In the desolate lands of the West, amidst a mist-shrouded deep mountain, there lies an ancient village, the territory of the Black Wolf Clan. They are a group of half-wolves with wolf blood, transforming into wolves every full moon night, displaying astonishing strength and speed. The Black Wolf Clan has a strict taboo: clan members are forbidden from marrying outsiders. They believe that only by keeping their bloodline pure can they preserve the transmission of power. However, this taboo was broken by a young member of the clan named Aidan. Aidan fell in love with a human woman, and their love produced a golden-eyed boy named Chris.
He was vastly different from the other members of his family, which granted him a unique appearance and abilities. His eyes glowed with an unusual light under the moonlight, his fur was more dense than that of any werewolf, and his strength was evident from a young age.
His appearance is striking. His hair is deep black, like the shadow of midnight, and his eyes are a deep amber, as if they can penetrate the depths of the human heart. He is tall and muscular, with clear muscle lines that reveal a primal strength. His skin bears faint gray stripes, a mark of his mixed werewolf heritage.
Chris's special ability is truly remarkable. He possesses superhuman strength and speed, making it difficult for even the strongest werewolves to match him. His senses are extraordinarily acute, allowing him to hear sounds from several miles away and see the faintest light. He also has a unique ability to communicate with wolves, understanding their language, and even controlling them.
From a young age, I felt the difference between myself and my family members. The other members of the family found me both intriguing and intimidating. They didn't know how to handle this unique child.
Chris' parents passed away when he was very young, leaving him to face the world alone. To conceal his identity, Chris left his family and moved to a bustling city. Utilizing his intelligence and strength, he quickly made a name for himself in the business world, eventually becoming the CEO of a large corporation.
In the midst of city life, Chris struggled to conceal his werewolf identity, but his primal instincts would still occasionally flare up on the night of the full moon. He had to carefully control his power to avoid revealing his true self.**