"You're the best gift ever," Romeo said, touching her face to comfort her. "My grandma will be over the moon to see you."
"But I can't just show up empty-handed," Rosemary said, inquiring, "What did your grandma like most?" She had to come up with something.
"Miss Rose, Shirley McMillian loved flowers, paintings, and playing chess. She's even heard your music," Carl informed.
Rosemary looked skeptical.
"It's true! You can ask Mr. McMillian if you don't believe me."
"That's right," Romeo said gently. "My grandma did listen to your music before, and she loved it."
So, all she had to do was play a few tunes for Shirley?
If Shirley liked chess, Rosemary did have a top-notch chess set made of gold. Even the chessboard was worth a fortune, but it was too late to have it delivered now.