Scott didn't move. Neither did Ezel.
For a long, stretched-out moment, they simply stared at each other like mental health patients.
It was a silent exchange of caution and curiosity.
Scott wasn't afraid of her. That wasn't it.
But he also wasn't stupid.
The woman standing before him wasn't just some alien warrior with a strong grip and a blank stare.
She was Pontiach.
And the Pontiach weren't just any race.
They were conquerors. A species where the women reigned supreme ── their strength so absolute that the men of their planet had long since learned submission.
『Yeah, right… "submission" is a tame word…』
It wasn't the — good little husband who just nodded along — kind of submissiveness; it was way more extreme, like some twisted version of a power dynamic where it was all about humiliation and pain.