Chapter 7 - Wrong Room

Kiyota thought to himself as he headed back to his house. When he got home, he immediately went into his room and closed the door. Kiyota sat down on the bed and thought about how to spend his status points.

'I should first level up my speed, so I can run away faster.'

Kiyota placed his remaining 10 status points into dexterity.

'Ouch, my hamstrings tensed up.'

Kiyota rubbed his hamstring as he thought.

'I guess as I level up my attributes, it makes my body stronger.'

Kiyota stood up from his bed and stretched his legs to loosen the tightness. He jumped up and down a few times.

'Wow, this is so cool.'

He could feel his muscles tense up and stretch as he jumped, and they felt lighter. His body felt much lighter than before, and he could feel the wind against his skin as he moved. His head getting quite close to the roof every time he jumped, Kiyota started to laugh.

"I wanna go for a walk." Kiyota said to himself as he stopped.

Kiyota looked at his window, seeing that it was pink outside. He opened the window and stared out at the afternoon sky. He could see birds flying by and clouds passing over the sun. It was very peaceful.

"There is still some time till Ichigo gets attacked and gets Rukia's powers." Kiyota said as he closed the window.

"There's enough time for a run and a shower. Then I'll watch the whole thing play out."

He then went to his wardrobe and grabbed a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and a pair of running shoes and put it on. Kiyota said as he headed downstairs to leave the house.

'Hey Siri, is my reiatsu considered high? 100 seems pretty high'

"humans normally have 20. Ichigo right now has 60. Base hollows have around 1500 reiatsu." Said Siri.

"This means you are very likely to get targeted by hollows"

Kiyota's jaw dropped as he heard what Siri had to say.

'It's always me who gets these horrible problems. Seriously. Well, I'll just have to level up then.'

Kiyota left the house and started to jog around the neighbourhood. He ran past people, buildings, trees, cars, dogs and everything else. It felt like he was running through a movie scene. He saw birds flying over the roofs of houses. He saw kids playing on the street. He saw people walking their dogs. He saw cars driving down the street. It was all very peaceful. As he ran, he got to the school ground. Kiyota ran across the field, and then he tripped over something. He looked down to see a soccer ball lying on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Jin-kun." A girl called out as she ran towards Kiyota.

"I didn't mean to trip you, but you were running so fast!" The girl said with a worried look on her face.

Kiyota looked up at the girl, "It's fine Orihime-chan. I'm ok. It's my fault I should have been paying attention."

Kiyota smiled at her. Another girl walked over

"Are you alright, Jin?" Tatsuki asked.

Kiyota nodded in response. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Anyway, were you guys playing soccer?"

In Kiyota's previous life, he was pretty good at soccer, playing for his state team. He was one of the top players in his age group.

"No we were playing base-cer." Orihime cut in.

'Base-cer? What?' Kiyota thought as he looked at Orihime with a puzzled look.

"Oh, it's a mix of baseball and soccer. Orihime invented it." Tatsuki answered.

"Basically, you throw the ball and the other person tries to kick it, then you both run around the bases trying to score points. It's fun."

"That does sound like fun." Kiyota said.

"Do you wanna play?" Orihime asked Kiyota.

"Sure, why not?" Said Kiyota.

"Great! We'll be on a team together! Come on!" Orihime said with a big smile.

Orihime grabbed Kiyota by the arm and dragged him towards the field. He saw Chad and Mizuiro playing with some other boys. Tatsuki walked up to them.

"Hey guys, look who we have here." Tatsuki said as she pointed at Kiyota.

Chad looked at Kiyota with a blank expression.

"Kiyota-kun" Chad said.

"Nice to see you again, Chad" Kiyota said as he waved at him.

"We found him running around the neighbourhood." Tatsuki explained.

"Are you gonna play too?" Mizuiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to play." Kiyota answered.

"I'll go get the ball." Mizuiro said as he walked away.

"How long have you been running around?" Tatsuki asked.

"Not long, only about 30 minutes" Kiyota replied.

"Wow, you must be tired." Said Tatsuki.

Kiyota laughed, "No, not really. I'm actually feeling pretty good."

"Well, if you say so." Said Tatsuki.

"Here's the ball" Mizuiro said as he threw it at Kiyota.

"Thanks." Kiyota said as he caught it.

Kiyota looked at the ball in his hand and started to think about what to do. He could throw it at Orihime or Tatsuki. But then again, he didn't want to hurt them. He decided to throw it at Chad. He threw it, but Chad caught it easily and kicked it before anyone could catch him.

"You're out, Kiyota-kun" Chad said.

Kiyota shrugged and sat down on the grass. He watched the others play for a while.

'They're all good at this.' Kiyota thought as he watched the girls score another point.

Tatsuki noticed that Kiyota was just sitting there watching them. She walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tatsuki asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?." Kiyota replied.

"Well, you just seem a bit distant. Is something bothering you?" Tatsuki asked.

'She's worried about me?' Kiyota thought to himself.

Kiyota smiled at Tatsuki. "It's nothing." He said.

Tatsuki sighed. "Okay. If you say so." She said as she got up and walked away.

"Hey Tatsuki-san, wait. I want to join the karate club with you."

"Really? That would be great! I'll get you some gear tomorrow!" Tatsuki said with a big smile.

"Okay." Kiyota replied as he also got up.

"You don't seem like the type to do karate, though." Tatsuki said as she looked at Kiyota.

"Well, I used to do Taekwondo when I was younger, so I guess I just have an interest in martial arts." Kiyota replied.

"Oh, I see. Well, you're welcome to come by anytime." Tatsuki said as she waved goodbye and left.

'Can't tell her I'm trying to learn how to defend myself from supernatural beings.' Kiyota thought to himself as he started jogging back home. He saw the sun set as he reached home. After going in, he took a shower. After his shower, he went into his room and opened his wardrobe, his towel wrapped around his waist. He thought about everything that had happened today.

'So, Ichigo is getting his powers from Rukia tonight. That will be fun to watch.'

Kiyota picked out some clothes, tossed them on the bed without looking, and went to close the window and the curtains.

'I left the window open, I can't afford to be so careless'

He looked at the sky. It was getting dark. He looked at his watch. It was 8 pm. Just then, he saw a reflection of a girl sitting on his bed through the window. He jolted around to get a better look.

'What! Why the hell is Rukia here?'

Rukia was scanning the room up and down.

'This must be where the spiritual pressure I sensed is.' Rukia thought to herself as she looked at Kiyota.

Kiyota facepalmed as he looked at Rukia.

'You're supposed to be in Ichigo's room, not mine, you idiot!!'

"Hello? Who are you... why are you here?"

Rukia looked at Kiyota with a blank expression, then she suddenly became startled.

"You... You can see me?" She asked.

'Shit, people cannot normally see souls and shinigami. But I have no choice but to reveal it to her otherwise Ichigo won't get his powers.'

Kiyota panicked and tried to think of something to say.

"Uh, yeah I can see you."

"Normally I'm not visible to humans." Rukia said as she stared at Kiyota.

"I can see dead people, I mean spirits. And also giant monsters. You don't seem like either of them. You have a sword." Kiyota said, acting surprised and curious.

"Yes, correct. I'm neither. I'm a shinigami."

After a few minutes of talking with Rukia, kiyota put on his shirt.

"So basically you are a shinigami from a place called Soul Society and your job is to exterminate the monsters like the one from earlier today?"