Zel turned the pages of the book until eventually he saw a page that says "I will be the protector. It is done and what is done is done" as Zel said those words the book glowed as it transformed into a ball of light and flew out of Zel's hands there after it turned into a white faired baby fox.
The fox said "what is done is done. you said the words and now you will be the protector of universes under treats". Zel said "no, I won't". The fox said "but you have you said the words" Zel responded "foxes are cunning, conniving, good for nothing, no good scum. Why should I turn myself to a busybody and protect universes under treats? Like look at me I want to live my life in peace". The fox responded "to protect the world or should I say your world" in an angry voice the fox said "and did you say foxes are cunning, conniving, good for nothing no good scum ? Are you racist ?". Zel responded "I not racist, I just have a bad history with foxes and you said my world, what do you mean you world?". The fox responded "I meant this two beautiful twins over here, since your first love story ended tragically like seriously Zel I always wondered what it feels like to have no purpose in life so Zel how does it feel". Zel responded "how do you know about my tragic love story"?. The fox responded "that's because I know a lot of things". Zel responded sarcastically "that's not cryptic". The fox responded "I don't care about what ever history you've had with foxes before, but be the protector for the good of it". Zel responded "well, what will I gain if I become the protector". The fox responded "well firstly, you already said you are the protector and what is done is done. If it was anyone else I would have said power, but the power in your is already great, greater than power I could give, but as of right now you can't use that power at all, can you? So let's say I will give you what ever small amount of power I can give you and if that is still not enough if you do your job as the protector you will see your real parents eventually". Zel responded "what do you mean"?. The fox responded "you remember the people that raised you were not your real parents, right? Zel". Zel responded "I know, they told me. I meant what power are you talking about? Could you talking about the gods"? The fox responded "you don't know what you are, do you. Hmmmmmm well, I'm not going to tell you".
Zel said "so, if I become the protector I will see my parents"? The fox responded "yes". Zel responded "so I accept" The fox responded "now, I am your familiar you can ask me what ever you would like to know". Grace said "but only witches have familiars". The fox responded "hey, albino you don't have to be a witch to have a familiar". Zel said "you said I can ask you what I would like to know. I want to know what are you? The fox responded "I am an aspect of a higher dimensional being called "Dormandrum" well technically I am a fragmented piece. Dormandrum has no control over me. I am the aspect of knowledge. You can call me Sophia". Zel said "ok.....ay Sophia, I'm not a witch, but I know for you to be my familiar there must be a contract involved". Sophia responded "yes, now you must say "we are bonded as one body and soul, not even death shall do us apart, so shall it be and let it be so" and that is it the contract will be formed.
So as Zel said those words he felt them being bonded together.
Zel, Anna, Grace and Sophia all left the cave and headed to claw mountain on their way there Anna said "Zel, when we were in the cave I came to the realization I don't know much about you, but even still I trust you for some strange reason". Zel responded "thanks again if you want to know anything about me all you have to do is ask".
As they reached claw mountain where the two statues are Anna brought out a knife and she pierced her thumb as drop of blood touched the ground close to the statues a portal opened. Zel, Anna, Grace and Sophia pass through the portal and they got to Anna and Grace's coven there they saw Devika Colrage a woman with beautiful diamond face shape, long black hair, purple nails, black eyes, big breasts young body and white skin coming to welcome them. She said "welcome my children and who is this handsome man you brought here"? Anna asked "where is our mom"? Devika responded "your mom Emilia is at home waiting for you girls. Should I take you to her" she saw Sophia and she said "how did you girls get a fox familiar it's not time to even get one". Grace responded "it's not for us it's for the handsome man we brought". Zel said "you think I'm handsome? Thank you".
Devika teleported Zel, Anna Grace and Sophia to Emilia. When they get there Emilia young looking woman with silver coloured hair, brown eyes, white skin and long hair welcome them with cookies and tea as Emilia said "my girls it's been long since I've seen you two. How has life been treating you? And who is this handsome man you brought here". Grace responded "he is our friend". Emilia responded "friend hmmmm I guess it has to start somewhere". Zel said "I have been meaning to ask I'm not trying to be rude but why do you look young? I thought even if the coven mistress looked young as their mother you were supposed to look at least 35, but you look 20". Grace responded "witches stop aging at 22". Zel responded "okay, I get it now"