Chereads / A strange town / Chapter 1 - First Day

A strange town

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Chapter 1 - First Day

Note - this isn't something I am going to update often as I have another book that I am focusing on.Also this is based off a h-game that I had played for a bit called degrees of Lewdity, so if you want to try go ahead but just now it has some rather interesting things so uh play at your own risk.

Also possible trigger warnings for any other possible chapters, the game has it were people can assault you so if that triggers you don't continue to read this because i am going to try and keep this as close to the game with just a different main character and a few of the fetish things that were in the game that i just found disgusting.

Next thing is that the main character doesn't have a name currently, so if you wish you can put a name for him but that is up to you and i don't really believe many people will even read this soooooo ye

I hope you like the chapter. Author out


"ughhh, do I really have to do this. Bloody…" Noticing that this was my stop, I quickly got up to get off the bus.

The bus driver seemed to be slightly worried for me, from what I could tell by his gaze at least. Waving to him, I got off and looked at the building in front of me. It was a rather large building, at least for an orphanage. 

Walking inside, I could see some of the kids of different ages walking around the place and talking with each other but something was strange…..most of them were females and by a large amount in fact, I would say about a 93 out of 100 difference.

I should probably not care about this currently.

Walking up the stairs, I would get onto the second floor. There wasn't anyone up here except a few. 

At the end of the hallway was a door that I walked towards. The kids that were up here noticed me, and seemed to be slightly scared but also worried. This caught my interest.

Knocking on the door, I could hear the sound of a ruff voice telling me to come in.

"Well it looks like it is someone new. I'm guessing that you are going to stay here for now." the person said. It was a female with above average breast size and black/brown hair with dark brown eyes.

"Yeah I am. You have my name, correct?" i asked

"Yes I do." she said. "I should introduce myself, the name is Bailey. My last name is not important to you."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Seeing as you are going to stay here under my roof, I am going to make you self dependent. In 2 weeks I want you to bring me 100 dollars. I don't care how you get it but I want it, alright." She said, nodding, she gave me a piece of paper with the numbers 69 on it.

'Heh' I laughed.

"That is your room." she said. "That should be everything, now leave."

I looked at her for a bit before listening and leaving the room.

Outside of the room, I looked outside the window and saw how late it was. The bus ride had taken longer than expected. 

Walking to my room, I could see some kids were coming up by now but I could still hear that most of them were downstairs.

Reaching my room, I entered and noticed how bare bones it was. It only had a wardrobe, bed and mirror. The only other thing there was a window to look outside. 

It was around 16:45 so I left my things in my room and went out to go on a walk. 

The kids were still playing around but some of them seemed to notice me, I ignored them and just left the place.


Outside, I could see that most of the people here were females again, it seemed that it was a normal thing here. 

Walking I should probably look for where the school is.

'This…is something.' I thought to myself as I looked at the road. It was split into 2 main paths with one path going through an alleyway. 

I decided to go the right path. Walking, I could see how there were a lot of houses that were not far apart from each other.

I stopped walking as I spotted something. It was a police station. The police that were there didn't seem to be in any form of hurry or tense. 

'This means something..' I thought to myself, after all if they were like this it meant that there were 2 possible things that it could mean. One is that it would mean there aren't many crimes here, if any, second would mean that they didn't care which would be something awful for what people could do.

"Ughhh of course this is something." I sighed.

Continuing my walk, I continued to look around and I noticed how a lot of women seem to be looking at others with a somewhat perverted gaze. This was normal too from what it seems. 

Sighing, I ignored the few that were also looking at me. I continued to look at the surroundings as I walked until I noticed something that I would like. 

Walking to the building I was interested in, I entered it and saw how there were females wearing maid outfits with a few males in butler outfits. I wasn't interested in that though, so walking to the counter, I noticed how some of the people working here were talking with someone at the counter with respect.

At the counter, I waited until the person was by themselves and walked to them. 

Turning to me, the person noticed me and asked something.

"Oh well aren't you cute, anyways what is your order?" they asked.

They were a female who was wearing a plain shirt and pants with black hair and normal brown eyes. The most noticeable thing about them was that they were overweight.

"Is there a job available?" I asked.

"Yes there is but I should probably explain about it." I nodded. "Okay then, the job is to be a waiter taking things to the customers and from time to time you would take out the trash. You would earn about 5 dollars, including tips that you make but the thing is that there would be some perverted customers that might try to grope you but that is important." she explained.

"So, would you like the job?" she asked.

I didn't think long about it and answered.

"Fuck no." I said.

"Well isn't that saddening, okay." she said.

I nodded and left the building and continued on the path.

It didn't take long for me to reach the beach here. It was a rather large beach with only a few people here. It was also rather calming here, I could feel the breeze going against my skin in a nice way.


I continued my walk and noticed how there was another split, one going to the right and another forward. 

Deciding, I went to the right and after a while, I eventually reached the school. 

The school was a large place. It was in a white and red-brown color. It was a rather beautiful place to look at. Near it was the park as well, it was a good place to be during the time after school.

There was another building near the school, it was a museum from the looks of it. It was white with windows scattered around the building.

Walking to the museum, I entered the building and noticed how there wasn't anyone here other than the person in the front counter. They too were female, they also had a well groomed and sophisticated look to them. She wore a nice buttoned up shirt with black pants and shoes. She had brown hair with some whites in it but they were still rather beautiful and while they had an older look to them they didn't seem that old.

She turned away from the pot that she was cleaning to look at me.

"Just don't touch anything as I doubt you cleaned your hands." she said. I just nodded in response as I understood how that would feel.


"Just know that we have a sorry excuse of a collection for a place so rich in history"

Walking around the museum, I could see what she was talking about as I could see how there wasn't anything inside of the glass cases.

"You know the mayor agrees that if someone brings in an antique they would be paid in return." A voice said from behind me, it was the women from the counter.

"If you bring any antiques in then I'll appraise it for you, alright." she continued.

I nodded in return.

"Well you should probably get going as it is getting late." she said before walking away.

I decided to listen to her and leave back to the orphanage for today.


I was back at the orphanage by now. It was around 18:37, the time I was walking around learning about the town was longer than I had expected.

I walked to my room and entered it. My things were still there so I decided to go out to the back to see if there was anything interesting there.

Walking to the orphanage, I could see that there was no one there. 

I decided to just lay down outside as the breeze is nice.


I think I have been laying down for about an hour, so getting up, I walk around to see if I can find anything interesting.

Walking around I found some daisy seeds so I picked them up. I also found a flower bed that had nothing in it so I decided to use it for myself.


Tilling the soil, I planted the daisy seeds. 


[you work up quite a sweat, +athletics]

I could only plant 3 in total as the bed only had 3 spots that I could use.

Looking up, I could see how the sun has gotten low. Checking the time, I noticed that it had become 19:32, the kids that were playing around inside had become less. 

Walking inside, I went to the bathroom to take a bath but when I had gotten there the light was on and I could hear the sound of someone taking a bath. 

"Ughh of course." sighing, I went to my room and waited there for about 20 minutes before going back to check if the person had left.

Checking, I could see that the person had left a bit ago as I could see that the fog on the mirror was not that foggy.

Locking the door, I ready the things that I need for my bath.




Leaving the bathroom, I go to my room and get the things ready for tomorrow.

I go to the wardrobe to find the clothing for tomorrow. Looking for a bit, I find it and take it out.

The cloth was a white button up shirt with black shorts and white socks with 2 strips on the top of it. It also came with a black indoor shoes similar to those in Japan.

Hanging it on the wardrobe, I grab the shoes out of it and put it below the clothes for tomorrow. 

Putting on my pajamas, I take out the blankets from my bag and put it on the bed. I was told that I wouldn't be supplied a blanket and that I would have to bring one myself.

Getting in the bed, I grab my phone and put my alarm on. It was 20:03 and I had to wake around 5:40 so I would get about 9 hours of sleep.

"Ughh, let's just hope that school isn't that bad." I said to myself before falling asleep.


Waking up, I turned off my alarm and got up from my bed.

Checking the time as I got ready, I could see that it was 5:42.

Sighing, I put on my school uniform and left for it.

Leaving the orphanage, I could see that there were a few people that were around, a few were looking at me with a perverted gaze. Ignoring it, I go to the bus spot and wait for one to come.

5 minutes later, the bus came and I got on. A ticket cost a dollar, which was pretty low. Getting one for the school, I sat in the back and waited.

There were a few people on the bus but none of them seemed to want to talk with each other. I respected that.

Getting off the bus, I walked to the school but the gate was closed. Looking at the poster beside it, it said that school didn't open until 7:00. It was only 5:57.

"Ughh of course I came here too early, I always mess something up, fuuuckkk." Walking away, I went to the park that was nearby and sat on one of the benches that was there.

Watching the surroundings, I saw some birds fly by and a few other people walking to their jobs. No one was really just here in the park except myself.

I decided that I wouldn't be able to pass the time by just watching things go by so getting up from the bench, I walked around the place to see if there was anything to do here. Looking around, I could see that there were some tulips but nothing else really, just some trees and birds really.

"Let's just run, that would hopefully pass the time faster. Wwhuooo." I said to myself.

Breathing out, I stretched for a bit before I started to run and jog.


[+Athletics, -Stress, +Fatigue] X2


Sitting down, I breath in and out in a slow pattern to calm myself down. Looking at the time, I could see that an hour had passed, it was now 6:58. The school was about to open.

Getting up, I walked over to the school. 

When I had reached it, I could see one of the, probably, workers opening the gate. There were also only 5 students here that were waiting.

Joining them, I could see that they weren't sociable people as they were either reading something or just looking around the place. I found that strange as most teenagers would be on their phone or talking with other students. The thing that stumbled me was that they weren't using their phones. 

'That's strange.' I thought.

Looking at their pockets, I checked for anything that could resemble a phone but I found nothing. 

'Hoooo, it seems that most people here might not have the ability to get a phone or it could just be that people here just don't use phones. This is very interesting.' I thought to myself as I got a slight smirk on my face. I, of course, covered it with my hand.

The worker had finally finished opening the gate allowing us to get inside.

Walking inside, I go to the library to see if anything could be different from the last school I went to.