Chereads / ADVENTURES OF LUCIFER AND MONEY / Chapter 1 - The adventures of Lucifer and Money season 1


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Chapter 1 - The adventures of Lucifer and Money season 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 1

"For violation of the Heaven laws and war crimes, lm sentencing you to death and your execution will be tonight itself, the court is adjourned".said Java the chief justice of the Heaven Court with anger simmering upon his face, bored by the actions of Money who had mercilessly murdered war captives for his selfish motive of achieving the immortal stage. " Stone him to death, crucify him" shouted the angry mob who were witnesses at the court of Heaven. Alexa the Captain of the Prison dragged Money ruthlessly to the prison chambers where he would be waiting for his final doom. Suddenly, the blue sky day turned into night, south winds blew vigorously lifting the roof tops of the Heaven castle, destroying everything in their ways. "Money!" Money ", a shrill voice from a distance called out to Money.

Quickly Money rose up from the ruins of the castle chambers and found his way to voice which was calling unto him." Finally the day we were waiting for has finally arrived for you and me Lucifer to conquer the underworld" boastfully said Lucifer the three eyed mastermind of Money's unbearable actions." For all these years we have been living under the terror of Heaven commanders, now it's our time to enjoy fruits of our FREEDOM hahahaha" Lucifer ruefully laughed as they....

"Everyone run for your life! We have been attacked by invaders from the other planet. Just pack what you can and get shelter in Citadel before you perish". It was one of knights of the kingdom of Camelot who was helping people to evacuate from the village which was attacked by unknown invaders from an unfamiliar planet some believed to be Heaven.

"Leave us alone we can defend ourselves, you can't expect us to evacuate the land of our fathers. Our ancestral heritage lies upon this land if we depart from here all of the forefathers efforts will be of no use. Simon the village head boldly refused to take orders from the knight. Some of the villagers reluctantly started to pack their belongings as they feared that the worst might happen to them. Fire balls like burning rocks were seen falling from the sky. Women and children started screaming and shivering as they were now vividly seeing their doom approaching in a dramatic way. There was commotion in the village everyone was running trying to save his on skin from the doom.

Lucifer and his puppet companion Money were ruthlessly enjoying the scenes of suffering on earth from the nearby White mountains. "Isn't this enough Partner" Money asked." Hahaha" . Lucifer laughed." Don't be so faint hearted my friend" . "This is just the beginning of our reign on this planet." "Our reign must be filled with terror that no one will be ready to challenge us. Stop wasting time telling me this nuisance. It's time we make our grand entry into this world filled with weak humans. Hahaha our time to reap what we sow has come let's go buddy". Said Lucifer holding firmly onto Money's hand so that they can telepot to.....

Chapter 2

Lucifer and Money went straight to the graves in Camelot. Abracadabra, arise as l speak. This was Lucifer resurrecting the dead using magic spells he learnt in Heaven the time he was part of the Heaven army. All of his actions filled Money with lust for power but there was nothing he could do as he was living on Lucifer's mercy. So asking for some power could be too much. "Partner, Partner" Money shouted. What are we going to do with these dead guys. Are they of any use to us? "Hey you midget! Lucifer shouted angrily. First of all I'm not your partner got that. From now on call me Master, if it wasn't for me you would be already dead. Don't ever question my decisions in the future. Any way these guys are going to fight on both ground and calvary for us. We can't find any strong army than them. " Lucifer explained." You are such a genius Partner. Oh may l beg your pardon Master. said Money smiling. Shiiiiiii ..... Keep quiet. Lucifer whispered. I'm sensing someone is eavesdropping on us. Go on take a look there behind the Banyan tree. Lucifer commanded Money with a low pitched voice. Money rushed to where he was sent, surprisingly to see a living human at the grave yard. It was Simon the village head who was hiding in behind the tree as he refused to take cover in the Citadel. "Hey what are you doing there.? Money asked in a hose voice. Simon failed to answer the question as he was terrified to see a giant man with shining face which was unbearable to stare as it could make one blind. Of course he was supposed to be terrified because it was his first time to see a strange looking man who seems as if he was a ghost. "Has the cat got your tongue you oldie. asked Money." I... I... am. Simon stammered and fainted before

he could finish his sentence.

Master.! Master! Money called out to Lucifer who was busy preparing his army of Zombies. "What is it you moron can't u see lm busy." It was a human listening to our conversation. Shall l kill him as he's half dead already.? Money said. "Don't do anything stupid you jerk? Wait until he wakes up he can be of use! Remember these humans don't have power like me but they do have brains so in order to conquer them we must think like them." Lucifer explained. "Wow that didn't cross my mind Sir. I thought you could jus snap your fingers and make everything happen. Money said while laughing. Was that sarcasm or an insult. Asked Lucifer. Are you doubting my capability. Ok let me turn you into a statue. Suddenly Lucifer snapped his fingers and turned Money into a gold statue

Oh this world is boring without a puppet." Lucifer said this in his mind while snapping his fingers to bring Money back to life.Oh.... that was close. Sighed Money. I'm sorry Master I will never doubt you again said Money . You better be sure about that. Smiled Lucifer. Getting back to business both the master and servant started to prepare the army for the war against the Camelot which was the only holding fortress after Lucifer destroyed the neighboring Kingdoms. "Please spare me l can do whatever you wish just spare me" screamed Simon who was having a nightmare of being killed by Money. His nightmare seemed to be real as he opened up his eyes only to see Money glaring at him. It was everyone's ability in Kingdom of Heaven to control people's dreams which Money was now doing on Simon. "Don't be afraid." said Money. Just tell me who you are and why are you still alive after my Master destroyed most of your kind in this village. Simon took a deep breath and then began to explain his story. "l am Simon Pendragon the nephew of king Uther the king of Camelot. I am the head of this village. When the unexpected catastrophics started l refused to take in Citadel as l was only trying to safeguard the heritage of our ancestors. That's all." Simon said. Hahaha hahaha. You are a silly oldie you think you can guard your ancestral land on your... Money didn't finish up his sentence as Lucifer knocked down Simon. Do you think we are here to play? Asked Lucifer. Quickly start to chant this spell with me so that we can hypnotize this oldie and get some crucial information about the kingdom of Camelot. They started to chant spells in an dead Latin language and suddenly Simon woke up. His eyes were now black and Lucifer whispered into his ears to lead the Army of the Dead to the Kingdom's castle. Lucifer shouted Camelot here we come and suddenly the atmosphere changed. Day turned into night, intoxicating smoke filled the airs of Camelot. Lucifer's arm began to march towards the castle

Chapter 3

"For the love of Camelot" shouted the knights of Camelot ready to defend their Citadel from falling into the hands of the Duo of Doom 'Money and his Master Lucifer'. Galloping horses were quickly approaching the Citadel gate which was heavily guarded. "These silly humans" chuckled Lucifer. They think l could be hindered by this stupid bars of iron and a couple of knights. Lucifer glared at the gate and it suddenly melted. Seeing this mysterious act the knights started to retreat and this gave the Duo of Doom a free passage to the king's court which was heavily fenced. Attack! Simon shouted in a high pitched voice and the army of the Dead quickly acted on the command.

Blows were exchanged. With swords only speaking backed by hissing sound of blood which gushed out from the defeated knights. In a nick of time the Citadel gate battalion was mercilessly defeated. Without wasting time, the battalion of the Dead proceeded to the king's chambers where king Uther and the other royal members were. "Master l must say this is just a cake walk for us, it seems our work is doing itself and we are just commanders" joyfully said Money. "Wait boy this Army has got one commander that is me remember u are jus my servant" , arrogantly said Lucifer. "Ok boss thanks for the reminder, always at your service. Jokingly said Money.

" Let me go and fight the enemy "said king Uther who was being firmly grabbed by the knights trying to stop him from going out of the court room." What's is the use of being a king when you are not able to protect your kingdom am l a king for nothing? Explained king Uther. "My Lord there is no use of showing off your charisma and courage. It's of no match to what we are fighting." said Leon the kings chief advisor. "It's better late than never my comrades I think now it's the time we fight for what belongs to us even if it can cost our lives." fearlessly said the king. At that moment the courtroom turned into darkroom, all the flames lighting the room were gushed out by a strange wind. Everyone became as mute as a grave. Loud, frightening footsteps were heard from a distance. The whole kingdom became silent. The calmness of the kingdom was like that one which happens when a devastating storm is approaching. In the courtroom two mysterious man were seen sitting on the throne. Their faces lit up the whole courtroom as they were shining like burning sun. One of them was looking strange as he had two long sharp horns which were looking like fangs on his head

"Well well, gentlemen and Wiseman of the kingdom. Allow me to make your king's job easier. I am the one who is behind the catastrophes your realm is facing". Let me introduce myself to you l am Luciferrrrrrr.The echo of his voice caused the castle to shake, breaking all fragile ornaments and windows of the castle. Everyone in the courtroom trembled with fear. Lucifer snapped his fingers and suddenly the courtroom was filled with light. "I am not a coward who fights his enemy in the dark. Come here Uther and show me the man you are" said Lucifer. In a fit of rage, the king rushed to where Lucifer was. Before he could lay a finger on him, Simon stabbed the king from behind.Lucifer smiled and cheered for Simon as he was pleased by the bravery he showed. Deeply in pain, Uther turned back to see who stabbed him and suddenly collapsed in disbelief as he saw his own nephew holding the dagger with his blood.

"Does anyone have the courage to fight me.? Asked Lucifer. Everyone remained dumb. Lucifer stood up from the throne and dragged Uthers copse. Without warning, he slit Uthers head." As you see now your king is no more ". Even your allies from other realms cannot come to your rescue. So who will save who? Any idea "Money stood boldly and said" All hail Lucifer "and the Army of the Dead repeated after him. The natives of Camelot were left with no option as it was obvious that Lucifer was their new king and started to chant All hail Lucifer

It was now in the evening and Lucifer organized a welcome party for him. Everyone was forced to celebrate with him in exchange for their lives. The happiest ones at this party were the Dead who were given a new lease of life. Lucifer who was now drunk called unto Money and said he wanted to tell him a....

End of chapter 3

Chapter 4

The party was now lively , everyone was now seeming like a new person. This was because during the party, Lucifer casted a memory spell to make everyone forget what had took place in the previous noon. Everyone enjoyed the party till dawn....

The following morning, everything in the kingdom seems not to be normal. Crows and vultures were wandering around in the sky waiting for the opportunity to pounce on dead corpses scattered everywhere. The peasants were wondering what really had taken place in the kingdom that caused so many fatalities. Long faces of confused natives ruined the ambiance of the Kingdom. The warning bells rang and everyone rushed to the Castle to witness what was about to happen as this day began with a package of surprises. There at castle, Lucifer was standing by the assembly balcony ready to address the natives. He was wearing a purple royalty robe looking handsome as he was now in human form with no horns on the head. Accompanied by his number one servant Money who stood to his right captivating all the audience with his hazel blue eyes. By this time he also in human form as he and his master aimed not to cause any chaos regarding their appearance to the public.

"A good morning to you all loyal citizens of this realm" said Lucifer "ummm" he cleared his throat. " All of you must be surprised to what exactly am l doing here and what happened to our beloved realm!" explained Lucifer."Yes" The crowd cheered loudly as they were eager to hear the mystery behind the kingdom. "Ok, firstly l would like to introduce myself to you all, l am Sir Julian and distance cousin of our late king...." before he could finish the crowd hindered him from going any further. Everyone was expressing mixed feelings about what Julian said. Some were happy as they thought Uther was a tyrant and others were deeply hurt to hear about the demise of a great king." l know all of you must be shocked to hear this but unfortunately our brave king is no more." Let me explain what really happened. said the so called Julian. Two weeks ago l was in the realm of Asgard where I was leaning knighthood. Some strange people who happened to come from the East coast passed by the Hermitage where l was. Unfortunately they happened to be magicians who were planning to destroy Camelot. At first they approached me to assist them in their quest but l denied by saying that l was weak. Not pleased by this they casted a spell upon me and l was bedridden for two days. By the time I recovered l started to organize my own army to encounter these magicians before they attacked our kingdom. This was like building a castle in the air because by the time l finished the preparations they had already gone beyond border of Asgard and Camelot. But as the Wiseman say its better late than never, l switched the plan from counter attacking to surprise attack. By the time my army arrived at the castle the Citadel was already captured. However we managed to pass through the Army of magicians and defeated them. Unfortunately l failed to save my beloved Uncle, Uther". Julian breaks into tears. Everyone became silent, heart touched by Julian's words. Suddenly the silence was broken by Money who started to chant "All hall Sir Julian". Everyone repeated after him pleased by Julian's courage and love for his kingdom little did they know he was responsible for the catastrophes.

The chief priest walked towards Julian and gave him a tight hug. The crowd was calmed down so that the chief priest could give speech. "All of you have heard from the horse's mouth what has happened" said Zig the chief priest. "But before I say something my son tell us why is it only you are the one who remembers what happened." Julian panicked as he didn't expect to be asked this. He was about to get into his true form of Lucifer when Money interfered. "Its not only him Sir Zig, l too was the eye witness to the chaos." ok you wanna know what made you forget those events. Zig nodded his head in curiosity. "As you heard from Julian we were fighting Magicians. So they casted a spell to make everyone forget. Sorry for the interruption but my aim was to bring the truth into light. I'm Jill by the way, the young brother to Julian." I am well pleased with both of you son" happily said Zig. "Allow me everyone to make this special announcement. Some of you may think I'm in a hurry but as a former advisor to our late king l would like all of us to make Julian the new king of Camelot. What he has done to us cannot be done by anyone else. So how many of you are agreeing with my opinion. " Suddenly the whole realm started to fall snow. According to Camelot's traditions snow fall when the king was chosen by the Almighty. But this time it was not Almighty's doing but only Lucifer's trick. Fooled by this everyone cheered signaling their approval."As you all have saw lm not bad at making decisions even the Heavens are with me" boastfully said Zig. "So tonight itself we are going to crown our would be king." explained Zig. For now the assembly is adjourned.

Everyone back to their homesteads.,the only word on their lips was Julian. Some were praising him and some were criticizing him. "What a beautiful morning Jill my brother" said Lucifer. I must say you are great actor indeed. You saved my skin among those cunning humans" l must say lm happy to be your brother. Unexpectedly Lucifer huged Money wholeheartedly. " I am delighted to be your kin Master" said Money. "Hey you silly don't call me Master again call me Brother... Their bromance was cut by a castle servant who had brought the costumes that the Duo of Doom would wear for the coronation.

Chapter 5

The night came quickly for Julian/Lucifer and his young fake brother Jill/Money who were awaiting to be crowned rulers of the kingdom. The Kingdom's band played soothing music that made the castle's ambiance fabulous. The castle was adorned with sweet scented white roses from the floor level to the staircase. The aroma of mouthwatering food was covering all chambers in the castle. Everyone was well dressed up in blue robes. The chief priest was running up and down in order to make sure the event commence well. The auspicious hour came, and the would be king was called to come at the pulpit for coronation.

"well the time everyone has been waiting for has come" said Zig "Sire may you step ahead a little bit". At this moment you are about to swear and take an oath to be on your people's side always and serve them like a servant leader. So repeat after me Sire Julian "I swear to serve my kingdom until the last breath. Julian repeated the oath, people applauded and ululated as they were convinced by the humble face they saw from Julian. After taking the oath, Julian was crowned with the king crown which was adorned with precious rubies.After ordaining Julian, the chief priest called unto Jill to come in front of the audience so that he could be crowned as the prince of Camelot. The feast preceeded the ceremony.The natives ate, drank and merry as they celebrated together.

From a distance to the royal table where the royals were, stood a gorgeous girl who was mesmerized by the Charming king Julian. She gazed at him in admiration. With Lucifer's sensing instincts he discovered that someone was looking at him. He then gazed at the girl and they looked at each other eye to eye. Lucifer and Hannah's hearts started to beat very fast signalling a mutual romance connection between the two. Both felt attracted to each other. Lucifer couldn't resist the luring beauty and walked towards her. He grabbed her hand and left the dining hall. They went straight to his quarters. During this time only the eyes were talking as they were giving each other lustrous gestures. Inside the quarters, Lucifer caressed the girls cheeks gently. The girl was very shy with nothing to do but just standing. Lucifer then advanced with the romance. It was now on a higher level. He stick out his tongue and started to lick the girl's lips romantically. He then advanced his lips to the girl's lips and gave her a deep kiss like the kiss of life. The girl was now breathing heavily as her feelings were aroused by the passionate kiss. All that could be heard now was heavy breaths of the two love birds. One thing led to another and in a jiffy Lucifer was now on top of the girl penetrating his **** in the **** of the girl. The beauty moaned in pain as it was her first time in bed with a man. Her moaning made Lucifer to panic and he came to his senses. Regretting what he had done, he stood up and went to the side of the bed and sat with his head facing the floor in shame. "I am sorry young lady.,your attractive figure messed with my brain l failed to control myself. May you please find it in your heart and forgive me." humbly said Lucifer. "it's not your fault your Majesty, even your handsome eyes lured me towards you please don't trouble yourself apologizing to me" said the girl. "it's ok if you are fine with it, by the way what is your name?" l am Hannah Sire" said the girl. "Wow that's a beautiful name Hannah, l hope you remember well what really happened to us. What was that.? On my side I think it's love at the first sight. Do you agree with.... Lucifer didn't finish what he was saying as Money knocked on the door." Brother are you there? Money asked while opening the door to his surprise he saw a gem of a girl sitting naked on the bed. Filled with shame the girl grabbed her clothes and ran away from Lucifer's room." Wow, wow, the devil has fallen in love. Who's that beauty Sire?" It's none of ur business my boy "replied Lucifer while he followed the girl outside.

Chapter 6

Lucifer tried to follow where Hannah went but he didn't find her. He even sent the guards to look for her but it was all in vain. Lucifer went back to the castle with a long face worried about the whereabouts of Hannah. "Hey brother what's is wrong with you today. I thought today you would be happy as you have been crowned the ultimate emperor of the kingdom. But here you are sulking." explained Money. "It's nothing serious brother" replied Lucifer. It's just this girl l don't know where she went, is she OK? worryingly said Lucifer. "Wow l didn't know even demons can fall in love brother. But don't worry we will look for her together in the morning. Said Money trying to pacify Lucifer." Remember even us demons have a heart Money.its not about love but care. Anyways good night said Lucifer while tucking himself to bed. Money started to laugh because of the surprise change he saw in Lucifer." The one who killed thousands mercilessly now has a heart? said Money in his thoughts. Anyways all l know is that this guy is in love. Money went to his room surprised by Lucifer's behavior.

" Hannah,! Lucifer shouted. "stop l really want to tell you something. Hannah didn't stop and kept running away from Lucifer. Lucifer started to run in pursuit of her." I love you Hannah please wait for me. Said Lucifer. Hannah stopped and looked back. Lucifer rushed to her and gave her a tight hug." I love you too Sire "replied Hanna. But I don't think we can be together. Look you are the king and you are destined to marry a princess. Look at me lm jus a poor maid lm not meant for you Sire may in the next life." don't say that Hannah you are the love of my life don't be so mean to me romantically said Lucifer. Lucifer looked into Hannah's eyes and went straight to her lips.... Sire wake up its already morning we have to go to courtroom said Money." Oh no, l was dreaming.! Lucifer thought to himself. Are you lost my king l said wake up its time for the court." ok ok boy lm sorry something was going on in my mind. Let me take a bath and come there" replied Lucifer.