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In a dark room a male figure awakens from his sleep hesitantly.

The figure then sits up while removing the futon from his body groaning in pain.

As he rises he turns around and looks towards the small desk clock, which strikes 1am.

"Time to work"

The man whispers begrudgingly as he cleans his eyes and puts on his black tight joggers along with black matching jogger top and a pair of old worn snickers and lastly a black face mask.

Looking at his dim reflection in the mirror, he drag's down his pants, sagging it before casting a glance at a little girl quietly sleeping like a princess beside were he was.

"Don't worry little sis, I'll catch a big haul today, so you can eat to your fill", the man sympathetically mutters under the mask as he exits the room.

Closing the worn japanese style sliding door, he looks up to the night sky, before moving swiftly for a bicycle at the corner and driving off.


The bicycle speeds along the dry urban roads, skidding past old worn buildings like his, he just sigh's.

After a few minutes more, the bicycle comes to a halt in front of a classy two story building, then the young man comes down and drags the bicycle to the side of the building.

The man, which looks like he is in the late twenties, has dark suggy eyes but a rather handsome face, he stands at 6.7 foot tall, with decent muscles. He stares at the house as a blinding light comes into view followed by a car that passes the road beside him.

The two story house, sits in a compound right in front of the urban busy roads, It has a beautiful lawn field with four sprinklers, and two sleeping dangerous looking pit bulls, guarding the house. There are no guards except the white fence that goes all the way round, and a jam lock gate.

"In and out, just like you practised zen", the man mutters some encouragement to himself before diving into action.

After the next jeep passes, zen leaps up and using his right hand he jumps over the fence with ease, then rolls and dives immediately toward the left side of the house.

Upon reaching the parlor window, he cocks it open with a weird old tool, and quietly slips inside.

Vigilantly pacing he stares around for my any valuables while moving up the stairs to the target area.


He uses another strange tool in his bunch and opens the master bedroom door almost perfectly, then lays down and crawls inside.

Inside the room, zen suprisenly sees no one, but the bathroom light being on suggest the owner is there.

"Don't hesitate now , this is the moment you've waited for", Zen tells himself once again before he brings out a bag, stashing all the watches and jewelry he sights into the bag as he searches quickly but efficiently.

Talk about a pro, it was obvious this wasn't his first heist.

After one quick minute of savaging, Zen now had a full bag of valuables and money. He smiles satisfied and is about to go down stairs quietly, when he hears a muffled gun sound behind him.

With a vortex of fear spinning in the eyes, zen twists his head and sees an old man holding a pistol gun pointed at him.

Seeing this Zen, quickly drops the bag and slowly bends down, but the old man out of fear starts shooting.



Gunshots ring out, alerting the dogs and the whole neighborhood.

Zen, stealthily picks up the bag and makes an escape through the window, as the old man keeps firing behind him.


The windows shatter as glass shards rain down, along with zen.

He rolls over to soften the crash then sprints for the fence Infront of the dogs, that chase fiercely after him while barking.

Maintaining his steeze, zen throws the bag over the fence, then jumps over too.

Landing on the other side, he sees the bag at the center of the road.

"Fuck, I threw too hard", Zen curses as he sprint's for it.


Zen's joggers top, flutters in the wind, as he meets head first, with an incoming coaster bus.

Feeling the life slip from him, Zen couldn't help but remember the only sibling he has, Emily his sister.

"Fuck, is this how I die, straight out of a manga", he jokes, as the bleeding gets fatal.

"I was born poor without nothing in this world, the only one I had was my little sister. My mother was a slut and my dad was a drunkard, "fuck", what was I supposed to do but steal to ensure I survive God", Zen laments in his last moments of life.

"Please live a good life Emily", Zen says his last line as he drops dead, while the bus driver tries to shake him to life while panicking.



A large flaming meteor of blueish-black, descends towards a planet at tremendous speed.

In the night sky, the full moon is out basking in it's full glory. As only the incoming comet, lights up the night sky, even brighter than the moon itself.


The meteor gets closer to the moon at frightening speed.



In the main control room, panic striken people run around clicking desperately at their computers.

*Huff huff*

Sweat drips down from the main analytics chief head, as his eyes widen uncontrollably in shock.

The NASA control room at a glance has titanium wall platings, with over two hundred rows of desks and a thousand monitor screens all for different reasons. It is the ultimate room for all legendary intellectuals in the world.

"C-commander", the analytics chief calls shakenly.

Then a bulky man, wearing a sergeant major uniform, walks up to the analytics chief side.

As soon as he stares at the screen his mouth drops.

"CONTACT THE NEAREST EXTORT FORCE TEAM IMMEDIATELY", the Commander authoritarian voice rings out, and the staffs all get to work instantly.

"Then contact the Thirteen Paragons", the commander adds, as he walks away with a squeezed face.

Just then the meteor meets the moon's atmosphere, and within the blueish smoke, a pair of sharp red glowing eyes abruptly turns towards the moon, then with an outreched arm, the figure touches the moon.


The Commanders fear already occured faster than he could calculate.

The center of the moon directly shatters, sending huge debris everywhere, some heading towards the earth along with the incoming meteor.

•The large explosion ringed out to the world.

•The sky of the earth was engulfed in a stunning blueish light.

•It awoke the world from it's slumber, similarly powerful and dangerous figures in the world, both humans and creatures alike.

•It's like telling the god's, "I have arrived fuckers"



Back outer-space, the meteor starts it's invasion into the earths stratosphere.



Atop a sky scraper, a large futuristic jet prepares for takeoff, as the engine and blades roar to life.

Six figures walk out of the skyscraper rooftop door and cooly into the ready futuristic jet, four males and two females then the jet doors inclines and shuts behind them as they take off.

The meteor now passes through the Earth's atmosphere and crash lands in a canyon.


The canyon is full with big rocks, a dusty and sandy ground and terrifying creatures. In the far end, the huge thick walls of a continent can be seen, though only faintly. The figure lands legs first in this canyon, sending huge debris everywhere and emitting a shockwave which shatters everything around.


The figure knees and vomits on the ground, "what kind of journey was that, I'm gonna"— he vomits again.


The humaniod figure blinks, as he stares at the ground and it doesn't quite seem like the type of ground he knows.

"What!!", the figure looks around the canyon in awe, then stands up staring around himself, seeing the damage to the area and the deep hole he currently is in.

"How did I get here", the figure scratches his head, "oh right, I got hit by a bus and wait did I die, is this hell!!!", he ponders as fear grips him.

"Or could this be", the figure stares around once more as he just now notices the military trucks surrounding him by a few meters, with armed soldiers looking down at him menacingly.


The thoughts of it excites him, thinking of all the mangas he read in his spare time and how people were reincarnated to solve a problem and be worshipped as an idol, a hero.

"What a beautiful life of fame, power, and glory, does this mean I don't have to steal to survive anymore".

"Zen you rock", he praises himself.

"Freeze", a sudden commanding voice echoes the area, snapping him out of his illusion.

Turning around, Zen see's a hefty looking man, with a long scar on his face, from his neck up to his left eye.

The man along with the soldiers behind him wear an armoured plating, military uniform equipped with a futuristic looking rifle on the left side of their waist and a scary looking sword on the right, made of a black tinted material, lined with some kind of energy which passes through the thin lines on the body of the blade, He stares at the figure he wants to apprehend causiously.

All the soldiers point the guns toward him, waiting for the signal to light him.

"Fuck, I just got here, I can't die yet, what did I even do", Zen laments as he darts his eye around looking for the best spot to escape through. And he spots it, in-between one of the military vehicles he sees a wider gap in the vehicle up infront of him.

*We are the guardians of Judiaece the divine continent*, And you will be arrested for tyranny in multiple points, surrender now or die, the commander of the soldiers voice rings out again.

But instead zen, Sprints towards the escape route with all his might, lunging forward, but is distracted by the zapping sounds of bullets behind him.

Sighting bullets also coming in front of him, a flash of death grips zen, sending his eyes into a vortex of fear once again, and as the takes the next step.

A strip of blue light, emits from beneath his shoes from his feet and by the next step, he super speeds past the military and into the canyon three times faster than the average human.

The military group are enraged, and swiftly and professionally get into their vehicles.

"Spread out, make sure he doesn't near the city gates , I'll go after him"

The commander, suprisenly runs at an incredible speed straight in the same direction, Zen went.

Dash!!, the commander swiftly dodges the rocks and navigates after zen, also slaying some little runt creatures along the way all in one slash.

After half a minute of running through the dry and dusty canyon floor, dodging both sharp and blunt rocks, Zen sights a large behemoth sized beast roaming in the canyon.

Talling meters in height with it's pure black body, coated with purple lines that go all around it's body swirling into it's fat stomach belly-button. It gives of a terrifying feeling as it walks slowly and heavily on two legs.

Seeing this Zen loses control and crash heavily face first into a tall canyon rock.


"Ouch", Zen complains but his facial expression remains neutral, just like when he was excited earlier, maybe it's an effect of this new body, he ponders.


Zen dodges a sword slash narrowly by tilting his head. The rock behind him splits in two.

"I'll have to kill you now, for escaping, you are a threat to this Nation", the commander says, veins buldging on his forehead, as he prepares the next attack.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck", why me, I must escape, Zen panics again.

"But wait, I crashed straight from the sky and crashed here after reincarnating, but my body is fine, my legs are fine!!", Zen analysis his well reformed body.

"Does this mean I also have super strength, or maybe it's just a hard skin type ability".

The commander gives no time for him to think, as he strikes with full intent to kill.


Zen directly slaps the commanders sword, shattering it and the entire armour of the commander, sending him tossing far away like a broken kite.

"Woah I do also have super strength", Zen gets excited inwardly but his face still remains neutral on the outside.

The commander weakly stands up, with an unending zeal of determination he picks up the gun and aims at zen.


Unknowingly to the commander, he flew and landed right near the behemoth beast from before. Setting it's eyes upon the prey at it's feet, the behemoth beast grabs the commander with it's right hand , shoving him into his mouth of razor sharp teeth's.


The commander screams in agony, as he gets munched to death.


A sudden slanted line rips through the body of the behemoth beast, splitting it in two.

Seeing this, a sudden fear grips Zen, as he looks up to the sky slowly, where the attack came from.

Looking up, he sights a futuristic jet hovering with an intimidating aura in the sky, and at the mouth of it Six even more intimidating figures stand looking down upon him like a king looking upon his subjects.

The Six figures consists of two girls and four boys. Each of them wears different clothes but all have the same insigma.

The insigma is that of the mouth of a rat chumping down it's sharp teeth's into the stomach of a ten ton whale. It shows the supremacy of the rat, that they can defeat anyone.

•The first girl, has a short brown hair, and a round face coupled with freckles on her cheeks, She has a plumpy physique, but she still pretty and she puts on a full holy maiden red and black attire, with the insigma on her chest.

•The second girl, looks older, she looks like a hip hop girl type, as she rubs something beneath her eyelids to darken it, then with net leggings and jean shorts. She puts on a short net top with patted black design, which has the chest insigma and a blue jean jacket.

Also finger rings, nose piercings and arm tattoos.

•The first boy, has a short physique and dresses modern, with two short sheaths for two short but fat swords at his back.

•The second boy, dresses like a full time cow boy, even with the hat, and a sheath at the left side of the waist for a big sword. He is presumably the quiet one based off his looks.

•The next male stays hidden inside the jet, with only his green glowing eyes showing.

•The last man has strings of beards on his sharp jaw line, and red gruffy hair, also he wears a unique style red and black coated material uniform, with long gem earrings on each of his ears. He has a long red cape hanging at the back to match the uniform.

"Fuck, My entire being is screaming run", Zen tries to escape before a sudden force pins him down, making his body ten times heavier.

Struggling to look up, Zen sights the glowing eyes of the man in cape which seems to be the leader, staring him down with an expression that says, just accept your fate, you're a dead man.

Looking down upon him, the short boy hops down cooly. Landing effortlessly he picks a call.


APPLE SPEAKING", I have sights on the target, engaging now. The short boy announces after hanging up and unsheathing a fat black butcher sword, made of a black cool material and a purple glass glow that lines the sharp tip, he does this while staring at Zen to intimidate him.

Then he ring's out a command in his light annoying voice, "Every guard should get out of the area, we will take it from here".

Following the command the military vehicles soldiers start evacuating dejectedly, while the short boy throws a last look at the bloodied arm of the fallen commander which still sticks out the mouth of the behemoth beast before focusing on zen.


The boy, directly dives in and rips Zen chest with his butcher sword and the pain doubles as the same wound appears on his back. Then he kicks him.

Arrgh!, it hurts, Zen's screams as he crashes, then he realizes that he can now move, the pressure from before was gone.

And immediately he sprint's forward, moving five times faster than the average human, he dives left.

The boy sprint's after Zen instantly, then charges the butcher sword with a glow of bright purple and slashes it at zen.

A purple energy slash flies out, homing at Zen.

While running and holding his chest, Zen suddenly leaps above an incoming purple slash, which tears through everything in it's path.

While this was happening, the three other members of the extort force team, drops down on one of the tall and huge rocks menacingly. Leaving only the leader who stands while the cape flutters cooly in the wind.

"This short guy is annoying", Zen blocks another attack from the boy, after realizing that his attacks have little effect on him.

In the next attack, Zen shifts sideways and grabs the boy by the collar, releasing a punch to the gut.


A gust of air follows the punch, along with the broken bones sound and the body of the short boy crashing through rock after rock.

He is sure he saw blood.

"My mistake", Zen was shocked by how strong he was.

Sounds of more futuristic and modern jets could be heard incoming and fast.


The next second the quiet man on the rock finally makes a move, unsheathing just the tip of his sword and the next second, a blazing line of fire tears through the canyon, cutting of zen's right arm off in a split second.

Cough!!, Zen's vision gets blurry as he collapses and spews a mouthful of blood.

The other jets get close.


The maiden girl, stretches out her arm in a swift grabbing motion and an unknown force holds zen's body lifting him up as if a real hand holds him, then drags him to the canyon rock tip were they stand.



The quiet man announces over the phone, before they all take a gentle leap up and land perfectly inside the jet in one swift motion.

As one of the many incoming jets get close, an impatient man sighting something being carried by the heroes of another country from the scene, directly jumps down from the jet.

He stops midair, as an invisible platform manifests beneath his feet.

Then he walks in strides towards the jet, and with each steps he takes the same invisible platform manifests.

He walks up to the intimidating man with a cape, "what do you guys think you're doing, taking that thing into your custody is not allowed, our continent handles that", the man complains with great motion.

The hero wears a suit of black and yellow bee stripes. He has yellow attractive hair and yellow eyebrows coupled with the same yellow and black bee stripe trouser and a sharp shoe. On the wrist and neck he puts on an expensive golden watch and necklace.

Staring at him, the hero with cape gets irritated.

"You forget your place Lockwood", the hero lashes out and following that, Lockwood loses his ability to create invisible platforms and he falls down and crashes.


Dust rises from the scene of the fall.

"You all saw nothing", the man in cape command rings out to every jet in the canyon, as the jet doors inclines and close behind him and they speedly dive into the high walled continent.


Every other hero gathered from different continents and countries, sqeezes their face like shit, while they all return back slowly on their futuristic jets.

Lockwood stands up and dusts himself embarrassed, "Inform the National bureau immediately", he commands while stepping on his invisible platforms up to his jet. The powers seem to have returned.