"Dravak corpses number in the thousands, Captain."
Even the veteran still seemed to hesitate in what he'd just said, because he didn't believe what he was seeing!
A heavy silence fell over the cabin, broken only by the sound of the helicopter's blades.
Orvari frowned, visibly disturbed.
He moved himself next to the man in charge of the helicopter's machine gun.
Indeed, he preferred to travel among combat helicopters than in troop transport helicopters.
In the distance, he saw humans still standing, their upright posture defying fatigue and death.
Around them, Dravak corpses stretched for several hundred meters, the crystalline glow of their purple blood contrasting with the scant red blood visible.
"Incredible..." murmured Orvari.
Before Orvari could say anything else, a sizzling transmission broke the tension.