Haru sees Sora's mask break before him and can see the glimpse of a purple eye staring back at him. Black hair began to go just a bit past his eye as the mask continues to break.
Seeing his face for the first time is really shocking to me since I didn't know that was hidden behind that mask all this time. He's had his face hidden away from everyone from the day we met.
"I see everything clearly now. You weren't just a traitor, I've known you long enough." Sorakami manages to say while his legs start to give out.
Sorakami didn't realize that he really did hold back against Haru a lot more than he expected. His power can be even stronger but instead he resisted it.
"Then why'd you have to hurt her!" Haru shouts back with anger in his voice.
Mai could be dead for all I know now. It would've been his fault since he sent those damn crows after her.