Trying to make sure hundreds of pounds of potatoes have adequate ventilation is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
There are shelves, but that leaves us with a lot of unused vertical space. And we can't throw them in boxes, because they'll spoil without the ability to breathe.
"These will have to do." I stack another crate of potatoes on the metal shelf, careful to leave space between them. The shelves aren't perfect, but we're out of options.
"At least they're off the floor." Marissa wipes sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.
The door creaks open and Maria pokes her head in. "Hey, we got carrots and onions coming too. Though it's taking forever to bring them in."
"More produce?" My back aches from all the lifting, but curiosity wins out. "Where from?"
"Come see." Maria waves us over.