Chereads / Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! / Chapter 20 - Chapter 19: Knight vs. Knight

Chapter 20 - Chapter 19: Knight vs. Knight

I believe you. I'm sure you're doing everything you can for your saint. That's how I know that you serve the witch," Ellize answered the headmaster with a calm and composed tone.

However, Verner and his friends didn't quite understand what she meant. If she did believe that the headmaster was devoted to the saint, why would he serve the witch? That didn't make any sense.

The headmaster, on the other hand, seemed to understand exactly what she was getting at. His face paled.

"I know all there is to know about the saints' greatest secret. I know who the witch is," Ellize continued.

"So you knew... I suppose I won't be able to turn this around then," he said, pulling out his sword.

Verner didn't get it. He could feel the two were discussing something crucial, but he couldn't grasp the hidden meaning behind their words.

"The saints' secret? You know who the witch is? Lady Ellize, what in the world—"

"Let us discuss this matter later, Layla. Focus on the situation at hand for the time being."

Even Layla, the head of Ellize's guard, didn't seem to know what was going on.

As Ellize had pointed out, it wasn't the time to consider such things. The headmaster rushed at Ellize, his sword at the ready.

He's fast, Verner thought.

In spite of his age, the headmaster's moves were swift and decisive, befitting a man who'd spent years leading the saint's guard.

However, Layla—the current head of the guard—was right by Ellize's side. She quickly unsheathed her own blade and easily parried.

"Sir Dias! I won't allow anyone to harm Lady Ellize! Not even you!"

"Layla Scott..."

Layla vs. the headmaster. A duel between the current head of the guard and one of her most illustrious predecessors began.

The people witnessing their fight could only make out the silvery afterimage of their blades and hear the high-pitched, telltale sounds of blades clashing.

Their swords crossed again and again, scattering sparks around them. Every time they seemed to take some distance, their swords immediately met again. Their movements were so fast that they appeared to be swinging several blades at once. In a way, their fight almost seemed rehearsed—it was too perfect, too masterful, too spectacular.

Image here:

In class, Verner had practiced exchanging slow blows with his training partner. They'd take turns attacking and defending very deliberately to look for the best possible way to parry every kind of slash.

It was a way to learn how to limit wasteful motions. Since the students both moved their swords very slowly, they'd always see the blows coming. If they did not have the time to block in spite of seeing the attack very clearly, it meant their movements weren't efficient, and they'd naturally strive to correct them. When both partners succeeded in doing that, they'd find themselves in a bit of a tricky situation: neither of them could ever land a hit, and they'd be locked in a stalemate. Usually, when that happened, the teacher would make them stop.

Layla and the headmaster were in the exact same situation. Their movements were perfectly efficient and neither of them could find any weakness to attack. Unlike the students, however, they were fast... Unbelievably so.

Verner wondered whether the rest of the world appeared motionless to them.

The faster the attack, the less time you'd have to block it. And yet, these monsters somehow managed to figure out the best possible way to defend and retaliate in that split second.

Layla and the headmaster kept switching back and forth between attack and defense. They seemed to live on a different plane of existence altogether—one where everything was much, much faster.

They were miles ahead of Verner.

While everyone was engrossed in the duel between the two masters, Ellize's attention was somewhere else entirely.

The only reason Verner even noticed was because he heard Aina's voice.

The girl had just dropped her dagger to the ground. She was crying. He noticed that Ellize was standing right next to her, and suddenly understood what had happened.

Aina hadn't been able to handle her guilt and had tried to commit suicide.

He never would've noticed, he realized.

It wasn't necessarily his fault. He wasn't an unfeeling person who didn't care what happened around him, but in the middle of the current mess, who would even think to look at the young girl? Everyone was too concerned with dealing with their own safety.

That was how tragedies were born. People averted their eyes because they "had no time for this" or "had more important things to do" until it was too late.

Ellize was the only one who wasn't like that—regardless of the situation, she'd respond to any plea for help, even the weakest of them all. Even if she had more important things to handle, she'd take a moment to embrace anyone who needed her.

"Lady Ellize... Leave me be. I've participated in this horrible plan... I can't be redeemed anymore. I can't face my father..."

Aina's face was drenched in tears. Ellize was hugging her, caressing her back gently to calm her down.

Even the greatest saint in history couldn't prevent some people from getting hurt. Albeit remarkable, she was still only human.

Still, even if she couldn't help everyone, she'd reach out to those she could. As long as they were within her reach, she'd never abandon anyone.

Verner had learned that on that fateful day. Today, he got to witness it once again.

"Everything's fine," Ellize reassured her softly. "I know you were trying to protect me. You just made a little mistake. It can happen to anyone."

"But... I-I did something unforgivable—I helped the witch..." she said in between sniffles.

"I forgive you."

Verner had no doubt she'd forgive anyone any offense, no matter how bad.

He could hear from the tone of her voice that she didn't blame Aina in the slightest. She was nothing but kind.

It was like breaking a dam. Aina started sobbing loudly. Ellize didn't seem to mind the fact that her dress was getting wet and continued to hug her.

"It's all right. Everyone will understand. They'll all forgive you too. Right, Verner?" she asked, seeking confirmation.

He immediately nodded, and his friends followed suit.

Mr. Supple—who'd been fighting the witch's followers—had somehow found his way over. He was basically crawling on the floor, looking up at Ellize in awe and repeating "how precious" over and over again.

Go back to your fight, pervert!

"Of course," Verner said.

"I agree. You haven't done anything bad, Aina," John continued.

"Everything will be okay, Aina. You can make up for your mistakes in due time," Eterna concluded with a smile.

"They're right... Let's do our best for the saint together from now on, okay?" Marie said.

"We should do that! Let's be friends, Aina! I'd love to fight by your side next time," Fiora added.

Even though Marie had been rejected by Aina once in the past and accused of cheating, she wasn't angry. She extended her hand toward Aina once again, and so did Verner.

Aina hesitantly took Marie's hand—the one she'd slapped away before—in her own.

"Let's go, then!" Verner exclaimed.

With Aina joining their party, Verner and his friends hurried over to the group of people who'd been played by the headmaster and started helping them fight off the witch's followers.

The saint's followers quickly gained the upper hand. Although the witch's followers were almost all former knights, they'd aged. They weren't in their prime anymore—in fact, they were barely even half as strong as they'd once been.

Raw power alone wasn't what decided the fight, though. Somehow, the headmaster's troops...weren't as motivated as the saint's. Somewhere, deep inside their hearts, they must've known that what they were doing was a mistake.

They'd devoted their lives to fighting for the saint to protect the world. Verner had a feeling they wanted this to stop; that they wanted the witch to be stopped. They just didn't have the heart to cast her away.

That was probably the main reason why Verner and his group—mere students—won.

One of them wasn't as easy to deal with, though. The headmaster, Dias, was still crossing swords with Layla; he didn't show any signs of fatigue.

"Why are you doing this?! You fought alongside Lady Alexia to take down the witch! Why would you sell your soul to her and betray your true master now?!" Layla scowled.

"I've never betrayed my master, and I never will. I'll protect the saint until my last breath."

"Stop lying, traitor!"

Silver flashes cut through the air and metallic sounds echoed through the training room as the two fighters moved in circles, exchanging position several times. The most Verner could do at his current level was follow the afterimage of their swords. Verner heard, four impacts in the span of a single second. They continued to exchange blows, their fighting rhythm never falling into any specific pattern.

They refused to rest, nor did they tire.

How many times had their swords crossed already?

At least a hundred times, Verner thought.

And yet, their speed had not fallen at all. If anything, they were even faster than in the beginning.

"Miss Layla! We'll support you!"

A few of the students who'd been used by the headmaster tried to enter the fight to help Layla, but there was no place for them in such a duel. In this room, only Ellize was strong enough to join this fight.

"Weaklings... Disappear! You won't ever leave a scratch on me!" Dias exclaimed, slashing at them with his sword and unleashing a bolt of lightning.

The people who'd tried to get closer ended up losing consciousness. Even the ones who were standing further away—like Verner and his group—fell on their backsides from the impact.

Excluding Layla and the headmaster, Ellize was the only one still standing. She didn't make a move, however—she calmly watched over her knight.

Layla had escaped Dias's attack by leaping. She changed her stance to hold her sword with both hands, then brought it down on the headmaster with all her strength.

It pierced the floor. The headmaster had dodged, and he swung his blade in retaliation once more. Layla had predicted this. She got her sword out of the floor, cutting a chunk out of it in the process, and parried right on time.

A loud clanking noise echoed through the room, making everyone's eardrums quiver, and Layla and Dias both staggered slightly. Their legs were firmly grounded, however, so they managed to avoid recoil as they both tried to overpower the enemy. Their swords remained locked.

"You called me a traitor? Don't make me laugh. I never betrayed anyone. This world itself betrayed us! You'll come to know the truth too, and you'll despair and hate this world, just like I did."

"Stop with the nonsense!"

"It's all right if you don't understand. I'll simply keep protecting Lady Alexia, as I always have!"

They stared at each other. Dias could see the raging fire in Layla's eyes, and Layla could see the serene calm in Dias's. It reminded her of an old tree.

They suddenly stepped back, breaking the stalemate, and at the exact same time, struck their opponent once more.

Dias's sword was home to thunder, Layla's to fire. The elements clashed as lightning and flames welled up, filling the air.

Dias twisted his body to dodge Layla's horizontal slash. Behind him, a deep scorch mark appeared on the wall of the training room.

Layla moved to the side to dodge the blade that approached her from below.

A bolt of lightning hit the ceiling, marring the otherwise pristine white ceiling.

After each blow, Dias's lightning and Layla's flames scattered everywhere, making the training room increasingly hotter.

Neither of them had any intention to retreat, though. They were studying the other's techniques, looking for—and correcting their own—flaws as they went. Their attacks were getting sharper and sharper.

"Did you lose your mind?!" Layla screamed. "Lady Alexia is already..."

Layla didn't understand. Why was he committing such acts while pretending he wanted to protect someone who was long dead? He had no way of doing that anymore. The previous saint, Alexia, had lost her life after defeating the witch.

Perhaps he meant to protect her honor, Layla thought. But then, why join hands with the witch? That was obviously the very opposite of what Lady Alexia would've wanted. Layla had no idea what he was trying to accomplish.

"Were you going to say she's dead? She isn't. Lady Alexia is alive. They're just pretending otherwise!" he roared.


"All of these fools forgot that they're alive only thanks to her, and they're now calling for her death! I'm her knight! I'll protect her to the end, even if I have to turn the world into my enemy!"

Layla hesitated for just an instant, too shaken up by what Dias had just said. It had only been a fraction of a second, but even that brief lapse was too long in a fight of their level.

Even though Layla tried to block Dias's attack, her stance wasn't perfect, and she was sent flying back. She violently slammed into the wall.

Dias took the opportunity to get closer, then swung at her with all of his strength. Layla still managed to put up her sword and block, but she was getting pushed back.

"What in the world..."

"It looks like your little saint already knew about this. Ellize, why don't you explain it to her yourself? Don't you want to tell your dear knight the truth?" Dias taunted.

He continued applying force to his blade, which was getting dangerously close to Layla's throat. She did everything she could to hold on, but her arms were shaking. She was obviously in a tight spot.

However, Layla didn't give up. She kicked Dias in the stomach and forced him to step back. She immediately jumped to the side, getting out of the corner she'd been forced into.

Dias refused to give chase. He simply stood there, a faint smile on his lips. It was meant to mock Layla—the idiotic knight who didn't know anything—but it just looked sorrowful.

"If you won't, I'll tell her! Pay attention, will you? The witch is none other...than the previous saint! Lady Alexia is the very witch you're trying to defeat!"

This time, Layla truly froze.

She wasn't the only one—Verner; Eterna; even that weirdo, Supple...everyone but Ellize was in utter shock.

The witch is the previous saint.

Dias's words were hard to believe, and everyone was convinced it was a lie. Or rather, they wanted to believe it was a lie. They needed it to be.

If it was true, then...they could already imagine what the next step was.

"Stop lying! Lady Alexia wouldn't... The previous saint would never become a witch... That's just..."

"You've started thinking I might be telling the truth, that it would make sense, right?"

Layla couldn't think of an answer. She roared to show she didn't trust him one bit, but her voice barely came out.

He had to be right.

Layla had always thought that some things simply didn't add up.

Why would the saint always pass away right after defeating the witch? Why would another witch always appear after a few years? Many had witnessed the birth of a new saint. They were always taken from their parents at birth to be raised and protected by competent people, but the saints did have parents. What about the witch, though? No one had ever witnessed the birth of a witch. But why?

Dias had just given her the missing piece of the puzzle.

"I-Is...Lady Alexia the only one who..." she trailed off.

"You're a smart person; you don't really need me to spell it out for you, do you? But I will answer you. This always happens. The witch Lady Alexia defeated was her, to be accurate, it was the saint from two generations before her. Her predecessor was killed before she could defeat a witch. Anyway, what I mean to say is that every saint becomes a witch, eventually."

Layla stepped back without even realizing it. She was trying her hardest not to think about it, but awful images kept popping up in her mind.

The kindhearted Ellize would turn into a hateful witch that'd terrorize humanity... This future couldn't be allowed to come to fruition, but Layla couldn't stop herself from imagining it.

What would she do, then? Would she keep protecting Ellize even after she became the witch, just like Dias had? Would she...turn against her?

"Are you still in shock? I understand... I only learned about this terrible truth after Lady Alexia defeated the previous witch. When she died, her dark powers invaded Lady Alexia's body. At the start, she was still herself. She didn't understand what had happened and was quite shaken. I urged her to get treatment and took her back to the saint's castle. While she was undergoing treatment there, I went to the king. I had to report the witch's death, you see. Do you know what happened then?"

"Well... Obviously, they tried everything they could to cure Lady Alexia..." Layla said, praying in her heart that her wishful thoughts were right.

I'm right... I have to be right...

Even though Layla was praying with all of her soul, her wish did not come true.

"I was suddenly restrained by the king's men. They didn't explain anything; they simply threw me into a cell," Dias stated.


"After a few days, a minister came to tell me the truth. He explained that turning into a witch was the fate of all saints. He said that they'd tried to slay Lady Alexia as soon as she'd returned to the saint's castle, but that she'd fled. 'You're a good knight,' he told me. 'Please forget about the previous saint and devote your life to protecting the next one. We need you.' I pretended to accept and became a teacher here..."

As he spoke, Dias punched the wall in anger a few times. Telling his story must have brought back unpleasant memories.

At birth, saints were taken away from their parents to accomplish their mission. They were raised with only one goal in mind—to defeat the witch. They were told that they'd get to live a normal life after carrying out their duty, but that was a lie. Only betrayal—by the very people who were supposed to protect them, no less—awaited them.

Dias was enraged at the way his beloved saint had been treated.

"I'll protect Lady Alexia, no matter who I have to face," he concluded, readying his sword once more.

Layla didn't manage to resume her fighting stance. She didn't know what to do or how to react to what Dias had just said.

If Ellize's whole identity had to be stripped away from her as the price for defeating the witch...maybe it'd be better if the witch was left alone, after all.

Why not? The witch was currently alive, but she couldn't do much. Since she was so scared of Ellize, it was almost as if there was no witch at all. The world was still at peace!

It would be better for humanity if Ellize continued to keep the witch at bay as long as possible, rather than kill her. She should remain as the saint.

Layla was ashamed of her thoughts, but she couldn't stop herself.

"I see you lost your will to fight. I understand," Dias noted, his voice cold.

He swung his blade at Layla, ready to finish her off. Right before it could connect, however, it was split in half from the hilt. The two pieces flew out of his hand.

It was Ellize's work. She'd used a blade made out of mana to block Dias's sword, and she'd destroyed it in the process.


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