Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 34 - BRAVERY OR STUPIDITY PART 2


Mr E laughed maniacally as Zack, Paulina and Stacya looked at him with horror written oll over their faces.

Much to the mad man's amusement.

Until Paulina's face returned to rage.

Wh..what the hell are you planning you madman?!" Paulina shouted.

Oh sorry little lady. I'm over confident but not enough to reveal my plans to you. Although I know you won't be alive to stop me after this meeting. Let's just say, humanity is in for a wild ride."

Wild ride?" Paulina muttered to herself as her face changed from furious to shocked in an instant.

Something Stacya noticed immediately.

What's wrong friend Paulina?" Stacya asked concerned.

W..we need to stop him! Zack! We need to stop him now!" Paulina shouted with streams of sweat dripping down her face.

And Zack could only nod. Although he had no idea what Paulina knew concerning Mr E's plans, the fact it got her to sweat, something she almost never does, terrified him beyond measure. A feeling he tried to suppress since that's what caused him to get captured in thd first place but it was next to impossible.

Mr E suddenly stopped laughing as he noticed something poking out of the corner of the room.

A little version of himself.

He turned his arm into a tentacle to grab the little clone and pulled it in close. To his surprise, it looked terrified. Confused, he absorbed the little one into his body and as they merged, he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.


Something, no someone was coming for him. He had caused this guy great pain and it seemed he was determined to not only destroy his plans, but also make sure he doesn't see tomorrow.

He needed to stop this guy.


It seems I'm a little preoccupied at the moment so I'll be kind enough to leave with a parting gift." He said but Stacya, thanks to her incredible senses noticed the drop of sweat dripping down his face behind his four eyed mask.

She knew he was terrified of something, but what?

Mr E snapped his fingers and the green holes began to glow even brighter.

Well, let me ask you something. My mutoxin turns normal humans into humans by raising their mutation levels, but what do you think will happens when humans are exposed to it. Especially in it's gaseous form?" He said as a green gas puffed out of the green holes and began enveloping the other room.

Zack immediately expanded his fists and started punching the wall but to no avail as the gas creeped closet and closer.

While Mr E laughed like a madman again.

Mr E's body suddenly sank into the ground in the form of a strange ooze and disappeared in between the cracks while still laughing.

Zack was furious. He knew the gas wouldn't have any effect on Pulina but he and Stacya were an entirely different story. He needed to get out of there before he found out whatever Mr E's plans for them were the hard way.

But his punches were doing nothing. Whatever this wall was made of, he couldn't even dent it.

That's when he gave a quick glance at Paulina in disappointment as she still stared at where Mr E was standing. She was clearly aware of his master plan but knew there was no way of escaping.

Then he looked at Stacya and remembered her muman ability.

She could temporarily liquify solids by just touching them. This could be their only chance of escape.

Stacya was still staring at the cracks Mr E disappeared into and was clearly thinking about something. With the gas creeping in however, she had no time for that so Zack had to snap her out of it.

Hey! Stacya! Enough daydreaming! C'mon we need you to liquify this wall so we can get the hell outta here!"

Stacya snapped out of her trance like state and hurried to the wall behind her to liquify it so the trio could pass through it and escape.

Sadly, the wall, just like the floor, was still solid even after she touched it.

She realised whatever this wall was made of, it wasn't going to liquify easily so she quickly placed both hands on it and concentrated hard. Really hard.

But it remained solid.

Stacya?! What's going on? We don't have much time here!" Zack said as he moved closer to the wall with the gas almost at their feet.

Stacya concentrated even harder than before. At this point she could liquify Steel. But this wasn't steel, this was advantagem, a metal which had similar strength to even diamonds. There was no way she could liquify it at this rate.

Although Stacya didn't know what this wall was made of, she knew she couldn't do anything against it.

She turned to tell Zack the bad news but noticed he was hilding on to Paulina who was currently swearing and hyperventilating.

Was it because of the gas? Or was it because she knew Mr E's master plan? Whatever the reason, Stacya knew they were counting on here and she needed to step up.

And fast.

Well this won't be the first time you disappointment someone." A voice whispered in her hear.

She looked around frantically trying to find the source but behind her qas the green gas, to her left was more gas and her right were Zack and Paulina holding onto each other for dear life.

Then she looked back at the wall and saw a face.

The face of her former lover, Fin...

What's wrong my little fingerlinf? You look like you've seen a ghost?" The face on the wall said to her with a cheeky yet unsettling grin on his grey face.

Stacya scratched her eyes but the face wasn't going anywhere. Whether this was a hallucination caused by the gas or something esle entirely she didn't have time to care. The gas was upon them and Zack tried his best to keep his composure while holding his breath.

Stacya noticed Paulina didn't really faceany adverse effects despite her heavy breathing and shivering but she had no time to dwell on it.

She needed to liquify this wall!

She concentrated harder. Harder than she has ever before.

And nothing happened.

She still concentrated though, so much so that she was drenched in sweat and was hit with a severe headache. But she still pressed on.

While the face of her brother laughed on and on, worsening her headache.

Leave me alone!" Stacya shouted as she punched the face which faded into the wall.

Only for it to reappear right below where it was before.

Aww? What's wrong? Don't wanna see my face? Why? Are you trying to forget the first person who you let down?"

Shut up!" She shouted as she punched it again.

Only for it to appear at another spot.

Arent you tired of letting down the only people who give a damn about you?"

Shup up!" She said as she punched him again.

Inly for him to reform again.

Just like you let down your dear old papa."

I said shut up!" She said with her tone more furious than before.

That didn't stop him from coming back though.

And your whole kingdom"

Shut up damn you!"

And me, the guy you claimed to love more than anything else."

P..please shut up!"

Her voice was shaking now.

And now these friends of yours."

She didn't yell. She didn't hit him. She could only look to her side a as the couple huddled on the ground. The gas had got to them and now holding on to each other tightly, Zack's endurance was the only thing stopping the gas from getting to him.

But his eyes were now glowing green and he was spasming and with Paulina shivering at the mere thought of whatever Mr E was planning, she wasn't much help in calming him down.

Stacya needed to save her friends before the gas affected them. And her too.

She concentrated ever harder than she did before. Mumans had a limit to how much pf their power they could use before suffering a heart attack or seizure.

And she was so close to that limit she could taste it.

Blood oozing down her nose and ears, her headache hitting her like a jackhammer on steroids, her entire body shaking uncontrollably, it was only a matter of time until she collapsed.

What was worse the gas was closer than she thought.

She was practically breathing it in.

Zack tried to scream at her to hold her breath but it was too late, it was already in her system. Her eyes began to glow green and with her body shaking and her veins bulging like crazy, the gas was taking effect.

Stacya's vision got more blurry by the second and all she saw wasn't a glowing green room or the horrible green gas enveloping it.

It was a large white room instead.

And a familiar voice talking to her.

To be continued...