Chereads / pokemon Fighting Dreamers / Chapter 14 - chapter 14

Chapter 14 - chapter 14

Our chapter begins in the train station of Motostoke, after a normal travel with nothing remarkable to mention, the now quartet got out of the train, with Gloria leading the way.

''Welcome to Motosto-'' Gloria was interrupted by a Galarian Zigzagoon that jumped on top of her, the Pokemon then ran away towards a group of people that were blocking the entrance of the city. ''What's going on right here?!''

''Oh, it's Team Yell.'' Victor said. ''That must means Marnie is challenging the Gym.''

''And you're very happy because of that, right?'' Gloria taunted her brother.

''I...'' Victor blushed a little.

''Who's Marnie?'' Ash asked.

''WHO'S MARNIE?!'' One of the grunts shouted hearing Ash's question.

''HOW DARE YOU?!'' Another of the grunts said getting closer looking not exactly friendly.

''Sorry guys, they're new here.'' Victor stood infront of the team and the grunts calmed down.

''Well, we're gonna forgive them because of you, Victor...GO MARNIE!'' The grunts went back to their group and Victor sighed relieved.

''Marnie is a friend of us, she's taking the Gym challenge as well.'' Gloria started to explain. ''These guys, Team Yell, are her fans and they're always cheering for her.''

''And they do it to an almost dangerous point.'' Victor continued. ''They must be blocking the entrance of the Gym as well and they won't let us cross until Marnie's done with the battle, they don't want anyone to 'break her focus'.''

''Does that mean we'll have to do some side quest and then they will be gone?'' Bea asked.

''So, Marnie is their leader?'' Ash asked as well.

''Nah, they're doing this on their own.'' Gloria answered Ash's question. ''Although Marnie does appreciate the support, she's quite nice, that's probably the reason why Vic is in love with her.''

''I-I'm not...''

''Pfft, don't tell no lie, Vic, you can deny it.'' Gloria started to poke his brother on his chest.

''Well, she is really cute, but I'm not sure if-''


Calling Victor was a girl with black hair and fair skin. Her hair was tied back in two ponytails with maroon bows, and a fringe fell over her right eye. She wears a black leather jacket with studs and underneath it a light pink dress. She was wearing large black leather boots, also studded, with spike-shaped heels. On her back a garnet colored bag matching her hair ties. A small chubby rodent Pokemon clinging from her backpack.

''ARGH! ...Oh, M-Marnie,'re much did you hear?''

''Hear what?''

''Uh, have you been?''

''I'm great, I just got the Fire Badge, the only condition was to bring a Fire Type, so I caught a Houndour and there was no trouble.''

''YO GUYS! MARNIE WON HER FIRE BADGE! WOOO!'' One of the grunts shouted and they all started to celebrate.

''Good job, Marnie!'' Gloria congratulated her friend.

''Thanks Gloria.'' Marnie then looked at the people who were accompanying her friends. ''Oh, and who might you be?''

''Bea's the name, this one over here is Cinderace, nice to meet you.''

''I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, this is Pikachu.''

''Oh, so you're the Ash Gloria's always talking about?''

''The one and only!'' Gloria responded.

''I see, my name is Marnie, I'm from Spikemuth and this is Morpeko.''

'Morpeko, the two-sided Pokemon, It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if they're precious treasures. No matter how much it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order.' Ash Rotom Phone explained.

''PEKO!'' The Pokemon greeted them.

''PIKA!'' The kanto rodent greeted back.

''Nice to meet you then.'' Marnie got back to look at Victor.

''Vic, I...I have something for you.''

''Oh? Really?''

''I-I know you don't have much Pokemon, so I bought you this as a gift.'' Marnie showed Victor a Dusk Ball. ''It's a Murkrow, I caught him accidentally in the Wild area but I already have a Mandibuzz, so I wanted to give him to you, what do you think?''

''I-I...T-Thanks a lot! I promise I'll take care of him.'' Victor said while he grabbed the Dusk Ball from Marnie's hand.

''I'm glad, I actually doubted if I should give it you, I thought you wouldn't like it.''

''As if that would ever be the case! Any gift from you is a bliss.''

''Really?'' She asked slightly blushing.

''R-Really!'' Victor exclaimed again starting to blush as well.

''Geez, get a room, you two.'' Gloria decided to broke the moment.


''Marnie, you mentioned you got the Fire Badge, right?'' Ash asked.

''Yes, look here.'' Marnie searched in her backpack and showed them a golden badge with the design of orange and red flares.

''Cool, do you know where the Gym Leader is? I want to challenge him too.''

''He just left to the mine 2 after our battle.''

''Well, guess we'll go there too.''

Before Ash could start to walk away, he spotted something that looked like a small purple ball flying fast to their position. the ball finally reached them starting to roll in a circle around Ash and co. after a while the ball stopped rolling and stood infront of Ash revealing itself as a laughing Koffing.

''Wait a second...'' Ash said looking at the Pokemon.

The Koffing then started to roll on his place again, giving Ash a struck on memories.

''Hey, I know you!''

''Of course you do, Ketchum.'' From between the grunts appeared a girl with white hair tied in a small high tail, she wore a long blue sweater with purple stripes that showed her shoulders, she also wore black shorts and black leather boots as well, her skin was white as the moon and her eyes were blue as the sky.


''That's my name, say it loud!'' The Gym leader made a quick riff on her bass while she laughed. ''Yo Marnie, you left me behind!''

''I'm sorry Roxie, one of the grunts told me Victor and Gloria were here and I really wanted to see them.''

''Well, that's alright, how's the life, Mr. champion?''

''You heard about that too?''

''Of course; and I must admit I'm impressed, specially considering how badly you lost at the Unova league.''

''Yeah...well, I'm doing fine, I guess you're here for the league.''

''Yup, I got an invitation so I wanted to see the place, Marnie mar here and I met and things just flowed naturally, we really get along. I've been trying to get my hands on a Toxtricity too but I haven't had any luck.''

''A what?'' Ash asked as his Rotom Phone flew from his Pocket again. 'Toxtricity, the Punk Pokemon, It has an electrical organ on its chest. While generating electricity, it fills its surroundings with what sounds like the strumming of a bass guitar.'

''Like, look at this thing!'' Roxie pressed Ash's Rotom Phone against his face. ''Is LITERALLY a Poison-type punk rocker! Why had nobody told me this things exist earlier?!''

''It definitely would suit you.'' Ash said putting the phone out of his face. ''I actually want one myself now.''

''Let's see who catches it first...tell me, Ash.'' Roxie grabbed his chin softly. ''Are you happy to see me?''

''Sure, because Nessa wasn't enough.'' Bea muttered and only Cinderace heard her.

''Look at the bright side, if this turns into a harem you'll most likely be the main girl.''

''Most likely?'' Bea asked not exactly comforted by Cinderace's statement.

''Yes, I really am happy to see you!'' Ash answered unfazed.



''Once I was told there were going to be lots of important trainers coming to the Galar League you were one of the people I was expecting to see the most.''

''Really?'' Roxie started to blush, she was just caught with her guard down.

''Of course! I've been thinking about you a lot and there's something I'd like to ask you.''

''W-W-What is it?''

''Could you please give me a rematch?'' Ash finally asked and a glass shattering was heard in the distance as everyone's expressions went black.

"I don't know why I was expecting something else." Gloria said.

''...A what now?'' Roxie asked.

''A rematch, you know, a Pokemon battle.''

'' won our last fight.''

''I know, but when I look back at it I don't feel satisfied with that, you're really strong and all, ok I get it, but I've met other really strong people before, yet I barely defeated you while using 6 Pokemon against 3 of yours.''

''Yeah, about that.'' Gloria joined the conversation. ''What happened to you in Unova? Why were you acting like such a noob?I really respect you and all but I still haven't forgiven you for that god damn Snivy fight.''

''I don't know, go blame the writers...anyway Roxie, I would like to fight you in a fair 1v1 this time, what do you say?''

''Sounds good, but I'm gonna use Koffing for this one.'' Roxie made another riff as Koffing orbited shiftly around her.

''Alright, Riolu, I choose you!'' Ash tossed the Poke Ball to the air and the Fighting Type appeared.

''A Riolu, eh?'' Roxie asked while looking at the canine. ''Hmm, everyone is coming to my Gym with one of those lately.''

Both Pokemon stood infront of each other as the trainers prepared themselves.

''Are you sure you wanna do this Ketchum?'' Roxie asked trying to not sound rude. ''If I remember correctly, it took three of your Pokemon just to take down Koffing in our Gym battle and as you can probably imagine, we didn't exactly got weaker over time.''

''Don't worry Roxie, things will be very different today.'' Ash assured her as Riolu barked.

''This will be a simple 1v1 battle.'' Bea shouted playing as the referee. ''This honestly doesn't need a referee, but well, whatever, if both trainers are ready, then the battle begins now!''

''Prepare yourself cause here I cooome.'' Roxie sang as she played her bass. ''Brace yourself our lil mess has beguuun... and as if isn't obvious already we'll go for Sludge Bomb!''

As Roxie ended her verse, Koffing laughed shooting a glob of sludge towards Riolu.

''Dodge and Copycat!'' Riolu jumped to the sides and then imitated Koffing's move

''Gyro Ball!'' The gas Pokemon quickly rolled horizontally blocking the sludge with the Steel Type move as he laughed.

''Think you can get us tired of our own sound? Not a chance!''

''Right then! Aura Sphere!'' Riolu put his hand together, creating a small orb, however the Orb quickly died down before he could launch it.

''What? ...Quick Attack!''

''Fire Blast!'' Koffing Expelled gas and then made a spark with his teeth creating a fiery explosion towards Riolu stopping the Quick Attack.

''Venoshock!'' The gas Pokemon rolled around shooting several toxic blasts from his craters, Riolu quickly jumped several times managing to avoid it.

''Gyro Ball!'' Koffing rolled on his place until he was surrounded by a silver energy, the Pokemon then rolled along the ground leaving a trail as he rushed towards Riolu.

''Copycat!'' Riolu did a similar movement crashing in the middle of the field, both Pokemon were then knocked back by the impact.

''Aura Sphere!'' Once again the move didn't go off. ''Dang it! Sky Uppercut!''

''Fire Blast!'' The flames hit Riolu mid-air before he could land the hit. ''Great! Sludge Bomb!'' The poison hit Riolu directly, leaving the canine poisoned.


''Don't you know that I'm toxic? Venoshock!'' Koffing once again shot toxic blasts from his craters, causing severe damage to the poisoned Riolu.

''We have to end this fast...''

''Fire Blast!''

''Copycat!'' Riolu managed to shot the move before Koffing could complete his, causing a massive explosion in the gas Koffing had created, after the explosion Koffing started to float down and then crashed against the ground.

''Is it done?'' Bea asked.

''Not yet!'' Roxie exclaimed. ''Come on, Koffing, we can still get around this!' Think of all the teams you single-handed! you are a titan deep inside! YOU CAN'T BE STOPPED!''

As Roxie ended his talk, Koffing started to glow intensely as it took float again.

''Ah, yes, the inspirational speech, it never fails.'' Cinderace commented looking at the scene.

The glow died down showing an unusual Pokemon, it was a classic Weezing, but with a light grey color instead of purple, green gas that seemed to look like moustaches and a chimney on each head.

''A Galarian Weezing?'' Ash asked scanning the Pokemon. 'Weezing, the poison gas Pokemon, long ago, during a time when droves of factories fouled the air with pollution, Weezing changed into this form for some reason.'

''For some reason?'' Ash asked. ''That's your best explanation?''

''I'm not the one who writes this, okay?'' Rotom defended himself. ''On a side note, this Weezing has forgotten Gyro Ball and replaced it with Strange Steam.''

''No more Gyro Ball, uh? Well, let's see what you're up to now, Weezing!'' Roxie made another bass solo. ''ROCKSTAR, POPSTAR, TIME TO GEEET UUUP! Show them you sheer power! Time to crash them to the wall!''

''WEEZING!'' The Pokemon expelled a pink steam from its chimneys surrounding the area.

''Misty Terrain...'' Ash said.

''What's going on?'' Roxie asked.

''Misty terrain is a Fairy Type ability.'' Ash started to explain. ''It blocks Dragon Type moves and it also blocks status conditions.''

''But then that means...''

''OLU!'' the canine shouted as the effect of the poison disappeared.

''Alright, Riolu!''

''Don't get too confident, Weezing is a Fairy Type now , so now we have Type advantage, we don't need poison anymore.''

''You should know that I'm not someone who's scared of Type match-ups.'' Ash talked back confident.

''Then let's drop it! Try your new tune out Weezing, Strange Steam!'' Weezing made a sound similar to a sofisticado laugh and then expelled from its mouth a bluish-purple steam that exploded against Riolu.''

''Nice! Show me a Fire Blast!'' This time two fiery explosions were shot and Riolu barely avoided them.

''Sky Uppercut!'' Riolu jumped and landed the move but it seemed like it made no damage at all.

''Strange Steam again!'' Once again the Fairy move exploded on Riolu.

''Things just got complicated.'' Victor started to explain. ''Koffing already resisted Riolu's moves as a Poison Type, now that he's a Fairy as well, Riolu is running out of options.''

''Don't worry.'' Gloria said. ''I'm sure Ash has already thought of something.''

'I can't think of anything!'

''Alright Riolu, Ash needs helps with this one, remember aura lesson 16.'' The Pokemon thought for himself as a flashback started.

There he was, with his father Lucario, in a flower field of Sinnoh, training their Aura abilities.

''Son...always remember...losing to a Fairy Type is gay.''

''What?'' Riolu snapped out as he was hit by another Strange Steam.

''Riolu, are you okay?'' Ash asked.

''OL!'' The Fighting Type barked getting up. ''...No, that's not the thing...aura lesson 17, it was aura lesson 17.''

Lucario, flower field, blah, blah, blah.

''Alright son, what do we do when we face an unexpected disadvantage? ...Improvise, adapt, overcome.''

''Improvise, adapt, overcome, improvise, adapt, overcome, IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME!''

The round bumps on Riolu's forepaws started to glow with a silver light, transforming into three metallic claws that extended over each paw, Riolu then jumped into the air slashing Weezing two times.

''Alright! Metal Claw again!'' Ash shouted and Riolu repeated the move.

''Ooo..Secret Metal Claws.'' Gloria said.

''You mean like Sagittarius from Beyblade Metal?'' Bea asked.

''That's like the one episode I remember from that series.'' Victor added. ''Well, that and the Moses thing.''

''Beyblade, uh?'' Ash said as an idea passed through his head.

''We ain't done yet! Sludge Bomb!''

''Riolu, let's try a Counter Shield! Spin while using Metal Claw!''

Riolu jumped on the air while spinning deviating the Sludge Bomb and then slashing Weezing multiple times.

''Strange Steam!''

''Counter Shield!'' The scene repeated as Riolu pushed the steam aside. ''Good job, go for a Metal Claw!''

''Fire Blast!''

As the fire was shot, Riolu tried to block it mid-air crossing his claws, but he was throw to the ground despite the effort.

''Venoshock!'' Weezing lowered his chimneys making them point at Riolu, it then shot two powerful streams of ooze towards the canine.

''Block it with Metal Claw!'' Riolu did as told and the ooze stopped right on his claws

''More power, Weezing!'' Weezing strengthened the intensity of the ooze slightly sliding Riolu back.

''Riolu, try another Aura Sphere!'' Riolu moved his claws slightly, still blocking the Venoshock but managing to put his palms together, an orb started to appear, but the orb quickly started to decay.

''Slash the orb!'' Ash shouted.


''Just do it! Before it disappears!''

''Improvise...adapt...overcome!'' Riolu moved his claws again, slashing through the Aura Sphere, the metal of its claws absorbed the energy and started to create waves of energy.''

''Drop the shield!'' Riolu crossed his arms and then broke open his defensive posture creating a massive wave of energy that finally stopped the Venoshock and disoriented Weezing, Riolu then noticed how his claws were flaring with aura.


''You and your tricks, Ketchum.'' Roxie laughed.

''We got ourselves a new combo, Riolu!'' Ash celebrated. ''I thought that if you can compact the energy just yet maybe we could transfer it to something else and it worked! How should we call it? ...Aura claws, does that work for you?''

''RIO!'' The canine raised his claws totally pumped.

''Alright then, Aura Claws!'' Riolu jumped in the air slashing Koffing with energy, every slash knocking the Poison Type back.

''Use Fire Blast!''

''Conter Shield!'' Riolu rotated on his places still with the Aura claws, he whirled so fast that the Fire Blast was absorbed by the centrifugal force. ''Go get 'em!''

Riolu jumped with the Counter Shield, Slashing Weezing multiple times and knocking him out of the sky, with Weezing on the ground, Riolu dived down, joining both his claws in the powerful slash, exploding in a massive outburst of aura leaving the Gas Pokemon fainted.

''Weezing is unable to battle! Riolu is the winner!'' Bea announced.

As Weezing fainted, the effects of the Misty Terrain started to disappear, Riolu was once again struck by the Poison and he dropped on the ground exhausted, with Ash going to get him soon afterwards.

''Thanks Weezing, take a rest and congratulations for your evolution.'' Roxie returned her Pokemon and then walked towards Riolu. ''Good job buddy, here, take this as a prize.'' Roxie gave the canine a Pecha Berry and the latter ate it, curing his poisoning.

''Riolu, that was awesome!'' Ash congratulated his Pokemon.

''Yes, it was!'' Riolu responded.

''Wait, what?''



''And you Ash, you're a lot stronger than the last time.''

''Thanks Roxie, that means a lot.''

''Marnie, you got 5 badges now, right?'' Gloria asked. ''Where are you going next?''

''Roxie and I are gonna be staying here in the city for now, my brother Piers said he's coming to Motostoke so we will meet him here.''

''Well, we'll be going to the mine to find the Gym Leader.'' Ash said starting to walk away. ''Thanks for the battle Roxie, it was really nice to see you again.''

''Same goes to you, Ketchum!'' An idea then passed through Roxie's mind and she looked at the grunts. ''Hey, Marnie, could your fellas help me with something?''

''What do you mean with something?''

The 'Ketchum group' was then stopped by a high pitched guitar riff, they then looked back to see Roxie was on top of a stage that came from Arceus knows where, the Grunts prepared up everything and Roxie gave another test riff as she started to sing and play an upbeat tone in her bass, with the grunts backing her up.


Hey, little fella

Get closer so I can catch ya

Why don't you come with me?

Let's have a little riiide

(Having her patience is more than a science)


Everyone knows that my voice

Can mesmerize Arboks and Sevipers

Ladies and gentlemen, pay attention cause

Taking the note, is the Unovan ivy!


(It's so good to be her!)

You know I'm awesome

I like it when you call me toxic, say it again!

(It's so good to be her!)

Ain't no time to get down!

Turn it up to eleven, go ahead!



Everyone is acclaiming!


As my Bass is shredding!

I'm who puts the Os in Rock n' Roll!

I'm the star of, show, show, show!


I am the girl who breaths and eats poison

I am the girl who's always on motion


(It's so good to be her!)

You know I'm adorable

Think you can resist me? No, you can't!

(It's so good to be her)

It's so clear, baby

When you and I are together we're feeling well!


Look at me!


Hear me sing!


I'm who puts the Os in Rock n' Roll!

I'm the star of the...shoooooow!


As Roxie ended her song, Ash and co. clapped along the grunts, Roxie laughed and got down of the stage walking towards Ash.

''How was that?'' Roxie asked.

''That was awesome!'' Ash exclaimed.

''Quite nice.'' Victor said.

''It was good.'' Bea added.

''Very nice, but you missed the part when you tell your tragic backstory.'' Gloria ended.

''Really?'' Roxie smiled, only listening to the first 'judge'. ''Well, thanks, I got the inspiration from a certain Kanto boy.'' Roxie gave Ash a hip bump and started to walk away.

''Hmm...Gloria, since you're an Ash expert and all, do you know how many girls has he met in his travel?'' Bea asked and the younger girl let out a small chuckle.

''Oh, I don't know, how many breads have you eaten in your life?''

''GLOOOORIAAAA!'' Victor shouted. ''I told you to stop with those lame jokes.''

''Come on Mar, let's meet with your brother!'' Roxie called her friend, who was gazing at Victor.

''C-Coming! It was nice too see you guys.''

''Take care, Marnie!'' Gloria said.

''Bye, Gloria, Bye, Vic!'' Marnie waved goodbye as she started to think. 'Oh my, Roxie just dedicated Ash a whole song and what did I do? Give Vic a random Mukrow? You have to do something Marnie, do something!' Marnie stomped the ground and then looked back with her eyes closed. ''VIC!''

''Yeah?'' Victor asked as Marnie walked back to him, she started to lean forward, time stopped for everyone and Marnie gave him a the lips.





''...Well, I didn't see that coming.'' Cinderace commented and then looked at Bea. ''See? Why can't you be straightforward like the girl? She's been here half a chapter and she already did more than you!''


''I...'' The goth girl was trying to process what she just did.

''M-M-Marnie?!'' That was all Victor could stutter after he finally thawed out from the surprise.

'ARGH! I DID TOO MUCH! I DID WAY TOO MUCH! I DID WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH!' Marnie started to walk away slowly, progressively going faster each step. ''C-C-Come on, Roxie! Piers must be there already!'' Marnie was finally running away with Team Yell following her.

''Would you look at that...'' Roxie started to follow Marnie as well. ''I'll see you at the league, Ketchum!''

''Bye, Roxie!'' Ash waved goodbye.


After a few minutes, Marnie made it to park where she and her brother said they would met, she was looking up at the skies, sitting on a bench, still wondering why she did that.

''Wow, Marnie, you're really getting bold.'' Roxie teased her friend as soon as she found her. ''In a place like that, infront of everybody, and you just kissed him in the li-.''

''That's enough, Roxie!'' Marnie interrupted her. ''...What did I do?! I'll never be able to see him eye to eye again!''

''Don't be so exaggerated, I bet he liked it.''

''Maybe you're right...I surely liked it...''


''S-Stop it!''

''Why are you making such a big deal about this?''

''And can you be so calm? You just dedicated a song to Ash!''

''Not that much, that was a common song that I would sing to anyone, I was writing a full-on love song but I didn't expected to re-encounter with him so soon so it wasn't ready, also I was a bit too nervous to sing that one, even if I tried to act calm I had to go for plan B.''

''May I know which was the love song?''

''Well, I guess I'm not hurting anyone...could you tell your guys to...''

Marnie looked around noticing they were surrounded by Team Yell grunts.

''Sorry, guys, could you leave us alone for a second?''

All the grunts nodded and left the girls alone, Roxie took her bass and played a few notes in a much more calmed way than she usually does.


I tried to write you one of those cheesy love songs

But I couldn't finish it, oh man

It was all ridiculous and it sounded bad

There is nothing that for you I wouldn't be willing to do

Anything that you ask, I promise I'd do that


And every night that I look at the sky

I notice no star can compete with you light

As much as I try, I just can't tell you, baby!

You should be loved!


I'm only singing this song

Because you know that I'm singing it for you

I know this is love

I'm sure this is love, yeah!

I Listen to my heart and his voice

I feel every single throb

I know this is love

This is love, yeah


Being by your side is something amazing

I'll always be your loving bass player

Just seeing you, makes me feel crazy

Your loving bass player



I listen to my heart and his voice

I feel every single throb

I know this is love

This is love


It was Roxie's turn to look at the sky, while Marnie looked at her with stars in her eyes.

''That was soooo cuuute!'' The black-haired squealed.

''You think so?''

''Of course! We have to get back so you can sing it to him.'' Marnie got up from the bench trying to drag her friend as well.

''I'll do that if you give Victor another kiss.''

''Nevermind! Let's wait here for Piers!'' Marnie sat back as Roxie laughed.

''Yeah, that's what I thought.''

Back with the 'Ketchum group' they were finally in the entrance of the city, once again, Gloria leading the way.

''Finally, welcome to Motosto-''


The Pokemon jumped on top of Gloria Dropping her to the ground. ''...sigh.''

''Oh, hey, there.'' Ash greeted the lion cub giving it a head pat.

''Alright, he's the third-' AGH' Gloria was interrupted by a sudden Flamethrower aiming at her from the Litleo, which she barely avoided. ''The third Pokemon that jumps over me this week, so let's call third the charm.'' Gloria tossed a Poke Ball to the Lion but it just jumped on its head without opening.

''It didn't work?''

''That must means he belongs to someone else- Hey!" Bea explained and then dodged another Flamethrower from the Litleo. ''Hey, what's the deal?!''

''Well, if that's the case then let's find your trainer then.'' Ash offered and the cub jumped on his arms. ''Hmp, ok then.''

As the group started to walk to the east in the direction of the mine, Bea and Ash were leading the way, while the two brothers were on the back, Victor hadn't said a word since Marnie kissed him, he didn't know how to feel, Marnie was a great girl, but he didn't expect her to go on like that so fast, did he even actually love her? Let's just say that saying he was confused would be a understatement, Gloria on the other side...

''Victor has a girlfriend! Victor has a girlfriend!''

''Gloria, stop it!''

''Oh, hell no! We have to ce-le-brate! And I know exactly how to do it!''

''No you won't!''

''Yes, I will!''

''You are not gonna do it, I won't take my eyes off you!''

''Oh, really? ...Is that Marnie over there?''

''WHERE?!'' Victor looked at the direction where Gloria pointed and he only found nothingness, he then looked back to where his sister was supposed to be, finding nothingness as well. ''GLORIA SCHILLY TSURUTATE!''

''Well, that girl Marnie surely made a impression.'' Bea commented looking back at the ranting Victor.

''It seems Victor is in love with her as well.'' Ash added.

''Yeah...Ash, what do you know about love?'' The girl felt obliged to ask.

''Love...I don't know, it's funny how a word so short can be so complicated to explain.''

''Have you been in love before?'' Bea continued to ask.

''No, I mean I was, but it was just something passenger, the girl was a pretty face, that's all.''

''I see...'' That last part relieved her in the inside.

''What about you?''

''...Who knows? ...I guess what you said is is complicated.''

''SAITO!'' A voice inside Bea's head broke the moment.


''What's wrong?'' Ash asked.

''I-I-'' Bea looked around trying to spot the voice. ''I could have swore-''

''Saito, are you listening?'' The voice called again, Bea finally recognizing it.


''Yes, it's me, can we private?''

'I...' Bea then looked at Ash who was giving her a weird look. 'Give me a second.'

''Bea, is everything alright?''

''Ash, could you guys wait for me a second? I have to...sprinkle my nose.''

''Uh, sure.''

''Thanks.'' Bea started to walk away as Cinderace walked behind her. ''Cinderace, you stay here too.''

''What?'' The rabbit asked surprised.

''Don't worry, it's nothing.''

Bea walked to the nearest Pokemon center and then she locked herself in the bathroom looking at the mirror.

''Ok, we can talk now.''

''Fine...How have you been?'' The Legendary asked surprisingly calmed and polite.


''You were the one who started! ...No, no...that's not what I called you for.''

''What do you want then?''

''Look, our first encounter...could have been better.''

''You're telling me?'' Bea replied sarcastically.

''I TOLD YOU TO...listen, I understand we had our 'situation' but I rethought and I admit I was too harsh on you; And in the end I helped you with that, why do you think your wounds healed so fast?''

'' was you?''

''Yes...I would like to talk with you in a more calmed manner, due to our situation I didn't get a chance to explain properly all of this.''

''Ash already told me, your sacred items were stolen and we need to find them, we'll keep our eyes open.''

''Good, but aside from that, there's something else I had to tell you...Something about you.''


''That's why I asked you to talk in private, Zamazenta refused to tell Ash about your true identity, just like that, he didn't tell him about your past either.''

''I guess I owe you a thanks then.''

''No, it's not that...Actions have consequences, everyone knows that, however, your actions in specific will show their retaliations way sooner than what you think.''

''You mean that-''

''This mask of your won't last much longer, everything will be revealed and it seems it will be in the worst possible.''

Bea breathed heavily for a few second before asking again. ''...How can you be so sure?''

''You said you've read our stories, correct? Zamazenta and I can predict the future in our altar, we had a vision, a not particularly good one.''

''Those stories said that the visions show multiple, different futures, isn't that right?'' Bea tried to look the brighter side.

''Yes, that's the case but-''

''Then there's no guarantee that it would happen, it's just a possibility, an outcome out of ten or so.''

''It might be just a chance, but 1 of 10 is not as small as you might think, is honestly worryingly, are you really willing to take that risk?''

''Why are you suddenly so worried about me?''

''Let's just say that Mr. Big boss found out what happened between you and me and I really got told off.'' Friggin Arceus made a cosmic chancla, just try to picture that. ''Besides, now you are my chosen one, it is my duty to watch over you.''

''What do you even mean with watch over me? Like, do you watch everything I do?''

''Not literally everything but I saw a few things, like that time you sneaked on Ash's locker room while he was changing.''


''You sure?''

''I thought this was going to be a serious conversation.''

''...Fine...let's get serious then...''

Bea's vision got black for a second as a flood of scenes came to her mind. Ash and her were arguing on a forest, each scene turned into static for a moment only to turn into a different scene where the arguing became more heated.

''Bea...who is Saito?''

''N-No one important...''


''So nothing that you had told me has been true?''

''No! I mean, that's not it!''



''I am your friend!''


''Where do you you think you're going?''

''Where do YOU think? They t-''

''I know what they did, Ash, but we can't go there.''

''Why not?! Who were those people?! What did you do?! Are you some kind of criminal?!''


''Ash, wait ! Are you just going to abandon me here just like that?''

''I would rather abandon you than staying here acting like nothing happened!''

''And what about me?! Am I not important too?! What about all the things we've done? None of that matters?!''

''I just...I just don't get it.''


''Why won't you listen to me?''

''After all of this?! What why would I listen to anything you say?''

''I had no other choice!''

''Yes, you had! You could have tell me the truth since the beginning! You could have just stood me up on that god damn date! You could have simply rejected my offer to travel together and leave it like that and none of this would have happened!''

''But I wanted to travel with you!''

''Why?! Why would you go through all that trouble just to stay with me?!''



''Ash, I-''


Bea got back to reality looking herself in the mirror, her whole body was shivering and she could see tears starting to rain down from her eyes, she quickly wiped them and tried to calm herself splashing some water on her face.

''T-That was-''

''That was what we saw, in this outcome, you didn't tell Ash the truth and he found out himself, the best way to avoid it will be telling him the true before all that happens, you could also separate from him...but since you two are the hero duo now, that doesn't seems like an option.''

''...How does he finds out?'' She asked.


''M-Maybe if you tell me how it happens, I can find a way to avoid it.''

''We could have just show this to Ash, but we are giving you a chance, Zamazenta always had faith in you, but now even him is starting to doubt, remember there is no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see.''

''But I-''

''Just think about that...''

A strong static sound was heard and Bea flinched a second until it disappeared.

''Zacian? ...Zacian!'' She called the Pokemon but no one responded this time. The scenes were showing on her mind again.



''...Just a possibility...'' She dried herself with a towel and got out of the place to find Ash, Victor and Cinderace waiting for her on the other side of the street, Cinderace ran towards her as soon she saw her leave the center.

''Is everything okay?'' Cinderace asked her trainer.

''...I don't even know anymore.''

''You done, Bea?'' Ash asked once she was infront of her.

''...Yeah...Hey, where is Gloria?''

Just the moment Bea asked, Gloria came out of a store with a green bottle on her hands.

''Hey, Gloria, what do you got there?'' Ash asked as the girl started to sweat nervously.

''Uh...Cider.'' Gloria opened the battle and took a deep breath. ''Ash...I apologize in advance for whatever happens after this.''

''What do you mean?''

''Bottom's up!'' Gloria drank every last drop of the bottle and then started to laugh, her gaze going lost. ''Heh, heh ,heh...''

''Gloria, are you-''

''I'M FAIN AS EVA, YA PEPOL, HAAAAAAAAAAAA!'' Gloria tossed the bottle away and it landed infront of Victor who was looking at Murkrow's Dusk Ball, the shattering sound pulling him out of his thoughts.

''What the- oh no, Guys, what did she drink?!''

''Well, she said it was Cider.'' Bea answered.

Victor sighed. ''Here we go again.''

''WAT R YA LOOKIN AT ME FOR?! YA WEE SHET!'' Gloria shouted at her brother.

''Is she okay?'' Ash asked.

''Uh, yes, whenever Gloria drinks...Cider this is what happens, she becomes extremely aggressive and irritable, we call it her 'scottish form', it should go off in a hour or so, so we'll be fine...probably.''

''So are we still going to the mine?'' Ash asked, not sure if he should be worried, considering Victor's calmed tone.


10 minutes of scottish ranting later.

''WELCOM TO DEE GALAR MIN-'' A Wimpod fell from the roof of the cave dropping on Gloria's head. ''OH, COME ON!''

The group walked inside the mine, eventually making it to a chamber full of Rolycoly where someone looked at them one by one until he fixated his angry gaze on Ash.

''You...'' In the middle of the chamber was a boy with tousled platinum blonde hair and purple eyes. He was wearing a beet-colored jacket that reached below his waist that includes details of more intense purple. On the back of this figure the Macro Cosmos logo. he had a fingerless glove and a Dynamax band on his left arm, and a watch on his right. He was also wearing white pants with knee pads and black and pink sneakers. This might be the part where the author starts to wonder if he should really waste words describing characters that everybody knows what they look like.

''Oh, hey.'' Ash greeted him. ''Is this Litleo your-''

'''s not...'' The boy answered slowly and cold.

''Oh well, sorry about the bother, my name is Ash and I-''

''I know that... you're the Ketchum guy.''

''Yes, and you are?''

''My name is Bede! I was endorsed by the Chairman Rose for the Gym challenge!'' He exclaimed pointing at Ash.

''Really? I was invited by the Chairman too!''

''I know that...however, I was chosen because of my skills not because of some tournament on an abandoned island that doesn't counts, therefore I'm more amazing than you.''


''Who do you think you are?!'' Bede shouted again.

''...I already told you my name.''

''You think you're so great?!''

''...Dude, I'm trying to be friendly here, why are you so edgy?''

''LISSEN HERE YA DORK, SHOW SOME RESPECT!'' Gloria stood between them pointing at Bede.

''What? Are you telling me that Ash is stronger than me?''


''O...kay, Ash, I'm gonna take Gloria out of here until the effects of the...cider pass out, I'll leave this to you.''

''Alright, Victor, you guys take care.''

''YA BETA KIK HIS FOKIN ASS!'' Gloria shouted as her brother dragged her out of the mine.

''Wow, that's truly a change of character.'' Ash commented.

''I'm more surprised by the fact that even in that state she thinks highly of you, Mista.'' Bea said.

''You!'' Bede pointed at Ash getting their attention again. ''You're the last pebble in my road!''


''I will prove to the Chairman that I am his best promise!''

''Is this supposed to be some kind of daddy issues or-''

''I should prove beyond doubt just how pathetic you are and how strong I am!''

''Are you even listening to me? What are you? Some NPC?''

''I challenge you to a battle!''

''...Fine, whatever.''

''Let's go, Hatterene!'' Bede tossed a Great Ball revealing a thin humanoid Pokemon.

'Hatterene, the silent Pokemon, If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch.'

''Well, that sounds pretty rude...'' Ash put his Rotom Phone back and then searched for a Poke Ball. ''Rookidee, I choose you!''

''Is this the same Rookidee?'' Bea asked looking at the bird.

''Right, I forgot to tell you, he wanted to come with me and I caught him in the forest, ready for your first battle, Rookidee?''

''ROOK!'' he bird raised his wing with a ferocious cry.

''First battle?!'' Bede asked while laughing. '' Oh, this is gonna be so easy, my Hatterene was my first Pokemon, she has been in countless battles, you stand no chance!''

''Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't it?''

''Fine then, Mystical Fire!'' Hatterene raised her tentacle, swinging it around in a circle as a stream fire was shoot from it.

''Dodge and go for Brave Bird!''

''Psycho Cut!'' The witch wagged her tentacle, creating a blade of psychic energy that hit Rookidee mid-air before he could charge the Brave Bird.

''Magic Powder!'' Hatterene used her tentacle to grab some dust from the ground, the dust turned pink in her claw and then she tossed it at Rookidee as the latter was surrounded by a pink energy.

''This is our signature strategy.'' Bede explained. ''Magic Powder turns the enemy into a Psychic Type which give us the perfect opportunity to fight with SHADOW CLAW!''

Hatterene's claw was surrounded in darkness and it slashed Rookidee with it.

''Get around her and use Agility!'' Rookidee quickly flew around Hatterene speeding up every second.

''Get him with Shadow Claw!'' Hatterene slashed around her multiple times, trying to hit Rookidee but missing every time.

''Rookidee, Power Trip!'' The bird surrounded himself in dark energy, using hi speed to crash Hatterene in her stomach. ''Nice, use Brave Bird!''

''Mystical Fire!''

The fire easily outpowered Rookidee and he was send crashing to the wall.

''HA! I knew this was going to be a no-brainer.''

''Rookidee, Behemoth Bash!''

Rookidee was surrounded by a red energy that took the form of a howling wolf as waves of energy emerged from him, Rookidee then took flight and rushed against Hatterene, crashing the latter against a wall and exploding causing the place to shake, as some debris fell from the roof of the mine, the dust cleared and Hatterene was unable to battle while Rookidee was spinning on the air dizzy after the impact.

''Well, that was faster than usual.'' Bea said.

''What the hell was that?!'' Cinderace asked.

''That was protagonist power for you.'' Pikachu responded.

''Wh- I- What? YOU WOT MATE?!'' Bede freaked out for a moment and then coughed trying to look calm as he recalled his Pokemon. ''...Well, it's fine, I wasn't really trying that hard at all anyway...''

''That was great, Rookidee!'' The bird flew into Ash's hand and then dropped on them, panting exhausted. ''Guess Zamazenta wasn't exaggerating, was he?''

''That was quite the show...'' An middle-aged man wearing a red uniform appeared from one of the entrances of the chamber, accompanied by a fiery centipede-like Pokemon.

''Mister Kabu...'' Bede said looking at the man.

''Kabu?'' Ash asked while looking at his uniform. ''Oh, you must be the Gym Leader.''

''YES! I AM!'' Kabu made a pose while his Pokemon made some flames on the background for dramatic effect.

''Nice to meet you, I'm Ash Ketchum.''

''Why, of course, I was expecting you, Milo and Nessa got a few things to say about you, I'll be glad to have a Gym battle with such a trainer.''

''Litleo!'' The Pokemon jumped from Ash's arms to Kabu's.

''So you were with him, uh?'' Kabu asked as the Lion cub nodded.

''Is this Litleo yours?'' Ash asked.

''Litleo belongs to my niece actually, this little one can be quite troublesome, he likes to wander over- ARGH.'' Litleo bit Kabu's arms and jumped back to Ash. ''As I said, troublesome.''

''You saw our battle, Mister kabu?'' Bede asked as the man nodded.

''Yes, however, I can tell you were holding back, Ash.''

''HOLDING BACK...cough, meh, whatever, I have more important things to do.'' Bede left the place, leaving Ash, Bea and Kabu in the chamber.

''When can we have our battle then?'' Ash asked.

''Well, I say tomorrow at 12PM would be the best time, as a Fire Type Gym Leader I like to fight when the sun is strongest, are you fine with that?''

''Sounds good! What are your conditions then?''

''Let me think...''

''Uncle Kabu, are you here?'' A voice called from the entrance of the chamber. ''I'm gonna do...Ash?''




''Not this again...'' Bea said under her breath

''Geez, that girl has a huge pair of-''


''What? I was going to say pants.''

''You were?''

''Yeah, huge pair of pants, what did you think I was going to...oh, well those are pretty big as well.''

''Don't you dare!''

''Like 2 or 3 times the size of yours.''

''...Get inside your Poke Ball before I do something I might regret.''

''Yeah sure, oh look, a Fairy Gem!'' The rabbit grabbed a pink diamond from the ground. ''I thought these things were illegal, Can I keep it?''

''Why would you want a Fairy Gem if you don't have any Fairy moves?''

''For the same reason you use a bra but you don't give explanations.''


'Hmm, I think I got an idea for those conditions...' Kabu thought as he watched Ash and Flannery happily greet each other.