There, two helicopters were waiting for them, engines on and blades turning slowly. The pilots, already seated, beckoned them to hurry.
As Maxime and his men climbed into the helicopters, one of the pilots, a man in his thirties wearing a helmet with a microphone, turned around briefly.
He raised an eyebrow at Maxime, his clear voice piercing the noise of the rotors.
"So, you're the famous Captain Valdreuve? The one who makes the Dravaks tremble, eh?"
Maxime, sitting by the open door, quickly fastened his belt before answering with a smirk.
"Looks like rumors are spreading fast."
Some of the Saber-toothed Tigers followed Maxime and began to strap in too, while others went into the second helicopter.
The second pilot heard his colleague's words through his helmet.
She was a sharp-eyed woman, and as she adjusted the helicopter's controls she said: