Freddy: Does Jessica know about your marriage to Sara?
Edward: Yes
Freddy: What did she say?
Edward: She called me, told me not to marry Sara.
Freddy: And what did you tell her?
Edward: 😟 I told her the truth.
Freddy: What's that?
Edward: That I love her. Always have, always will.
Freddy: 😮 And?
Edward: I married to sara, but my heart belongs to Jessica.
Freddy: 😒 Edward, be honest with yourself. What do you want?
Edward:To make things right with Jessica.
Freddy: What about Sara? She's your wife now.
Edward: 😏 It's not a marriage, Freddy. It's just a contract for me.
Freddy: A contract?
Edward: Yes. Sara knows I love Jessica.
Freddy: And she's okay with it?
Edward: She's also not ready for this marriage my mom convince her.
Freddy: Edward, this is complicated.
Edward: I know. But I couldn't hurt my mom because she say she will drink poison if I will not marry to Sara.
Freddy: But it's a completely arranged Marriage for both of you.
Edward: Yes arranged and forced marriage 😞
Freddy: My freind, Edward now you have to think about your life seriously.