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The day the Summer Carnival Water Race began, the river brimmed with excitement as hundreds of trainers and their Pokémon gathered to participate, turning the wide river into a bustling scene of energy and movement.
Chris stood confidently on the Black Ship racing boat, his Greninja poised on the water. Though Greninja appeared relaxed, its eyes gleamed with a fierce determination. It had proven victorious time and again, whether in formal battles or impromptu challenges.
"Come on, Chris!" Wanda and Riley called from a nearby bridge, waving enthusiastically. Chris responded with a bright smile before focusing on the task ahead. His strategy was clear as he prepared to make his mark on this thrilling race.
"The Alto Mare Summer Carnival that everyone has been waiting for is about to begin!" The host's voice boomed from the loudspeakers. "And the customary Pokémon Water Race is moments away!"
"Who will claim the coveted Alto Mare Cup Medal of Excellence? Let's find out!"
The big screen in the square displayed the contestants and their Pokémon in real-time, capturing the anticipation and excitement of the crowd.
At the starting line, three Natu stacked precariously on each other were perched atop a calm and focused Xatu, ready to begin the countdown.
"Three! (Duh!)"
"Two! (Coo!)"
"One! (Duh!)"
"Go! (Xatu !)" Xatu cried, signaling the start. The trainers surged forward like a school of fish breaking free from a net, each determined to seize the lead.
"Quick Attack!"
Commands echoed through the air as trainers directed their Pokémon to gain an early advantage. The beginning of the race was chaotic, with everyone vying to break away from the pack and secure a lead.
Suddenly, a massive wave surged forward—a Gyarados commanded by a bearded trainer had unleashed Surf. The wave swept through the crowd, leaving chaos in its wake. Only a few managed to escape its force: seven trainers—and one more.
From beneath the water, Greninja shot upward, dragging Chris's racing boat along with a sturdy rope tied to its body. In a breathtaking move, Greninja vaulted into the air, gracefully landing and pulling the boat forward. With this daring maneuver, Chris surged ahead, creating a twenty-meter gap between himself and the second-place contestant.
Chris's preparation had paid off. Anticipating the initial chaos, he had devised a plan the night before to avoid collisions and gain an early advantage. Instead of competing in the melee at the surface, he and Greninja had gone underwater, emerging at the perfect moment to take the lead.
Chris's strategy was flawless, and with Greninja's speed and precision, victory seemed within reach.
After Greninja surged ahead and emerged from the water, Chris seized the moment to tilt his boat mid-air, draining the accumulated water. With a smooth landing, Chris established himself as the sole member of the first echelon.
"Torrent!" Chris called out, pulling the reins hard while leaning back into the racing boat. His body was taut, gripping the bow tightly to prevent being pulled out of position by Greninja's powerful forward momentum. Together, they sliced through the water like a missile skimming the surface.
In the lead, Greninja activated its Torrent ability. Encased in a flowing shroud of water, it moved with the precision and agility of a ninja, its swift steps propelling it effortlessly over the river's surface.
After an intense ten seconds, Torrent subsided, and Greninja's speed normalized. By then, Chris and his Pokémon had widened their lead, maintaining a gap of over a hundred meters from the second-place trainers.
At the first turn, marked by a buoy, two staff members stood alert to oversee the racers. Chris maneuvered with ease, creating a spectacular spray of water as the boat carved a clean arc through the turn. The splash even doused a curious child leaning out of a window to watch the race, eliciting shrieks of laughter and surprise.
"Don't even try to catch up!" Chris laughed as he cleared the turn and approached the next corner. "You're not even close enough to see my taillights!" His confidence grew as he channeled the thrill of a high-speed race, each movement fluid and precise.
For the next stretch, Chris maintained a steady pace. With no commands for additional acceleration, Greninja saved its energy for the final sprint. Victory seemed almost certain—until trouble arose.
Suddenly, from a narrow alleyway to the side of the river, the bearded man on his Gyarados reappeared, cutting across the course. "Surf!" the man bellowed. The Gyarados unleashed a massive wave, surging forward with devastating force, crashing against the riverbanks like a thunderclap.
Chris, startled by the audacious move, muttered, "What?! Someone's taking a shortcut?" Reacting quickly, he called, "Greninja, Quick Attack!"
Greninja launched itself forward, its legs coiling with power before kicking back. Sparkling droplets flickered around it as it leapt forward like a spring-loaded dart, narrowly avoiding the towering wave of Surf.
"Don't run! Gyarados, use Rampage!" the bearded man shouted, pointing at Chris. Gyarados let out an earth-shaking roar, the force of its voice shattering nearby windows. It charged forward recklessly, its massive body cleaving through the water like a battering ram.
Chris remained calm. "If you want to play rough, I'll oblige. Greninja, Whirlpool!"
Without breaking its stride, Greninja moved its hands gracefully through the water as it swam. In the wake of their path, a vortex began to swirl, growing rapidly into a massive Whirlpool that stretched across the river.
The bearded man and his Gyarados had no time to react. Their trajectory plunged them straight into the heart of the spinning current. Struggling against the force of the Whirlpool, the pair became trapped, their shortcut turning into an unexpected setback.
Chris smirked as he glanced back briefly. "That's what you get for trying to cheat." With Greninja steadying its pace, Chris focused his gaze ahead, ready to maintain his lead and claim the championship.