After a few hours and subjects, it was time for Leo's class section, Section 1, to have an hour of break time. He had no idea of where to go because he's not familiar with the place. He was about to observe where his classmates will go to have lunch when he noticed that Netnet was in a rush like he was about to go somewhere important. This made Leo curious.
Leo was about to go up to the roof of the school to spy on Netnet, but he thought it's best not to use his special abilities because he doesn't want to get unwanted attention from Kagi whom he's unsure about whether he's a friend or a threat. So, Leo decided to stalk Netnet from the ground. With his light feet, he barely made a noise with his steps despite wearing black leather school shoes, so Netnet didn't suspect a thing.
After about 10 mins of walking, Netnet arrived below an overpass near the Manila Metropolitan Theatre, and Leo was just hiding behind a tree a few meters away.
"Why is he here? It doesn't seem like he's about to ride a jeepney. And besides, we only have an hour of free time. I don't think he's going anywhere."
"And of all places, why here? This place is infamous for being a pickpocket's den."
"Wait... what if my suspicion is right?"
Then, Leo noticed that Netnet doesn't seem to be cautious about his surroundings when everyone else around him got their bags held closely to them to avoid getting robbed. A moment later, Netnet pulled out a phone from his bag, and placed it in his pocket halfway through, so half of it is sticking out.
"What's he doing? Maybe he's being careless because he knows no one will pick his pocket because he's the pickpocket?"
"No, I must not assume things. You are taught to always observe rather than judge and assume, Leo."
All of a sudden, a suspicious figure slowly approached Netnet from behind. Leo was in shock when he saw that it was a pickpocket and it took the phone from Netnet's pocket.
As Leo was about to run towards the thief, with his incredible eyesight, he saw Netnet turn his head a bit to look at the fleeing pickpocket in his peripheral, then he smirked.
"What? He's smirking. What's going on?"
Then, Leo noticed that Netnet was reaching in his other pocket. All of a sudden...
Leo promptly looked at the direction of the explosion. He saw the pickpocket lying on the ground with his right hand completely mangled and his blood dripping to the ground as he screamed in agony.
Some of the people ran away in fear, while some stood in a distance to grasp what actually happened, but Netnet... he didn't move an inch and Leo could see him smiling diabolically.
Then, Netnet calmly walked away as if nothing happened. But as he was walking away, he grabbed another phone from his bag. Using his enhanced hearing, Leo heard him call an ambulance.
Leo decided to leave the scene baffled about everything that transpired. He rushed back to Intramuros before Netnet could get there.
Netnet arrived just outside the school. Then, he heard someone call his name. It was Leo, standing a few meters away looking really serious.
"Oh hey, Leo", Netnet said with a smile on his face.
"You seem to be knocking on doors that you shouldn't be knocking on", Leo replied.
With a curious look on his face, Netnet asked, "what are you talking about?"
Then, the school bell rang. Leo just walked away leaving Netnet feeling anxious about the statement he made. Netnet just stood there for a moment staring at Leo.
Back in the classroom, as Leo sat on his chair, he saw pieces of mechanical stuff on Netnet's table. Then, Netnet arrived and just stood beside his table. Leo looked at Netnet's face and saw how shocked he was to see the contraption.
Netnet knows very well what that contraption is. It was the dummy phone that he detonated earlier that dismembered the pickpocket. It was just the debris of the phone, but it was put on his table in a way that resembles a phone.
Netnet then slowly looked at Leo in shock. Considering Leo looks so calm like he usually does, Netnet assumed that it was him who placed the debris on his table. They locked eyes. Leo was unsure why Netnet was so shocked.
Then, a professor came in and said, "Everybody, sit down. I'm Mikha Sora, but you can all call me Ms. Sora. I'm your History teacher. Let's get to know each other."
During the class, Netnet was anxious because nobody has ever found out his secret and he doesn't want anyone to know. All the while, Leo was just staring outside the window.
While staring outside, Leo said, "Netnet, it would be best if you walk with me after school".
Netnet's eyes widened because he fears that he's going to be reported to the authorities. He started to overthink the situation and tried to think of ways to get out of that problem.
He replied, "Sure."
At 7PM, the bell rang. The two started walking on their way to the Binondo district.
Netnet got really curious so he had to ask, "Leo, why did you want me to walk with you?"
"Because this is your way home, right?", Leo replied.
"Hmm... right. But how did you know?", Netnet asked as he became more suspicious of Leo.
"I told you. I heard you introduce yourself in front of the class from outside", Leo said.
"Oh... right", Netnet replied.
"But aren't you from Cubao?", Netnet asked.
"I am", Leo answered.
"So why take this route?"
Leo didn't answer the question, which prompted Netnet to ask the question he's been wanting to ask, "Do you know?"
After a brief pause, Leo replied, "Yes."
"But I realised that you're thinking I'm the one who placed the debris on your table. It wasn't me", he added.
At that point, they arrived at the Binondo-Intramuros Bridge. And as they crossed the bridge, Leo asked, "Why do you do it?"
"It sickens me to know that there are people who think it's fine to commit a crime and leave a traumatic experience to the victim without remorse", Netnet said with a trace of anger in his voice.
"I want to be the victims' vengeance", he added.
"Hmm...I see", Leo replied.
"So you want to be Batman?", Leo added.
"What?! No! Not that kind of vengeance", Netnet replied.
"Hmm... but that actually is kind of a good idea", he added.
"If that's a door you want to knock on, be sure you know how to take a hit", said Leo.
And he added, "Just like now... duck."
"Wha--", before Netnet could finish his words, he got hit by a stone at the back of his head which made him drop to the ground.
"Ow!", he uttered.
He checked what hit him. To his surprise, it was the 4 bullies standing a few meters away.
Leo turned around to face the bullies and he said, "I thought I warned you already. It seems like you guys don't learn or maybe I wasn't scary enough earlier."
"Hah! You won't scare us. And do you really think we'll let you go just like that after embarrassing us?", said one of the bullies.
"I don't think you know who you're dealing with, junior", said the leader of the bullies.
"I'm Archie! The head of the Wangwang fraternity. I'm the boss around here and you're not gonna get away with what you did!", he shouted in anger.
Then, Netnet looked at Leo. He saw that he had this cold look on his face. Such a chilling presence that sent shivers down his spine.
"Net, take this. Your head is bleeding. Stay back", said Leo as he handed Netnet a pack of wipes while locked in on the bullies.
Then, Leo stepped forward and said, "Come on. Let's get this over with."
Archie smirked and signalled his men to attack. The 3 guys took out knives. This frightened Netnet, but Leo remained unfazed.
The 3 bullies charged towards Leo altogether, but one was ahead of the other 2. The one in front shouted, "You're gonna regret what you did!"
All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew on Netnet's face and Leo disappeared for a split second, then reappeared in between the 2 bullies just right behind the 3rd one. The 2 bullies realised what was happening and they felt a kind of fear that they've never felt before. Time appeared slow to the 2 of them as the hairs on their arms stood up as they felt Leo's presence. All the while, Leo was looking straight at Archie with his cold stare, and the bullies were still in the act of running.
Then, Leo grabbed the neck of the 2 guys inflicting so much pain to them due to their inertia from running. The 3rd guy finally realised that Leo disappeared from his sight and so he looked behind him after hearing them choke. But to his surprise, he saw 2 bodies flying towards him. The 3 were knocked out instantly.
Archie was stunned by what happened. His body was shaking in fear because he couldn't explain what happened, but due to his ego, he mustered up enough strength to attack Leo even though it was a stupid idea. However, even before he could take a step, Leo appeared right in front of him face to face, and he could see Leo's cold look paired with his icy blue eyes.
Then, with a soft yet intimidating voice, Leo said, "Do you fear me now.... junior?"
Leo grabbed Archie's shirt and lifted him to hang him over the river. Due to the overwhelming fear, Archie started screaming and asking for help.
"Help! Let me go! Please!", Archie begged.
"Hmm. Are you sure about that? I mean if you know how to swim then sure", Leo replied in a cheeky way.
"No no no no! Please don't!", Archie cried.
"Leo!", Netnet shouted.
"That's enough. I think he learned his lesson", he added.
"Hmm... for a brutal person, I didn't expect you to say that", Leo replied.
"Besides, he's still pissing on the river", he added.
Netnet looked at Archie and he saw a wet crotch area and piss flowing to the river below. He had a look of disgust.
Leo then dropped Archie next to the other 3, and left him shaking in fear and trauma. Then, he walked towards Netnet and helped him up.
"Uhm... thanks", said Netnet.
"But... what happened there? Nothing that happened was normal. What are you?", he asked.
"I don't know. I got really mad I guess", Leo replied.
"That's not the answer I'm looking for. Are you an Alpha? Or maybe an Omega?", Netnet asked Leo with eagerness.
"Wait! Are you here to take me to jail? Is that how you knew about what I've been doing?", he added.
"No, Net. I'm neither. I'm just a normal guy who despises bullies. That's all", Leo replied.
"Hmm... Is that so?", said Netnet as he doubted who Leo truly is. Leo just grunted to confirm.
As they continued walking through the bridge on their way to the heart of Binondo, Netnet came up with a good idea.
"Leo! If you're not an Alpha, and I hope you're really not an Omega, why don't you join me?", he asked.
"Imagine how easy it would be to take down criminals and how many we can punish!", he added.
"Hmm... I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to collect phones and make them explode on a criminal's hand", said Leo.
All the while, there was a mysterious figure on the top of a nearby building who was stalking Leo and Netnet. It heard everything that transpired.
From where it's standing, it could hear Netnet say, "Why would we use my phones if you're... like that?"
Then, it said, "So... you ARE well aware of your abilities. Let's see how well you can use it against me, great prince."
Then, the sky turned grey. Ember and smoke emitted from the mysterious figure's body before it disappeared.