Chereads / pokemon Fighting Dreamers / Chapter 21 - chapter 21

Chapter 21 - chapter 21

''Looker...I actually expected to see you here.'' Ash said as the man took off the helmet.

''Same goes to you.'' Looker responded with a sigh. ''Why is there trouble anywhere you go?''

''I've asked that myself a few times.'' Ash's eyes went dead for a second. ''Everyone, this is Looker, he's a member of the International Police.''

''Your name is Looker?'' Flannery asked.

''My codename actually, it was either that or Handsome.'' Looker replied with a laugh.

''Well, I'm glad you chose Looker because Handsome doesn't suit you at all.'' Mars said from her side.

''Well, well, Mars.'' Looker walked until he was infront of her. ''It seems like the ghost from your past came back to hunt you down.''

''You're here to help or not?'' Mars asked with an aggressive stare.

''That depends.'' Looker returned the gesture.

''Looker, you know what's up with Team Galactic?'' Ash jumped in the conversation trying to avoid any conflicts.

''Sigh, we saw some signals.'' Looker admitted. ''But we didn't think it was anything serious, just a bunch of outcasts making weird reunions, we could have never imagined that something like this would happen...''

''So if you had stopped that 'bunch of outcasts' nothing of this would be happening!'' Mars exclaimed.

''...Yes, you're right, we underestimated them.''

''Looker, how can I help?'' Ash asked the man.

''I can't ask you to go through this again, Ash.'' Looker replied, partly embarrassed of asking a young teen for help

''You don't have to ask me.''

''Alright then, needless to say, if any of you say something about this without my permission your lives will be a martyrdom, a few days ago, there was an attack to the most secure prison in Sinnoh, only one prisoner escaped...that being Saturn, however, our camera system was taken down before the attack so we don't know exactly what happened, but I can tell you this, Saturn never talked to any of the prisoners, he neither had visits or calls, he was always lost in his own mind. I really doubt he orchestrated all of this on his own.''

''That would mean someone helped him.'' Ash said.

''Charon must be.'' Mars said. ''I always felt like he wanted to take over Team Galactic.''

''But if he wanted to take over, why would he need Saturn?'' Dawn asked.

''Saturn was the Second in command, Cyrus told him everything, he must have something that Charon wants.'' Mars kept explaining.

''First we need to organize ourselves.'' Ash said. ''If they were with the Regis, they might try to get Regigigas.

''But what about the Lake Guardians? Dawn asked. ''They could try to capture them again.''

''Or it could everything be just a distraction and they're planning something else.'' Bea said.

''What about Lucas?'' Flannery asked. ''Why would they take him?''

''And where?'' Mars asked as well trying to think.

''The base in Mt. Coronet was fully dismantled.'' Looker assured them.

''...Sunyshore must be.'' Mars came to the realization.

''How do you know?'' Looker asked with suspicions. Mars then started to explain.

''Back then, Team Galactic was building a secondary HQ there, the plan was to take advantage of the Solar Power of the city, although it was never fully completed because of what happened with Cyrus.''

''Whoever's leading this must know about the Sunyshore base, they must have completed the construction.'' Looker said.

''Looks like we're going to Sunyshore then.'' Ash said. ''Dawn, you have to stay, since we are close to Twinleaf, go and check if your mom is alright, call us once the phones are back and inform me if anything happens at Lake Verity, we can't discard the Lake Guardians just yet.''

''Roger that, Mr. Leader.'' Dawn made a salute. ''I was already missing these life-threatening missions.''

''I'll go with you, Dawn.'' Prof Rowan said as he put on his coat.

''Thanks, Prof. Rowan, Mamoswine, come on out!'' Dawn walked outside the lab and released his Pokemon, Dawn then climbed on him and Prof Rowan did the same. ''Fine then, We need you to take us to Twinleaf got it?''


''Great.'' Dawn then looked at the rest. ''We'll be on our way, everyone, please be careful.''

''You too, Dawn.'' Ash replied as Mamoswine started to run onward Twinleaf.

''Alright, the rest of us, let's head to Sunyshore.'' Looker called again. ''Everyone to the Lookercopter!'' Looker pointed at a nearby helicopter that had his name on the sides.

''Why do you have an Helicopter with your name on it?'' Ash asked.

''If the BAU can have a private Jet then I can have a Helicopter!'' Looker shouted.

Meanwhile, in the hall of origins.

A portal opened in the place and The hero duo came out of it along Solgaleo.

''Here we are!'' Solgaleo said.

''Thanks for the ride.'' Zamazenta said as Zacian and him walked inside.

''Hey there, Cresselia.'' Zacian called the legendary who was near the entrance. ''We would like to see Arceus, please.''

''Guys, I already told you I'm not a secretary.'' Cresselia answered annoyed. ''Anyway, I'll tell him you're here, but you'll have to wait for a while, Arceus is kinda busy right now, you know, watching over all thing yadayada.''

''That's fine, we can wait.'' Zamazenta went to the 'living room', which was pretty much a place from were the inhabitants of the halls could see the world from a giant mirror. At that moment, in the place were the Unova Mythicals, Kyurem and Hoopa.

''What are you guys doing?'' Zacian asked.

''We're watching Battle force 5!'' Keldeo replied.

''I already lost count of how many times the motorcycle dude got injured.'' Meloetta said.

''Well, guess we'll watch with y-'' Zacian was talking but she was interrupted by a sudden electric charge. ''What in the?!'' She then heard a laugh behind them.

''Well, well, well, if they ain't the doggos.'' A round yellow Pokemon bounced around them.

''Regidrago and Regieleki...'' Zamazenta trailed off, Zacian and him were not exactly friend of those two.

''What are you guys doing here?'' Zacian asked. ''You're not allowed in the hall.''

''Yeah, not after the...incident.'' Zamazenta had some vietnam flashbacks.

''We just came over because father asked us.'' Regidrago responded.

''That means we have some time for you.'' Regieleki added preparing some bolts.

''I would mind a quick fight.'' Zacian smiled and charged Psychic Fangs

''Zacian...'' Zamazenta tried to calm to his sister.

''Enough, all of you.'' Regigigas called from the entrance of the room. ''I didn't ask you to come here for that, Zacian, Zamazenta, excuse me for this.''

''Don't mind it, big guy.'' Zacian said as she calmed down.

''Why did you call us, Father?'' Regidrago asked.

''I need your help, is something related to your brothers.''

After a short flight in the Lookercopter, Ash and co. made it to Sunyshore city landing in the beach.

Mars was the first to get off and looked around for a moment. ''If I remember correctly the base was that way.'' Mars then pointed at the south.

''I'll go with you, Mars.'' Looker said. ''Ash, you and your companions should go with the Gym Leader of this city, ask him if he had seen anything weird, but don't mention Team Galactic. We are still not sure if they truly are here and the last thing we need is unnecessary panic from the citizens.''

''Right then, we'll go with Volkner.'' Ash replied.

After setting up everything, Looker and mars walked in the direction she was leading, Mars then searched for her phone and called a person she hasn't talked with in a while.

''Hello, Jupiter.''

''Something wrong, Mars?'' Jupiter asked with an uninterested look.

''Jupiter, it's Team Galactic.''

''What's with them?''

''What do you think?! They're back!'' Mars yelled out loud. ''Jupiter, did you know about this?''

''I didn't and I want nothing to do with this, why do you even care?''

''Because they took Lucas! I'm gonna save him!''

''Pfft, Mars, no offense but you're the last person who should play hero.''

''And what should I do? Leave him there?''

''...Maybe.'' Jupiter trailed off.


''As I said, I want nothing to do with this.''

''W-What if they took Fantina? Wouldn't you save her?''

''...Goodbye Mars.''

''Jupiter!'' Before Mars could say more, Jupiter cut the call.

''Why Fantina?'' Looker asked.

''They are sisters.'' Mars replied. ''They were pretty far apart, but they've been making up lost time lately.''

''I see...'' Now that Looker thought about it, those two look quite similar. ''Well, let's keep moving.''

Back in Hearthome

''Damn it...'' Jupiter said to herself after cutting the call.

''Hey there, sister!''' Fantina entered her room.

''Haven't I told you to knock before opening?'' Jupiter answered to bothering to look at her.

''Oh, don't be like that.'' Fantina replied. ''Anyway, I just wanted to present you to Lisia.'' The aforementioned entered the room as Fantina called her, Lisia was wearing her 'casual' attire which consisted in a teal shirt, black jeans with suspenders, a green newsboy cap and glasses. ''Lisia, this is my sister, Jupiter.''

''Pleasure to meet you.'' Lisia saluted Jupiter with a bow.

''Right, she's one of the girls that goes to the finals?''

''Correct, I'm the current world contest champion, Miss.'' Lisia answered the question with a smile.

''I was on my way to present her to her adversary, May.'' Fantina talked again. ''Would you like to come too?''

''Pass." Jupiter quickly answered. "I have some things to think about.''

''Oh well, as you wish, sister.''

Fantina left her sister alone and walked along Lisia until they made it to the practice hall were May was doing combinations with her Pokemon.

''Alright guys, I think that's enough.'' May called her Pokemon. ''Let's catch a break, I'm sure we're ready for the finals.''

''Hmm, totally sure?'' Lisia asked behind May.

''L-Lisia!'' May stuttered, he was nervous since this was the first time they talked directly. ''Miss Fantina? Uh, sorry, what are you two doing here?''

''Oh, nothing, I just wanted to see how my rival was doing.'' Lisia said.

''I thought you two should meet each other before the battle.'' Fantina explained. ''Well, I'll leave you two alone, don't wanna act like a fly in the wall.''

Fantina left the hall, leaving May and Lisia alone, May was still nervous and couldn't move an inch, Lisia then took a closer look of May's team, which were currently Blaziken, Wartortle, Glaceon, Beautifly, Skitty and Munchlax. ''Quite nice Pokemon you have.''

''W-Well, thanks I-'' May stuttered to say something but Lisia interrupted her.

''But that doesn't mean anything.''


''We all how this is going to end, right?'' Lisa asked.

''You...Y-You are making it sound as if I didn't stand a chance.''

''You don't stand a chance, dear.'' Lisia took off her glasses and looked directly at May. ''You think I'm scared of some random girl that comes dreaming with victory and glory? I'm the queen of the stage here.''

''Well, I'm quite the coordinator myself.'' May decided to stand her ground. ''I made it this far, didn't I?''

''Yeah, quite the coordinator you are.'' Lisia let out a laugh. ''You're so good that you don't even have a partner for the second act.''

''W-What?! How did you- I-I mean that's not true!''

''Oh, poor thing, rumors fly fast in this profession, didn't you know?''

''But how could you...'' May then realized. ''BREEEENDAAAAAN!''

''Oh, little May, all I have to do is win the first round and you'll be finished.''

''No, you won't! I'm gonna win this!''

''Listen May, I want to give you an offer, just admit your surrender and save yourself the humiliation.''

'''' May said firmly.

''No?'' Lisia asked.

''I'm not giving up, I'm gonna win this! And then I'll keep your butt outta your throne, miss queen!''

''Well, you can't blame me for trying." Lidia started to walk outside the room. "Just tell your Pokemon to get ready to bite my sparkles.''

''Bite my sparkles? That has to be the worst joke I've ever heard, why are you suddenly so hostile?''

''Hostile? I am many things, May.'' Lisia then looked back one more time. ''But here, I am a goddess...You think you'll beat me? Ha! I'd like to see you try.''

Lisia then left the room and May was left alone with her Pokemon.

''Don't listen to her, guys, we'll do it together and it's gonna be great!'' May tried to inspire her Pokemon, even tho deep inside she was really worried. 'I'll make it work...' She thought for herself

Back with Ash and co.

''This place is quite nice." Flannery said as she walked the beach along Ash and Bea. "Hot springs are my good to go but beaches are good in their own right, I just don't like sand that much, it gets everywhere.''

''You sure you're not just saying that because Fire-Types are weak to ground?'' Ash asked.

''Anyway, do you like beaches?'' Flannery asked him.

''I do, this is nice, but my favorites beaches will always be the ones from Alola.''

''You sure you're not just saying that because you became Champion there?'' Flannery asked with a smug smile.

''...Clever girl, what about you, Bea?'' Ash asked but he didn't get an answer, he looked back and noticed Bea was looking at the sea.

''Bea?'' Ash called again.

''Uh, sorry, I just had something in my mind.'' Bea said.

''You always have something in your mind, don't you?'' Flannery said.

''Are you okay?'' Ash asked.

"S-Sure, I''s nothing."

''...Bea, are you sure everything's fine?'' Ash continued to ask.

''Uh, sure, why do you ask?'' Bea asked back.

''Your mind wanders off a lot lately.'' Ash said and Bea couldn't help but admit that was true.

''I...It's nothing Ash, believe me."

''Hmm...fine." Ash gave in and kept walking with Flannery followed him.

''You think...he's starting to suspect?'' Cinderace asked to her trainer, Bea simply stood there for a moment.

''Bea?'' Ash called noticing she wasn't following them anymore.

''...You guys keep going." Bea said avoiding eye contact. "I'll watch the sea for a minute.''

''Are you sure?'' Flannery asked.

''Y-Yeah, I'm fine.'' Bea answered forcing a smile.

"...Fine, let's keep moving Flannery." Ash kept walking along Flannery.

"You really think she's fine?" Flannery asked.

"I doubt it." Ash admitted. "But she insists that she's fine, Bea knows she can trust me anything, but if she doesn't want to...there's not much I can do to help."

''I guess you're right...hey, Ash, I don't want to bother you or anything but..." Flannery took a deep breath as she blushed. "Well, it's about my confession.''

That was a topic Ash didn't feel quite able to talk about at the moment. ''Flannery, listen, you're a wonderful girl but...this is simply too much, I have a lot to think about and I'm kinda stressed with all that's been happening lately, besides, it's not only you, Nessa is still waiting for an answer too.''

''Yeah, sorry, I guess it's too much pressure on you, especially with all the world-saving you ever wish to have a normal life?''

''Normal?" Ash thought about the word for a second. "...No, I think I'm fine this way, If I had had a normal life, I probably wouldn't you have met you and my other friends.''

''Yeah, you're right...'' Flannery then stopped walking.


''Let me try something." Flannery said with a giggle. "Pikachu could you hop off Ash for a minute?'' The rodent looked at her confused for a moment, but he simply jumped off Ash as she told him.

''Alright Ash, now turn around.'' Flannery continued to order.

''What for?'' Ash asked.

''Just do it.'' Flannery insisted with another laugh. ''I won't bite you.''

''Alright, what do I-'' At the second Ash gave his back, Flannery hugged him from behind, pressing as tightly as she could. ''F-Flannery!''

''What? You said you were stressed.'' Flannery then rested her head on Ash's shoulder. ''I'll help you relax.''

''T-This isn't-'' Ash tried to say something but Flannery interrupted him with yet another laugh.

''You're such a dork, pfft, Don't worry, I'll just give you a little massage.'' Still pressing on Ash's back, Flannery started giving a soft shoulder massage. ''Or what, do you want me to stop?''

''...'' Ash found himself unable to say anything, mildly annoyed, mildly aroused, pretty much what Flannery was expecting, the scene went on for roughly a minute and Flannery finally let go.

''There we go, feel any better?'' Flannery asked.

''Uh, yeah, I mean-''

''Geez, don't be like that..." Flannery held his hands and both of them were still blushing. Ash then looked at Bea, who was now sitting on the sand looking at the horizon along Cinderace.

"Bea still hadn't move an inch...''

''I..." Flannery looked at Bea as well. "Maybe you should go talk to her.'' Flannery kinda felt like Ash was trying to escape their current situation but she was also worried about Bea.

''Hmm...Flannery, wait here, alright?''

''Sure, I'll let you two have your moment.''

Ash walked until he was by Bea's side and then sat along her.

''Hey there, Bea.''

''...I told you guys to keep going.'' She answered still looking at the sea.

''I know but-''

''You're worried about me!" Bea interrupted him with a shout. "I Know! You tell me that all the time, Ash! And I'm really thankful, you have no idea of how happy traveling with you has made me.''



''But?'' Ash asked

''But what?'' Bea didn't understand the question.

''If you're so happy then why do you act like this? If there is nothing wrong then why you-''

''Because lots of things happened before we met, Ash!" Bea finally exploded as she got up from the sand. "Lots of things happened! And those things are coming back! And as much as I want to put on a happy face for you, there are moments when I just want to be alone!" Bea realized she was screaming and tried to calm herself down. "And this is...this is one of those moments.''

''...Bea, I don't think there's anything wrong with being alone sometimes, but what are those things you're talking about? If they hurt you so much don't you think that telling me could make you feel better?''

''...'' Bea sat back on the sand without answering.

''Bea, listen, it's ok if you don't tell me everything, we all have secrets somewhere...but if there's something in your mind that bothers you, I'll be here to hear you and help as I can.''

After a bit of silence, Bea finally answered. ''Thanks, Ash...but seriously I'm fine.''

''...Sure, Flannery and I will go and meet with the Gym Leader." Ash said as he got up. "Are you sure you want to stay here?''

Bea simply gave him a nod.

''Alright, we'll come back for you once we're done.''

''...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!'' Cinderace exclaimed once Ash far far enough since she watched the whole scene.

''I guess you were right.'' Bea simply answered.

''Right about what?''

''I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.''

''Bea, listen, You can still make this work.''

''How?!'' Bea screamed and quickly looked into Ash's direction, thankfully he didn't hear her. ''ARGH! See?! Everytime Ash asks me something about myself I have to lie! Every time! What is...what is wrong with me?!''

''Bea, this is not your fault.''

''Then whose fault is it?! You tried to warn me when this started, if I had just said everything back then it would have been fine, but now I'm so deep into this lie that I...I don't even know if I'm Bea or Saito anymore!''

''I-I...I know what I said, but I was being too harsh, you have the right to start anew if you want to.''

''Yeah, but at what cost? ...Ash is starting to suspect, it might be fine now but eventually he will surely stop trusting me; And then what? ...Maybe I'm just not what Ash needs, every other girl can be open with him, they have nothing to hide and then there's me, always looking over my shoulder.''

''You're not being fair with yourself, think about how much you've helped him, Ash wouldn't even have a uniform if it wasn't by you and he has helped you a lot too, aren't you two partners after all?''

''Yeah...we are, but what if-"

''No, listen, you and Ash have something special, it may not be anything romantic for now, but to keep going further or to cut it down is up to you and only you, still, considering how much you've been through so far, it seems like a waste to just give up.''

''...Sigh, as always, you're right.''

''What would you do without me?''

''I hope I never have to find the answer for that up to me.'' Bea got up again.

''Got anything in mind?''

''Yes, I do!'' Bea started to run on Ash's direction.

''Hey, wait!'' Cinderace called as she was left behind.

'I might be scared...' Bea began to think. 'I don't know what the future holds...But I'm not giving up...Even if I can't tell him everything...I can't just close myself off...I'll stay with him...I'll find a way...I'll find my place...ASH!" Bea finally yelled, she was just a few feet away and Ash looked back at her.

"Bea, wha-'' At the moment Ash turned around Bea gave him a big hug, Ash almost fall back because of the impulse she had from the run but he managed to hold on.

''Damn it, I wanted to throw you in the sand so you'd be scratching all week.'' Bea said laughing

''What is this? A hug?'' Ash asked a bit stranger by the sudden change of humor.

''No, idiot, it's a choke hold.'' Bea answered sarcastically.

''Sorry, I thought you were still mad at me.''

''Ash, I would never be mad at you..." Bea broke the hug but still holding Ash by the shoulders. "I'll tell you what's happening...It's about my mother.''

"...Sorry, I didn't know." Ash responded. "You don't have to-"

"No, Ash, I want you to hear this." Bea interrupted and took a deep breath. "My mom always told me about how much she loved beaches, she said they were beautiful and that she used to go to beaches all the time when she was young, she promised me that she would take me to a beach some day, but we never had enough time, our home was pretty far away from any beach...she passed away before we could go to one, this is the first time I've been in a beach and...well, the fact that she couldn't come with me hurts a little."

"...I'm really sorry, Bea." Ash now felt guilty, he pretty much forced to talk about that.

"Everything's fine, Ash." Bea answered. "I really needed to get that off my chest."

''Are you sure everything's fine?''

''Right now?" Bea built up some courage and gave Ash a light kiss on the right cheek. "...Everything's perfect.''

"...Bea?" Ash simply asked as his mind ran around. 'Wait, Bea, no, this isn' it?'

"Thank you for being my friend." Bea called again. "Thank you for helping me in this journey...for everything."

"..." Ash stood silent for a moment

"Well, weren't you going to take us with the Gym Leader?" Bea finally pulled Ash out of his mind.

''...Sure, follow me, I think I know where Volkner is.'' Ash led the way and before following him, Bea looked at Flannery who gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

''That's my girl!'' Cinderace cheered on her trainer. ''That was good way to start opening, now, about the-''

''I will tell him the rest...But I can't do it right now, he has enough things to worry about already.''

''If you're really going to tell him, you should stop delaying it, it could backfire.''

'' know what? I'm sure it'll be fine, don't worry.''

''Sigh, fine, I don't want to ruin your moment, congrats on giving another step.''

''Thanks, I'll try to keep giving more, I feel like I'm staying behind lately.''

"Wait, now that I think about it, you never told me that story."

"You don't know everything about me." Bea started to walk with a big smile on her face.

"W-wait! What else do I don't know?"

''Flareon, Flame Charge!''

''Jolteon, Shadow Ball!''

"There they are!" Ash said once he spotted Volkner and Flint. "Hey, Volkner!"

"Time out." Volkner said, he pointed at Ash's direction and both returned their Pokemon.

"How have you been guys? Ash asked once he was Infront of them.

''We're fine." Volkner was the first to answer. "I heard that you were back in Sinnoh, but I didn't expect you to pay me a visit.''

''Sorry, I guess I should have called before coming."

''Don't mind it, it's nice to see Pikachu and you again.'' Volkner then gave Pikachu a head pat.

''Actually, is really good." Flint finally talked. "Because some else is also paying us a visit.''

''Oh, right." Volkner thought for a moment. "I'm sure she'll be very happy to see you.''

''Yup, she's at Volkner house, pfft.'' Flint tried to talk between some laughs.

''Oh? Didn't see your friends." Volkner then looked at Bea and Flannery. "Name's Volkner, this is Flint.''

''Minato and Ronald Mcdonald?'' Cinderace asked.

''That's the best you could come up with?'' Bea asked annoyed.

''Wait, you're Flint?'' Flannery asked.

''Yup!'' Flint affirmed.

''The real Flint?'' Flannery continued to ask.

''Of course! Why wouldn't I be?''

''Well, I came to Sinnoh to meet you last year but all I could find was this random girl with Dittos dressed like you.''

''Oh, right, I met her too.'' Ash said.

''Really? And what was her name?'' Flint asked excited to know a fan.

''Don't remember it." Ash said indifferent. "Duplica was better anyway.''

''Well, I'm Flannery and this is Bea, we're traveling with Ash.''

''Geez, Ash, didn't know you were one of those lucky dudes.'' Flint teased him.

''Why is everyone saying that kind of thing lately?'' Flannery asked.

''Maybe because we raised the rating last chapter.'' Bea replied.

''Yeah, why did we do that anyway?'' Cinderace asked.

''Probably because of Flannery.''

''What about me?'' The aforementioned asked.

''You're like the stereotypic lewd high schooler.'' Bea explained.

''I-I'm just a little bit sensitive!" Flannery said offended. "Just because I want Ash to grope me in public I'm the lewd one here?''

"Flannery, too much information." Bea said with the image on her head.

''Anyway, Bea, I feel like you're misjudging me.''

''We've made like 10 jokes about your rack so far!''

''It is the cross that I have to carry.'' Flannery said with a dramatic light spotting her.

''How long are you even going to stay with us?'' Bea kept asking. "Now that I have to deal with you, I wonder how Nessa's doing.''

Meanwhile in Hulbury

''Hey, Valerie can I come in?'' Nessa asked outside of Valerie's room.

''...No.'' Valerie replied.

''Look, I get it, you're having an artist block, it's alright, happens all the time.''

''Nessa, you don't understand, I'm totally out of inspiration, I feel so worthless.''

''Why don't you let me in so we can have a talk about that?"

''Piss off and leave me alone in my world!''

''Valerie, could you at least-" Nessa stopped mid-sentence feeling her phone ringing. "Oh? Hang on a second.''

Nessa the answered the call of her other friend.

''Sonia! I haven't heard of you in ages, what's up?''

''I'm fine, you know, working on my things.'' Sonia replied.

''Really? And what are you working in now?''

''It's a secret, but I'll tell something...this will be really big.''

''Hey, where is Ash?'' Flannery called Bea who had been thinking for a while now, Bea looked around and noticed Ash, Flint and Volkner weren't there anymore.

''He probably went with them.''

''They said the other visit was a she, right?'' Flannery asked and some kind of instinct awakened on Bea.

''...sure.'' Bea then released Rufflet. ''Rufflet, can you tell us where Ash is?'' The bird flew up and quickly spotted Ash, Rufflet then guided them and the girls joined Ash again, they kept walking until they made it to Volkner's house.

''I wonder who could it be?'' Flannery asked.

''I think we all know where this is going.'' Bea rolled her eyes.

''A new challenger approaches!'' Cinderace said mimicking an announcer's voice.

''Alright everyone, keep quiet.'' Flint said as he started to pen the door slowly, but then he slammed the door as he screamed. ''FBI! OPEN UP!''

''GAH! FLINT! What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't scare me like that you son of a...Ash?''

''I'm sure this kind is too young to be Flint's dad.'' Volkner said sarcastically.

''Jasmine!'' Ash greeted the woman.

''That's another one for the Pokegirls bingo!'' Cinderace said writing on a paper.


''Well, well, Jasmine, look who it is.'' Flint said standing next to her.

''You think you're pretty funny, don't you?'' Jasmine asked with anger.

''Here we go again.'' Bea rolled her eyes again.

''I thought you would be already used to it by now.'' Flannery said.

"'s nice to see you, Ash." That was all Jasmine was able to say.

"Nice to see you too. Didn't expect to see you in Sunyshore again."

''Oh, I'm here for the World Contest and since Sunyshore is my favorite place in Sinnoh, I was staying here until then.'' Jasmine explained. '''Actually, now that you're here I've got an idea, I've been trying to beat Flint and Volkner in a double battle but I haven't got any luck, maybe if you and I fight together we could win.''

''Well, I'll gladly help.'' Ash said.

''Guess It'll be sorta rematch for us.'' Volkner replied.

"Alright, people, let's take this outside." Flint led everyone to Volkner's backyard which had a battlefield. The four trainers then took the positions.

''Hey, Jasmine." Ash called her. "Last time we met you said you were having troubles with your position as Gym Leader, how did it play out in the end?"

''Very well, actually, my lose/win rate got a lot better, meeting you again, I-I mean, meeting you and your friends light me up. I also started to participate in contests and what do you know, I became the Johto contest champion.''

''Wow, congratulations!''

''Oh, it's nothing, I met with your friend Dawn there too.''

''Yeah, she told me about that, Whitney's doing contests too, right?''

''Oh, yeah, that girl...'' Jasmine said.

Back in Goldenrod.

''I just want you to notice me, Ash, no one has to get hurt.''

''That bad feeling again...'' Ash trailed off.

"You two are gonna keep talking or we're gonna fight?" Volkner called from the other side of the field.

"Uh, sure, let's do it, Ash!" Jasmine said looking for a Poke Ball.' 'Empoleon, shine on!''

''Dewott, I choose you!''

Both Water starters stood next to each other.

"Let's go, Luxray!"

"Heat it up, Houndoom!

"Here we go." Bea said as the referee. ''If all trainers are ready then the battle begins now!''

''Empoleon, Mud Sport!'' Jasmine quickly ordered and Empoleon shot a mud ball that covered the whole battlefield.

''Mud sport weakens electric moves." Jasmine explained. "This will give us the upper hand.''

''So that's how you wanna play..." Volkner said. "Luxray, Superpower on Empoleon!'' The lion charged surrounded by a red aura knocking Empoleon down to the ground.

''Now Superpower on Dewott!''

''Counter with Air Slash!'' Dewott quickly used the Flying move and blocked the enemy attack.

''Fine, Wild Charge!'' Luxray roared and was surrounded by bolts.

''Aqua Jet!''

The moves met in a power struggle, but due to effects of the mud sport, the Wild Charge was weakened and Dewott pushed Luxray back.

"Now Razor Shell" Dewott jumped and slashed Luxray two times.

"Hydro Pump on Luxray!" Empoleon finally got up and shot the stream of water hitting Luxray directly.

"Would you do something already?!" Volkner shouted to Flint since he was just standing there.

''Oh, right, Houndoom, Dark Pulse!''

"Counter with Aqua Jet!" Dewott flew through the Dark energy and hit Houndoom just in the head.

''Ash, tell Dewott to hop onto Empoleon's shoulder.'' Jasmine told him.

''You heard her, Dewott!'' Ash said and his Pokemon followed the order.

''Here we go, Mud Hurricane!'' Empoleon started to spin around raising the mud and creating a swirl, he then sent it to Houndoom and Luxray hitting them both, Empoleon the stopped spinning and Dewott was left dizzy still hanging on Empoleon's shoulder.

''Houndoom, Dark Pulse!''

''Dewott, Razor Shell!'' Dewott got back to his senses and broke through the attack, he then kept the impulse to try and hit Houndoom

''Stop it with Thunder Fang!'' Houndoom bit the blade releasing a discharge but the still ongoing effects of the mud sport, the move was weakened and Dewott was able to hold on and slash with his other Scalchop.

''Empoleon, Hydro Pump on Luxray!'' The penguin hit Luxray again, this backed up a little since there wasn't much he could do at the moment.

''If they want to weaken our watts then we'll have to amp it up!'' Flint said.

''Hey, electric puns are my thing." Volkner said mildly annoyed. "But I think I know what you mean.''

''Fang Passing Fang!'' Both Flint and Volkner shouted, their Pokemon both charged thunder fangs, Houndoom and Luxray then charged side by side as they were surrounded by swirls of electricity and exploded onto the Water Types damaging them a lot.

"Empoleon, Hydro Pump on Houndoom" Once again Empoleon got up and hit the move directly, leaving Houndoom on the ground, the fire type was almost going to faint.

''Hang on Houndoom, Sunny Day!''

Houndoom howled to the skies and the sun went brighter causing the mud to become solidified Luxray then roared as his electric moves regained energy.

''Couldn't you have done that from the beginning?!'' Volkner shouted, leaving aside his mostly calm self.

''Where would have been the fun in that?'' Flint asked with a laugh. ''Thanks Houndoom, that was what we needed, now you have my permission to faint.'' Houndoom then fell to the ground fainted. ''H-Hey I didn't mean it like that!''

''You're an idiot...'' Volkner trailed off.

''Yup, but I'm your idiot, aren't I?''

"Houndoom is unable to battle!" Bea announced. "Are you going to continue on your own?" She asked Volkner.

''Of course we will, Luxray, Wild Charge on Empoleon!'' Finally landing the super effective move at full power, Luxray put Empoleon back in the ground. "Now go for Dewott!"

"Use Aqua Jet to dodge and try to find an opening to go for Razor Shell!

"Don't give him an opening, keep using Wild Charge!"

''Get up, Empoleon! Dewott needs help!'' Jasmine called her Pokemon that started to get up with pain.

"Looks like there's no escape." Ash said. "It's risky but...Hydro Spear!" Dewott put his Scalchops Infront of him and turned the Aqua Jet into a lance, he then crashed onto the Wild charge but Luxray quickly got the upper hand.

''Empoleon, help Dewott with a Hydro Pump!'' Empoleon finally stood up and used the move to power up the Aqua Jet, this one got bigger and bigger until it was enough to engulf the Wild charge and defeat Luxray.

"Luxray is unable to battle! The battle goes to Jasmine and Ash!"

''Hey, Bea, I have an idea.'' Flannery said as she whispered some things on Bea's ear.

"That was great!" Jasmine said. "Ash, thanks a lot!"

"Of course, I had fun too."

''We'll go next!'' Flannery said from the other side of the battlefield.

"You don't mind another battle, right?" Bea asked standing next to Flannery.

"What do you say, Jasmine?" Ash asked.

"I say we keep going."

''Quilladin, let's crash!''

''Fire it up, Litwick!''

''Right then." Jasmine returned Empoleon and searched for another Poke Ball. "Magnezone!''

''Lucario, I choose you!''

"I'll say the thing!" Flint Called. "If all trainers are ready then the battle begins now!"

''Use Thunderbolt on Litwick!'' Jasmine was the one to order first again.

''Counter with Shadow Ball!'' Litwick did his best but the Thunderbolt was stronger and kept going until it hit him.

''Use Brick break on Magnezone!'' Bea ordered and Quilladin jumped to perform the move.

''Let's answer with a Flash Cannon!'' Magnezone shot a silver laser from his eye and knocked Quilladin out of the skies.

''Lucario, Bone Rush on Litwick!'' Lucario quickly ran and smacked the little Litwick with his staff.

''Quilladin, Seed Bomb on Lucario!''

''Send it back with Bone Rush!'' Using The bone as a baseball bat Lucario shot back the Seed Bomb

''Litwick, Flare Burst!'' The candle shot a flame and the seed exploded before it could reach anything.

''Now Metal Claw on Quilladin!''

''Counter with Dual Chop!''

Both Pokemon clashed their edges but Quilladin was the one to land the actual hit first, causing Lucario to back down.

''Let's do it now, Bea!'' Flannery said.

''I'll follow you.''

''Litwick, stand infront of Quilladin!''

''Quilladin shot Seed Bombs through Litwick's flame!''

The pokemon followed orders and the seed bombs were set on fire, exploding onto the steel types, Magnezone was temporarily knocked out of the air, but Lucario held on.

''A Torchwood?'' Jasmine asked. ''Quite creative I'll admit.''

''Quilladin, Leech Seed on Lucario!'' Before Lucario could react he was already fully covered by the vines.

''Break them with Metal Claw!''

''Flare Burst!'' Litwick shot a quick flame while Lucario was busy cutting the ropes.

''Magnezone, block it with Mirror Coat!'' Magnezone got up and stood in front of Lucario, he was surrounded by a pink aura and the Flare Burst bounced off him and back to Litwick.

''It's all yours, Litwick!'' Litwick jumped and took the hit, activating his Flash Fire ability and powering up his flame. ''Now Flare Burst on Magnezone!''

''Mirror Coat!''

The scene repeated and the Flash Fire ability activated itself again.

''Jasmine!'' Ash exclaimed.

''S-Sorry! I couldn't think of anything else.''

''The true.'' Litwick trailed off as he started levitating, his flame kept growing and surrounded his whole body, the fire created a small explosion of flames and a lampet was now floating in the place.

"Ho Ho! That's great! Flannery exclaimed as Bea searched for her Room Phone.

'Lampet, the lamp Pokemon, This Pokémon appears just before someone passes away, so it's feared as an emissary of death.'

''That sounds pretty creepy.'' Flannery said slightly worried.

''Lampet has learned Inferno and Psychic.'' Bea said reading the info.

''Alright then, Lampet, use Inferno!''

''Nain da to iu!'' Lampet sang.

''Not that one!'' Flannery called annoyed.

''Lamp...'' Lampet started to spin around creating a blue swirl of flames that trapped Magnezone.

''Seed Bomb, Quilladin!'' The Kalos starter shoot the ball and it exploded onto the Inferno, leaving Magnezone knocked out.

''My, sorry Ash, it's up to you.'' Jasmine apologized.

"Leave it to me."

"Seed Bomb!"

"Counter with aura Sphere!"

"Shadow Ball!"

The moves created a big explosion that sent Ash's cap flying up, it then fell slowly and Jasmine caught it.

''Here you go.'' Jasmine handed over the cap.

''Thanks, Jas-'' Ash was about to take his cap, but Jasmine pulled it away from him. ''Something wrong?''

''Well, there's something I'd like to do.'' Ash put his hand on Ash's hair and started to rub it.

''J-Jasmine?!'' Ash exclaimed with a blush.

''Hey, I actually expected your hair to be spiky, but it's quite soft.'' Jasmine explained as she kept rubbing.

''Really? Let me see.'' Flannery walked to them and did the same thing. ''Uh, yeah, it's like a soft bush, Bea, come give it a try!''

''Uh, sure?'' Bea joined in as well. ''Hmm, quite nice indeed, talking about that, how does you hair even works?'' Bea asked Flannery.

''It's not as complicated as it looks.'' Flannery replied. "I'll show you another day.''

''Could we focus on the battle?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Oh, sure, sorry." Jasmine apologized and everyone went back to his place.

''Alright, Bea, give me a distraction.'' Flannery said.

''Go it, Quilladin, fire off Seed Bombs!''

"Counter with Metal Claw!" Lucario slashed the seed as fast as he could.

''Alright, Lampet, Hold Lucario with Psychic!'' Lampet's eyes emitted a pink light holding Lucario and leaving him unable to move.

''Is yours Bea!'' Flannery said.

''Brick break!''

Just before Quilladin could land the hit, Lucario managed to free himself and responded with a Metal Claw, sending Quilladin flying at Lampet.

''Dang it, it wasn't going to be that easy.'' Flannery said disappointed.

''It's alright Flannery, we just have to think something else.'' While Flannery and Bea were trying to make a plan, their Pokemon were doing the same in the battlefield.

''Hey dude, I think I've got an idea.'' Lampet said to Quilladin.

''Well, let me hear it.''

''Can you turn into some spiky ball?''

''Oh, like this?'' Quilladin rolled himself into a ball

''Perfect.'' Lampet then held Quilladin in his arms.

''What are you- AAAARGH!'' Quilladin screamed as lampet set him in fire.

''Praise the sun!'' Lampet then tossed Quilladin at lucario.


''What in the...'' Both Bea and Flannery said.

''Lucario, Bone Rush!'' The canine tried to counter, but he didn't have enough time, the burning Quilladin crashed onto him and Lucario fell defeated.


''...Well, that was unorthodox.'' Jasmine said.

''But it worked!'' Flannery cheered.

''What was..." Quilladin held his head while walking back at Lampet. "Why did you do that?''

''Gentleman, you can question my methods, but you can't question my results.'' Lampet answered.

''...I hate you.'' Quilladin said before dropping himself on the ground.

''Yes!" Bea exclaimed. "...Now that I think about it, this is the first time I beat Ash.''

''Well, it's mine too.'' Flannery replied.

''Good job, girls.'' As congratulated them.

''That was a great indeed!" Jasmine said. "Thank for letting me be your partner.''

''Can I be your partner next?'' Flannery asked.

''Well, I guess we still have some time.'' Ash said.

''Time?'' Jasmine asked. ''Now that I think about it, why did you come to Sunyshore?''

''Right, I forgot, have you guys seen anything weird around here lately?'' Ash asked them

''Nothing, out of the ordinary." Volkner said. "Why do you ask?''

''Uh, don't worry about it.'' 'Ash said as he thought. 'I wonder how Looker and Mars are doing.'

"I'm sure it was somewhere here." Mars and Looker were walking in a rocky part of the beach.

''Sssh, did you hear that?'' Looker then heard a mechanic sound and told Mars to hide behind a rock with him, then, from a nearby tall rock, a metal door opened and two Galactic Grunts came out of it, they then rode in two Honchkrows and left the place.

''Looks like we found it...'' Mars said.

''We have to call Ash." Looker said. "I'm sure he already collected a lot of data.''

''Your hair is so soft, what kind of shampoo do you use?"

''I-I don't...Jasmine, could you please stop doing that?'' Suddenly, Ash's Room Phone started to ring and he answered a call from Looker.

''There we go.'' Looker said. ''Ash, where are you right now?''

''I'm with the Gym Leader." Ash answered. "We were having some battles.''

''BATTLES?!" Mars exclaimed from Looker's phone. "Lucas is lost, Team Galactic is back and all you're doing is having battles like nothing really matters!''

''TEAM GALACTIC!'' Volkner, Flint and Jasmine all yelled at once.

''Mars! What part of classified didn't I make clear?'' Looker shouted.

''Ash, Team Galactic is back?'' Jasmine asked.

''Uh, yeah, but..." Ash looker back at the phone. "Guy's, did you find the base?''

''Indeed." Looker answered. "And we just saw a pair of grunts walking out of it, this is the place.''

''We're on our way.'' Ash said.

''We're gonna help you.'' Volkner said as Jasmine and Flint nodded.

"Right, I'll send you the coordinates." After looker send the data Ash and co met with him and Mars Infront of the entrance.

''This is the place.'' Mars said.

''Fine, hear me out." Looker got their attention. "We don't how many people are down there, so we can't all go, let's not risk the mission, we'll do some recognition and then we'll get back up. Ash and I are the obvious option since we already dealt with Team Galactic.''

''I'm going too then.'' Mars stepped in.

''This is my city, I'm going too.'' Volkner did the same.

''Great, we have four, the rest stays here, Team Looker go!''

''I never agreed with that name.'' Volkner said.

The selected team entered the elevator and there was only one button in the panel.

''Just one floor?'' Ash asked.

''As if this wasn't suspicious enough already.'' Volkner said.

''Everyone, have your Poke Balls in hand.'' Looker warned them, the elevator went down a few minutes, it stopped abruptly and then opened to reveal a huge room, however, this room was pretty much a cave, with the only man-made thing there being a big computer at the end of it.

''Looks like we missed something.'' Volkner said.

''Everyone back into the elevator.'' Looker told them to do so, but before they could, the computer turned itself on, with its screen saying that it was receiving a call, seeing this, Mars was the first to walk onward the computer.

''Mars wait, it could be a trap.'' Ash said.

''I don't care.''

The computer was very similar to the ones she used when she was a galactic commander, so Mars pretty much knew what to do. Mars answered the call and Saturn appeared on the screen along his Toxicroak, Saturn was wearing a suit similar to the one that Cyrus had although the sleeves were blue instead of grey and the coat was longer.

''Great job, I knew you would follow the clue." Saturn talked to Mars. "Still, you really expected us to use the most obvious spot knowing there are people like you out there? Think, Mars, think! I'm not that stupid.''

While this was happening, Volkner took a small device from his pocket and pressed a few buttons in succession.

''Where is Lucas?!" Mars exclaimed. "What did you do to him?!''

''Let's just say your friend is a fail safe for now, still Mars, you could save him if you just joined us again, what do you say?''

'''' Mars said firmly.

''Hey, Mars.'' Looker tried to whisper. ''This could actually work, if you get back to them maybe we could-''

''NO!'' Mars yelled out. ''I won't do that again! I promised it to Lucas!''

''Last chance...'' Saturn was running out of patience.

''I don't know where you are, but I will find you, I will save Lucas and I'm gonna kick your ass!''

''Fine then, I tried.'' Saturn gave up the idea.

''Charon helped you escape, didn't he?'' Looker asked him.

''He did, but don't get it wrong, I'm in charge here.''

''Conditionally, right?'' Volkner asked still waiting for his device to load.

''Hmm, I suggest you to watch your mouth, you have no idea of the power we are dealing with; and that reminds me...''

''UNUNUN!'' A Regirock rose from the ground.

''I'll admit I didn't expect this trap to be so successful, everyone who deserves a beating conveniently together in one place, I wish I could be there in person, but well, that's life.''

The screen turned off and Regirock smacked the ground with his arms, creating an Earthquake, Regirock then spun around disappearing beneath the ground and leaving the trainers there.

''Your soul will be swallowed by the earth.'' Looker said to himself. ''Hmm, my horoscope was right.''

''Some cat-haired dude is not going to decide how I die.'' Volkner quickly released his Electrivire. ''Everyone hold onto Electrivire.'' Volkner said and everyone side as told. ''Alright, fella, take us out with Teleport.''

Electrivire put two fingers on his forehead and teleported them back to the beach where Bea and the rest were waiting. The earthquake kept going for 30 seconds and everyone sighed with relief as it died down.

"You guys okay?" Bea asked.

"It was a trap." Ash answered.

''Now Lucas is even more danger!'' Mars exclaimed

''Seems like all that was worthless.'' Looker said.

''Not completely." Volkner took out his device and this created a holographic screen with a map. "There we have it.''

''What's that?'' Bea asked.

''I got this little device from a fellow electric Gym Leader, it needed some adjustment but I took care of that, it has plenty of things, among those a tracker, Saturn's monologue was long enough to let me track the location from where he made the call, just give me a moment to triangulate."

As Volkner's device loaded, Ash noticed the logo that it had, recognizing it immediately. "Science is amazing, uh?" Ash said to himself.

"Said and done, the place is...Sendoff Spring.''

''And where is that?'' Ash asked, not having heard of the place.

''Sendoff Spring is to the west from here." Looker started to explain. "It's a fourth major lake that was discovered a few years ago, it's still pretty unexplored.''

''Sounds like the perfect hiding spot.'' Bea said.

''Looks like we're going there." Ash said.

''Right then, I'm going with you.'' Volkner stepped in. ''These idiots messed with my city, I'm gonna mess with them. Flint, I'll leave Sunyshore to you, check if the Earthquake cause any damage.''

''Leave it to me, mate!'' Flint replied.

''I'll go with y'all!'' Jasmine said.

''No, you're not." Volkner stopped her. "You're gonna stay here safe and sound.''

''Stop treating me like your little sister!" Jasmine exclaimed. "I can take care of myself, besides Johto and Sinnoh are very close, any trouble here could lead to trouble there.''

''Fine...You're coming with us.'' Volkner gave in.

''That's great!" Looker said. "Because we'll need all the help available.''

''If that's the case, why don't we call every Gym leader, Elite Four and the Champion?'' Bea asked.

''Some Frontier Brains could help too.'' Flannery added.

''There's no time people!" Looker shouted. "I'll call some of my men, but we can't waste any more time, it all comes down to us, besides, I'm sure they're all too busy with their duties.''

Somewhere in Undella.

''Garchomp, could you find me another Ice Cream?''

After setting up things, the team went in the lookercopter onward Sendoff Spring, while they were on the flight, Ash received a call from Dawn

''Dawn, you okay?'' Ash asked.

''Everything's clear, apparently they didn't get close here.''

''Hi there, Ash!'' Dawn's mother joined the call.

''Hello, Miss Johana, glad to see you're safe.''

''Glad that Dawn and you finally reunited, she's always talking about how much she'd like to-'' Johanna was about to say something but Dawn covered her mouth.

''Anyway, how are you guys doing?'' Dawn asked.

''We're going to the new Team Galactic HQ, it is in Sendoff spring.''

''Got it, I'll be on my way to help.''

''No, you're not!" Johanna exclaimed while hugging her daughter. "My baby just returned home after 3 years! I won't let you go away to risk your life like that!''

''Mom, I'll be fine, besides, Ash needs my help.''

''Ash, you can handle this without her, right?'' Johanna asked him.

''Uh, well...''

''R-Right?'' The mother started to shed tears.

''...of course, sorry, Dawn.'' Ash gave in.

''Are you sure?''

''We'll be fine, Volkner and Jasmine are here too.''

''Alright then...even tho we just met again, Ash please take care.''

''Don't worry, I'll see you at the contest once this is over.''

''See ya there, I'll inform you if anything happens in the lake.''

"Thanks Dawn, take care too." Ash said as he cut the call.

''Uh, guys, you're seeing that too right?'' Flannery got their attention and pointed at a giant blue beam was being shot to the skies.

''What the-?'' Looker took his binoculars and saw that the lake was totally dried, Saturn was in the middle of the lake handling some type of machine that was emitting the beam.

''H-How has no one reported this?'' Looker asked.

''Hey, Pa! What do you think that thing is?'' A cowgirl asked seeing the ray from their farm.

''Probably just rich people woth their firework things." The farmer answered. "Don't mind it kiddo, get back to work.''

''What could that thing be?'' Ash asked.

''Better question, why is it always a giant sky beam?'' Volkner asked too.

''Yeah, that's pretty overused.'' Jasmine agreed.

Meanwhile in the lake, Saturn was looking up at skies, where the beam was being shot as it started to create a portal in the clouds. "...Here we go."