Chereads / Deliberately Hates But Unintentionally Love / Chapter 21 - Chapter Twenty-one: Rude.

Chapter 21 - Chapter Twenty-one: Rude.


Five years have passed like in a blink of an eye. Well America is not bad, I still have the chance to do all that I want. I meet up with my two friends as we planned, although Lisa Chucks couldn't afford to study abroad, because she is an orphan, she was be able to attend the Prime Elites Academy through scholarship, and that's because she's a very brilliant student. She also got a scholarship into the best university in Berlin.

But Alex Collins is different, when Alex found out that I'm studying in America, he also applied for his degree here in America, so we planned to do our internship together in Germany and also apply for our master degree there with Lisa. So on my last days in America, I went to the school to do my clearance, when I was done I head toward the gate passing through in front of the university theatre art department, a tall slim boy walk pass me heading towards the same direction, I wouldn't have noticed him, but his ascent draw my attention to him, obviously a British.

And I take a second look at him, yes he was talking happily on the phone, with his backpack hung on his back saying, yes great-grandpa, I got distinction straight, thanks for believing in me great-grandpa, I will never disappoint you, I love you. Grandma how are you? Ha ha ha ha I inherited that from the family gene.

And I can't help it but envy this young boy who seems to be almost the age as I am from his look, but he is already grown about 1.6 meter tall, he looks very handsome obviously a mixed blood, have a warm ivory neutral undertone skin pigment. And the most striking part is, I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I felt like this boy's smile some how looks like my mom, which only means, like me too.

I trail quietly behind him and listen as he continue chattering and laughing, he said yes, I love you to the moon and burst out into another laughter, ha ha ha.... Just then, a sharp screech of a car beside him sound, as the three doors of the car were quickly opened and three strong men rushed to the boy who just stand stupefied by what just happened, and by the time it could register to him to run for his dear life, it was already too late, he just take few steps and one of the men grab him as two of the men pick him up and taking him towards their car.

I watch with a heartache, I really want to mind my business, having learnt my lesson five years ago, I don't really want to repeat the same mistake. But this guy here I felt so much connected to him, the feelings is different from how I felt towards my big brother back then, I felt pang in my chest as I watch him helplessly been taking away, so I found my instincts working rather than my reasoning.

I bravely and swiftly leaped in the air and in a very short time the three men were writhing on the ground in pains, as the young boy stand agape at me with his eyes wide open and suddenly turn into excitement as he watch the three men got up and ran into their car and drive away. Then he look at me up and down and said surprisingly said, hey you look very young almost the same age as I am, and very slim, but you did marvelously pretty well just now.

I look at him and felt annoyed at his childish act and simply said, So rude! Is this your manners of Thanking people after receiving help from them. Without waiting for his reply I quicken my pace and start walking away, leave him still trying to digest my words, then I can hear him running and calling after me, hey wait, thanks, can we be friends, my name is.... I cut him impatiently because I didn't want to hear anymore, and simply said, no thanks! Then I jog away, without looking back.

The days passes quickly, we're yet to complete clearance other things that need to be done, then I received a text from my underworld organization on a very good evening, I sat in my room doing my things in my alone in my three system, as the notification pop up on the screen, seeing that it's from the head agents over there, in he is the only one that answer and reports directly to me, and other teams captain answer to him, if there's any information I could pass, it's always through him.

So he informed me that, the Grants and another group of people who seems to be army are getting close to our territory and might discover our base, and one of my lab is there, although it's small, but there are a lot of drugs we've produced there, and it's also our training ground. The text also stated that, they've outnumbered my men.

Yes five years ago, my men invaded into the Grants' territory and stole their latest virus' informations, so since then, the Grant underworld organization have been searching for us, not even knowing our identity, but with the Grants' strength, is just a matter of time to find us. Beside that, I also tricked the Grants' men and grabbed the one part of the divine seed at the cave of legends' hunts, in China. Although they have no idea about who I was or come from, but must have suspected my organization to have either of the three.

Yes I have been training myself against these days when it comes, I know that I will surely meet the Grant and Carpenters sooner or later, so I learnt many new fighting moves, both from movies and also trying to come up with my own new style, and I even hired a private tutor, a retired Chinese soldier and a Kung Fu master. who taught me both the Kung Fu, martial arts and defense and attack. Mixing all these together and creating new moves, then I found myself, becoming extraordinary and unbeatable.

So I felt that, this is the right time to put all that I have learned all these years in action. And I thought that, my agents need to improve their strength, base on what I watch from the caption in surveillance, they seems to be weak to my liking. So I have to be there in person and train them some new moves, although I do send some recorded videos to learn, but I believe that they will do better when I get there.