius, once mayor of Sadera now turned official.

• Head of Health and Public Services Department, Dr. Zachary Wade.

• Head of Housing and Urban Development Department, Zahra Putriayu Dewi.

• Head of Education Department, Vazanier, Voorian immigrant.

• Head of Transportation Department, James Rodriguez.

• Head of Energy Department, Tarenion, Arcadian immigrant.

• Head of Planetary Defense Department, General Aevian Raekaena, Korinthian.

And of course, Owen Smith, her adjutant. They all sat on the long table which was there before to address her father's guests. "Here are the documents which we will need your autographs," Owen said as he uploaded the documents to her data terminal.

Piña gave him a nod, as she turned to her cabinet. "I would like a report of the assessment of our current situation." She said. "Miss Zahra, I would like a report on your front."

Zahra clears her throat, making sure she's in top shape to speak. "We are on schedule in terms of urban development. Development of Megacity Sadera will reach completion within a year or two, in preparation for the massive surge of transmigration of people" She says confidently. "The same goes with developments in other parts of the old empire. While we received some minor problems with locals at the start, specifically crime families, we were able to remedy that with the help of the Justice Department. Although, we are still doing a census as to how many homeless people need housing. Unfortunately, some of the homeless people thought our presence there was to get rid of them. However, we are developing ways to counter this situation. Hopefully, we can gain immediate data and start building free housing for the homeless."

"Good, I am glad to hear that," Piña said with relief. "Magos Vazanier, your assessment."

"Education front is facing major problems. On the entirety of the continent, only 20% of the 692 million people are literate, the majority of them located on Inner Sadera." Vazanier voiced out his concern. "The locals, with all due respect to you Madam Governor, are backwards. The majority of them can't pass the elementary level of testing, it would need us 5 years to make them reach the high school level thanks to genetic splicing. It would've taken us 10 without it. "

"Make it 2 years," Piña said firmly as she eyed the Voor whilst still signing the documents. "Do whatever it takes. Arrange a new proposal for increased budgeting or experimental method if you have to, but I need the population to be at least at the middle school level."

"By your orders, Madam Governor."

"Jirazan Sarqa. On the legal and justice front, how is everything?"

"Everything is as planned. We have everything organized, I just hope we have more local manpower in our ranks." The Qipazi said every word of her made clicking sounds, expected from an insectoid. "In the last few months, we have committed massive amounts of crackdowns on illegal businesses and swift deliverance of justice through the Arbites Judgement Corps. Last information regarding that, we have put down 5949 slave camps and markets with slaves freed in total around 6 million slaves freed, 1427 brothels that used slaves, 7564 taverns using illegal substances, and around 347 crime families we have taken down along with thousands of criminals. We also made sure that our planetside tributaries follow our 'external policies' to the letter, a little help we've managed to get from the Militarum."

Hearing such progress elates Piña, finally something worth her effort and time. Not one single day did she miss praising the Imperium for everything they have, and everything they gave her and her people.

"Good, it soothes my heart that so many people are freed from the unjust situation. And to have our external policies obeyed by our tributaries." Piña said with a wide smile. "Mr. Bjorn. Care to share your assessment?"

"On my department's front, everything is very busy yet still relatively smooth. From the demographic information we've collected from the past months, it's safe to say that Falmart is a mine of opportunities." Bjorn delegated. "However, we are also struggling with manpower. By that, I mean skilled manpower to handle complex work. While I managed to persuade the megacorps to use the manual labor available, we need a specialized, educated, and trained workforce for the growth of quality of the people of Sadera."

Nodding her head, Piña turned to another of her cabinets. "Mrs. Irene Wayne. Your assessment of our current situation?"

"Madam Governor, as of now, our funding is fully covered by the Imperial Treasury as per Young Master's orders. However, we are having trouble with the local populace's currency and determining how much a person owns in Falmart. This is due to the variety of the weight of gold used in minting the currencies. At Sadera proper, they use 10 ounces of gold per coin, and the rest varied between 5-7 ounces." She reported. "However, we are beginning to exchange their gold for our Custodian Credits and Aureus Credits. The estimated time range for this to complete is about next week."

"I see. I expect further updates." Piña said. "Mr. Mauritius. Your assessment on your front."

Swallowing the hanging saliva, Mauritius took a deep breath, trying to be brave in front of everyone. "M-Madam Governor. While I am keen to share, but I-I don't think my presence is needed before everyone here. I-I don't think I fit amongst these great people of nobility."

"Nonsense. Everyone here at my cabinet attains their position through sheer hard work, none of us, including myself are a part of a nobility." Pinã said as she gave him a reassuring look. She knows his problem, being a man of great humility and skill. "You are among friends, share away."

"Y-yes. Madam Governor. My department has been hectic, and the people's enthusiasm towards my department has been very shocking. It is the first-ever time we heard something such as labor rights and minimum wage." Mauritius began to voice his report. "As you ordered, we have already implemented many labor laws for businesses. W-we are collaborating with the Department of Justice to enforce such laws. Monthly inspections and the like. B-But I must say! The people are very grateful for such change to happen!"

"I'm glad that the people are content with our change. A better tomorrow is always within reach." Piña said.

The meetings go on for maybe an hour and a half. After deliberation of the situation, it comes to the discussion of Sectoral Acts. Military and civilian order that Governors can give, as long it does not affect law and order.

The discussion ends with three results. Planetary Stimulus Act, Planetary Exploration Act, and the Internal Technological Prevention Outflow Act.


Airmen Cpt. Darryl "Reek" Dixon and his wingman, Lt. Svetlana "Serp" Ivanderich, are flying above the western seas beyond Falmart. As the new Exploration Act, both airmen are tasked to recon the nearby continent to the southwest. To provide information and an initial assessment of the continent. Both flyers knew it too well, this was going to be a long flight.

Their aircraft, both Avenger-class, have adequate fuel to make three rounds back and forth from the edge of the continent and back to Helnus. Their bodies would be severely sore. Too much for them to handle. Despite being spliced already, no sane man or woman would do such trips.

"Think this continent be as backwards as Falmart?" Reek asked his wingman.

"Possible. Though, the earliest reports from the 25th that they detected faint energy signatures. We might just meet some much more advanced civilization than Sadera did." Serp answered with a thick Russian accent that filled Reek's comms.

"Feint signatures... It could either mean coal power or a rudimentary nuclear reactor. We might just see civilization as advanced as it was during WWI or WWII. Or maybe even lower to the Industrial Revolution or even Napoleonic." Reek responded, whilst keeping on the lookout for his sensors. "We need to keep on the lookout for dangerous wildlife. Sensor readings from Helnus is that this continent we're going is infested in aerial-type beasts, sensors estimated that we'd be facing Charlie-class War Beasts like those Wyverns."

"I still don't understand why send fighters, when we could've just sent UAV to recon the area," Serp grumbled, she was supposed to have a day off today.

"UAVs, while they have weaponry attached to protect them, aren't exactly great in handling wildlife like Charlie-classes. A big change is that the wildlife would crush the UAVs we sent. As for satellite imaging, they say it's undergoing a new update software." Reek explained, whilst he too had complained about his sudden deployment.

Not long after, both aircraft bio-sensors beeped. Receiving lifeforms in mass quantities.

"We got signatures. Lots of them. But I don't see anything ahead." Serp relayed.

"It's down there. On the sea. Let's investigate."

As both flyers maneuvered and commenced a dive, they saw what was making the bio-sensors go off.

"Ships. Wooden ships. How many do you think?" Reek asked.

Serp activated her combat HUD and began calculating how many ships currently heading toward Falmart.

"1,276. It's ten times larger than a medieval invasion fleet. Ships that size could carry hundreds of soldiers in just one vessel. That's about more or less 400,000-700,000 people." Serp said. "The question is, why?"

"It's only about a few hundred miles from here to the continent, right?" Reek asked.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

Just as she said that their bio-sensors beeped like crazy. Receiving multiple lifeforms from the direction of the continent. "Multiple lifeforms, hundreds. Aerial types. Possibly Charlie-class." Serp relayed her sensor readings.

"I think I have a gist of what's going on. Get ready, we're up for combat." Reek said. "Comanche, this is Raven-1. We've spotted hostile war beasts about to harass local ships. How copy?"

"Raven-1 this is Comanche. Engage the war beasts should they attack the local ships. Otherwise, standby."

"Copy that, Comanche."

Circling at a height where no aerial creatures can detect them, both flyers observe the situation. Using the combat HUD, Reek and Serp began to observe the ships more closely.

"They're... They're civilians. Non-combatants." Serp relayed her findings. "There are children there as well."

"There are injured lurking about the decks of the ships. These ships aren't an invasion force, these are refugee ships."

Then all of a sudden, one of the ships was rocked by an explosion. The ship somehow managed to survive the blast, with some parts of it burning. Looking at the source, both flyers identified the attacker.

Wyverns. Hundreds of them.

The wyverns had riders atop them, piloting the war beasts as they began their merciless assault on the refugee ships. Now, this is a line they have crossed, whoever they are.

"Comanche, hostile war beasts have engaged the local ships. Raven moving to assist. Reek inbound!"

"Serp inbound!"

Maneuvering a dive, the two flyers moved to intercept and assist the locals.

"AC-HUD estimated around 250 war beasts."

"Prep the Aerial Mines. Assume attack formation. We'll fire the Whirlwind Missiles on my command."

Reek and Serp assumed attack formation, approaching the combat zone.

"Targeting the center cluster. Fox-2!"

Reek and Serp fired their Whirlwind Missiles, aiming toward the raging attacking war beasts. The missiles at some distance began to disassemble themselves, and from it gave birth to 50 miniature homing missiles. The homing missiles aimed at their assigned targets, reaching like the wyverns like an outstretched hand.


100 wyverns, exploded and reduced into red mists of blood and gore. The sudden deaths brought the rest of the wyverns to a shocked halt, and so did the defenders from the ships.

"Fox 3!"

Reek and Serp fired their plasma gun and cut a flight path through the cluster. Flying through the cluster with such speed gives the riders even more of a shock.

The riders immediately regained focus and engaged both the flyers of the Imperium, throwing their fireballs at them, which was a futile attempt as the Avenger fighters were too fast for them to hit. What they didn't realize, was that two metal orbs flying at their height. The two metal orbs began to react and exploded right in the center of the cluster.

"Let's give them another taste of the hammer of civilization!"

Both flyers fired again their missiles, and this time the wyverns knew what was coming next. Both Reek and Serp couldn't see their faces, but they were willing to bet their jobs that these riders were beyond terrified.

They began to disengage and flew away in many directions, in the hopes of surviving the onslaught. However, their attempts will prove futile. The result remained the same, and they were all dead, reduced to nothing but gore and blood.

Circling about the ships, Reek and Serp could see the shocked faces of the refugees. Some of them are fearful, probably fearing both Serp and Reek would destroy them too, which is understandable.

"Comanche, this Raven-1. Hostile Warbeasts are eliminated. Situation update; The local ships turn out to be refugee vessels. Around 1,276 pre-combat, now around 1,140." Reek began to relay his report. "Trajectory headed towards Falmart, possibly fleeing from the pursuing hostiles. How copy?"

Reek and Serp waited for about a minute, still circling until they received a response. "Raven-1, this Comanche. Transmit coordinates, we'll take the refugees with us. Once done, resume primary objective."

"Copy that. Serp, transmit coordinates."

"Da, capitan."

Both flyers then resumed their mission and left the ships for their bright future under the care of the Imperium.

"I'm curious what they are running from," Serp commented. "Whatever that would be, I don't think we'd like it."

"You and me both. Let's hurry and get this done."

Full throttle towards the continent, they arrived in just 10 minutes. Sure, that full throttle did make them experience 15 G. A trained pilot of The Militarum Air Force would be able to handle a force of 20 G, all thanks to genetic splicing that made them stronger than old humans. A trained pilot of Cerberus would able to handle up to 25 G. Both are Cerberus pilots, which made the force of 15 G is something of a child's play.

Slowing down, both pilots activated their recon device. Despite the awful feeling in their gut, they do so anyway. According to the last intel, they should've arrived at the eastern fringe of the continent. And the first thing they see, it's not to their liking.


They arrived on the airspace of a desert biome, and a city below. The sight they see is something that reminds them of the last great war.

Slavery, and oppressive genocide.

Circling above the range of the wyverns, both Serp and Reek began their recon. They saw races not humans subjected to torture, slavery, and killings to the satisfaction of these human supremacists. Some of them are humans as well.

The city is currently being looted, and by the looks of it, they're just starting. Judging from the current distance of the refugee ships and the like, it's only a few days. And to sack a city that large, it would take a few weeks to completely take the city and everything of value.

Reek's hands tighten on his controls, the sight before him makes his blood boil. It's Deja Vu. One thing he hates during the War in Heaven is to see innocent people suffer unspeakable torture. He wanted nothing more than to bomb and destroy everything they had.

But he has orders, and he will follow. He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"Let's proceed to another area. If this is happening, it could happen in some other parts of the continent. " Reek reasoned, to Serp and himself.

One area after another. Village after village, town after town, city after city. Everything both pilots see is destruction, death, and suffering. Moving to the next part of the continent, the lush plains, they saw the same thing as before.

Only this one is on another level.

What they saw was a festivity. A festive of carnage and debauchery beyond words. An atrocity, the two pilots hoped would never see ever again. The sight before them gave them flashbacks during the War in Heaven. What shocked them the most, is that humans did this. To commit such actions is unthinkable for them. So much so, the two airmen doubt these are humans.

They're Ravernals in human skin.

Flaying them alive, chopping their heads, raping them regardless of age, and feeding them to their war beasts. All the while, treating such atrocities as entertainment and competition. Simply out to satisfy their primal, sadistic lust.

"I got an image of their flag. What to do now?"

"Now? We continue our mission. We're not equipped for prolonged combat against them." Reek said. "I will tell the colonel about this, and I will make sure our Raven unit spearheaded the attack on them. Mark my words, Serp. I will relish their suffering when we are sent to liberate this continent. I will kill every one of them, I will enjoy doing it."

For the first time in his life, Darryl feels ashamed and humiliated as a human being. The actions of these people, it's not becoming something of a human of their standards, more so that it's more of a Ravernal thing to do. And when the order to liberate comes, and they will, he wants nothing more but to do what's right, and kill these people, whoever they may be.

The more they recon the continent, the more angered both Reek and Serp became. These atrocities, make humanity's good name down to the dirt, smeared with the blood, mud, and shit they brought with them. The Imperium will have a lot to do to rectify this kind of damage.

Reaching the western part of the continent, both pilots can guess that these lands are the origins of the savages that are currently running rampant on the eastern fringe of the continent. In each city, town, or village they encounter, slaves are always present. Either they're being auctioned, tortured, or killed for no reason whatsoever.

"Cyka Blyat. I can imagine the hard work our people would put into rectifying this kind of behavior."

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with. I don't think I can handle my emotions any longer."


Kanata was beyond words. Especially to what happened to him and his people. They're rescued by a massive flying ship, and taken into a new continent to the far east!

Continent of Falmart, as he learned from his new rescuers. And his rescuers are the most kind humans they have ever met. To the shock and surprise of all of his people, their rescuers do not discriminate against any other people in the world they have some of their demihumans as well.

The Galactic Imperium, they learned the name of affiliation which had rescued them. An Empire nation, which would have given them suspicion as not many empires are nice, especially the Parpaldians. However, one thing that stuck and made them curious, is the name "Galactic".

It is accepted and a well-known fact by the people living in the nations in the First, Second, and Third Civilization Areas of a realm above the sky. A realm of the stars called a galaxy, which some scholars of the Civilized Areas believed had the potential of having other worlds other than their own. And yet, their rescuers, proudly don the name Galactic in their empire. Are their rescuers truly a nation who have conquered the realm beyond the skies?

When they arrived at the continent, all 758,880 of his people from Quila arrived at a massive city under construction. No, under expansion by the looks of it. They must be extremely powerful, to have buildings so high and still expanding, their national power must be off the charts. They were taken to the outskirts of the city, where they found that they would be housed in a camp in much better condition than their old homes. It was clear that the camp was hastily built, which to Kanata and his people, it's more than enough.

They were given food, clothes, and all the necessary supplies for him and his people to live, and those living supplies were some of the best quality they had ever seen! The food was some of the most delicious food he had ever tasted, the clothes were made from some of the best fabric, and they had clean access to water in their camps delivered to them in massive quantities. They were spoiled. And while his people enjoyed the necessities, Kanata couldn't help but wonder, why would their rescuers go so far for them.

And his wondering thoughts will be answered today, after enjoying the hospitality of their rescuers. As word from the people who delivered the supplies daily, is that the leading figure of this continent, the Governor, as they called it, will arrive sometime in the afternoon to visit the camp and to meet with the representative leader of his people and from Quila's own.

It's almost reaching the afternoon, and Kanata prepares himself to meet the governor. Wearing his best costume and has cleaned himself. He had borrowed a perfume from his wife, Falenas, to mask his odor. Fixing the last part of his costume, his wife came to help fix it.

"Thank you. What would I do if I didn't have you, love." Kanata thanked her and gave her a loving peck kiss on the lips and a hug.

"You would be messing up your clothes every time." She said softly.

The tarp of his tent opened, and a young teenager appeared before him. Earnwulf Quila, the youngest son of Warner Quila, the late king of Quila. He too, wears his best, and with an anxious look on his face too.

"A-am I interrupting something? I-I can go back some other time."

Kanata smiled, and let go of his darling wife. The elf faced the young beastman, it was clear to him that the young man needed his attention, and he could guess why.

His father left him in charge of the people, of the refugees while his father and elder brothers left to defend the inevitable onslaught from the Lourians. He's now the only male royalty of his dynasty, leaving with only his sister who's no older than he is.

"So, how can I help you Earnwulf?"

"I... I was hoping to ask an advice. I'm not... I'm not exactly proficient enough to rule." He said, clearly anxious. "I never thought I'd be the leader of my people. I thought I'd go just as simple soldier, given I'm the youngest of princes of my family. Now... Everything is different. I... I don't know if I can do this."

Kanata smiled warmly and walked up to him as his hands reached for the beastmen's shoulders.

"I know you can do this. Your father and your brothers trust you to lead, it means they know they can trust the welfare of your people to you. They know you will not fail." Kanata reassured the young beastmen, rubbing his shoulders as fatherly as he could, even though he didn't have a child yet.

The tarp of Kanata's tent opened again, and one of Kanata's subordinates appeared.

"Sir, the Governor is about to arrive."

Nodding understand, the elf left Earnwulf, Kanata, and his wife. Turning his attention again, Kanata tapped Earnwulf's shoulder.

"Come now, we have to meet the governor," Kanata said, now his attention turned to his wife. "Come, love. I'd like to have you by my side."

"Of course, dear."

As the trio left the tent, many of the refugees gathered around at the front entrance of the camp to greet the leader of their saviors. The new Commander of Qua-Toyne's Knights, Commander Ine, and Quila's Knights Commander, Commander Holdstadt coordinated a barrier with the people to ensure stability and security. Making sure not only to keep an eye out for belligerents from their own but also as the shield against the Governor, should everything go awry.

The greeting committee is as such;

• Prime Minister Kanata and his wife Falenas

• King Earnwulf Quila

• Qua-Toynian Generals Hanki and Nou

• Quilan Generals Raleigh and Arlyn

• Qua-Toynian Admirals Pancare and Nouka

• Quilan Admirals Farakin and Ynead.

• Knight Commanders of both nations, Commander Ine and Commander Holdstadt

• Knights of both nations

• And everyone that can be present

As they finished preparing, they all saw a single dot appear on the horizon, in the direction of the city. Coming in fast.

"Hold fast, men. They are our allies, do not act foolish." Ine reaffirms her command.

"She's right boys. Do something stupid, then all of us are as good as dead." Holdstadt added.

As the object got even closer, they realized that it was one of the iron wyverns their rescuers had. However by the looks of it, not the same one that saved them. As the mighty iron wyvern was almost upon them, it turned around with its rear facing them. The air that it produced was very strong, as even former wyvern knights were forced to cover their eyes, as well as hearing noises as if a thousand axes chopping wood.

The iron wyvern began to descend vertically, much different than a usual wyvern which needed a dirt runway to land. The iron wyvern landed without a hitch and issues. Kanata saw the iron wyvern's "wings" begin to stop, still, he wondered how this contraption worked with what he described as rotating blades. As soon as it calmed down, the rear of the iron wyvern began to open itself! It made Kanata and others shooked and take a step back, the knights held tightly to whatever weapon they had but made no stance of combat, Falenas held her arms around Kanata's tightly, afraid and not keen to let go.

Soon, a group of people emerged from the iron wyvern. A group of thirteen, ten guards, and three important figures. The guards are different, one side seemed to wear normal knight's armor, although many could guess they were high in quality, and the other wore full-covered black armor, with shining red eyes coming from the eye sockets, like a demon many thought. But what catches their eyes most, is the three important figures. No, only one in particular. A young woman possibly just reaching her 20s, with dark red hair as well as eyes of matching color, wearing a uniform whose quality outmatched even the best outfits of the Parpaldia Empire, no, Kanata wager that the quality might be even comparable or better than the HME.

The group approached Kanata's committee in a tight formation surrounding the three important figures, presenting them with the most well-disciplined march they have ever seen. They have seen the goose step of Parpaldia's army during their annual military parades to showcase their might to outsiders, and this is something better than that. Too coordinated, too well-timed, too perfect. Even the shift of their shoulders moving is in sync!

The group is now only a few meters away from Kanata and Earnwulf's greeting committee, all of them can feel the tension rising, so palpable you can cut it with a knife, as both had not said a word. As Kanata was about to open his mouth, he was cut off.

"You stand before Piña Co Lada, Imperial Governor of Falmarra and Falmarra Sector. The highest Imperium representative of this world." One of the three said, a young lady-knight, with purple hair and periwinkle-colored eyes donning the same armor as the knights. "May the representatives of this group introduce themselves, so that we may begin conversation?"

Swallowing the already hanging saliva, Kanata grabbed hold of his wife firmly, while his eyes turned to Earnwulf, who already looked at him for guidance. With a firm nod, both men turned forward and took one step.

"I am Kanata Norhorn, I am the Prime Minister of Qua-Toyne Principality."

"And I am Earnwulf Quila, King of Quila." The young beastmen followed suit, not wanting to let down.

The young lady whom Kanata couldn't believe is the governor stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and stopped just a meter away from Kanata and Earnwulf. Her face was adorned with a warm smile, one that would have smitten the hearts of many if it weren't for such an intense situation.

"As the Governor of Falmarra Prime, I welcome you all to the continent of Falmart. The Galactic Imperium welcomes all, especially those who have suffered under prejudice and extreme injustice." Piña said, reaching both hands outwards towards the two men. "I have heard of your situation, and I assure you that you are all safe here. The Galactic Imperium vows this, you are all safe here as refugees."

It would have been something to rejoice, yet it doesn't make sense to them. Here they are, a nation enough to take on the world by itself, a leader so kind that would accommodate refugees and ensure their safety, and risking an open war with Louria just to rescue them? No nation in the world, even the HME would do such things! And yet, they did.

"I... We are grateful for your guarantee, Madam Governor. Yet, I would like to ask you something that we all would like to know." Kanata said. "Why? Why do all these things? Why take us in, why risk a war with Louria, and why would you care about us?"

Piña smiled at his question, a smile so kind and gentle, caring and understanding. "It is because the Galactic Imperium denies all kinds of atrocities you have suffered. And it is within the parameters of the Imperium's ideals to help the downtrodden, to help and elevate them." She said. "You don't deserve to be hunted down like animals, to be subjected to unspeakable torment, to become playthings of another race just because you're different. The Galactic Imperium will do what must be done, I assure-, no, the Imperium assures this."

Speechless, Kanata was completely stunned by her words. No one cared about their plight. Qua-Toyne alongside Quila had tried and tried to beseech outside help from other nations, not one cared enough for them, and some didn't care at all. They all either deliver their "heartfelt sympathy", or just tell their ambassadors to simply fuck off. Not one, until now. This, Galactic Imperium, this nation of saints, they did what most did not. They took his people in, they accommodated them, they vowed to protect them.

"If that's the case... thank you, my lady," Kanata said as he offered a bow.

"I too, thank you for your hospitality." Earnwulf did so too.

Their people followed suit, giving Piña a bow of respect.

"Please, arise. All of you. And drop the lady thing, I am no longer a noble. You may simply address me as Madam Governor." Piña said. "There is much to discuss. Let us take this discussion somewhere else."

"At once, Madam Governor," Kanata said as he offered her to walk ahead. As Piña did so, Kanata followed suit with his wife and Earnwulf. Following them were the Governor's guards, followed by their Knights with Ine and Holdstadt leading and making way for them.

They were greeted by the grateful common folk, giving heartfelt praises and thank yous. The children surround the Governor, which makes Kanata's heart skip a beat, fearing that the Governor might not be fond of kids. This wasn't the case, as Piña treated them gently and with compassion. To his relief, they arrived at his tent with the remaining generals and admirals of both nations-in-exile and the Governor's two closest retinue.

"Please, be seated." Kanata gestured to Piña. "Would you like a drink? We would serve you wine, but we don't have the means to do so."

"No, but thank you for the offer." She said. "So, let's begin our discussion shall we?"

"Indeed, we shall."

Piña nodded and leaned forward to the desk. "As I said earlier back then, the Galactic Imperium sympathizes with the situation that the people of both Qua-Toyne and Quila suffered. It is unjust. Barbaric, and cruel. Unbefitting of a civilized people" Piña said. "It is in-"

"I am sorry to interrupt, Madam Governor. I mean no disrespect to you whatsoever, but I mean to ask this. And I think everyone can attest to the lingering question I am about to give."

"Yes, of course. Mister?"

"Hanki, Madam Governor. I am one of the last remaining generals of Qua-Toyne." Hanki introduced himself. "It is a known fact and information that we live in a realm called a planet, and there's a whole celestial plane of existence called a galaxy, which many in the HME theorize to contain other worlds. The nation you hail is called the 'Galactic Imperium', implying you are a nation that is capable of traveling beyond the celestial realm. Is it true?"

Piña smiled at him, and a simple nod. "Yes, indeed. Interstellar is the word you're describing, and yes. We are an interstellar nation. The Galactic Imperium is a nation that spans half of the Known Galaxy." She said, seemed to beamed with pride when she talked about the Imperium. "I suppose, I owe you an explanation of who we are."

She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a cylindrical device, as wide and as tall as the lens of a telescope. Then all of a sudden, the device came alive, showing them the most magnificent spectacle they have ever seen. It shook some of the people there, including Kanata himself.

"The Galactic Imperium spans wide across the galaxy. Overlord to many tributaries, and one of the protectors of the Galaxy." She began to explain, that the device showed them the image of the galaxy, whilst highlighted in the same way when Lucius showed it to the Japanese Diet. "For the last one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine years, the Imperium strives through unity amongst her people. We developed our technological abilities, which many humans of old would not even begin to imagine the possibility. Our starships are numerous and mighty, as is our military. We terraform barren and inhospitable planets, into ones where many races could habituate. We harness the power of the stars, creating near-limitless energy for the next millions of years to come."

They were shown what Lucius had shown the Diet. Images of peace, of unity, of prosperity, of equality, of power, of order. Places so magnificent, so majestic. Happy faces of men, women, and children of all ages and races. Their armies seemed inexhaustible, flying metal ships above the celestial realm which were countless, and their many extraordinary feats. To restore nature, to change nature, and bend it to their will. If they had said they were gods, Kanata and many would have believed.

"I take it that satisfy your question, Mr. Hanki?" Piña asked the man.

"I-Indeed, Madam Governor. It has satisfied my curiosity greatly, for now, that is."

"Now, where was I? Oh, yes. As I have said before, The Galactic Imperium sympathizes with your situation. We believe the treatment done by these 'Lourians' is unlawful, unjust, and borderline psychotic." Piña said. "Which is why, we are offering you a proposition. One that you may not like, but one that has the outcome for you to retake your homeland, the lands of your ancestors. One that has the outcome of prosperity, and security."

"And that would be?" Kanata asked, his interest certainly piqued.

Giving a smile, Piña answered. "The Galactic Imperium will commit to retake your lands and to deliver justice to your people. We will share everything, our knowledge, our aid, our military equipment, and all those you wish. In exchange, you will all submit to the Imperium. The Imperium is an expansionist state, which we do not shy nor deny. However, we aren't cruel overlords who would leave the people with nothing but dust and sand." She said. "Despite its nature, the Imperium will always have her arms open to those who need it, to those the Imperium are indebted upon, and to those who seek it. Should you become subjects of the Imperium, then the Imperium will be indebted to you all and we will do our utmost best to ensure your safety, order, and prosperity."

Uncertainty hangs over everyone who hears it. What the Governor is offering, is simply a change of occupation. Simply a change of management of power. They are kind, yes. But they have not seen the true face of the Imperium, they fear that they won't be different than the Lourians. But at the same time, refusing her offer would be insulting. To insult a status in command of what they now perceived as the greatest military power in the world is something only a fool would do. And of course, many of them would like to return home badly.

"l understand that you are hesitant to even consider the offer. Especially, what I am offering you is essentially a form of exchange of overlords. But let me tell you a story." She said. "I was once a princess of an Empire, here in this very continent. That Empire was the dominant powerhouse, and similar to Lourians aside from the barbarity. In a twist of fate, my father ordered an attack on a nation through a magic gate that connects worlds. They happen to attack the Galactic Imperium. The people of the Imperium were demanding destructive retribution, they were about to destroy everything I knew. I offered myself to appease the Galactic Imperium, towards the Crown Prince at the time. But he refused out of chivalry, and offered me a proposition I cannot refuse."

Kanata and Earnwulf's group listened intently, trying to make sense of what she was about to say.

"He offered me to turncoat, in exchange for saving my people and more. I had believed once that it was a great mistake until I came to realize that siding with the Imperium was the best choice I had made in my entire life." Piña continued. "I was given the position of Governor, I was given to rule this world, and many other worlds that will soon come to be. He promised me prosperity, security, order, and preservation of the majority of my people's culture. It came to me then, that the Imperium would not leave those who ally, those who serve them to the dust, to leave them to scraps. If the Imperium prospers, we all prosper. What you see out there, is the living proof. And it can happen to your home too, to your people. As Young Master Lucius has offered me a chance, I now offer you a chance. Bend the knee, serve the Imperium, serve the Imperator. And the Imperium will return your servitude tenfold."

Silent befalls them, Piña looked at them with conviction and hoped that they would accept. Even before her only uncertainty, she remained hopeful. As for Kanata, he doesn't know what to do. He is in command of a Principality, but a Principality requires a princess or a prince to submit the entire nation. This means an oath of servitude can only be done by the Princess, who valiantly sacrificed herself to be captured to buy time for her people to leave. Technically, he can do so, but it doesn't feel right. Even though the princess could just be dead, he felt it was not his right to give away her nation which she had sacrificed for. At the same time, he knew that his people would enjoy a better livelihood if they surrendered all control to the Imperium.

Earnwulf suddenly stood up, his face adorned by conviction and determination.

"Quila shall submit to you, Madam Governor. We shall submit to the Imperium and the will of the Imperator."

His words brought shock to everyone aside from Piña. His generals and admirals were about to argue his decision, but with a single firm stance, Earnwulf Quila shut them down before they even spoke.

"If what you said is true, then I would demand the Imperium to help us in our time of need. In exchange for our loyalty, I beseech you to help us!"

Kanata looked at the young beastmen with shock, and a hint of pride arose. Earnwulf had now finally gained a spine, and took a stance for his people. Sure, submitting to a foreign power is not something that would reflect someone having a spine, but it takes a lot of courage and bravery to do so. He would be bashed, he would be slandered, but at least his people would be in great care. His actions have surprised Kanata, and broken him out of his uncertainty. Prestige be damned, slander him all they like, he would make sure that his people's survival is assured.

"Then Qua-Toyne shall submit to the Imperium. And same to our Quilan friends, we beseech you to help us!"

Both leaders took a knee, joined by the rest of their followers, albeit many were still skeptical that they wouldn't be the same as the Lourians. Piña saw this, and her tense form relaxed as she smiled.

"The Imperium is now indebted to both the People of Qua-Toyne and the People of Quila, for entrusting their fate and lives to the Imperium." She said. "And by that, the Imperium will do all she can to ensure that the faith will not be misplaced. Now, arise. We have much to talk about, especially now that you are all a part of the Imperium."


Somewhere on Terra.

A group of people sat at a round table, they wore all black uniforms and all seemed to wear a piece of mask of the same type. There's no one but themselves, aside from guards who stand to defend them.

"Let us begin this meeting." A man spoke, the man seemed to be the leading head of them all. "A Man wants to hear our progress on Phase I."

"Our continuous efforts in undermining the ongoing peace talks between the Goatheads and the Acid Breathers have gone as planned." One said, A Woman. "The Goatheads and the Acid Breathers will continue to be at each other's throats for as long as we like it."

"We have also kept them buying supplies from our runners, continuously draining their purses with our expensive, yet 'unnaturally effective' runners." Another added, A Man. "We have also drawn bearded pirates to join in the fray, to 'raid' the Goatheads or Acid Breathers bases or do their runs for them. Either way, we are currently cutting potential pirates in the area for the future."

"We also increasing our efforts of sabotage. Markets, power plants, factories, refineries, and their power bases. We have committed terror attacks and even assassinations with the help of the ever so hateful Goatheads and Acid Breathers." Another joined in, another Man this time. "As well as terror assaults on peasant locations. Corpse bombing, raids, and many more. Sowing more seeds of hatred and rage, all the while keeping morality at an all-time low. A Man can assure this. Chaos is running rampant through the Goatheads and the Acid Breathers territories."

"How about their Eyes? Can A Man assume our methods of dealing with them are more than adequate to subvert our actions to their enemies?"

"It's more than enough. They only get the breadcrumbs that we intend to leave them, to lead them to their enemies." A Woman answered. "As for planting our mules within them, we have been thus far successful in killing their strong water oxes and elevating our mules to better fields to plow. However, our mules aren't enough for the future at the moment. It will take some time before it's enough."

"Keep A Man posted. It will take some time before we can initiate Phase II." The lead man said. "Now, A Man wants to hear about our efforts on Phase II."

"We have sowed the seeds of pro-Imperium sentiments within the many stellar nations, although for them to become influential enough would need time." A Man said. "A Man also requests further assistance in elevating our seeds, and making them sprouts as soon as we can."

"A Man's request is granted. A Man shall receive what A Man needs." The Lead Man said.

"Our ghosts in the market are steadily growing. Once they are heeded, the ghosts shall wreak havoc on the market, possessing the merchants and turning the market into a ghost town." Another Woman said. "A Woman only needs more ghosts, A Woman wants to grow her ghosts as quickly as she can."

"Then A Man shall grant the request of A Woman." The Lead Man said. "A Woman shall receive more ghosts."

"A Man now wants to know about the new patch of land. Specifically, A Man wants to know about the Princess."

"The new patch is growing, fertile green grass is all around. As for the Princess, she has accepted her role as the new shepherd of the patch." A Man spoke. "While the patch is green and fertile, dangers lurking about."

"A Man wants to know what danger that could harm our castle." The Lead Man inquired further.

"As A Man knows, the Prince has accepted a Vulture Beasts into his service. And as a Man also knows, the Vulture Beasts were nesting in a temple of ancient scrolls." A Woman inquired. "The scrolls contained knowledge that many would kill. And knowledge that ties the mysteries of the land."

"It appears a Prophecy was spoken to the flock of sheep there. A prophecy that the Vulture Beasts would return once more, to wreak havoc and chaos to our castle and the castles of others." A Man added. "The prophecy was supported by temples dedicated to them in islands, and stranded buoys of theirs in the sea."

"If this is true, then the Universe as a whole would be in danger. A Man proposes to the Inquisition to investigate the matter further." The Lead Man said. "All in favor?"

"A man says aye."

"A Woman says aye."






"Then it is settled. The Inquisition shall investigate this issue." The Lead Man said. "For the Imperium!"


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