"去你大爷!" Wang Tao screamed, as he shot up and angrily throws down the projecting orb from his hand, causing it to splinter into a million shards."敢背叛老子!" Wang Tao let out a series of ragged breath, to the point his wrath made him light headed, causing him fall back into his throne, and hand support the side of his head."My king." Ila spoke up.Wang Tao seemed to ignore her, and made a fatigue expression. Ila, who took up a stronger stance continued:"The Dragon Borne is indeed a powerful ally. But surely we can do without them."A translator at the side, translated for Ila."Ughhh..." Wang Tao waved her off. "Do what you want. Just kill them all!"For a moment silence hung across the room. After what seemed to be an eternal ice age, Ila spoke up again:"My king, as long you can grant me the authority to command, the deed will be done."The translator translated again."Sure, give all command to her." Wang Tao said with a tired strained voice."Thank you my king for the trust you have bestowed upon me." Ila did a courtesy dip with her dress."Wait." Wang Tao spoke up."En?" Ila froze."这个仇老子一定要报...钱什么的都不是问题." Wang Tao said with a cocky voice all of a sudden.Ila stared at him blankly."Revenge yes. Money, no problem." Wang Tao said with an accented English."I will give you 3 million dollars, and I want you to use this money to refortify our army. And I want you to hire 10 more pros from the top 100, all Koreans with this money as well." Wang Tao said in Chinese.The moment the translator finish translating to Ila, there was a look of slight surprise on her face, but was quickly masked by her professionalism again."Many graces my king." Ila bowed. "I shall ready the preparations at once."Ila straightened herself again, and produced a blue crystal orb out of nowhere. She tapped it once before putting away. A brief moment later, a giant bright cylinder blue light appeared in the center of the room, and by the time the light died down. A figure replaced its place. He wore bright golden armor that covered every inch of his body, with the armor its self with such am incredible level of detailed carvings on it, it was more than just an armor, it was art."Michael the protector, at your command." He spoke with a deep powerful voice, as he knelt down.Ila stepped forward and answered:"The king has now given me the authority to command. My word will be his word."Michael looked the king, but there was no reply."Understood my lady.""Rise." Ila said, and he did as told."I will gather the rest of the holy knights of order as soon as time will allow. For now, you will be stationed here, we will get you a replacement for your post.""Understood my lady.""Good."Q: How much do you think is too much spending on a video game?