Chereads / DxD/Testament: The Perfect Devil / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Training The Monster Duo

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Training The Monster Duo

AN: Basara's generation was born at around the same time as Adaloth/Avalon, and as you're about to read I decided to just turn Wilbert and his Demon's into their own Clan in the Underworld. If you have any more questions that aren't answered in this chapter, drop them and I'll respond when I can.

Also, I'm beyond astonished at the amount of support this story has received in such a short time. Keep those comments, reviews, and power stones coming, I shall use them as a blood sacrifice to increase my motivation 😈.


(Third Person) 

Zeoticus was seated at his desk, glossing over an array of his paperwork with an exasperated look in his face. The sound of the clocking ticking away draining what remained of his near-depleted mental stamina. 

But eventually, his inner broodings were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on his door. 

"Come in," he invited the figure, revealed to be none other than the Strongest Queen, Grayfia. "Is this about Wilbert?" 

"Yes, would you like me to give my report on Lord Valen now? Or shall I leave it for another time?" She noticed the endless stacks of paper on his desk. 

He groaned, able to tell by Grayfia's expression alone that whatever she was about to tell him was going to increase his workload. 

"You might as well while I'm at it," he said in a defeated tone. 

"Lord Valen's daughter, Mio, has been confirmed to have successfully inherited her Clan Trait, and as a result has been named the official Heiress." 

The Valen Clan held the rank of King, which was shared only by the Belial Clan who had given birth to the famous Champion of the Rating Games, Diehauser Belial, the number one ranker. 

They were revered for their undeniably powerful Clan Trait, Gravity Magic, and their contributions towards ending the Great War. Which had involved their Clan Head Wilbert Valen clashing with the legendary War God Jin Toujou, and living to tell the tale. 

Jin Toujou and Wilbert were actually on good terms behind the scenes, but for the sake of appearances the true nature of their relationship had been kept hidden. 

"I see, that's good for Wilbert. It's about time he had an Heir, or Heiress it seems." Wilbert and Zeoticus were also on good terms, both of them possessing more compassionate ideals when it came to leadership, and having worked together on numerous occasions to improve the treatment of Reincarnated Devils and Half-Devils within their territories. "If I remember correctly, he had Mio a few months after we had Avalon and Adaloth right?" 

"Indeed, Lord Valen has requested for you to come visit his territory, though he hasn't explicitly stated what the purpose of the visit would be." 

"Then it's probably just a social call, tell him I'll be there as soon as possible." 

"Actually, he requested that you bring Young Lord Avalon along as well." 

Zeoticus raised his brow, shooting a questioning look her way. "You mean?" 

"Again, he made no explicit statement, nor has he tried to force your presence in any formal manner." 

"That may be so, but the implication is pretty obvious." Zeoticus drummed his fingers across his desk, deep in thought. "I was already talking to the Agares on that matter, and Venelana was doing the same with the Sitri. I'm worried that if anything official comes to light, they may take it the wrong way." He breathed a deep sigh. "Tell him I'll come the day after tomorrow, Okita and Mathers are having their training sessions with Avalon and Adaloth tomorrow and I don't want to get in the way of that." 

"As you wish," she bowed and exited the room. 

Zeoticus grumbeled, pouring himself a drink and looking out the window behind him."I wonder how he's going to react?" He thought to himself aloud. 

Both Avalon and Adaloth had always been extremely hard to read, Avalon in particular was pretty similar to Ajuka with how he remained completely expressionless 24/7. 

Hopefully he wasn't as disinterested in women as the Beelzebub was. 


(First Person - Avalon) 

I was the first to wake, with Rias still sound asleep in her cradle between me and Adaloth's bed, and Adaloth herself sleeping on the other side of the room. 

I walked over to her bed, giving the side of it a light kick. 

"Oi, wake up." 

Her eyelids slowly started to part, a groan leaving her mouth as she looked at me with annoyed expression. 

"What do you want?" 

"Have you already forgotten? Mathers and Okita are supposed to be here today." Of course, I had no idea when they were actually going to arrive, I just needed an excuse to disturb her sleep. 

She tilted her head, looking up at the clock in our room. 

"It's 6:00 in the morning, couldn't you have at least waited another hour?" She sat upright, wiping the eye dust out of the corner of her eyes before tossing away her blanket. 

"Maybe, but your insistent snoring woke me up early." I replied with a mischievous smile. 

"I don't snore," she frowned. 

"Yes you do, isn't that right Rias?" I turned to my little sister, who was still sleeping in her crib. "See? She agrees." 

"She literally didn't even move." 

"I felt it through our Demonic Power, you just can't feel it because of your ineptitude." 


Gaslighting her with menial things like this is all part of my masterplan, I think. 

Both of us started to get ready for the day, a maid eventually coming into our room and taking Rias to our mother, more likely than not to get breastfed. 

"You two are up early," I heard my father's voice from the dining table. "Eager to start your training I presume?" 

"Mhm," I replied. Noticing the fragrant aroma of freshly baked pancakes on the table. 

"Don't worry, your mother made plenty go around." He signaled for one of the attendants to lay out two more plates of them for me and Adaloth. "Enjoy." 

Oh I'll enjoy them alright. 

For some reason me and my sister's appetites are much bigger than they're supposed to be, we go through at least four times the amount of food our parents do per day, and even then we still have room for dessert. 

I'm pretty sure they also had to nearly double the wages of our chefs just to keep us satiated whenever Venelana is away. 

Maybe it has something to do with the properties of our Power of Destruction? I'm not sure. 

Our bodies are growing a lot faster as a result, the usual height for our age should be around 3 '8 - 4' 0, but I'm already 4 '6, and Adaloth is 4' 4. 

It looks like I'll get to be a lot taller than I was in my past life, neat. 

I wolfed down the plate of food like I hadn't eaten in centuries, those around me no longer surprised by the feat in the slightest. 

"Are the two of you familiar with the Valen Clan?" Zeoticus asked us out of the blue. 

"Headed by Wilbert Valen?" Adaloth replied. 

"Yes, Wilbert's invited me to go for a visit, and he wants me to bring Avalon along as well." 

"What for?" I asked. 

"It's a social visit, our families are on good terms so I think it'd be nice for you to get familiar with them. I don't think it's a problem if you'd like to come along as well Adaloth, but it's up to you." 

Me and my sister shot a brief knowing glance towards one another. 

I'm sure my father had many talents, but lying wasn't one of them.

"Sure, I'm interested in seeing who you're going to marry brother to anyways." 

Did you really have to say it out loud? 

"I never said-" 

"Father, it's written all over your face." I added, our family was ranked Duke, there's no way we were going to visit a King ranked family just for a social call. "So, who's my fiance?" I already anticipated something like this happening, as long as they're not a psycho, I'm game. 

"You two really are quite perceptive…" He chuckled nervously, I think calling him out bruised his ego. "Nothing's actually been confirmed yet, but it is fairly probable that he wants to scope out a marriage." 


"His daughter, Mio Valen. She's just been officially named Heiress since it's been confirmed that she inherited the Clan Trait. However, even if he does want to organize a marriage, it's not like you'll be getting hitched on the spot. It'll happen when you're a little older." 

"I see," I reached for another serving of pancakes. 

"Uhm, are you alright with it?" He asked me. 

"Alright with what?" 


"It's an arranged marriage isn't it? What does it matter whether I'm alright with it or not?" I say that, but if they turn out to be like my sister then I'll probably try to impose some condition like beating me in a one on one fight to prevent it. 

I did not escape the world of psychos just to get thrown right back into it. 

"That's technically true, but surely you have an opinion on the matter?" 

"All I have to do is make a child with whoever it is when I'm an adult right?" As long as it doesn't get in the way of me building my peerage, and my eventual desire to start competing in the Rating Games, I don't see much of a problem with it. 

Adaloth's also probably going to get married at some point, though I feel sorry for whoever is at the receiving end of that. 

I shall make an inward prayer for their survival in advance. 

"Of course, that's part of it since you'll need to have an Heir of your own when I hand over the title to you-" 

"About that," I interrupted. 


"I've been doing some thinking about my future recently, and I might want to pursue my brother's path." 

I could feel the shock coming from him without even looking at his face. I wasn't sure when I should bring this up, but I feel like the earlier I do it the better. 

"You wish to become a Satan?" He blinked a few times.

"I'm not fully decided, but I'm leaning towards that path." Being the Gremory Head sounds nice and all, but being a Satan sounds even better. 

Zeoticus fell silent for a bit, clearly having fallen into deep thought. 

"You do understand how difficult it actually is to become one right? With the current state of the Underworld, the bare minimum to even be considered for the position is becoming the number one ranker in the Rating Games, and even then you'll either have to wait for one of the current Satans to retire, or challenge them one on one." 

"You disapprove?" I looked at him. 

"Not necessarily," he sighed. "I'll be honest, I'd much rather you succeed my position, but if you're truly set on going for it, then I won't stop you. May I at least ask why you're interested in the role?" 

"My reason isn't nearly as grand as you might expect, I just want to know how strong I'm really capable of becoming, and I figured the best way to do that would be to reach for the top. I'm aware that I might fail at the task, but I'd rather live having tried than not." 

The thought of settling for less than I'm actually capable of achieving disturbs me. Apparently I have talent, but I want to know what that talent actually amounts to in practice. 

What was that quote from that weird ass show I once watched? 

'If one is born male, at least once in his life he'll dream of being the strongest man alive.' 

I think now is that moment for me, I just can't help it. In a world built on supernatural powers, how can I not be interested in seeing how far my power can take me? 

That's like giving a toddler a plate of food, and then telling him not to eat it. 

"It'll be a long and arduous journey," he cautioned me. 

"I can imagine." 

"You'll have to work tirelessly, and need to be prepared to face many sleepless nights." 

"That's also probably true." 

"But you'll go for it regardless?" 

"That's the plan." 

He nodded slowly. "I suggest you think about it some more, but if after a while you're still set on it, I'll do what I can to prepare you." 

"I appreciate that." 

"You're my son, it's only natural that I help you." He turned to Adaloth. "What about you? Have you given your future some thought?" 

She hummed, looking at me and curling her lips for some reason. "A little, I'm also not fully decided on what I want to do." 

Strange, this time I don't actually think she's lying. Then again, I should be more concerned with what she actually wants to accomplish when she makes her mind up. 

"That's fine, you're still young so take your time. If you ever need any advice you can always come to me or your mother for help." 

If I actually succeed at becoming a Satan, then that'll mean Adaloth or Rias will end up taking over the house instead of me. 

I suppose that's something I'll also need to be mindful of, but that's a bridge I won't have to cross for a long while. For now I'm just going to focus on building up my strength as much as I can. 

"Anyhow, I've got some work to do so I'll be heading back to my office. I'll have one of the maids inform you when your teachers arrive, for now you might as well get changed into something that's easier to move in." 

Once our stomachs had decided they were satisfied, we left to go retrieve our tracksuits. 

"Hey, are you serious about becoming a Satan?" She asked, tilting her head a little. 

"For the most part." 

"I see, maybe I should also aim for that." 

"That's your choice to make," if she does actually go for it we'll probably have to compete against each other in the Rating Games at some point. 

And when that time comes, I'll win. 

Losing is one thing, losing to her is another. 


(Third Person) 

"So you're my Lord's sibling," a figure spoke, standing in the outdoor training area of the Gremory House. 

He was a man who appeared to be in his twenties, sporting long black hair tied up into a ponytail, wearing a light-blue haori with mountain stripes and a hakama over a kimono. Donning the traditional Shinsengumi look. 

This was Souji Okita, the Knight of Sirzechs Lucifer. 

"Interesting, you don't give off the same impression he does." Souji scratched his chin, carefully observing Avalon's figure who was standing opposite him. "You remind me more of Lord Beelzebub, you even have the same face as him." 

"Uh, I'll take that as a compliment?" Avalon replied. 

"As you should, Lord Beelzebub is someone most deserving of reverence." Souji currently had two katanas in his hands, but he decided to sheathe one of them. "I was considering teaching you swordplay, but on second thought that may not be the wisest course of action." 

Avalon frowned a little, having looked forward to learning how to use a sword. 

"If my intuition is correct, you probably fit more into the mage-type category of fighters." 


"Every fighter has a speciality they excel in, some are better with hand to hand combat, others like myself prefer weaponry, and then there are those who have exceptional talent with using spells. I'm confident you fit into that last category." 

"Wait, if that's the case then shouldn't Mathers be the one teaching me?" 

"No, though there's much he is capable of teaching you. It's best if you first learn what I have to offer before you move onto learning spells directly." 

"Such as?" 

"The number one weakness of mage-types is dealing with close combat types, those who do not take measures to counteract that weakness end up losing all composure when caught off guard. I will make sure you are prepared for that." 

Any close combatant worth their salt knew how to close the distance between themselves and an opponent, something that would spell imminent defeat for an inexperienced mage. 


"The first step is for you to learn how to improve your movement speed with Demonic Power, and use that to dodge. Like how most mages aren't prepared for a close combat specialist to get up in their face, most close combat specialists aren't prepared for a mage to be able to actually evade their attacks close up. Normally allowing a mage to land a solid counterattack with a spell of theirs." 

Avalon noticed Demonic Power starting to gather around Souji's feet. 

"This is an extremely basic yet efficient technique known as reinforcement, naturally the proficiency of the ability scales with the caster's control and output of Demonic Power. I hear you are rather blessed with the former?" 

"That's the common consensus." 

Since Avalon was born with the highest level of control a Devil could achieve, he didn't actually understand the struggle of slowly taming one's Demonic Power step by step. It was just something he could always do. 

"Then let's put that to the test, try reinforcing your feet with Demonic Power." 

Avalon shrugged, deciding to just toss aside his questions and listen to his instructor. 

He felt the sensation of warmth in his feet start to rise as Demonic Power started to flow into it. 

Avalon raised his leg, looking at Souji. "Like this?" 

Souji's eyes widened a little. "Do you feel any soreness in your feet?"


"None at all?" He felt the need to ask. 

"Nope. Should I feel some?" 

"You aren't lying are you?" 

"Why would I lie? I don't even know why you're asking me that." 

Souji's shock continued to heighten, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him. "Then your control really is as perfect as I was told, consider me thoroughly impressed." But he couldn't afford to remain stunned for too long, he had a student to teach after all. One who didn't seem to be aware of how much of a monster he was. "Alright, now try moving around." 

Upon doing so, Avalon was met with not only a drastic increase in speed, but also an incredible loss of balance. 

It felt like he was trying to stand upright on a moving boat, his legs wobbling all over the place as he struggled to adapt to his newfound speed. 

"Yeah, that'll take some getting used to you. Especially for you since the speed you can achieve right from the get-go is far beyond anything someone your age, or some even thrice your age should be capable of reaching." 

"You wouldn't happen to have some sort of trick I could use to make it easier?" 

Souji shook his head. "Unfortunately not, your body will just need to get used to the feeling through practice." He scratched his chin. "While I don't think it'll be a good idea to teach you swordsmanship at this point, maybe learning hand to hand combat might be a good fallback skill for you to have." 

"You know hand to hand? I thought you were a swordsman?" 

"I was, and I am. But do you honestly believe I spent all my extended lifespan sitting around doing nothing?" 

The Shinsengumi were founded in 1863, meaning Souji was almost a century and a half years old. 

"Footwork and basic martial arts, those will be your lessons until I've decided you're prepared to move onto other things." 

"Understood," Avalon nodded. Prepared to begin his long path to becoming a Satan. 


(Third Person)

"Stand there, and don't touch anything." A voice instructed upon hearing someone enter his vicinity. 

He was a skinny man with sharp eyes and long, wavy hair that was a mixture of black and blond. Most would describe his appearance as bewitching, thanks to the long slits of his eyes and his shallow smile. 

He wore a crimson robe with an eloquent, profound design etched into it, and had an immensely off putting, creepy aura leaking out of it. 

This was Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, the Bishop of Sirzechs Lucifer. 

And the one who had entered his workspace, was of course Adaloth. 

"Before we start, I have one question I'd like to ask you, and if you don't answer it I won't teach you regardless of whether it's my Lord's wish or not." Mathers clasped his hands behind his back. "Are you a monster?" 

"A monster?" Adaloth did the same, leaning to the right. "What do you mean?" 

"You are a five year old child, with absolutely no experience on the battlefield whatsoever, yet somehow you are completely unphased by my presence, something even the top rankers of the Underworld complain about. So allow me to ask you again, are you a monster?" 

She tapped her finger against her lip, the corners of her mouth soon curling into a faint smile. "It's possible. You seem a lot more educated on the subject so I'd leave it up to your judgment." 

"My judgment and instincts tell me that you are most definitely a monster, and allowing you to gain more power would result in nothing good coming of it." 

"Oh, well that's unfortunate." She said, her tone of voice not wavering in the slightest. 

"That doesn't seem to bother you." 

"Of course it bothers me, any woman would be hurt if they were described in such a way." 

Mathers shook his head, unable to withhold his sinister laugh. "How very interesting, I didn't think people like Venelana and Zeoticus were capable of giving birth to someone like you." He pulled out what looked to be a miniature crystal ball of sorts, and walked towards Adaloth. "I heard that you are unable to control your Power of Destruction in the slightest, but the same shouldn't apply to your base Demonic Power." 

"I can channel a small fraction of it." 

"That's good enough," he held the ball closer to her. "Put a bit of your Demonic Power into this." 

Fierce sparks of bright, crimson energy started to erupt from her finger. A result of Adaloth calling upon as little of her Demonic Power as possible. 


And the second she made contact with the ball, it imploded like a grenade. Mathers created a barrier to prevent the fragments from hitting him or Adaloth. 

"You're a monster alright," his smile widened. "Good, I enjoy training monsters." He reached into his sleeve, pulling out a set of talismans and sticking them onto Adaloth without hesitation. "In order to help you control your strength, I decided to create a set of seals that'll temporarily lower your power for as long as they are active." 

"Sounds good to me." 

Mathers tapped the talismans, each of them activating as Adaloth felt her strength experience a drastic decrease. 

But for some reason, Mathers was frowning. "That's not right." 

"What isn't?" 

"Your power was supposed to drop to that of a Low-Class Devil, but right now you still have the strength of a Middle-Class one." He scratched his cheek. "I guess you're even more monstrous than I thought," he started to put some of his own Demonic Power into the talismans directly, Adaloth's strength finally dropping to the intended level. "I'll have to continuously create more seals as I tutor you since these won't last very long anymore, but I suppose everything comes at a cost." 

He snapped his fingers, the room turning into a white void as he activated a complicated set of barriers. "You won't have to worry about breaking anything in this space, so feel free to let your Demonic Power run wild." 

Adaloth started to channel her Demonic Power once more, and though it was far weaker than usual, for the first time she actually felt some semblance of control over it. 

"I'll be in your care," she said, both her and Mathers wearing equally uncomforting expressions. 


I've got one advance chapter up on p*treon, there won't be as many quantity wise as MoD because the word count per chapter for this series is much, much larger. 

Feel free to go support me there to help me buy caffeine to write. 


I also have a discord, if you guys have suggestions or just want to chat with me in general that'd be cool.