Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 4 - ENCOUNTER WITH THE SUPERS



Jake saw the giant bird flying closer and closer and soon he saw it wasn't a bird but rather..

A jet.

A jet shaped like a bird? What kind of weirdo would have.."

That's when he remembered a conversation he had a long time ago..

Why is everything he has bird themed?"

Jake said, just 2 months ago in his apartment as he was talking to Zack, his nerdy roommate and Super expert.

Because that's his gimmick, birds."

Really? Birds? That's it?"

Well mostly hawks since he is the Hawk knight."

Hawk knight? He even has a stupid name to boot. Why do you idolize these people so much?"

Why do you hate them so much?"

I don't hate them. I..."

Is it because they have actually achieved something in life while you're still working your damn dead end job?"

What? No!Is that what you think of me?"

Wait you heard that? Aw geez! Why do I keep doing this?! S..sorry Jake."

Zack had a tendency to say what he thinks. But what he was thinking wasn't wrong.

He was jealous of them having a purpose, but that wasn't it. He hated how superficial they were. Every time he saw them saving people on TV, he saw their smiles. He knew they were fake.

They had a purpose and that was to be famous. Not to help people.

That's why he hated them.

But that was then.

Now he has powers. Now he can join them and achieve his new dream.

But that's when he remembered,

He has the powers of their worst enemy, the shadows, power that almost destroyed the world. He was now a walking target.

Jake tried to hide his powers by deactivating the darkness but it didn't work since released too much.His only hope is if he can talk his way out of a fight.

He knew only supers would use jets like these and wasn't surprised when one jumped out of the jet, which was now hovering above him.

The Super landed incredibly. Well, at least tried to land incredibly but as he tried to do a backflip midair the currents interfered and messed up his posture, causing him to fall on his face


He went *splat* yet there was no blood or bones or anything indicating injury, just annoyance and a green skin suit that was to cringe inducing to look at for more than 10 seconds.

Aw geez! I can't believe I couldn't stick my first Super landing! Ok at least I still have my banter."

Aw geez..wait...that voice?.." Jake thought as he heard those two words. There's only one person who says that.

Hey man. Are you ok?" Jake said, actually concerned.

Keep your villainous quotes to yourself you dark coloured dirt bag! Or face the wrath of Expanding man!"

*Expanding man*? Wow what an awesome name to strike fear into the hearts of millions of planet ruling evildoers man." Jake said with a smirk.

Aw geez man! Its my first time trying to come up with something cool on such short notice! Cut me some slack."

He said it again. Could he really be..?


That the voice of a another Super. This one was muscular and huge. He wore a white business suit and green trousers with boots. He had orange hair and a large mustache and was wearing green sunglasses.

His name was..

Captain Rocket sir! I h..had the situation under control! You didn't need to come." Expanding man said to who Jake assumed was his boss.

Yeah I could see by your *incredible* landing and witty banter.

Aw geez was it that bad? I really thought I had him under my palm of justice."

Ok that settles it. Only one person talks like that.


Aw geez! How did you...I mean uh.. I don't know this Zack citizen evildoer! I think you have me confused with someone else!"

Enough with the act boy! It's clear Jake has figured you out. Not really a hard thing to do."

Aw geez."

Wait, do you know my name?"

Oh I know a lot about you Jake. Considering the fact that you work at my store.

Your store... wait... You're Mr Buford? How? You're twice his size. He's small, old and chubby while you're the opposite."

Well that's thanks to this little device right here."

He then removed a tiny little circular disk from his back pocket.

It's a cloaking device. I had a friend of mine make it for me for a favor.

Well how did you know it was me.

Because I've been following you for 2 years Jake, just for this moment.

W..what?! Why?!"

Yes, let's go back 20 years shall we? Listen, during the great war between the humans and mumans around the world, an alien race called the Shadow clan invaded the earth, viewing this period as a time of weakness. And.."

Yeah I know the rest, some humans and mumans worked together to defeat the shadows, creating the world's first supers and ending the war since they were proof that humans and mumans can coexist."

But what most people don't know is there was a cult that worshipped those aliens. A cult called the Lost light who worshipped the shadow clan and viewed them as gods who deserved to rule the earth.

What? But how come they never appeared on the news?"

Yup. Theyre a secretive organisation. Mostly using hited mercenaries for their dirty work and only relying on members for situations like this. That's the cult your old buddy Max worked for. "

Oh.. but how did he get these shadow powers?"

The same way you did. By drinking the black water, which is actually the remains of a dead shadow. The shadow is supposed to take over the hosts body after the host consumes the black water, but one with strong will can resist it. Like Max.

And me." Jake lied. He knew he was given control. He knew how lucky he was.

Yeah that's the big question. No offense Jake, but I've known you for 2 years and you don't seem like the most strong willed guy around. And I know it's the Baron's water you drank so it seems unlikely you could resist him. They need a weak willed person and once they assigned Max to search for one, we went through his records and you happened to be his prime candidate. That's why Zack and I kept an eye on you. But it seems we were too late."

Nah it's fine. I agree. I didn't even resist him on my own. I was given control by the Baron."

And what makes you so sure he won't take control again?"

Well he said..."

Shadows lie Jake. They have no emotions. They only do what's best for themselves. He knows we might spare him if you convince us. Thats when he'll take over and bring another world ending war on our hands."

Oh I see."

And that's why you have to die. Zack now!"

Y. Yes sir!"

Wait.. what?!"

At that moment Zack came rushing towards Jake trying to punch him but he used his speed to dodge him.

Wait, I don't have to die r..right? Come on!"

Actually Jake I'm sorry to say, you do. We can't let the Baron return.'s for the greater good." Zack said with a sad expression on his masked face.

He then extended his hand and it began to expand and enlarge. Hence the name Expanding man.

Which was still a stupid name by the way.

He the tried to crush Jake with his gigantic fist but Jake got out of the way right on time. He then used his darkness to jump high enough to escape them.

Zack chase him down!"

Once Captain Rocket said this Zack expanded his legs which reached Jake's location in seconds. Since he was midair he had nowhere to run and he used his giant hand to grab Jake.

Come on Zack! I can't die now! I know you don't want to do this."

Sorry Jake. I really don't want to do this. Despite the circumstances that brought me to our appartment I still value you as my friend. In fact, despite my orders not to, I still thought you were my best friend and this hurts. But an order is still an order." Zack responded and expanded his other hand and raised it above Jake

He was going to crush him.

Jake tried to resist. To fight back, but he realised quickly he didn't know how. When he gave a good look to his torso, he also realised his powers were gone. That's when he remembered what the Baron said.

These abilities were temporary. If he was going to free himself, he had only one option left.

Please Zack! Give me a chance to talk!"

Zack then looked at Captain Rocket and back at Jake, once Rocket nodded his head, he loosened his grip, giving him the signal that he was ready to listen.

And Jake had his chance.

Listen Zack, all my life I've been nothing but a useless prick but once I got these powers I saw they weren't a curse, they were a blessing. Now I have a purpose! A goal! I want to help people any way I can so please give me a chance. I promise on my life I will never allow the Baron to control me! I will never allow him to hurt anyone ever again!"

There was a long silence. Until..

Hey Zack my boy! What are you doing?! Kill him!"

But that's not what Zack did.

Zack let Jake go and returned to his normal size. He looked miserable.

I c..can't do it sir! Jake is my best friend! He's put up with me for 2 whole years and never complained! Not even my own foster parents could. I..I can't kill him. I just can't."

Oh damn boy, what am I gonna do with you?"

You can give me a chance sir. Let me see if I'm up to the task and if not, you're free to kill me.

There was another long silence.

Captain Rocket was thinking while Zack and Jake were nervous. The funny thing was Zack was sweating more than Jake even though it was Jake who was going to die.

Oh all right you can live."

Zack and Jake immediately celebrated like a bunch of young schoolgirls. It was weird to watch but that's the kind of bond they had. That's the moment Jake realized Zack was his only real friend.

Only if you prove you're in control and won't be a danger to anyone."

Of course sir! Let me prove it."

Jake then tried to deactivate his powers but it was still too difficult. Although he had forgotten how to use them thanks to them thanks to the powers fading, his body involuntarily released even more darkness than before so it proved hard to suppress all if it.

And if he couldn't it would be a very bad sign.Plus he couldn't live his life like this.

It was embarrassing

He was about to give up until Zack gave him a pat on the shoulder and told him...

C'mon Jake don't be overdramatic! We know you're just faking."

Zack wasn't lying. He almost never lies. He really believed in Jake. No one ever believed in Jake. Not even his own parents.

That's when Jake did it. He suppressed all the darkness and turned back to his human form. Although he didn't even know how.

See I knew you were faking! See how easily you did it too. Like a piece of cake."

Y..yeah. Jake tried to feel the power but it was gone. He quickly realised he didn't suppress the power, it left on its own. He didn't have his shadow powers anymore.

Okay you two head home. Meet me at the convenience store tomorrow and we'll see what we can do about all this. See ya."

Captain Rocket then jumped all the way into the jet and flew away.

Hey uh.. Zack?"

Yeah Jake?"

Aren't you supposed to be in there?"

Aw geez come on! Captain Rocket wait!" He said and began to run after the jet. Jake soon followed him because honestly, he needed something fun to distract him from all the nonsense of today...

And he had a feeling it was only getting worse from here.

In a dark room in an unknown location a meeting was taking place.

Listen I know I lost the Baron but give me a chance I can.."

It was Max and he was begging for his life.

The Lost light gives only one chance. And you have exhausted it. Now surrender your abilities. You are unworthy of the them."

Max refused the Bishop, and that enraged him even further.

Seize him and cleanse the shadow of his impurity!"

Once the Bishop said this, multiple people in dark robes appeared and tried to capture him but he escaped by turning himself into his gaseous form. He later left the hideout through it's vents.

Must we chase him down my lord?" A woman dressed like a Roman sister said in a cold raspy voice.

No my lady. Let him go. It is only a matter of time until He arrives to claim what is his.We have a more pressing matter at hand" the Bishop replied.

Yes! We must return the Baron to his people!" A large man in executioner's attire said.

But how do we do that? We were not informed of the individual that fool handpicked." A slim man in a priestly garment also said.

We shall discuss that later. Right now we have a much bigger matter than that" Said the Bishop.

Much bigger than the Baron? What could it be?" Asked the Nun

The Super Society has found His spy..."

Then that means..."

Yes.. His plans gave begun. We may have to leave the city..."

The four figures looked at each other for a short moment and dispersed.

They were the only ones who knew what was coming...

The End of humanity itself...

To be continued..