In a log in map, a game where the name is "Among Us", a new player who was downloading a game has entered the world full of mysteries. The name of the player log in, is "Blackish". Its the username as well. "Yay, I have download the game!". When Blackish walk to the roles gacha, he got role of innocent or crewmate. "Wow, I got the common role, what a shame". He then walk to id card creator and make an id card for his identity.
Name : Blackish
Colour : Black
Blood : B+
Role : Crewmate
"Hmm, this is maybe good. I actually have the id card"
After he make an id card for himself, he go to the room rental to rent a house to live. When he got to the room, he slightly go into the sofa. "What a tired day of sign in". He got a single bedroom that fit with him. When so many thinking, his stomach growl of hunger. "I'm so hungry, maybe I should eat noodle". He boil a instant noodle because he's hungry. He eat the noodle while watching television. When he done, he go to take shower and then go to bed, instantly sleep and snoring.
Tomorrow, he got his first task. "Yahoo, I got the first task! Let's see, Transferring data? This is easy" he talk to himself. He enter a spaceship and launch off to go to the space center with other 14 crew. Blackish seem happily in the ship that make everyone comfortable to do their part. "This black crew seem interesting" Thought of Red, the imposter from all the 15 crewmate. He's the evil, the malicious, the cold imposter yet he's seem nice about Blackish. When the ship reach the center building that floating in the space, the crewmate do their mission. Blackish goes to data and communication room to transfer data. He met orange doing electrical task. He goes same, watching at the pad, waiting for the download. Suddenly, he feel something on his behind. When he look behind, it was Red killing orange crewmate. Blackish looks in terror at Red while Red simply asking is he transfering data. Blackish at that time feel resigned because he want to run away but because of freeze of scared, he cannot run away. Suddenly, Red pull Blackish entering vent to hide from other crewmates.
"Who are you?" Asked blackish with scared voice yet low tone. "I'm Red, nice to meet you. What's your name?" Asked Red with low tone too. "My name is Blackish" response Blackish. Red nodded and handshake with blackish. Suddenly, Blackish feeling dizzy and felt unconscious. After the green crew left the room, Red carry Blackish to the med room and place him on the bed. Red doing fake task to lied other crewmates that he do the task. When Blackish wake up from unconscious slept, he touch his mouth accidentally but it feel weird, so he goes to the glass. "OH MY GOD, What happen to my mouth, why it's zig zag" Blackish panic see at his mouth because everyone will think that he is the imposter. "Don't worry Blackish, here, a black mask for you" Red handing Blackish A black mask. Blackish nodded of agreement and wear the mask.