"**瑪雅人關於世界末日的預言從未應驗,而且已經過去這麼多年了.為什麼人們還在談論它?林城只是笑了笑,沉默不語,指著身後的一堆物資."**你能幫我把這些帶回家嗎?"他買了太多,多次旅行只是浪費時間.而且,物資採購才剛剛開始!附近的超市裡沒有方便麵和瓶裝水,因為林誠已經把它們清理乾淨了.粗略估計,他總共有50盒速食麵和60箱瓶裝水.一盒方便麵有 24 包,總共有 1,200 包.他們一家三口每天至少吃 9 袋,這隻能持續大約 133 天.他的瓶裝水稍微多了一點;每箱裝 24 瓶,共計 1,440 瓶,相對足夠.然而,這並未考慮營養需求.只吃方便麵是不夠的.超市裡其他食品的生產日期要早得多,根據它們的保質期,它們會在三到四個月後過期,因此不值得囤積.這些小超市的罐頭食品供不應求,所以林誠選擇轉而在網上購買.次日送達無疑是他目前最好的選擇,他打算批量購買罐頭食品.自然,他會受夠了!林誠隨後將目光轉移到附近的一家種子店.一旦庇護所的等級提高,就會有耕種的地方.大清洗后,各種蔬菜種子的價值飆升.有些人甚至會為一小把種子而爭吵.在世界末日之前囤積一些種子至少可以確保自給自足.他打算買各種農作物種子,打算一袋一袋地買.小麥種子,馬鈴薯種子,胡蘿蔔種子和紅薯種子各兩大袋!考慮到庇護所的面積只有 400 平方米,又考慮到種植所需的空間和各種設施,林誠暫時只買下了這些.畢竟,他還需要為其他補給留出空間.種子店老闆驚訝地看著林誠,他在店裡買了這麼大的貨."**年輕人,你買的很多種子都不適合在這個季節種植.""沒關係."林誠沒有再多多解釋,乾脆付了錢.然後,他請種子店老闆幫忙把種子送到他家.由於食物和種子暫時得到保障,他知道藥物也是必不可少的.因此,一位陌生的顧客來到了附近的幾家藥店."**我需要 50 盒感冒藥 666,並確保它是最新的批次!**"**您有哪些退燒藥?就成人退燒藥,跟感冒藥一樣——50盒,肯定是最新一批的!當別人買葯只是簡單用的時候,林成卻像囤貨一樣買了.如果零售價沒有高於批發價,藥房工作人員會認為他是來給貨架上備貨的.當林誠的父母看到家門口堆積了這麼多物資時,震驚得說不出話來."**林誠,買了那麼多泡麵和瓶裝水——這不是浪費嗎?我記得你甚至不喜歡方便麵."**傻孩子,你買這些的時候是不是數錯了?林誠搖搖頭."**我專門購買了這些.這一切都是為了防止世界末日.His parents chuckled, realizing that since the items had already been bought, there was no point in returning them. "**Where are you going to store all this? I don't think your room can hold that much.**" "**For now, I'll put it in our storage room. These items won't expire anytime soon, and even if there's no apocalypse, it doesn't hurt to have some food stored.**" Lin Cheng's parents were quite open-minded and supportive of most things he did. So, when Lin Cheng bought so many supplies, they didn't say much and helped him move everything into the storage room. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Cheng kept everything strictly confidential and didn't mention the shelter even once. As the apocalypse loomed, being a little selfish didn't seem like a bad thing. He wasn't a saint and couldn't save everyone; he could only ensure that he and his family would get through the Great Purge safely! Encouraged by Lin Cheng, his parents went out to buy some daily necessities. Meanwhile, Lin Cheng transferred supplies to the shelter and began inventorying everything he had stored there. "**Ding! Survival supplies in the shelter increased: 50 boxes of instant noodles, reward 50 experience points!**" "**Ding! Survival supplies in the shelter increased: 60 cases of bottled water, reward 60 experience points!**" "**Ding! Survival supplies in the shelter increased: 10 boxes of compressed biscuits, reward 100 experience points!**" "**Ding! Survival supplies in the shelter increased: 10 boxes of luncheon meat, reward 100 experience points!**" "**Ding! Survival supplies in the shelter increased: 150 boxes of regular medicine, reward 150 experience points!**" "**Ding! The shelter level has increased to Level 3, reward: Shelter area increased by 400 square meters!**" [Current Shelter Level: 3] [Shelter Area: 800 square meters] [Shelter Facilities: 2cm thick iron walls] [Experience needed for the next level: 60/800] The surrounding earthen walls instantly transformed into iron walls, naturally making them sturdier than before. However, these 2cm thick iron walls were only useful for defending against those with malicious intent. Clearly, they were still not enough to deal with the alien creatures. The formal opening of the facility templates gave Lin Cheng more hope. "**Ding! Congratulations, host, for achieving the accomplishment: Iron Shell! You've received a system reward of 200 experience points!**" [Currently available facilities: Iron walls (costs 100 experience points to thicken by 1cm)] [Currently buildable facilities: Small Arms Manufacturing Base (occupies 10 square meters, consumes 200 experience points)] [Temporarily unable to build facilities: Small Mineral Extraction Research Institute, Small Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Small Power Research Institute] [Note: Subsequent facilities will be expanded based on the first built facility] Lin Cheng felt a pang of regret as he consumed the 200 experience points he had just earned. However, he unhesitatingly constructed a Small Arms Manufacturing Base. "**Ding! Consumed 200 experience points. Small Arms Manufacturing Base construction complete!**" The so-called Arms Manufacturing Base was an encrypted room that utilized iris recognition technology, ensuring only Lin Cheng could enter. [Glock 17 Pistol: Automatic pistol, fires 9mm bullets, compact and lightweight. Manufacturing cost: 1 kg of refined iron. Ammunition production cost: 0.1 kg of refined iron.] [Desert Eagle: Semi-automatic pistol, exceptional performance, powerful. Manufacturing cost: 2 kg of refined iron. Ammunition production cost: 0.2 kg of refined iron.]