It took a few days for Abraham and his friends to be able to return to training as usual, this was because the snow fell quite heavily.
And caused them to be trapped for several days in the house.
This time after several days of waiting for the snow to subside at home, Abraham was finally able to return to training as usual
It's just that because of the snow that had piled up quite a lot in the yard, Abraham was required to clean it first.
Before he could then use his yard again to practice.
Understandably, the snow fell heavily for several days, and covered the yard and the area around Abraham's house with quite high piles of snow.
From what Abraham saw, visually the height of the snow in his yard was between 30-50 cm.
Which shows that it was quite a lot of snow.
Luckily, during the snowfall there was no storm accompanying it, so in this case he could be said to be quite comfortable living at home.