"In the beginning, the world was a Paradise. The peoples of the Earth knew no pain, no hunger, no want, no envy and no lust. All desires were fulfilled without consequence. Peace existed between every race. And it was Good."
"However, Paradise did not last. None can agree on how the end came. Some say it was destroyed by the birth of Evil. Some say a war between higher beings brought Paradise crashing down. Some say that we are to blame, that we destroyed our own chance for happiness."
"Whatever it may have been, today it does not matter. We, all of us, have toiled and suffered for countless generations. Eons and eons of hard work to bring back just a small piece of what was lost. And so, by the will of Eros, God of Pleasure and Desire, we are allowed to enjoy ourselves, if only a small amount."
"This day of Fast is over. Feast and drink and be merry. Find love, even if only for the night. Make others happy and above all, make yourself happy. May the Evening Mass begin!"
Rosen lifted her Goblet full of the Holy Broth. A combination of Dragon's Claw Spirits, citrus juices, sparkling wine, herbs and spices and her own fragrant washing water mixed and chilled with Ice stones. As she stood at the Altar, her Clergy beside her, the people in the Isles all raised their own goblets in praise. Rosen drank of her goblet, and so did her followers, and it was Good.
In fact it was very good. Blush had really outdone herself. The sourness hit first, striking the mouth like lightning. Then came a rich, floral scent of herbs and the undeniable taste of a woman. Finally came the spice, burning the throat and clearing the sinuses, breathing life throughout the body. Thus came a weakening of inhibitions and strengthening of will without the dulling of the mind and body.
The goblets had barely been lowered, with nary a drop of Broth left between them, that the festivities began. Many of the patrons came in masks and robes to hide their identities and keep their reputations pure. As the music began to play and food was served, most removed the robes and some even the masks. Beneath were men and women from all across the town. Laborers and farmers, soldiers and store keepers, working class and well to do with even a few from the upper crust snuck in. Some were older and married, others were young and looking, from every race this town had to offer. All were equal under this roof so long as they had the same singular goal. To have a good time.
Some had clothing under their robes. Tight, revealing clothing of various colors. Some had little more than their undergarments, or even less than that. Men and women were topless in equal measure. And some had nothing at all. With everyone so exposed it was not difficult to guess who most were, mask or no. Especially for the locals who made the majority. But we all just drink, laugh and pretend to be strangers. What happens here need not ever leave the pews.
More Broth was being served, Blush and Sugar walking about with large pitchers full. One man, a portly fellow of Half Dwarf descent who may or may not be the butcher Stein whose arms were tightly around a pleasantly plump woman who most certainly was not the very married (and not to Stein) milkmaid Jessabelle called Blush over to them. Blush strolled over and poured until their goblets were brimming. Then, as is tradition, the mysterious Half Dwarf gave Blush a deep and passionate kiss as a sign of gratitude, his tongue dancing with her long and flexible Kobold tines. After him so did the unknown maiden, she adding in a feel down her scaly back to give her generous rump a light squeeze. Blush only giggled, biting her lips as she moved to serve more. A light peck on the lips is all that is required, any additional is seen as a compliment. Blush and Sugar should expect many more compliments as the night goes on.
Moo lay near the Altar. The walls were more than high enough for her to stand, but she had so many admirers this made things far easier. As she lay, she was being fed by hand as if a princess. More hands petted her soft head and admired her short horns. The left arm cradled a man as if her child and the right much the same for a woman. Each suckled her teets for milk. A third, this one a halfling, lay between her breasts in their soft embrace. Across her belly, a young couple made a bed of her body while exploring each other's. Several embraced, rubbed and kissed her legs, one person was especially enthusiastic about her hoofs. One lucky lizard folk stuck their head under her short skirt. Sometimes it pays to be big.
Nash held firm at his table, not far from the banquet. He made almost everything served tonight, from the most delicate of pies to the simplest steamed vegetable. And he wanted to be sure every bite was enjoyed. So much as a single unhappy face has made him change the whole of the menu. Nothing would shake his determination to serve the best he could give, not even the three women who were servicing him. One wrapping her lips across his lower head, taking it as deeply as she could with still much left to go. One licking from the side, letting it slide up and down across her face. One lower, squeezing and sucking his large, fertile sack. Nothing would break him from his real passion.
Joizz and Plip ran the gambling tables for the night. No real money was spent, instead the prizes were services. The bigger the pot, the better the reward. Rosen came by to check the progress, only to find Joizz already laid bare across the table. One winner pounding at the unkempt blue bush between her legs while the other squeezed her giant chest together for a soft and tight hug around his cock. And judging by the amount of fluids on and around her, these two were hardly the first winners.
Another night of frequent and easy wins against her table. At this point Rosen couldn't tell if she was doing this on purpose or if she truly was just this bad at cards.
Plip was having far more luck. He was an expert at cards and loved to make his very eager players wait. Seeing them hypnotized as his erect member stood out far beyond reasonable means, so close they could taste it, yet denied the flavor. As Rosen approached, a new hand was dealt and betting commenced.
"I bet a Red." One of the women said."
"I raise to three Red." responded another."
"Three Red and Five Black."
Some of the other women gasped, most folding on the spot.
"No more bets." Plip called. "Place your cards for rotation and be ready for your prize or punishments."
"Doing well I see." Rosen admired the stacks of tokens at Plips side. "I know this isn't the best time, but how are we doing?"
Plip took the discards and handed out new cards as he spoke.
"Patronage is down again. We've been starting earlier and ending earlier than we used to. Letting people sleep here overnight has been cutting into our wallets. Couple more days like this and we'll start hitting the red. The bad one, not the chips."
"It is the best way we can help. Besides, the auction is coming around and we have a few different items for sale. Should help stave off the bills for a few months."
"Oh wow, been two years already? How time flies. Cards down ladies. Let's see those losses."
Two pair, a failed flush, and a High King. Terrible hands abound. Plip meanwhile had a straight. Rosen could swear he's cheating, he only seems to lose when he wants to. He climbed onto the table and walked up to the woman with the failed Flush, a young blonde haired woman, who Rosen is absolutely certain is not the Captain of the Guard's recently betrothed fiance. She looked nervously at the thick, long member aimed at her pout lips.
"That was a three Red, right?" Plip smirked.
Plip pushed the head past her lips, sliding a third of the way in. Thrusting his hips back and forth as her mouth was forced open.
"That's one."
Plip pushed further, pushing her lips just past the midway point. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth went from wet to sloppy as her throat stretched.
"That's two. And.."
Plip grabbed the back of the Blond woman's head and pulled her in while thrusting as deep as he could. Her lips kissed his base, her eyes teared, she gagged and choked as her throat bulged in time with his thrusts. Plip made her face is pleasure toy without regard for her need to breath. The others at the table starred in awe and envy. Fondling their own breasts and stroking their own slits at the show before them. Even Rosen couldn't help but rub her right nippple as she watched on. Plip could be a charmer if he wanted. A gentle lover who made you feel beautiful. But he could also be an animal, dominating your body and making you submit to the smaller kin. Both were something to experience.
Faster he thrust, getting rough and deep while she struggled to stand, knees wobbling as clear desire flowed down her leg. Then he grunted and held her to his base, his hips wiggling slightly for a moment before releasing her blonde hair. She fell back into her chair, being coated in long white streams all the while. Breathing heavily as saliva and cum dripped from her mouth in equal measure. She licked around her lips, gathering the precious fluids into her mouth, and swallowed.
Just as she began to calm, in relative terms of course, Plip hopped down between her legs. He took a hearty gulp of Holy Broth, his softening manhood instantly returning to full size as he did, and positioned himself between her legs.
"That was three Red. You still owe me five Black."
With the gambling tables doing well, Rosen took her leave. Turning away just in time to hear Plip's shout of "One" and the gasps of pleasure. She will have to ask for Plip's services for herself at a later date.