Chereads / My Beastaa System / Chapter 3 - Power level test,,,, and meeting with brother and sister!

Chapter 3 - Power level test,,,, and meeting with brother and sister!

Jiya then uses her hands to pull out many large vines and roots from the ground and uses them to place them in front of herself as a shield to stop the mud ball, but the mud ball goes right through the vines and roots, making a hole in them.

After Yuvi reaches inside WT school,

After reaching inside the school, after seeing what everyone sees in front of them, only one word comes out of everyone's mouth.

'' Oh my God! '' Everyone could see twenty big and very tall statues in front of them which were also known as The Twenty World Saviors. All those statues were lined up inside the school. UV was feeling a different energy in those statues.

Which no one was feeling. It seemed as if these statues would start moving and become alive any moment. Those officers took all the children to a training court where there would be more than a thousand children. All those children were divided into three groups.

There was one part in which there were those children who had power. In the second part there were those children who had the power and in the third part there were those children who were going to take the power.

" Which line should I go to? First, second or third. I don't have any power as the system itself gave me but if these people come to know that I have some kind of system then they will tear me apart for experiments. " UV then after a lot of thinking goes to the second line where the children without powers were going.

Then UV sees that the same girl whom he had seen in the bus is now seen by him again but in the first row, as soon as he tries to remove his glasses to rub his eyes he realizes that he is not wearing his glasses at all.

" I can see so clearly without glasses! Is this also because of this system? Has this system cured my eyes? Has all this happened because of the excruciating pain I was experiencing at that time? " UV starts thinking, then his turn also comes and the man sitting in front touches UV's hand and asks him.

" Do you want to learn the power of Warriors Time School. " Without listening to UV's answer, the person starts gesturing UV to put him in the third line but then UV says something after which not only the children but all those who hear this get surprised.

" I don't want to have any power. " The man sitting in front of UV starts looking at UV carefully because UV's body was also frail and thin and UV did not have any weapon. But the man is not surprised for long because this happened last year as well.

Last year also a boy like UV came who was in this school without any power but after few days he goes to the examiner to get the power of this school because in this school the examiner also knew that the students without powers had no value so he says with a smile.

" Okay! You can go with the other children to get your physical and mental health checked." UV also leaves from there and reaches the other part of the same training court with the other children and that girl.

There was no queue of any kind there, those who wanted to go first were going to get their health checked and those who were left were preparing to fight the challenge in front of them.

There were two stages here, in the first stage you had to fight a child who was just like all those children by using your strength, speed and brain properly. In the second stage there was a brain test, in this it was a test of the speed of working of your brain, that how quickly your brain finds a solution to get out of the problem in front of you.

But then UV feels as if something is holding him, as if he is being trapped in something. He tries his best to free himself but all his efforts fail. But then he hears the voice of a girl who comes in front of UV with her hands extended and staring at him, says to him.

" You were looking at me in the bus and also in the line a while ago! If you give me the right reason then I will leave you and if I find your reason fake then I will leave you hanging like this. " This girl is Jiya Roy and behind her is her brother Mayank Roy. Mayank is one year older than his sister.

Jiya and Mayank both have the power to control plants, due to which Jiya had just now grabbed UV with her big and green vines. UV recognizes the girl standing in front of him as soon as he sees her because he has seen her many times.

UV now tells the absolute truth to Jiya.

" I was not staring at you intentionally! At that time everyone in the bus was looking outside the bus but you were busy reading something, I felt a little weird seeing this and I saw you the second time, so I was looking at you remembering you to see if you were the girl from the bus. " Jiya listens to UV carefully and starts believing UV's words to be true because if Yuvi had lied, then the root with which Jiya had held UV would have done something.

But she had not made any move yet, which meant that UV was telling the truth. Then Mayank puts Jiya's roots coming out of the ground back inside the ground with his hands and tells Jiya.

" He was just looking at you! Anyway, you know that he has not told any lie, so now let him go and concentrate on your turn because the next turn is yours. "

Jiya had to go to set her power level so she came here but when she sees UV she remembers the incident of the bus and standing in the queue after which she goes to ask UV. Jiya stares at UV as if she will eat him right now and then she goes to get the power level set.

UV now comes back to the ground completely safe and sound. Then Mayank puts his hand on UV's shoulder and says to him.

" You don't need to be afraid! She will not do anything to you now because you gave the right answer but make sure that you don't see her again because she doesn't like it when someone looks at her, by the way I am Mayank and what is your name? "

When Mayank asks, UV tells Mayank while straightening his clothes.

" My name is UV! By the way, you two are probably brother and sister because you both have the same power and you look somewhat like that girl. " Mayank says to UV laughing after hearing this.

" You are right! But I don't look like my sister, she looks like me because I am a year older than her. " UV and then Mayank again look at Jiya's exam.

Jiya enters a large transparent room where a boy was already present. When Jiya reaches that room and the door of that square room closes, the boy's eyes start glowing in blue and the boy now starts attacking to fight.

The boy was using the power of the earth but there was no emotion on his face. The boy makes a round ball from the ground and starts moving towards Jiya while throwing it fast.

Jiya then uses her hands to pull out several large vines and roots from the ground, and uses them to use as a shield in front of her to stop the mud ball, but the mud ball goes right through the vines and roots, making a hole in them.

But Jiya puts together many more sticks which now stops the attacks of the strong clay ball. But Jiya does not notice that the boy is coming closer to her. Then the boy wraps the stones around his hands with the power of the earth and cuts through the sticks to catch Chhabi just as she is about to catch his hand.

Similarly, Jiya lifts the roots below her with one hand due to which Jiya comes on top of the root and she is saved from that boy. But she delays a little because the boy catches Jiya's feet with the soil at the right time.

And with this the first stage is completed. This fight goes on for a long time and after watching it all the boys and girls start looking at Jiya.

" Your power seems to be a very strong power! " says UV and Mayank just smiles in return. Jiya however seemed to be not satisfied with this result. Only after Jiya leaves the room, the room starts getting ready for stage two.

That room now becomes like before and the same boy does everything with the power of his earth. Now for stage two, two walls are erected inside that room with the power of the earth. And that wall is very strong, it was impossible for these students to stop it with the help of power.

The boy is there but does not make any movement this time after Jiya goes inside. As soon as Jiya goes back inside, the two walls of that room start shaking and slowly both the walls move forward to stick together.

In this stage the children were not able to see anything but the examiner could see everything because the room was no longer transparent for the students but the examiner could see through the room with the help of his powers. Jiya uses her powers to break the wall and stop it.

And then she brings out the roots and the soles and wraps them around the wall but the wall still doesn't stop. Jiya tries her best to stop the wall but it doesn't work. Jiya says getting worried now.

" I have crossed the first stage! But it seems very difficult to cross this second stage. What should I do now, even my plant control power is not having any effect on these walls. "

What will Jiya do now? Jiya has crossed the first stage with the help of her powers but will she be able to cross this second stage now? What will Jiya do in this second stage? Will UV be able to cross both these stages and what are UV's powers?