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Chapter 9 - Stuck with a single dad (episode 9)

Stuck with a single dad 👨‍👦( episode 9)

Continuation from last scene 

The following morning...( Henry in his room) 

Henry: woke up yawning and looking stress.. he stare around, then looked at his body... I slept nàked? He said in his mind as he hasn't remembered what happened last night.. 

Few seconds after that he remembered everything that happened.. 

Then he stood up from the bed immediately.. looking for something to wear.. he eventually saw his boxers. He quickly wore it and ran out of his room to Samuel's room.. 

He got to the door and knocked several times... but no response! 

He opened the door and met the room empty.. 

Henry: sam... sam.. Sammy! He said while checking around and also entered the bathroom.. 

Then he rushed to the kitchen and still didn't find them there.. then he went back to his room and carried his phone.. and dialed Samuel's number.. it rang several times but no response.. 

He kept on calling...

Henry: oh God what have I done to this innocent boy.. what have I done? He said as he continues to call Samuel's number.. 

Then he went back inside the house to wear a full clothes... 

Scene 2( samuel and his mom at home) 

Mom: how did this sudden sickness start ? You just left here strong yesterday night.. 

Samuel: mom please just help me get a pain releiver please... that is what I need right now.. he said with a teary voice 

Mom: ahh this is serious than I thought.. she said as she called their last born lola to go get some drugs. 

Samuel: moàning in pains while finding it difficult to sit..

Baby kelvin on the other hand was just crying as all he wanted was fir Samuel to carry him.. 

Mom: sorry dear.. but what actually happened and why is Henry not here.. because I saw you drop from a cab 🚖 

Samuel: yeah. He was very busy... so I just have to come my self.. 

Mom: okay..but this is health issue it should have brought you and you still came with his son.. despite knowing you're not fine?

Samuel: see mom just forget about that... 

Mom: sorry ok my dear.. you will be fine.

Is the pain all over your body? 

Samuel: no..its on my àss side.. 

Mom: eh? Àss? How? 

Samuel: oh sorry I mean my waist side.. not there.. not my àss.. 

They were still talking when they heard knock on the door.. 

Mom: who is there? Come in the door is opened.. 

Then Henry walked in..

Mom: oh.. she said while looking at Henry in a weird way ... 

Henry: noticed the mom gave him a different and weird looks.. 

Then he greeted her.. Good morning ma

Mom: morning.. she responded coldly..

Samuel: what are you doing here? 

Mom: and why are you panting this way? Did you run to this place? 

Henry: no ma.. I was worried..

Mom: worried about what? 

Henry: I didn't see them at home this morning when I woke.. and I have been calling him since no response 

Mom: hmm.. samuuuuu I thought you said he's aware you're sick and you're here.. 

Samuel: hmmm..

Mom: so you lied to me? Samuel whats wrong with you? Yesterday you came and I chase you back. So now you want to pretend that you're sick so you leave your working place?

Samuel; no mom.. no that is not it.. he responded weakly and softly..

Henry: gave a relieved breath..

Oh thank God he didn't say anything to his mom.. he said on his mind..

Mom: oya stand up and go back to work now.. you know I don't tolerated laziness..she said angrilyy.. 

Henry: sammy can we go? He said with a soft voice.. 

Mom: stand up.. or you don't here me?

Samuel: stood angrilyy as his eyes were filled with tears.. his mom didn't even believe him and that made him for angrier 

Then lola walked in with the drugs.. 

Here is it ma..

Samuel: give it to me. He said calmly 

Then carry the baby and left the room 

Mom: don't mind him please.. I told him before he took the job.. I won't tolerate laziness to work.. she said to Henry 

Henry: its fine I understand you ma.. 

Thank you

Mom: but let me ask anything wrong with him? Hope he's behaving himself well with you? 

Henry: yes ma.. you don't have to worry 

Please let me go quickly.. i need to be in the office soon.

Mom: okay my son.. thank you.

Then Henry left immediately.. 

He got outside and met Samuel with the baby standing beside the car. 

He quickly open the door.. then Samuel entered the car immediately..

Henry entered and drove off.. 

Few seconds while driving.. 

Henry: turned and looked at Samuel.. 

And noticed he was cryiñg.. 

He couldn't ask Samuel what is wrong with him because he knows what was going on already... 

And he continued driving..

Some minutes aftrr that.. Samuel was finding it difficult to sit.. he kept shifting and trying to get a comfortable sitting posture for himself..

Henry: Sorry! He said gently as he continues to drive.. then he stopped at a pharmacy store. And quickly rushed to get some drugs.. he came back some minutes later with different drugs for pains.. 

He entered the car back and dropped the leather close to Samuel and didn't say anything.. then continue driving... 

Soon after Samuel began to cry again.. this time it loud a bit and anyone in that car will definitely know someone is crying.. 

Henry began to feel so uncomfortable and quilty.. he couldn't even bring himself to say sorry because he felt he has done too bad... 

Then he drove faster.. so they could get home faster.. 

Some minutes later they got home... 

Samuel came out of the car and began to limb slowly while going in..

Henry: stayed at his back following gently.. 

They both entered the house and locked the door.. 

Samuel: walking to his room... holding the drugs his sister bought for him.. 

While Henry was hold the one he bought.. 

Henry: sam.. sammy.. he said while stammering.. 

Samuel: turned back and looked at him..

Henry: here is your drugs.. you should take this it will work better... 

Samuel: turned back and continue going to his room with baby kelvin.. 

Henry: exhaled heavily and sat on the couch.. 

Samuel: entered his room and immediately removed his clothes.. then dropped the baby on the ground and gave him something to play with.. 

Then quickly entered the bathroom.. to bath.. hot water. 

He came out and took the drugs his sister bought.. After that he fell on the bed force himself to sleep... 

About 2 hours later he woke up... he quickly checked around for the baby couldn't find him.. then he stood up from the bed and rushed out of the room... 

Then he met the baby with Henry... at the living room.

Henry: howfer.. he said to him calmly.. 

The baby turned and saw Samuel.. and immediately start to cry.. 

Henry: calm down kelvin.. stay here! Sammy is not well.. he said to baby kelvin.. 

Samuel: turned and entered his room back... 

Henry: hmmm... he sighed! 

Samuel got back to the room, fell on the bed and continue with his sleep.. 

Several hours later he woke up.. yawning and stretching his body.. he was feeling less pain from his ànùs.. 

He checked the time and saw it was 6pm..

Samuel: Hmmm how come I slept so long like this.. he said in his mind as he began to hear some weird noise from the kitchen.. 

He stood up immediately and left the room.. he reached the living room and met the baby sleeping on the couch.. he turned and noticed someone was in the kitchen.. he moved that direction and saw Henry cooking..

Before he could turn away.. Henry saw him.. 

Henry: howfer you don wake up? 

Samuel: ignored and turned away... heading back to his room..

Henry: wait wait wait na.. wait please 

He said as he took the plate he kept what he was frying something in and rushed to meet Samuel.. 

Henry: will you eat pan cakes? I made some for you. I noticed you haven't eaten anything since...

Samuel: looked at the rubbishh he fried and called pan cakes.. then looked at Henry in the eyes. With a disgusting.. face. 

Heney: I know its clean as your own. But trust me the taste is out of this world... give it a try... 

Samuel: shifted away from him and wanted entering his room... 

Henry: no.. no.. wait first and have a taste.. 

Samuel: kept quiet looking at him... right in the eyes.. 

Henry: the memories of how he was poundiñg Samuel came back to his head... then he shifted away.. 

Samuel: open the door to his room and entered.. 

That night Henry tried talking to Samuel but Samuel wouldn't answer him or even say a word to Henry... 

The following day same thing... 

2 days after that.. he went to the market to get so many things... hoping that will ease the mind of Samuel and probably made him talk to him.. 

Funny enough none of those things or method worked out... 

That Friday morning... as early as possible Henry woke up and went straight to Samuel's room.. 

He kept on bàñging the door asking Samuel to open up.. 

Samuel eventually open up.. 

Henry: I'm sorry! That was the first thing he said immediately Samuel opened the door for him..

Samuel: wanted closing the door..

But Henry quickly used his hands to stop it... 

Henry: please talk to me.. it been 5 days now.. and you kept me mute..

All my actions where pointing to one thing but you ignored everything.. 

Samuel: kept quiet and didn't say a word..

Henry: I know.. yes I know! I did you wrong.. I used you.. I took advantage of you.. yes I know that is what I did.. but please I'm begging you bro.. I'm sorry 😞 please forgive me.. 

Samuel: okay! He said... and wanted closing the door again.. 

Henry: hey hey hey.. stop it! This is my house. Don't shut the door on me please.. 

He said calmly.. 

Samuel: hmmm... 

Henry: see bro.. please listen to me okay.. I know you're still angry at me.. 

But even before the apologise I need to thank you..

Samuel: 🤨🤨

Henry: yeah.. you saved my life Samuel! I owe you big time.. even though it looked like I use you as a bait.. just know that I never planned for all of this.. 

Samuel: do you know the most painful part of this? Is the fact that my mom no longer believes what I say.. she now believes you. Do you know what that means to me.. I mean u have been close to my mom since forever and almost of a sudden she changed just because of you.. since you came to my life. 

Henry: I'm sorry.. I can talk to mom and explain everything to her..

Samuel: and that is what is getting me more angry.. what right do you have to do so? She my mom..

I'm just working for you.. he said angrilyy 

Henry: sammy.. listen to me ok.. calm down let sort this out OK.. I'm tired.. very tired. This past few days have been hèll for me.. I don't enjoy my work.. and coming back home here. I don't even have anyone to talk to.. I mean I'm tired sammy... forgive me please 

Samuel: hope you remembered how everything started and how i got to meet you.. do you know I'm regretting everything now? Like I fully regret everything 

I'm just a helper but look at how you turned my whole life around in just one day.. due to your stupidity 

Henry: I'm sorry.. I haven't been sleeping for days now.. because the quilt is really choking me up.. when I close my eyes is everything that happen that night I see... 

All I see is your face.. I can still remember everything clearly... and the pain I caused you.. 

Please forgive me..

Samuel: you think forgiving people is that easy? Imagine if I had told my mom what happened do you think you will see me in this house? 

Henry: you wouldn't do that? Please sammy.. don't do that please..

Samuel: please Henry just leave me alone please.. I don't think I can bring my self to be in good condition with you again.. I just want to do my Job and go.. 

Henry: but you know I can't allow that..

Samuel: what do you mean by you can't allow that? He shoutéd 

Henry: the fact that you're not seeing what happening to me... and the fact that you're not seeing that you're the cause of all this issues? 

He said as he shoutéd back at Samuel

Samuel: what? What did you just say?

Henry: you heard me sammy! 

You heard me clearly... you caused all of this..

Samuel: are you serious right now? You still want to push things on me.. its my fault now right? Its my fault that you took a drug to have sexx? Its my fault that you're dying and I saved you? Its my fault that I allowed pass through me?.. huh? Henry! Answer me.. how is any of this my fault please? He said with angry and teary voice tone..

Henry: you want to know how its your fault? Huh? 

Samuel: yeah .. explain 

Henry: I like you! No, I mean I'm obsessedd with you! Can't you see that? 

You push me to question my sexùàlity .. I needed to validate my self... I need to check if I can still have something to do with a lady. Hopefully if I did that I will quickly get over you.. but it turned around.. 

Samuel: huh? What are you saying? 

Henry: sammy stop all of this.. the day is yet to break.. we shouldn't lie to ourselves anymore... I have said my own part.. and I'm being honest with it..

Samuel: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're trying to say.. infact I don't want yo understand please.. as you said its still very early.. I need to go back to sleep..

Henry: can I ask you something? 

Samuel: No!

Henry: when we hugged the other day.. 

Did you felt anything? Please be honest with me

Samuel: No!

Henry: hmmm... anyways I did felt something... and before then I have been craving to have you! From the day I saw you bathing.. 

Samuel: you're a pervèrt Henry.. 

Henry: call me anything you want! But I can't keep this anymore.. this is me and this is how I'm feeling towards you.. 

Samuel: with what you just said.. how am I sure that you didn't cook that plan with the lady you brought here that night just to have sexx with me.. and satisfy your urge..

Henry: I'm the only one that have been honest here since the conversation started... what about you won't you be honest for once.. 

Samuel: and what if I said I felt something? What would have happened? You would have looked for a way to fvck me by now? 

Henry: yeah!.. 

Samuel: wow.. how can you be so blunt? 

Henry: this is me telling you what I want.. 

Samuel: so you have been gày all this while? 

Henry: I'm not gày... I'm just craving you! 

I'm craving your body....

Samuel: that makes you gày Henry.. 

Henry: and what about you.. aren't you one? 

Samuel: listen to what I have to say to you carefully Henry!.. 

In all honesty I did actually felt some when we hugged but I was able to manage my self in your presence because that was the best.. I'll be lying if I say I don't know you have been looking at me in a different way.. 

But the truth is that.. I haven't accepted all of this.. I mean having this feeling for a man... no way! And the experience of 5 days ago stamped everything.. you disgùst me now Henry! Like really really disgustìñg... I mean you're man Henry... how can you be taking drugs to have sexx with a lady.. and the most annoying part is that you want to blame me for it. Henry! Blame your dìrty mind, I know this was how you felt for your friend in school.. you only didn't achieve your goals of fvcking him Because no better opportunity showed for it... see listen to me Henry...

Henceforth I will be professional with my Job.. you're just a guy who love sexx with high lìbidò and wouldn't mind having sexx with anything that gets you arouse... 

Henry: exhaled heavily... I disgùst you?

Samuel: I'll tell you the truth Henry... I'm not saying you're a bad person please 

But there is so many things you need to change.. 

Henry: became calm and humbled...

Samuel: if that is all I want to go back and sleep.. 

Henry: I love you! 

Samuel: you say? 

Henry: I love you Samuel.. 

Samuel: this method of yours won't work on me... I won't fall for it.. you still disgùst me.. 

Henry: hmmm... I'll prove to you that I'm not what you think I'm... 

Samuel: wish you the best... bye I need to go and sleep.. he said as he entered the room and shot the door.. 

Henry: gave a long sigh... then went back to his room..

Immediately he got there he couldn't sleep as he kept on thinking about what Samuel said to him and the level of truth to everything... 

Scene 4( Henry and Samuel mom at Samuel's family house) 

Evening hours after Henry closed from work.. he went direct to Samuel house to see Samuel's mom..

Mom: aha good evening my son... 

Henry: good evening ma.. 

How is market today 

Mom: fine we thank God! 

Henry: okay ma.. please I came to see you..

Mom: okay.. hope all is well.. let go inside.. 

Then they both went in.. 

Henry: I have something Important to say to you.. 

Mom: okay my son.. what is the problem my son

Henry: no problem.. I don't know how I'm going to say this to you and I don't want you to take it in a wrong... but the truth is that I.....