I woke Marco up to make him give Maven his special Tour of Italy at 8 in the morning. He complained until I stuffed all of my remaining cash in his mouth. And then with my super strength I rubbed away the minting imprints on two gold giblets and then placed them over his eyes.
After he spat out the money and removed the giblets from his eyes, he agreed to do it, but he said, he would be sleeping immediately after, and wouldn't wake up for anything.
I said that was fine. And that is how I ended up eating Nonna's Secret for breakfast. Maven was delighted by everything. The presentation, Marco, the food, me for some reason, even Alice and Victoria.
Alice and Victoria immediately took a liking to her. They claimed her as their child.
I rolled my eyes and continued eating. We had a delightful, if acid reflux inducing breakfast, and the conversation was all on the productive end of things. No slapping Dylan or calling him a cheater.