Tariro's hands trembled as she got ready for her shift at the club. It wasn't a job she was proud of but it brought food on the table and it paid for her tuition fee. She rubbed her hands on her jeans. She had been on the edge the whole day. Her mind kept taking her back to the time she spent with her nameless stranger. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him, how much her body craved for his touch. The scars on her body hadn't completely healed but she wanted him so badly. It had been more than a week since she last saw him and she was already feeling the absence, like something was missing.
How was it possible to miss someone she hardly knew? What the hell was wrong with her? She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She needed to focus on her job. Her personal life shouldn't bleed into her work. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and forced a smile.
"You got this Tariro." She sighed then picked her handbag and walked out, locking the door behind her.
A car stopped by when just as she stepped outside the gate. "Hey beautiful. Need a lift?"
Tariro almost rolled her eyes. "No thanks. I'm fine."
"I insist. I will drop you off wherever you are going."
She lifted her eyes and looked at his face. He wasn't really bad looking but he couldn't compare to...she shook her head. Maybe this was what she needed. A distraction. Why was she even comparing them in the first place? What she was doing was not healthy. The fact that he hadn't visited her was supposed to be loud enough for her. The guy was just using her for sex and when he got what he wanted, he dumped her like a used tissue. But would it be considered "using" if she liked it?
She sighed, snapping back to reality. "Yeah sure."
The man opened the passanger door for her and she jumped in. She strapped on her seatbelt.
"I'm James by the way." He smiled, starting the car.
"You are very beautiful, Tariro."
Good Lord! The small talk was annoying her so much. Everything about James turned her off. Her mind kept taking her back to her nameless stranger. God knew she would do anything to see him again.
"Where should i drop you off?"
"Saints and Sinners."
James stole a glance at her and cleared his throat. "The club?"
Tariro could hear the judgement in his voice but she couldn't care less. She was used to it and she learnt to live with it.
"Yes, the club. Is there a shop with the name Saints and Sinners?" She snapped. This was a bad idea. The whole ride thingy was a bad idea. She didn't even know what drove her to that. Damn her that stranger!
"I'm sorry if i came off as-"
"Save it, please." She stared out of the window as he continued driving.
"I'm really sorry." He pulled up at the club.
"Thanks for the ride." She jumped off and walked away, hoping to never bump into him ever again.
The luxurious ballroom was filled with important people, from corrupt politicians to Elijah's business partners, all gathered to celebrate Victor's engagement to Natalie. Of course the old man couldn't miss the chance to gloatbamd show off how much powe he had, thats why he invited a lot off people. The room was decorated lavishly, expensive furnitures, crystal chandeliers and marble floors.
The walls were ardoned with expensive artwork. A live band played softly in the background. The guests were all dressed in formal attire, the main in tailored suits and the ladies in designer gowns. Victor stood by the bar area, nursing a glass of scotch as he scanned the room. He loosened his tie as it was choking him, making it hard for him to breath.
Why the hell did he agree to all this nonsense. He hated social gatherings, the fake smiles and pointless conversations. Human beings annoyed him so much. He downed the drink and placed the glass on the counter.
"Another one."
Just then, Elijah appeared, a huge smirk on his face. "That's enough for the night. He won't be having another drink." He said to the bartender.
Vic stared him, wishing to wipe off the smirk on his face. "What do you want from me? I did everything you asked. Can't you just let me be?"
"We have guests. We don't want you embarissing us now do we?"
Vic clenched his jaws but he remained quiet. He wasn't in the mood.
"You should be by your fiance's side." He pointed at Natalie with his head. "Don't ruin this night." He walked away.
Vic released a deep breath then walked to Natalie. He snaked his hand around her waist. He might hate everything about the whole engagement thing but it wasn't Natalie's fault. She too had no say in whatever was happening. Blaming her would just be unfair.
Natalie looked at him, her cheeks flushing. She had never had him so close to her and she didn't know what to do with herself. His strong cologne hit her nostrils, making her melt like butter in his arms.
She cleared her throat, trying to get herself together. "T..thank you." She said shyly, staring at the rock on her finger. The way she was so excited when she got it. She smiled. Maybe all was not lost. She just had to make him love her but she would deal with that later. She had to focus on making a food impression tonight. Having him next to her was all that mattered. She smiled, greeting their guests, her heart content.
David stared at the doctor's report in disblief. How? How did it happen? His hands shook so much. He lifted his eyes and stared at his wife. She was fine. She didn't look sick. She wasn't thin.
"Please tell me its not true.." his voice broke as he spoke.
"I found out a 2 days ago. They ran some tests and..." she sighed tearfully. "I have breast cancer and they are saying its on stage two but the tumor is large. They will have to perfom a mastectomy." Tears rolles down her cheeks.
"It can't be! You are not sick. You are not losing weight? Is it painful?"
"Yes, its painful. Sometimes my chest hurts and...i dont want them to remove my breast. There has to be another way." She bursted into loud sobs.
David quickly walked over and wrapped his arms around her. Her sobs broke his heart. His whole life revolved around making her happy. She never wanted to see her sad. How he wished he would do something to help her. He had never felt so helpless. He too did not want her to go through that but there was no other way. He didn't want to lose her.
"I'm sorry." He tightened his grip around her.
Later that night, Vic pulled up at Tariro's flat. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out. One of his men was calling.
"Yes?" He answered.
"Its done."
"Hmm. They believed it?"
"Yes, boss."
"Mmm. Keep me updated." He hung up, a cold smile spreading across his lips. That should teach him not to mess with people. By the time he would be done with him, he was going to regret ever thinking he could cross him.
He got out of the car and dialed her number. It rang for a while before she finally amswered.
"Hello." Her voice alone made his blood rush down to his dick. Fuck! She had a voice of an angel.
"I'm outside."
Inside the house, Tariro sat up straight, immideately recognising his voice. "Who is this?"
Vic chuckled. "Little one, im not playing games."
She crossed her legs as her breathing changed. What the hell was wrong with her?
"What do you want?"
"I want to fuck you."
Must he always be that blunt?
"You don't get to do that. You don't ignore me for a week and think you can just rock up here demanding to see me like you own me."
"Little one, you are making me hard. Just so you know, i do own you. Should i shoot my way inside?"
She sighed getting out of bed. Anashe was around and she didn't want him to cause a scene. "I'm coming."
"Excellent choice." He hung and waited.