Chereads / Reincarnated as an Extra in a Blatant Cliché / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Decisions and Regrets, Part Two.

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Decisions and Regrets, Part Two.

"In the dimness of that forgotten corner, the scars of the past whispered secrets of a silent struggle, as time seemed to halt amidst echoes of pain and hope." —Excerpt from an unpublished manuscript: Inks and Swords.

Location: Eldoria Territory.

Nycthalon Domain, Seraphim Academy.

Eris Moonfalen's Point of View.

What was fulfillment? She didn't believe she had the answer; her life experiences hadn't prepared her to provide one. Her pale hands gripped the edge of the sink tightly, her knuckles standing out under the strain of her hold. She tried to keep them from trembling. With measured effort, she exhaled slowly, forcing a half-smile to form.

"A new day, a new opportunity," she repeated to herself like a mantra in her head. She turned on the faucet and let the water flow. The steady sound was a subtle relief, a welcome distraction. Plunging her hands into the icy stream, she brought the liquid to her face over and over. The contact with the water not only awakened her senses but also brought the discomfort of the familiar: the uneven texture of her skin, the scars that crossed her brow and extended above her nose.

Old scars stirred a deep sadness within her. They had been caused by an untreated infection that had spread quickly at the time, leaving indelible marks. She would have died from it had it not been for the kindness of a certain person. Yes, a kind man who, for a few days, became her protector: he cared for her, looked after her well-being with the tenderness of a father, bought her clothes, tended to her wounds, and, most importantly, treated her as a human being, not as mere disposable merchandise.

Eris couldn't help but smile as she fondly remembered those brief but precious moments she spent with the gentleman and his group. She turned off the faucet, letting silence envelop her once more. From the drawer beneath the sink, she pulled out a pair of clean bandages and carefully wrapped them around her scars. Finally, she raised her gaze to where the bathroom mirror should have been.

"Mr. Berlian, if our paths ever cross again, I promise I will repay my debt," she said with a spirited smile. She placed a hand over her chest and brushed the necklace hanging beneath her nightgown. It was a simple mithril plate, held by a worn cord. A gift Berlian had given her the day of their farewell, when she, a mere stubborn child, refused to accept his departure.

"Anyway, I think I won't need it anymore. Besides, you deserve it as much as I do for being such a brave little one. Just take care of it for me, will you?" he had said then, and those words remained etched in her memory as if no time had passed. She couldn't help but feel a mix of warmth and slight embarrassment.

Moments later, she left the bathroom and headed to where she knew her wardrobe stood. She opened it, pulled out some clothes, and, knowing today was Vintar, didn't need to put on the academy's dull uniform. Instead, she slipped on a simple A-line dress, and since winter was approaching, she also put on a coat. To complete her outfit, she wore loose black pants and comfortable leather boots that reached her calves.

Finally, she grabbed her old bag and stepped out of her small bedroom. She closed the door behind her, allowing herself one last calm sigh before facing the day. Hopefully, she thought, this day wouldn't be as bad as the ones before.


The sounds of wooden swords clashing echoed in the air, accompanied by friendly chatter, the instructor's orders, and sporadic laughter that reached Eris's ears.

She, however, contented herself with sitting on the sidelines, waiting from a distance for the obligatory class schedule to end. In any case, her instructor barely acknowledged her presence, ignoring her due to her condition. Well, it wasn't like she could do much anyway; she had never considered herself a fighter, nor did she believe she ever could be one.

In that clearing, located near the academy's inner grounds, Eris waited for the training hours to pass. Her mind wandered to a fleeting conversation she had had the previous week, and a subtle smile crossed her face. Yes, that boy strangely reminded her of Mr. Berlian, at least in how kind he had been to her despite barely knowing her. She wished she could see him again to thank him for his gesture.

Unfortunately, she hadn't had time to visit her pleasant hideout these past few days because of… but before she could finish her thoughts, approaching footsteps pulled her out of her own world, returning her to reality.

"There you are," a girl said as she walked up. "The girls and I didn't see you this morning, so we were a little worried."

Eris kept herself from trembling. She made an effort not to hug herself or let her face betray any emotion. The dripping falseness of those words was evident to her senses; it was poison disguised as a sweet apple. "It's g-good to s-see... see you, Ta-Talyssa," she managed to say, cursing herself internally for her obvious nervousness.

"I told you, you can just call me Lyssa. We're friends, aren't we?" the girl replied with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She sat down beside her and slung an arm over her shoulders. Eris nodded, knowing it was best to avoid trouble.

"You know, the girls and I have been talking about giving you a gift, one you'll absolutely love. So make sure you come with us after the first class period ends." The hidden sarcasm and barely concealed malice didn't escape her senses. They patted her on the back, the gesture almost insulting, as if she were a mere puppy to them.

"You wouldn't want to disappoint your friends, would you?" Talyssa said before standing up, her fake smile still in place. "Well, I should get back to training. See you later, Eris," she added before heading back to her group, ready to resume her fencing practice.

It seemed today wouldn't be the day she could go either, Eris thought, feeling both disheartened and somewhat fearful. Her arms wrapped around her legs now that Talyssa was gone. An involuntary shiver escaped as she sighed, resigned.

Finally, hours later, with a storm of speculative thoughts swirling in her mind, the first training period ended, giving the students time to rest. Some returned to their dorms for a quick shower; others, hungry, headed to the dining hall. Some simply collapsed onto the ground, grateful to have survived another day of the mandatory torture required for graduation.

Eris was part of the group heading to the dining hall. Her hidden supplies had run out that morning, leaving her no choice but to go there—a move that carried the risk of encountering that group of friends. Having to engage in those terrifying girls' games sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't understand why they treated her so poorly when she had done nothing to deserve it.

Walking at a slow pace, she entered the academy and wandered its halls in silence. She moved like a ghost, one barely noticed save for the bandages on her face and the peculiarity of her not needing a cane to trace her path.

She couldn't say the distant treatment bothered her. In fact, it aligned with her goal of a peaceful, uncomplicated graduation. It would be nice; that way, she could provide financial help to the orphanage where she had grown up, where the kind man had left her—a place she could proudly call home.

"You're taking your sweet time," a voice called out from behind her. Feeling a sudden panic, she quickened her pace, but firm hands landed on her shoulders, stopping her with a grip stronger than necessary—one that was slightly painful. "And here I thought you'd ditch us again, like this morning," her captor said cheerfully, forcing her to turn around, away from the dining hall.

Eris swallowed hard and tried to buy time. "C-could we p-please go g-get some f-food first?" she asked in a trembling voice, clutching at the folds of her dress, desperately trying to delay the inevitable.

"Oh, that… don't worry, Eris. You'll have plenty to eat—so much, in fact, you might even feel full," her captor replied, her voice sending a chilling sensation through Eris.

After walking through several hallways, they reached an intersection, a space that served as a predetermined meeting point.

"There you are, Diana. And I see you brought Eris; it's about time. After all, we don't have all afternoon," said a voice she instantly recognized. It was Lydia, the self-proclaimed leader of their small, tight-knit group of friends. If Diana was already a head taller than her due to being two years older, then Lydia towered over her by two heads, being three years her senior.

"Yeah, we were getting bored just waiting around," another girl chimed in. This time, it was Celia, a girl her age who was in an advanced fencing class compared to hers.

"Alright then, let's get going. Eris's gift can't wait all day," added the familiar voice of Talyssa, drawing a few giggles from the other three girls.

"Alright, alright, let's pick up the pace," Lydia said, starting to walk down one of the hallways. Eris was placed in the middle of the group—a position justified as protection due to her blindness, or so they claimed. She knew it was to prevent her from escaping, as if she could do so anyway.

All of this was noticed from a distance by a boy with peculiar, unruly hair. Believing he recognized something familiar, he stepped back and quickly turned his head.

Tense minutes passed. The group of friends advanced through the empty hallways to a secluded corner of the academy, where their walk came to an end. The hands that had been pushing her let go, and the squeak of a door opening echoed in front of her. An unmistakable smell invaded her nostrils—the sharp, acrid odor of a school bathroom.

"Well, well, go on in. Your gift is waiting for you," Diana announced in a playful tone that sent chills down Eris's spine. Her lighthearted tone was laden with something more, something dark and venomous that slithered into her ears like a hiss. Before she could react, she was shoved roughly into the bathroom. The four girls followed her in, closing the door behind them. Celia stayed by the handle, blocking any chance of escape or entry.

"Here she is. She's all yours," Lydia, the group's leader, crossed her arms, her satisfied smile reflecting the cruelty behind the plan. For the others, it was just a fun prank. They laughed conspiratorially, fully supporting the twisted game without hesitation.

"Is this her?" a voice unfamiliar to Eris asked, prompting her to lift her head off the floor. It wasn't a girl's voice—it was a boy's.

"Of course, it's her. Who else would it be?" Talyssa said, her tone dripping with mockery and laden with sarcasm.

"At least she has a nice rear," another boy said.

"I'll agree with that. Who knows, maybe it'll be enough for all three of us," another boy added, his cheerful tone making Eris want to vomit.

"W-what is h-happening?" she asked, frightened. This wasn't normal—not in the usual way. A dreadful sensation assaulted her senses, causing sporadic trembling.

"Relax," Talyssa said sweetly, placing her hands on Eris's shoulders. "It's just your gift. What you deserve. What someone of your status should be doing for free. But don't worry; we're good friends, and we got you a special deal. Plus, we'll make sure to share the profits with you."

Talyssa hissed like a rattlesnake, venom dripping from her words. Without further warning, they shoved Eris forcefully. Her knees hit the bathroom floor, and her hands shot out to stop her fall.

"Now, the money or no deal," Lydia said as her friends continued mocking her.

"Of course, a deal's a deal." The first boy who had spoken pulled a small cloth bag of coins from his pocket and threw it as if it were trash. One of the girls caught it gleefully, sealing the vile transaction.

"Oh, and a word of advice: don't take the bandages off her face if you want to keep your little friends downstairs excited," Diana said, as playful as ever.

"Seriously? That sounds fun," said the cheerful boy whose voice made Eris recoil involuntarily. He leaned closer, tilting his head from side to side. "I want to see, I want to see," he said, and with a quick flick of his fingers—too fast for the naked eye—he removed the bandages from Eris's face, leaving them in his hands.

"Wow, that's disgusting. Makes me want to throw up. Too ugly," he said, laughing at the sight. His two friends groaned in disgust, and the group of girls joined in.

"Told you," Diana said, wishing she could somehow carve the scene into stone.

"Come on, dude, just put the bandages back on her. That's too much, even for me," one of the boys said.

Eris tried to cover her face. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs. Her chest heaved as she struggled to contain her emotions, but the tears wouldn't come; her tear glands were irreparably damaged.

"For God's sake," Talyssa expressed with disdain, appearing to be the most satisfied with the current situation. "Stop acting like a child. Accept it: from now on, this is all you're good for; only your body can be used because everything else is just horrible."

Eris stood up quickly, fear and desperation flooding her body, and turned toward the door, attempting to run. Unfortunately, before she could take a single step, her wrist was seized by the hand of that boy with the oddly cheerful tone. "Leaving already? But we haven't even started yet. There's still plenty of fun ahead," he said.

Lydia approached, furious, and slapped her hard enough to turn her face. "What the hell are you trying to do? You want to make me look like a damn fraud? You better apologize immediately!" she yelled, delivering another slap with unmeasured force.

"Don't worry about that. It was just the excitement of the moment, right... Eris? That's your name, isn't it?" the boy with the cheerful tone said, flashing a shameless grin. His free hand moved to grab Eris's backside, squeezing hard enough to cause a bit of pain.

As for Eris, the situation had completely overwhelmed her. This was the worst thing these girls had ever done to her. She didn't want this; she wanted to leave, to be free, and for them to leave her alone. Without another thought, her arm swung forcefully toward where she believed the boy holding her was, but her limb was effortlessly stopped. A hand caught it with enough strength to break her bones if it wanted to.

"Wow, we've got a real fighter here. Don't worry... my friends and I know how to handle a lady," he said. With little effort, he restrained her. In one sure motion, he twisted her arms behind her back, immobilizing her with just one of his, while his free hand moved invasively over her chest. "A bit flat for my taste, but I'm not complaining."

"Hey, Ronan, leave some for us too," another boy said with an amused tone and a sly grin, directing his comment at his friend, who lazily smiled back. "Alright, sharing is what good friends do," Ronan responded before looking at Talyssa. "Hey, you, put her bandages back on since it seems my friends don't have the stomach to look at such ugliness for too long."

Meanwhile, Eris struggled with everything she had to escape. However, the boy's strength was impressive; she couldn't move him even a fraction of an inch. Talyssa sighed and, reluctantly, did as requested, if only because the payout she'd get for that girl was excellent.

"Alright, who's going first?" Ronan asked with amusement, showing little interest in Eris herself but clear enthusiasm for the situation.

"Since you insist, I'll go first," Edric, the tallest of them, said, stepping forward with a predatory gleam in his eyes and an increasingly lascivious expression on his face. Ronan threw Eris like a sack of potatoes, and Edric caught her with alarming ease, holding her much more roughly.

"Just get it over with. We don't have all day," Celia snapped, still gripping the door handle. "Be gentle with the kid. After all, she's only a first-year," Victor, the last of the trio, added. Hearing this, Edric simply waved a dismissive hand. That same hand, however, became far more assertive moments later as it moved between Eris's legs, who was now fighting with twice the effort to escape.

What they didn't notice was how Eris's mana began to stir within her, glowing slowly with something dangerous, something lethal that wanted to erupt like a volcanic explosion, like a calamity.

"Relax. You'll see... in the end, you'll enjoy this more than we will," Edric murmured near her ear, his tone steeped in cynicism that made her nauseous. With a yank, he tore the lower part of Eris's dress, ripping her pants with the ease of plucking a leaf from a tree, leaving her in her underwear and exposing the numerous bruises on her legs.

"Please, please, let me go. I won't say anything, just let me go," Eris pleaded, her voice breaking, but her words only provoked more laughter from the group of girls. Memories of a past she desperately wanted to forget resurfaced in all their weight.

"Come on, this is what you are: a cheap whore. Be glad they even paid for your services," Talyssa sneered venomously.

When all seemed lost, as Edric slid his hand toward Eris's underwear to remove it, fate had the misfortune of intervening. A glimmer of fortune smiled upon Eris, a small sign that hope was not lost.

The door Celia was holding shut was struck with such force that the hinges partially detached. The impact flung the door wide open, sending Celia sprawling to the ground violently. She would have broken her nose were it not for her above-average human resilience, thanks to the training she always despised.

"Well, well. Even here, this kind of disgusting crap exists," said a firm voice from the doorway. A young man lowered his leg after delivering the kick. His gaze, dark and full of contempt and disgust, scanned the scene where a girl of similar age was trapped, about to be abused by some vile bastards. His aqua-green hair and matching eyes gleamed with absolute fury. "People like you should die like the pigs you are."

Eris turned her head toward the voice, which, despite its pure anger, she recognized instantly. To her surprise... it was the kind boy she had met the previous week. Her heart skipped a beat, filled with disbelief and hope.

"Who the hell…" Talyssa, the closest to the boy with such peculiar hair, tried to speak but was silenced by a punch loaded with every intention of causing severe harm. Her face caved under the blow, and her body flew a few meters before sliding across the floor, finally crashing into the wall at the back of the bathroom.

Unfortunately for the young man with aqua-green hair, the girl was still breathing. Here, at this academy, most students were physically superior to average humans. A blow meant to crush a normal person's skull only broke Talyssa's nose and left her unconscious.

The young man stepped back, out of the doorway. "You're disgusting, so disgusting it makes me sick! You think you have the right to toy with other people's lives, to do whatever you please without consequences!" he shouted, his words charged with transcendent hatred, though his mind remained razor-sharp.

Ronan tilted his head with disdain, a sly grin spreading across his lips. "It doesn't matter if you take a few steps out of the bathroom or how much you yell. Your plan to draw attention won't work. Although, I'll admit, you've impressed me. You're a quick thinker. I like that."

Ronan pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "You see... my friend back there has a rather peculiar Trait, one that allows him to control how much sound enters and exits a space, so…" He couldn't finish his explanation because he had to intercept a small stone launched at 700 km/h as if it were nothing more than an apple.

For a moment, he toyed with the projectile in his hand, amused by the quick reaction of the boy in front of him. "You're more interesting than I thought, but something that slow wouldn't have taken Victor out of the game. Next time, try something better," he said with a smile and a wink at the newcomer.

"Here, I'll give it back to you." Without further ado, and lazily, he threw the stone. The speed exceeded that of sound, and the aqua-green-haired boy barely had time to tilt his head to the side to avoid it.

His brow furrowed. This… was undoubtedly a disaster.


The author speaking here.

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