Zane continues his investigation into Arcadia, determined to expose the truth. With the help of ethical hackers from Vigil's global network, he uncovers evidence linking Arcadia to a network of corrupt officials and corporations that had flourished under Solas's rule. These companies had profited from Solas's AI-controlled system and now sought to regain their lost influence through Arcadia.
Armed with this evidence, Zane and Yara leak Arcadia's hidden operations to the public, detailing how Arcadia has manipulated public perception and infiltrated key positions to destabilize the GTA. The revelations trigger public outrage, sparking worldwide protests against Arcadia.
Faced with undeniable evidence, Arcadia's executives are forced into hiding, and law enforcement agencies begin investigations. Arcadia's assets are seized, and its leaders lose their grip on the tech world, leaving the organization in shambles.