"It certainly has not been your weekend, has it, Archangel Mikhail?" An annoying voice rang out from the side.
"You know how it is, once or twice an eon is the usual time for shit to go wrong," Mikhail remarked with a chuckle before narrowing his eyes. "But I'm surprised you were the one to betray me, Gabriel."
"I'm under strict orders by the—"
Mikhail cut him off. "By the Seraphim? Like they matter anymore."
"Mikhail, I understand your frustrations; however, look at it from my perspective," Gabriel said, furrowing his brows. "If I don't do what I'm told, then I'll die."
"You won't die, you fucking idiot," Mikhail lashed out. "How many times do I have to tell you? I've removed the binding agent from your brain many years ago. No one can control you now."
Despite those words, the oblivious Archangel Gabriel shook his head. "I don't trust you."