Chereads / Malefis: Her Thoughts are Silent / Chapter 9 - The Darkness of Sara O'Neil [2]: Phantom's Bet

Chapter 9 - The Darkness of Sara O'Neil [2]: Phantom's Bet

"You knew about my curse from the start, didn't you, Sara?"

It was a ludicrous assumption with no basis but once you look at it that way, her actions start having some logic behind them.

The reason she bumped into me in the library was because she knew I'll get freaked out that I can't read her mind, she had no business in the light novel section and the books she was carrying back then weren't light novels either.

She anticipated that I would come back curious and used that as an opportunity to get me into the phantom of the music room case.

The smile of approval on her face told me I was on the right track.

"Your endgame in all this...was the ten questions game at the Grand casino...."

"Go on..."

"The compatibility of that game to my curse and it's similarities to the phantom of the music room are too good to be a coincidence. It was a game of deduction and reasoning which could be easily solved by mind reading. However, a decent amount of logic and deception is required to avoid getting caught cheating—same as getting someone to believe a student with such a good reputation was a criminal. That means the phantom of the music room was...."

".... That's right, a test"

She interjected.

"I wanted to see if you could wield your ability like a weapon and misdirect your audience into believing you're acting on logic. To clear that game with your curse, you need to be able to make your opponent believe you're making deductions rather than cheating so you could say the whole music room theft was just an appetizer"

"You're awful"

"Fufu, I'm just humouring you. There was no way for me to get you on the train so your entire logic falls apart"

"No. It's a stretch but there is a way."

"By all means"

"You drugged me"

"I never had the opportunity. You ordered the meals at the restaurant, remember?"

"No, even earlier than that, at the haunted house"


"Here's how you did it"

There was one bit of information I received from Rachel which I considered irrelevant but might actually be the key to everything. It was the fact that Maya Stone day is held every month.

My question then becomes 'why so frequent'? Maya Stone day means trains close earlier. Perhaps, they didn't want regular trains to run into something that ran later— something like the grand casino.

Once you assume that, everything starts falling into place.

"Right after the case, you invited me to the amusement park, the stage of your devious scheme. Since I was fairly new and mostly shut myself in, I had no idea about Maya Stone day and since the park was the next town over, I went to the station and ended up running into Rachel"

She knew Rachel went mountaineering every Saturday and anticipated that we'll end up getting into that argument, and even if we didn't, she would've made up another excuse to do that.

"Once I arrived at the park, you pretended you were angry and used that opportunity to send me in line where I met Brock"

She probably talked to Brock after the music room incident, perhaps during his practice after school and used that as an opportunity to increase his interest in me.

If I asked him, I'll probably find out she was the one who got him the part-time job there and motivated him to try 'fixing' our relationship.

"You put a slow acting sleeping drug in my drink back then and handed it to me. I thought it tasted a little bitter, now I know why"


"Right after our haunted house tour, you took me to the restaurant where we met library girl. You intended to use her as camouflage for your real plan"

She took me to that restaurant to make me believe her ulterior motive for asking me out was to make up with Katherine. Once I got through that, my guard was down and I didn't expect she had another plot brewing.

Had she gone straight for the train, I would've gotten suspicious of her. However, since she'd shown her hand earlier, the dots didn't connect.

"Once we were done, you proceeded to tire me out with our date, then you excused yourself once it was time. I sat down on that bench and as you expected my accumulated fatigue coupled with the sleeping pill kicking in knocked me out cold"

"Interesting theory, but that doesn't prove anything. You haven't explained how I got you on the train"

"What happens next is what really matters"

"Ohh? What did I do, fufu?"

What she did next was so simple even a little kid could figure it out. I can't believe I overlooked this before.

"You altered my perception of time by moving it back a couple hours. While I was asleep, you messed with the time on my phone."

That's right. Which means I didn't wake up at 7:23 but probably 9:23 or even 10:23

"You have no proof of that"

"The proof lies in my observation"

We were rushing towards the train so as not to miss it and right after I had to gamble with my life on the line. Within all that I overlooked something so simple.

"The train station was empty. Even if trains stop running by 8, there should've still been tons of people rushing to catch the last train, however it was empty—BECAUSE TRAINS HAD LONG SINCE STOPPED RUNNING!"

"How come you didn't notice the change in time?"

"There was no service on the train so I didn't bring it out often"

Kinda comes with the 'interdimensional train between the underworld and earth' territory.

"And exactly when did I change the time back?"

"When you took that selfie, before we parted ways"

Her smile was brimming with anticipation.

"You anticipated that I'll feel guilty for oversleeping once I learn the truth about the train and take it on myself. You went exploring to the storage room C1 in search of something while giving me room to strategize freely. If I had to guess you made a bet with the conductor which hinged on my victory and using my wish to free you"

That explains the conductor's surprise when I mentioned Sara's name, how she knew I was putting on an act at the very end and her remark about losing a bet to 'that person'—Sara.

"Well, how's that?"

"Hmmm, that's satisfactory"

She muttered with a soft smile on her face

"You were wrong about one thing though"


"I didn't go to the storage room in search of something. It doesn't have what I want"

"You checked the last time you were on the train?"

"Yes, when I made my bet with her. I didn't want her to see me on the cameras cause she would've gotten wary of you. I wore a hat to our date for that reason as well, to hide my face from the cameras"

"What was the bet?"

"I told her someone will come and beat level 2 then use his wish to get me off the train"

"That's oddly specific"

"Even if I beat level 2, she had the right to reject my wish, the risks were far too great. So I offered something outlandish and got you involved to make it happen"

"What was your prize?"

"Not telling"

"Huh? But I won it for you! I deserve to know"

"More like you were easy to manipulate. You got tricked into helping me, that's all there is to it"

She was right. But still—

"To be able to anticipate my behavioral patterns like that was impressive, I'll give you that at least."

"You flatter me. All I did was use your dormant arrogance and pride to spur you on. A couple of years as a shut in can't change your true nature"


"Even if you gained some humility in your shut-in years your arrogant nature is still strong. I knew I could count on your unwillingness to be controlled by Michelle to shut down the jock and your knight in shining armor complex to fight the grand casino by yourself. Am I wrong? Mister failed genius"

Just..... How much does this girl know?

"What the hell do you know about me?"

"I happen to know a lot about you. Ahem— Adam Graves, got a perfect score in a university entrance test when he was just seven years old, in every sport he attempted he was in a league all his own, he was a genius child actor and was also known to share intellectual debates with politicians back in the big city using his intelligence said to outclass even full grown adults. You were a prodigy back in the day, a true child genius. Well, until the day all that came crashing down—"

I thought there was no one who knew about me all the way out here. Just who is this Sara O'Neil?

"A certain day close to the end of fifth grade, you suddenly had a nervous breakdown. Witnesses said you claimed you could hear 'voices' and it was going to split your head apart. You ended up dropping out of school and becoming a shut-in for the rest of your youth because the pain was unbearable and no one believed you. Ha, pathetic"


Remembering that day was enough to almost make me vomit. Back when I was first able to read minds I couldn't handle the influx of information from such large crowds in the city. Hell, even now I'm not that good it crowds.

Isolation was the only way I thought of to ease the pain and once I was in that room I was too afraid to set foot outside again. It was a painful experience I wouldn't wish on anyone.

"You brought it on yourself. What did you expect doctors to do against a curse? Well, it's not like your friends believed you anyway. With that attitude of yours I'm sure they were ecstatic to see you get knocked down a peg"

She's trying to rile me up. Nice try, but I refuse to give in. Something she said caught my attention though

"What do you mean when you say 'curse'?"

"Huh? You don't know?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking!"

"Since you kept calling it a curse, I assumed you knew what you were dealing with. Well, let me enlighten you— what you're experiencing is the result of a witch's curse"

"You're pulling my leg right now, aren't you?"

"After experiencing the grand casino, you still don't believe in the supernatural?"

"I'm not doubting the supernatural. What I don't believe in is an old lady with carrot shaped nose having a grudge on a kid"

"I never said the witch had to be some old lady, did I? Besides, she doesn't have to have a grudge against you directly. It might be someone she was connected to who requested you to be cursed"


I'm not buying the BS she's trying to sell

"Seems like you're not getting the point I'm trying to make, Adam"

"You were making a point? I think I missed it among all the crap you're trying to pull"

"What I'm saying is..... Just like in fairytales, your curse can be broken"


"Seems like that caught your attention! You can't break it with true love's kiss though, that's just absurd"

"You don't say...."

My sarcastic response didn't seem to faze her one bit

"You have to find the person who cursed you and get them to undo it. Although...."

Wait for it—

"...In your case that's a tall order, fufu. You were a talented kid with a bad attitude and an even worse personality. It'll be a lot easier to count those who don't resent you . You could probably do that with one hand, fufufufuahahaha....."

And there it is. She sure loves picking on my misfortune so I kinda knew that was coming.

"So it's impossible, huh?"

"I said it's a tall order, but I never said impossible"

She had a more serious look in her eyes than I've ever seen before. This gave her my undivided attention as she continued.

"In order to achieve my goal, I am hunting down all the witches. Naturally, that includes the one who cursed you as well. So, if you join us, I all but guarantee we'll be able to find a way to break your curse together"


"Did you honestly believe you were the only one in this world who was cursed? In this school alone, we have enough cursed students to form a club"

"A club?"

"The occult research club. A society devoted to the study of the paranormal and supernatural as well as a safe haven for children battling curses and other supernatural phenomena, Ms Milligan is our advisor, so you don't have to worry about teachers monitoring our activities"

What is this? A sales pitch? And the nerve to call us children, does she think she's our mom or something?

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Sara O'Neil, lover of all things supernatural and president of the occult research club. It is a pleasure to have you, new member"

She imitated a princess while giving her introduction. It almost made me forget the kind of person she really is

"I never said I was joining...."

"....I already filled out and submitted your club application this morning, it's a pleasure to have you"

"The hell?!"

"C'mon, what's the harm in joining? You want to break your curse don't you?"

She's not wrong about that. Still, I refuse to be manipulated. I shall not give in to tempt—

"I also know your curiosity is slowly eating away at you, fufu"

The mischief in her smile was radiantly shining through.

"Don't you want to know can't mind?"

Does she have a pHD in pushing my buttons or something? Either way, she got me hooked.


"Yayyy, let's head to the clubroom now"

I was starting to get the feeling that my figuring out her plan was also a part of her plan and her secondary endgame in all this—aside from her bet with the conductor and ruining her best friend's relationship.... Was to get me join her club.

Honestly, so many layers of schemes just for me to join her club? Just how insane is this girl? Nonetheless—

"This goal you're pursuing.... It's so important that you'll make your best friend hate you?"

"What are you talking about? It's your guts Katie hates, not mine"

"At least shoulder some responsibility!"

"I think I'll pass, fufu"

This woman! The idea of her walking out of the mess she created unscathed pissed me off to no end. But there really was nothing I could do about it.

"On the bright side, with Miguel behind bars, it'll be easier for Katie to dump his sorry ass. She deserves better y'know?"

I remained silent

"Even if she knew he was cheating on her, she'd still stay with him. She's loyal like that, and I don't want her to change"

The innocent look in her eyes almost made me doubt she was the one who used Miguel as a disposable pawn to test some washout failed genius.

"If she's as loyal as you say, their relationship will be fine even if they are separated by bars"

I retorted in an attempt to crush her hopes a little. Her quick reply shocked me

"Ohhh, that's not going to happen"


"Katie'll be visiting him today"


"I made sure to arrange for his other lovers to meet him at the same time as well. They'll all run into themselves there."


"I also made sure to visit him multiple times and rile him up to no end. With my connections within the center I was also able to get people to pressure him psychologically...."

She still had that pure smile on her face although the words spewing out weren't exactly as rosy.

"He's at his limit and about ready to pop like a balloon. When he's pressured by his lover's confrontation he'll explode in an attempt to vent his frustrations..."

The lengths she'll go to just to break him... she's insane!

"..... He'll spill his guts and Katie'll see him for who he really is, that relationship is over, I guarantee it"

I was observing the grotesque nature of Sara O'Neil's personality, rather, the darkness in her heart. I could describe it in several ways— evil, crazy, psycho,unsightly, demonic and a myriad of other things.

However, beyond that, what I saw was beauty— beauty that lies in the unknown, like a puzzle I'm trying to solve. What made her tick? What's the motivation behind the things she does? What turned her into the existence before me? An infinite labyrinth of complex layers I am unable to reach simply because I cannot read her mind.

Interesting! I guess I'm a little crazy myself.

"What if I didn't pass your test?"


"If I decided not to intervene in the music room, what will you have done then?"

"I had faith you won't let me down, fufu"

Like hell you did! I'm don't buy it.

"That said, if you failed I would've had to ask a rather troublesome person to help clear the ten questions game."

"I was talking about Miguel! Would you have let him walk cause it didn't seem like you were in a favorable position to expose him"

I suddenly realized that for some time, I've been calling pretty boy by name. Guess my guilt towards library girl ran deeper than I thought.

"Isn't it obvious? He was doomed to fail from the start"


"After all, he stole school property. Whether he likes it or not that four eyed freak would've had to get involved. The outcome would've been exactly the same..... well, it would've ended even faster, anyway"

The four eyed freak she was referring to was Bruce King, Michelle's big brother and the student council president. If Sara had that much faith in his abilities, he must really be something. After all, I doubt I would've been able to solve the case without my curse.

But then again, when you consider the fact that our school library is the only one in the state where mangas and light novels are regularly restocked, I guess he really must be something.

"So you had no intention of sparing him, huh? Brutal."

She replied with a cheerful smile

"Fufufu, he was just like that cat in the box, a dead man walking"

I've seen several expressions on her face within the past week I've known her—most of which were masks to hide the sinister smile that seems to be her true nature. That said, I have a feeling that the evil was also a mask, and beyond it lies the true Sara O'Neil, waiting to be unveiled, no, waiting to be discovered by me.

"We're here"

We arrived at an old door in a rather shabby side of school. Sara pulled on the doorknob and the door slowly creaked open.

"Welcome Adam... To the occult research club! "