Chereads / A strange town / Chapter 9 - End of school week

Chapter 9 - End of school week

it's your boy

Sorry for taking a while, I had my schedule messed up with so yeah.

Anyways, I have created another chapter so enjoy



Opening my eyes, I slowly sat up from my bed and looked around my room. The room, same as always, with its window having little light coming from it.

"...what time is it.." I rubbed my eyes before getting off the bed and slowly walked over to the window.

Reaching the window, I looked outside it to see the night sky covering it with slow clouds passing through as a few of them covered the bottom of the moon. Seeing the night sky, I walked over to the nightstand beside my bed and grabbed my phone from it. I checked the time on the phone just to see that it was still early, it was currently 2:34 in the night. 

'it hasn't been that long since I fell asleep.' I sighed at the thought of me only getting about an hour of sleep. 

I didn't go back to my bed as I knew that I wouldn't fall back asleep so, using the time I had, I grabbed my towel, clothes and a bag from the closet before going over and walking out of the door. 

Inside the hallways of the orphanage, the absence of sound had created an eerie atmosphere in the air. The soft light of the moon passed softly through the window at the end of the hallway causing only a faint amount of light to be in the hallway, barely allowing me to see. 

I saw this beautiful and eerie scene with my own eyes, it was something that I enjoyed and was lucky to see.. but.. this scene caused a slight disappointment to appear in me as I didn't have my phone on me to take a picture of this drawing, a drawing that was created by nature and man, a beautiful but sad harmony.

I continued to walk through the hallway for a bit longer before reaching the bathroom, my destination for now. I opened the door and entered inside to see a plain looking bathroom, everything but a few objects were white in color creating a melodramatic scene that would cause few pain on one if stared for to long.

I ignored this scene and got myself ready for a bath.

Taking off my cloth, I looked at myself in the reflection just to see a hideous looking thing staring back at me. 

The window showed a kid with black, unkempt hair and a pair of black eyes, something which was not genetically possible, staring back at me. The body of this freak was not fat but was slightly in the skinny side as their ribs could be seen but still had some meat in their abdomen, something which was weird and odd to see creating a rather unpleasant sight to see. Their arms were not built but I saw that whenever it somewhat flex the arm, it would allow for the sight of a small amount of muscle on it.

The hands of this beast showed a ugly pair of hands, its was slightly bigger than other hands with its fingers being slightly long, this would be something that would be rather attractive to see as it was enhanced by the seen of soft and visible veins on it. Touching this freaks hands, I felt the softness of it as it easily pushed and rubbed against objects and had a supple and silky touch and feel but somehow had a tough and roughness to it as well. It created a hand that would be beautiful but..... the fingers of the hand showed the sight of constant bites on ones nails and small injury's. 

Going down, the sight of the freaks penile could be seen. It was of an average size, but just the sight of it felt disgusting even if it was normal. Down even more showed the legs of the freak, it was not very hairy but it still was rather odd to look at. His feet were rather big, about a 10 in American units, and were somewhat odd as well.

Overall, the sight of them was disgusting. I knew this the most. Just the sight of this made me upset, angry and... disgusted by my own reflection.

I quickly turned away from the mirror and turned on the water for the shower-head. I entered it and let myself be distracted by the sense of water poring onto my body.I was going to take a long shower.


An hour and 30 minutes later, I was back in my room. I had changed into my clothes for school, something some people would find odd with the amount of time I still have but I still wore it.

I was sitting at the desk that was given to me by the director. She was quick to get me it on the second day, saying that I was a student so I should have it. I didn't care about that and just used it as I pleased.

4:15, that was the current time. I had taken about 30 minutes taking a bath before returning back to my room. Once I returned, I got the things I needed and once I did I worked on the project, which was about an hour long. 

I had my bag resting against the chair while I was working on the project for science. I was working on something that I enjoyed but knowing this place, even if I entered this thing about black holes, I probably wont win first place with how one minded the people here are about that thing.

Sighing, I looked around the place boredly before getting up. I was bored of just working on the project and wanted to do something. It was at that moment I remembered something.

'I need to water the flowers.' I remembered about the plants and how I needed to water them, the rain had watered them so I let them be but that made me forget about them.

Seeing as I had nothing else to really do, I grabbed my phone and softly left my room and went to the staircase, walked down, and went outside to the back of the orphanage. 

Outside, the moons light softly illuminated the view allowing me to see the trees and the plants that I had planted. I walked over to the hose and turned it on, I watered the plants quietly. I looked at them and saw how they had grown quite a bit, it won't take long for it to reach maturity with the speed it's growing.

It wasn't long for me to water the flowers, once I finished, I quickly turned off the hose and put it back in place as before. It was about 5 minutes of watering so it was able to past the time but not by much. 

Looking around the place, I went over to a dry area and sat down. Sitting, I looked up towards the sky and watched as the small stars in the sky shined with a beauty rare to this world.

'I loved the sight of stars, not because of how beautiful they looked but because of how they were created, how they are achieved.' I raised my hand up to the air and covered one of my eyes to allow me to focus on the stars better.

'Stars in the night sky were created from the explosion of a dying star, a supernova. It was from so far away that we wouldn't be able to see them when they haven't died and exploded yet, but once they would be visible to us on earth.' I gave a slight smile while looking at a star that was glowing rather beautiful.

'I saw it as a special thing.' I saw a rather small lit star that was being outshined by the others around it. 'To see something so beautiful only when it died, it was like it was leaving something behind so it could be remembered.' The star, even when being out shined, left a beautiful shine of its own. 'It was something beautiful to think about.'

The small star glowed faintly but was able to grab my attention from the rest. 

'It was like people, trying to leave something behind to be remembered by, even when it was so small.'

The star was softly humming with light trying to at least compare to the others.

'It was a person trying to be remembered for something, to be a unique remembrance.'

The star showed what it was, a unique star compared to others. It glowed with a faint blue hue, a unique light from the others. It showed that it too can be just as beautiful even when not shining as brightly.

'It was that idea that I found beautiful in stars.'

I watched as the star glowed with a blue difference, showing that it was just as beautiful if not more. 


The star glowed in the eyes of the child, he was watching the stars while sitting on the ground, waiting for something that might never destroyed the child's hope as he knew that it might never come.

He feared that if he continued to wait, he'll eventually be forgotten by others or by the things he is waiting for, but he still waited.

To be silently forgotten by the things that he saw as important to himself would be horrible, it would be as if they were forgotten and left to fall and drown in an endless abyss but one thing was there that brought him hope, the small blue star in the night sky.

It was a symbol of hope to him, it was small like him and barely noticeable to people but yet it still shown in the endless abyss known as space.

He wanted to be like that star, to still be remembered even when it was so small and nearly pointless in the grand universe.

The child had a huge childish grin on his face as he looked up at the shining blue star.


I looked at the star for some time, in a small trance, before snapping out and slowly got up. Taking out my phone, I checked the time to see that I had been watching the stars for 30 minutes, it was 4:52. I still had sometime left to do something.

"fuuu." Breathing out with a sigh. I walked back inside and just walked around the place, seeing if I could fine anything interesting or not.

Walking around, I saw the room the kids used to play around. It was large and somewhat messy as some toys were still left on the ground but over all, it was just a normal room with pads as the floor.

Walking some more, I entered the living room. It was the same as before, 2 long couches, a wooden floor, a coffee table, and a table for the supposed T.V. that is supposed to be there but there was none.

Supposedly, it was because one time, a kid decided that it would be a good idea to drop it on another kid.

Sooooo, ye

Sighing, I walked over to a couch and laid down on it before taking out my phone and put my hand in my pocket to take out my ear pods but I didn't feel anything.

'fucking hell.' groaning, I got up and went to my room before finding my ear pods on the nightstand beside my bed. Grabbing it, I quickly went back to the couch and laid down again, slightly annoyed, before quickly putting in my ear pods and listening to music while I looked for something to read.

Finding something, I read as the music went to my ear as I read. The sound of the despair but pride and the want to continue forward in their voice, even after everything was something that I like to hear, the sound of his want to be the emperor. It was nice to hear, it also makes me want to play soccer but eh. 


I didn't notice but the time quickly passed by, turning 5:34 by the time I checked the time. Once I noticed the time, I got off the couch and went to my room and grabbed my bag before going back down, fixing my clothes, before walking out of the orphanage.

It was rather early but I didn't really care. 

I walked over to the bus stop and sat down as I waited for the bus to come, which didn't take long. Getting on, I gave a dollar before sitting down.

Looking out the window I watched as the same trees pass by as the bus drove around. It didn't take long to reach the school, so getting off, I was walking off the steps when I heard a voice behind me.

"Isn't it too early for someone like yourself to be out this early." A slutty voice said behind me.

Turning around, I saw a random woman that I didn't know following me.

"You need something?" I asked her, wary of her.

"Yes, I just need you to stand still." She said before moving forward and grabbing my arm. She pushed me to the ground, getting on top of me. "Now, let your pretty face please me." She said as the smile on her face grew.

I was surprised by the sudden attack so I wasn't able to stop her but I quickly got my bearings and used my free arm to quickly gab at her face, hitting her square on the cheek.

It stunned her enough for me to grab her by the side of her head and push her to the side, using my body, I turned as I pushed her face causing her to easily be pushed to the side.

She was stunned even more which allowed me to get out of her grasp and get up. This seemed to get her own bearings as she looked at me with an angry stare.

"How dare you-" she tried to say but was cut off by a foot hitting her face.

"How about you shut the fuck up." I moved my leg again and kicked her chin upwards which seemed to be enough as she fell backwards and stopped talking her mouth.

She was unconscious.

Looking at her, I sighted before looking around and saw a bench. Looking back at her, I sighed again before grabbing her under the arm and dragged her over to the bench and placed her on it.

I quickly left as I didn't want to deal with such a bitch.

I walked to the park to do my daily run. I wouldn't want my body to become weaker if there are these types of people here.


Time passed and I was now in the classroom as Sirris was at the front of the class speaking.

I was just sitting around not listening before she took out a piece of paper from her desk.

"Everyone, today as always is the time for a test for your grade." She walked around, handing out the so-called test. "Try to answer every question and don't forget to put your name, good luck."

I got the test and looked at it to see that it was everything that we have learned this week. Sighing, I grabbed my pencil and started to work on it. Not taking long, I soon finish answering the 40 question test.

It was a lot of questions so it took some time but it wasn't that difficult so I took about 20 minutes to finish it. 

Getting up, I walked over and gave it to Miss Sirris. Her face had surprise on it but it quickly disappeared, turning into a small proud smile, looking as if she didn't expect any worse.

I looked at her for a bit before quickly moving back to my seat and took out my phone to read and listen to music. Miss Sirris seems to not mind as she didn't say anything about it.

Time passed as the kids slowly started to turn in their test one by one. It was rather boring to just be seated here as I waited for the kids to hurry up and turn in their test but I dealt with it and was rewarded with the last kid finishing their test.

A few minutes after the finale kid turned in their test, Miss Sirris stood up with the test in her arms.

"Please look over the test and look at what you had gotten wrong and see why." she said.

I looked at her with surprise by the fact that she had already finish grading them.

She passed out the graded test, not taking long for me to get it. I saw that I passed with a full 100 so I gave a small smirk from the grade but quickly caught myself and stopped grinning.

After she finished passing it out, we were told that we had the rest of the class to ourselves so I just spent it reading.


The next class I had was math and we also had a test, we probably had a test every Friday.

As I was doing the test, I heard the sound of someone snickering. Turning around, I could see something approaching me quickly.

I instinctively moved my arm and was able to somehow catch the object.

Opening my hand, I looked at the eraser in my hand for a bit before looking up to see where it came from. Looking around for a bit, I was able to find the culprit of the thrown eraser.

It was Whitney who had thrown it at me, I was able to tell because she was not hiding her surprise on her face as she looked at me with her mouth slightly gaped open.

I looked at her for a bit before looking at the teacher and saw how she wasn't currently paying attention to me so I quickly threw the eraser back at her, hitting her on the forehead. The eraser bounced upwards as Whitney just looked at me with a surprised face before it became embarrassed as she finally caught up to the situation.

She looked like she was going to throw her pencil at me but was stopped by the eraser falling back onto her head, bouncing off and hitting the floor. It seems that embarrassed her enough to just pick up the eraser and went back to her test sheet.

I held my snicker as a small smirk landed on my face before going back to the test sheet, not taking long to finish it.

Math was one of the subjects I had an easier time to do.

I turned it in, Miss River looked at me with pride in her eyes before taking the paper from me. She didn't seem surprised by me finishing the test quickly but as I was turning around, I almost bumped into Amy. 

I gave a curt nod before moving out of the way. I watched as she turned in her sheet with anticipation and nervousness. Miss River grabbed the test with a rise in her brow and small surprise in her eyes, probably from the fact that Amy was able to finish the test almost as quickly as me.

I saw enough of the interaction and returned to my seat.

I looked out the window and watched the bird fly by.


Sitting on the ledge of the roof, I watched as people went by in their daily lives or the few students that walked around during lunch.

Eating my bar, I watched as the blond kid from earlier was breaking up with the girl, or at least I think he is breaking up with her, from before as well.

I watched as the kid talked to her for a bit before leaving, the girl looking surprised and angry but also a faint sadness in her eyes, or at least I think so. The posture she had signified these things but I could be reading it wrong, probably am honesty.

I looked away and watched the clouds, taking another bite from my bar.

English had a test as well, it took longer to finish because English was never my best subject. Also the fact that we had to read some passages in it so ye.

"heh, that cloud looks like a dick." I was took from my thoughts as I saw a cloud passing by that looked like a phallus.



The sound of my pencil being used was not in my mind, not as I was drawing him.

I watched as he bit on his bar while looking at the clouds, the light from the sun falling onto his body, giving it a shine that was enhancing his ever beautiful self.

The sight of him sitting on the edge was being drawn down on the page of my sketchbook. His beautiful locks of black hair that would hid behind his hat could be seen softly flowing through the wind while his beautiful dark brown eyes that could be confused with black are glowing as the sun softly shines of them causing them to twinkle like beautiful black gems.

I sketched him eating the bar in his beautiful hands as he watched the ever changing sky.

I would love to be there, sitting beside him. Just the thought of that makes me feel jittery in my stomach.

[+ love(?????)]


Time after lunch flew by slowly, the rest of the classes except swimming had a test to do which went as expected, I quickly finished them. 

I was walking out of the school when I was suddenly touch by the ass by a random kid behind me, turning around, I saw a rather fat girl who was looking at me with a perverted gaze.

"huu." I breathe out. 

"Now that is a nic-agh!" They tried to say something but were quickly cut off the presence of something on their face that shouldn't be there, the feeling of my fist on their face as it hits them to the ground.

I watch as they stumble back before looking back at me with surprise. "you-agh" 

"Leave me you bitch." I kindly told her after punching her once more. It seems that she got the message as she left me alone.

The other students around me saw what happened but didn't say anything about it, a few even speeding up.

I sighted before continuing to walk back home, I need to get my money before going out to buy the things Whitney wants.

  1. I was listening to a song while making this and this was how I felt listening to it so ye. (the name is 'O Escolhido' and yes it is in Portuguese, I think at least, I mix something up sometimes so it might be a different language.It's by Blxck)

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