Chereads / Gods of the Mortal World / Chapter 319 - Chapter 319: Master of the Ultramarines

Chapter 319 - Chapter 319: Master of the Ultramarines

"We have far more pressing matters to attend to, Inquisitor. I have no time for your pointless arguments." 

Belisarius Cawl, engrossed in the myriad devices under his control, dismissed Greyfax without so much as a glance.

The two were not strangers. 

After the fall of Cadia, as both the Tyran and Imperial fleets withdrew from the Eye of Terror, the *King of Explorers* arrived in the system, bearing Cawl's formidable presence. At the time, Greyfax and Holst had been investigating the enigmatic Blackstone Obelisks, striving to unravel how the Tyran Lord had weaponized these ancient alien constructs. Despite hours of scrutiny, even with Cawl's assistance, they were forced to abandon their efforts. 

Now, stationed in this distant star system to root out an Eldar-linked cult, Greyfax had been surprised to find Cawl here as well. His excuse for departing the Blackstone investigation—pressing matters—had led him to the borders of the Ultima Segmentum. 

Greyfax's gaze lingered on the Living Saint beside Cawl. She couldn't ignore the nagging suspicion that Saint Celestine's reappearance aboard the *King of Explorers*, after vanishing during the activation of the Blackstone Obelisks, was no coincidence.

Cawl, unperturbed, methodically extracted fragments of data pertaining to Celestine and the xenos from his cerebral matrices, transferring them to an encrypted data-chip. 

Their journey to this sector had been fraught with challenges—storms in the Warp, a daemon incursion—only quelled by the intervention of Celestine and a squad of Salamanders Space Marines. 

Now, docked in an unnamed system for critical repairs, the *King of Explorers* found itself amidst a raid by traitor Astartes. It was Eldar forces, led by two enigmatic figures, who intervened and drove the heretics away. These events, too, Cawl archived meticulously, sealing the data-chip in a secure compartment beneath the floor, far beyond Greyfax's reach by conventional or psychic means.

"The storms persist," the ship's Navigator communicated directly to Cawl's mind. 

Turning to Greyfax, he warned, "You may observe, or remain here in silence, but do not test my patience. Force my hand, and you'll find yourself expelled into the void." 

The Mechanicus, after all, afforded some courtesy to the Inquisition, but Cawl's unorthodox nature had long placed him at odds with tradition. His bluntness did not surprise Greyfax; if anything, she expected no less from a figure so mired in heretical rumors.

Noting the disparity in their strength, Greyfax allowed her hand, previously gripping her crossbow, to fall back to her side.

"Charge the dimensional engine," Cawl commanded, his voice booming.

"You installed a dimensional engine on this vessel?" Greyfax's hand instinctively returned to her weapon. Yet her intent was not to strike, but to assess her odds of survival should Cawl's dealings with xenos or heretics spiral out of control.

"Get out," Cawl snapped. He had neither the time nor the patience for Greyfax's interference. Already, he was pondering how to educate his crew on the folly of bringing Inquisitors—especially the likes of Greyfax—aboard his ship.

"She cannot leave," the Eldar warrior clad in crimson armor interjected in flawless Gothic. 

"Indeed, not until we reach our destination," added the female Eldar with her iconic high braid. "We must avoid any chance of interception by the Inquisition en route."

After a moment of contemplation, Cawl relented, his gaze shifting away from Greyfax. "Initiate launch."

The *King of Explorers* activated its warp drive, the dimensional engine—installed at Agripinaa—humming to life as it propelled the ship into the Warp. 

Greyfax had barely opened her mouth to demand a halt when the vessel plunged into the Ultima Segmentum, stranding her light-years away from her fleet. Her ship would need to traverse over a hundred light-years to even attempt a rescue.

"You'll pay dearly for this!" she hissed, her voice brimming with menace. 

Summoning two Vanguard Enforcers, Cawl instructed them to escort Greyfax to confinement. "Trust me, Inquisitor, if I succeed, the cost will be well worth it." He shook his head slowly, watching her as she was led away.

The *King of Explorers* continued its journey through the Ultima Segmentum, its trajectory set for the Ultramarines' homeworld: Macragge. 


**Two Days Later.** 


Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, busied himself with overseeing the recruitment of new initiates across the training camps of Macragge. He moved swiftly from one bastion to another, balancing logistics with ceremonial duties.

Librarian Tigurius walked alongside him, briefing him on the latest developments. 

"The last batch of aspirants deemed unfit for augmentation has been returned to their families." 

"I only learned of this yesterday," Calgar remarked with a hint of frustration. "These storms have slowed communications from the Astropaths." 

Failed initiates were an inevitable outcome in the process of creating Space Marines. Though disappointed, Calgar took solace in knowing these individuals could still contribute to the Five Hundred Worlds as citizens of Ultramar.

"One more matter: Belisarius Cawl has arrived in the system. His vessel utilized a dimensional engine." 

The mention of the engine elicited a complex expression from Calgar. The Ultramarines were not averse to technological marvels, even those created by a figure as controversial as Cawl. Calgar had long wished to acquire one of these engines for study, though such efforts had always been thwarted by Inquisitorial interference or protests from Astropaths and Navigators. 

"Reach out to the Archmagos and inquire if he would permit a scholarly delegation aboard his ship," Calgar instructed. 

"There's no need," Tigurius replied with a knowing smile. "The Archmagos comes bearing gifts—artificer-grade power armor for mortal officers, all marked with the sigil of Agripinaa. He would gladly welcome our scholars." 

Calgar, skeptical of Cawl's generosity, asked, "Why has he come to Macragge?" 

"He seeks promethium fuel and assistance repairing his vessel, which was damaged in the Warp," Tigurius explained. 

Without hesitation, Calgar consented. He was a pragmatist, and repairing the *King of Explorers* was a small price to pay for maintaining goodwill with the Mechanicus.

Sensing Calgar's good mood, Tigurius ventured a bold suggestion. "The Archmagos appears intrigued by Macragge's history. Perhaps we could hold a welcoming ceremony in the Sanctum, granting him the honor of viewing the Gene-Father's stasis chamber?" 

Calgar hesitated. The Sanctum of the Gene-Father was hallowed ground, and outsiders were rarely permitted within. Yet Cawl's contributions—and his potential to strengthen ties with the Mechanicus—were not to be dismissed lightly. 

After a moment's thought, Calgar nodded. "Arrange it." 

Tigurius bowed, relief flickering in his eyes. **Better to keep Cawl close than risk losing his favor.**